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Continuous Improvement
How Continuous Delivery is changing Quality Assurance.
Palo Alto
January 15 2013

Noah Sussman
The canonical Agile release cycle

                              film still from The Lord of the Rings
Sprints of two or more weeks in length

                               Cocento Tecnologia on Flickr
Start deployment once the sprint is over

                                  TheMasonDixon on Etsy
QA is part of the release process

                                    SisterDimension on Flickr
QA sign-off is required before going live

                                film still from The Lord of the Rings
The Continuous release cycle

                               evoo73 on Flickr
Minimum viable feature set

                             Travis S. on Flickr
Releasing a feature
is decoupled from
deploying code.

                      David E. Smith on Flickr
An airport without
an air traffic controller.
                    —Chad Dickerson
Real-time data on how releases impact revenue

Default to open access
Constant tweaks to live features
Large features are deployed piecemeal over time

                                          dogpose on Flickr
Every feature is part of an A/B campaign

Dark launches

                Joy and Jon
Opt-in experiments

Partial rollouts

Config Flags


            Joe Thomissen on Flickr
if ($cfg["new_search"]) {
  // new hotness
  $resp = search_solr();
} else {
  // old busted
  $resp = search_grep();
$cfg = array(
   'checkout'     =>   true,
   'homepage'     =>   true,
   'profiles'     =>   true,
   'new_search'   =>   false,
There is no “done done”

Observed Behavior Of Complex Systems

Emergent behaviors require unplanned responses

Improvements are discovered rather than designed

Users of the system have complex expectations

Complex systems are never “complete”

QA Happens When?

First of all, what is “Quality Assurance?”

QA: assuring that there are no defects?

It is impossible to prove the absence of defects

There will always be bugs in production

Testing is everyone’s job.

                        Library of Congress
Myths About Bug Detection

                            The Jargon File
Myth: there are a finite number of bugs
Myth: here are a finite number of detectable bugs

                                           niscratz on Flickr
Myth: all severity one bugs can be found before release

Myth: software is built to specifications

                                    Fred Brooks at Etsy
Myth: at some point, software is finished
Myth: most bugs have complex, unpredictable causes
The animistic metaphor of the bug
that maliciously sneaked in while the
programmer was not looking...
disguises that the error is the
programmer's own creation.
                             — Edsger Dijkstra
The whole time I’m programming, I’m
constantly checking my assumptions.
                          —Rasmus Lerdorf

As you're about to add a comment, ask
yourself, “How can I improve the code
so that this comment isn't needed?”
Improve the code and then document
it to make it even clearer.
                           — Steve McConnell
Debugging is twice as hard
as writing the code in the
first place. Therefore, if
you write the code as
cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition, not
smart enough to debug it.
                 —Brian Kernighan
No blame
Many Small Anomalies Combined
An organization's defenses against failure
are a series of barriers, represented as
slices of swiss cheese. The holes in the
cheese represent weaknesses in
individual parts of the system. Failures
occur when a hazard passes through all
of the holes in all of the defenses.
                                    — Wikipedia
John Allspaw
Prioritize the elimination of small errors

                                      John Allspaw
Focus less on mitigation of large, catastrophic failures
Optimize for
                 recovery rather
                 than failure

                 Failure is
Richard Avedon
Unit testing is great for preventing small errors

                                            John Allspaw
Resilience, Not “Quality”

                            John Allspaw
Readable code

Reasonable test coverage

Sane architecture

Good debugging tools

An engineering culture that values refactoring

Measurable goals

Manual Testing.
But probably not the kind you’re thinking of.

Real-Time Monitoring is the new face of testing

Anomaly detection is hard.

                             Greg and Tim Hildebrandt
Watching the graphs

As of 2012, Etsy collected well over
a quarter million real-time metrics

Deciding which metrics matter is a human problem

Everyone watches some subset of the graphs

Human vision is an excellent tool for anomaly detection

QA happens when???

Exploratory testing can be performed at any time

Rigorous, scientific approach

Focus on customer satisfaction

Less focus on product specifications

Exploratory Testing is equally useful
before or after a release

Just Quality

“Assurance” is a terrible word.
Let’s discard it.

Quality exists, but it’s tricky to assure or prove that

There’s no such thing as a formal proof of quality

Most of us would agree that quality exists

“Customer Experience” is a better term of art than “Quality”

Customer Experience.
Though there’s no formal proof for that, either.

Exploratory Testing addresses areas that Developer Testing doesn’t

Developer Testing validates assumptions

The Independent Tester’s job is to invalidate assumptions

Technology Informs Customer Experience

Exploratory Testing requires an understanding of the
whole system

Exploratory Testing requires understanding how the
system serves a community of users

Customer Experience is as much about technology as it
is about product requirements

Most bugs, most of the time, are easily
nailed given even an incomplete but
suggestive characterization of their
error conditions at source-code level.
                             — Eric S. Raymond
Source, diffs, logs.
If your QA Analysts don’t look at these — teach them.

Customer Support

Your customer support operators spend more time
talking to your users than anyone else

Customer Support interface with users as individuals
rather than as aggregate data

Keep the feedback loop short.
Manage Your Culture.
Effeciency To Thoroughness Trade-Off

Rapid release cycles have different risks than
slower release cycles

Continuous Delivery does not alter the fundamental
nature of risk

Test in both dev and prod

Detectable errors should be caught in dev

Undetectable errors must be worked out in production

Software exists in context

Networks, services and people are always in flux

Small changesets are easier to debug
An SCM revert is a changeset

Large changesets are riskier and harder to debug

Fail Forward!

Always deploy the HEAD revision of trunk

                                   scrapnow on Etsy
Never roll back to an earlier state.
Always roll forward. When it's
desireable to revert a previous
change, do that as part of a new
Instead of rolling back, fix the problem and move on

Let go of the idea of “last stable release”

Focus less on satisfying the requirements

                                     Scott Holloway
Watch the graphs

Listen to your customers

Build a culture of shared responsibility

                             Kirsten Dunst on the set of Marie Antoinette
Low-Ceremony Process

                       Kirsten Dunst on the set of Marie Antoinette
Iteratively improve your product

                                   WSHS Science blog
Further Reading
“How Google Tests Software,” James Whittaker

“Look At Your Data,” John Rausser

“Optimizing For Developer Happiness,” Chad Dickerson

“Outages, Postmortems and Human Error,” John Allspaw


“What Is Exploratory Testing?,” James Bach


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