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Consultants Private Limited
Who uses it?
Data Analytics we introduced in our previous presentation. The
question arises is
Current Users
 Sourcing Industry.
 Public Health Services.
Data Analytics are being given to sourcing companies
where SysDiva tool works as top level layer without
interfering the customer’s existing software and tools.
The SysDiva tools directly fetches the information from
the database, analyses, compiles, passes through
certain algorithm & functionalities, and gives the desired
Current Users
 Sourcing Industry.
 Public Health Services.
In the Public Health sector the data scientists have been
able to analyses the data to know the sentiments of the
society through its social media tools and helps the
Public Health Services to propagate and run campaigns
meeting the expectations of the people of the various
strata of society, connected through social media.
How does it work?
The data is generated using multiple devices, locations, etc.
Guided Analysis & Reporting
How does it work? Contd../
How does it work?
The data is generated using multiple devices, locations, etc.
Self-Service BI
Advanced Analytics
Scenario – Comparative Analysis
 Date of Goods at warehouse based
on delivery date
At an Apparels Brand’s Head Office
 Date of Goods at warehouse
entered manually
 UVC Generate at Referential stage  UVC Generate at Style Library
 Separate costing module  Quotation attached with SMS
 Maintain Furniture information  Comprehensive profile of End Supplier
and factory
 Defined Tracking  Tailor made Tracking
 History of revised resubmission date
not found
 History of revised resubmission can
be maintained
Impact was
…5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices
Impact was
…5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices
Legacy System SysDiva proposed
Impact was
…5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices
Let’s look at top
Ten IT trends through 2017 and
how to prepare
1. Open philosophies
Open development breaks the data center down into
its lowest-level components, which fit together by
open standards. Still, with less than 2% of enterprise
applications designed for horizontal scaling,
enterprise IT should avoid lifting legacy apps onto
open infrastructure.
Instead, put new workloads on building-block
infrastructure, and renegotiate your hardware
contracts to get ready for more open-standard
hardware and software.
2. Automation
This trend is nothing new, but the next five years will
be transformative for IT automation, from
opportunistic to systemic implementation.
The problem, however, is IT administrators love
scripts. They love creating the best scripts, fiddling
with scripts that come from colleagues, and leaving
little documentation when they move on to another
job. IT automation must evolve from scripting to
deterministic (defined workloads for tasks) then to
heuristic design (automation based on data fed in
3. Software-defined everything
Software-defined means the control plane is
abstracted from the hardware, and it's going on
with every piece of equipment a data center can
buy. Software-defined servers are established
and software-defined networking is maturing.
4. Big data
Big data analysis is used in a number of ways to solve
problems today. For example, police departments reduce
crime without blanketing the city with patrol cars, by
pinpointing likely crime hot spots at a given point in time
based on real-time and historical data.
Build new data architectures to handle unstructured data
and real-time input, which are disruptive changes today.
The biggest inhibitor to enterprise IT adoption of big data
analytics, however, isn't the data architecture; it's a lack of
big data skills.
5. Internet of Everything
Is IT in charge of the coffee pot? If it has an IP address
and connects to the network, it might be.
Internet-connected device proliferation combined with big
data analytics means that businesses can automate and
refine their operations. It also means security takes on a
whole new range of end points. In data center capacity
management, Internet of Everything means demand
shaping and customer priority tiering, rather than simply
buying more hardware.
6. Webscale IT
For better or worse, business leaders want to know
why you can't do what Google, Facebook and
Amazon do.
Conventional hardware and software are not built for
webscale IT, which means this trend relies on
software-defined everything and open philosophies
like the Open Compute Project. It also relies on a
major attitude adjustment in IT where
experimentation and failure are allowed.
7. Mobility
Your workforce is mobile. Your company's
customers are mobile. Bring your own device has
morphed into bring your own toys. The IT service
desk can't fall behind this trend and risk giving IT a
reputation of being out of touch.
Bring data segregation -- personal and business
data and applications isolated from each other on
the same device -- onto your technology roadmap
8. Bimodal IT
No one's congratulating IT on keeping the lights on
and the servers humming, no matter how difficult it
can be. Bimodal IT means maintaining traditional IT
practices while simultaneously introducing
innovative new processes -- safely.
Take the pace layering concept from application
development and apply it to IT's roadmap, and find
ways to get close to customers. Bimodal IT will
make your team more diverse.
9. Business value dashboards
Many infrastructure and operations teams use
dashboards to communicate with the outside
Evaluate business-value dashboards and
complement them with IT staffers that speak the
same language as your business stakeholders.
10. Organizational disruption
All the trends above feed shadow IT, where the
business units steer around IT to gain agility.
Some IT teams are trying a new approach; rather
than quash all shadow IT operations they find, these
companies allow business users to set up shadow
IT for projects and track the performance like a
proof-of-concept trial. If the deployment succeeds,
IT formally folds shadow IT into the organization.
Source - Curated by Milind Govekar, managing VP at Gartner
So, what’s your take?
It was indeed pleasure sharing this piece of
information and look forward to join hands
together soon.
Website : www.SysDiva.com
Phone : +91 120 422 6774
Email : Mktg@SysDiva.com
1st Floor, C-108, Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301, INDIA.

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Data Analytics - The Insight

  • 1. Consultants Private Limited DATA ANALYTICS Insights
  • 2. Who uses it? Data Analytics we introduced in our previous presentation. The question arises is
  • 3. Current Users  Sourcing Industry.  Public Health Services. Data Analytics are being given to sourcing companies where SysDiva tool works as top level layer without interfering the customer’s existing software and tools. The SysDiva tools directly fetches the information from the database, analyses, compiles, passes through certain algorithm & functionalities, and gives the desired out-come
  • 4. Current Users  Sourcing Industry.  Public Health Services. In the Public Health sector the data scientists have been able to analyses the data to know the sentiments of the society through its social media tools and helps the Public Health Services to propagate and run campaigns meeting the expectations of the people of the various strata of society, connected through social media.
  • 5. How does it work? The data is generated using multiple devices, locations, etc. Guided Analysis & Reporting How does it work? Contd../
  • 6. How does it work? The data is generated using multiple devices, locations, etc. Self-Service BI Advanced Analytics
  • 7. Scenario – Comparative Analysis  Date of Goods at warehouse based on delivery date At an Apparels Brand’s Head Office Before…  Date of Goods at warehouse entered manually After…  UVC Generate at Referential stage  UVC Generate at Style Library  Separate costing module  Quotation attached with SMS  Maintain Furniture information  Comprehensive profile of End Supplier and factory  Defined Tracking  Tailor made Tracking  History of revised resubmission date not found  History of revised resubmission can be maintained
  • 8. Impact was …5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices
  • 9. Impact was …5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices Legacy System SysDiva proposed system
  • 10. Impact was …5 countries, 8 offices …8 countries, 11 offices
  • 11. Let’s look at top Ten IT trends through 2017 and how to prepare
  • 12. 1. Open philosophies Open development breaks the data center down into its lowest-level components, which fit together by open standards. Still, with less than 2% of enterprise applications designed for horizontal scaling, enterprise IT should avoid lifting legacy apps onto open infrastructure. Instead, put new workloads on building-block infrastructure, and renegotiate your hardware contracts to get ready for more open-standard hardware and software.
  • 13. 2. Automation This trend is nothing new, but the next five years will be transformative for IT automation, from opportunistic to systemic implementation. The problem, however, is IT administrators love scripts. They love creating the best scripts, fiddling with scripts that come from colleagues, and leaving little documentation when they move on to another job. IT automation must evolve from scripting to deterministic (defined workloads for tasks) then to heuristic design (automation based on data fed in operations).
  • 14. 3. Software-defined everything Software-defined means the control plane is abstracted from the hardware, and it's going on with every piece of equipment a data center can buy. Software-defined servers are established and software-defined networking is maturing.
  • 15. 4. Big data Big data analysis is used in a number of ways to solve problems today. For example, police departments reduce crime without blanketing the city with patrol cars, by pinpointing likely crime hot spots at a given point in time based on real-time and historical data. Build new data architectures to handle unstructured data and real-time input, which are disruptive changes today. The biggest inhibitor to enterprise IT adoption of big data analytics, however, isn't the data architecture; it's a lack of big data skills.
  • 16. 5. Internet of Everything Is IT in charge of the coffee pot? If it has an IP address and connects to the network, it might be. Internet-connected device proliferation combined with big data analytics means that businesses can automate and refine their operations. It also means security takes on a whole new range of end points. In data center capacity management, Internet of Everything means demand shaping and customer priority tiering, rather than simply buying more hardware.
  • 17. 6. Webscale IT For better or worse, business leaders want to know why you can't do what Google, Facebook and Amazon do. Conventional hardware and software are not built for webscale IT, which means this trend relies on software-defined everything and open philosophies like the Open Compute Project. It also relies on a major attitude adjustment in IT where experimentation and failure are allowed.
  • 18. 7. Mobility Your workforce is mobile. Your company's customers are mobile. Bring your own device has morphed into bring your own toys. The IT service desk can't fall behind this trend and risk giving IT a reputation of being out of touch. Bring data segregation -- personal and business data and applications isolated from each other on the same device -- onto your technology roadmap now.
  • 19. 8. Bimodal IT No one's congratulating IT on keeping the lights on and the servers humming, no matter how difficult it can be. Bimodal IT means maintaining traditional IT practices while simultaneously introducing innovative new processes -- safely. Take the pace layering concept from application development and apply it to IT's roadmap, and find ways to get close to customers. Bimodal IT will make your team more diverse.
  • 20. 9. Business value dashboards Many infrastructure and operations teams use dashboards to communicate with the outside world. Evaluate business-value dashboards and complement them with IT staffers that speak the same language as your business stakeholders.
  • 21. 10. Organizational disruption All the trends above feed shadow IT, where the business units steer around IT to gain agility. Some IT teams are trying a new approach; rather than quash all shadow IT operations they find, these companies allow business users to set up shadow IT for projects and track the performance like a proof-of-concept trial. If the deployment succeeds, IT formally folds shadow IT into the organization. Source - Curated by Milind Govekar, managing VP at Gartner
  • 23. It was indeed pleasure sharing this piece of information and look forward to join hands together soon. Website : www.SysDiva.com Phone : +91 120 422 6774 Email : Mktg@SysDiva.com 1st Floor, C-108, Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301, INDIA.