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Including the Mainframe in a DevOps
Software Delivery Environment
Rick Slade, Executive Solution Architect - DevOps
October, 2017
Current State of Enterprise IT
One Speed
• Agile is based on Lean manufacturing
• One of biggest ‘wastes’ is waiting
• If one team is waiting on another, by definition, it is a constraint
Distributed Development
Mainframe Development
DevOps Supporting Practices
• Iterative/Agile
• Minimum Viable Product
• Lean
• “Whole team”
• Collaboration
• Test Data Management
• Continuous Integration, Delivery, Feedback and Learning
• Automation – Analysis, Coding, Testing, Deployment, Monitoring
• Measurement
DevOps Supporting Tools
• Planning/Backlog Management
• Analysis, System & Program
• Code and Unit Test
• Quality Assurance
• Automated Testing
• Deployment
• Orchestration
• Collaboration
• Monitoring
10 Steps to Mainframe Agile Development
Implementing a Modern Enterprise Software Delivery
Know Your
Know Your
Know Your
Step 1: Define the Desired State
Create specific goals in terms of:
Agility Enables frequent, rightsized code changes
to fulfill business needs
Confidence Ensures successful mainframe code changes
without unintended consequences
Efficiency Maximizes time and skills across dev,
testing and ops
Ease of Use Empowers mainframe-inexperienced devs
to work on updates and enhancements
Integration Connects mainframe and non-mainframe
systems to achieve DevOps
Step 2
Modernize the
• Eliminate need for green screen and highly
specialized knowledge
• All experience levels easily work on
mainframe and non-mainframe dev, test
and maintenance tasks
1.Empirical productivity metrics (ex. Delivery
cycle times, etc.)
2.Positive anecdotal feedback
3.Motivate non-mainframe devs to work on
mainframe-related activities
Step 3
Unit Testing
• Incremental testing allows devs to
quickly and continuously adjust to better
align with goals
• Reduce reliance on manual testing
• Empower those not accustomed to
working this way to change mentality
1.More frequent code drops
2.Fewer errors found later in lifecycle
3.Tight synchronization across mainframe
and non-mainframe dev
Step 4
Visibility into
Existing Code
and Data
• Large, complex, undocumented
mainframe apps impede transformation
• Highly dependent on tribal knowledge of
senior mainframe staff
• Prepare new devs to quickly “read”
existing app logic, program
inter-dependencies and data structures
1.Devs work independently on unfamiliar
2.Experienced devs confirm benefits of
program visualizations
3.Measurements of incremental
improvements in dev productivity
Step 5
Enable Earlier
Detection of
Quality Issues
and Establish
Quality KPIs
• Mainframes power core business
processes with low tolerance for error
• Increased possibility for human error as
less-experienced devs work on
mainframe tasks
• Error rates for experienced devs may
increase as speed and frequency
1.Higher rates of pre-compile error
2.Positive trends in quality
3.Reduced number of error-related cycles
Step 6
Training in
of Agile
• Now have dev environment and teams in
• Shifting to incremental model allows teams
to collaborate
• Moving from waterfall to Agile presents
significant changes in culture
• Craft mainframe and Agile-experienced devs
to aid transition
1.Certain percentage
of dev/test staff completes Agile training
(with goal = 100%)
2.First delivery of artifacts from initial Agile
3.Discovery of obstacles to broader adoption
4.Evidence of cross-team collaboration
Step 7
Throughout the
Testing and
• Using operational data in testing helps
identify production-type errors earlier
• Operational tools foreshadow code
• Feedback loops are crucial
as pre-production issue identification
and resolution avoids costly abends and
potential app issues
1.Earlier detection of avoidable CPU
2.Reduction in Abends in production
3.Reduction in cost per error measures
Step 8
Core Source
• Modern, end-to-end Agile
SCM, release and deployment automation
enables all skill levels to fulfill business
requirements, optimize code quality and
improve dev productivity
• Automated change management eliminates
manual steps, empowering quick iteration
through dev, test and QA
1.Different Agile teams work on different
stories in parallel
2.Devs with all skill levels can quickly
understand scope of changes before diving
3.Reductions in code approval delays
Step 9
• Quickly and reliably getting new code into
production is crucial to keeping pace
• Automate and coordinate deploy of all
related dev artifacts into all target
environments in highly synchronized
• Pinpoint deployment issues immediately,
taking instant corrective action
1.Faster rollouts of compiled code
2.Reduction in code promotion failures
3.First successful automated rollback
from failed deployment
Step 10
Cross –
• Including mainframe in enterprise DevOps
is critical to achieving agility when
changing multi-platform apps to
fulfill business needs
• Craft de-siloed environment where
mainframe can be quickly and
appropriately accessed to meet business
needs by whichever staff resources are
1.Related code is worked on in parallel
on multiple platforms
2.Increased communications and
collaboration between previously siloed
devs with different skill sets
3.First successfully automated cross-
platform release rollout
Debug Deploy
Monitor Audit Diagnose Tune
Dev Ops
Building Your DevOps Toolchain
IdeationProject Management
Code Editing Validate CodeAnalyze Code Debug Code Edit / Manage Data
Continuous IntegrationVersion Control Code Quality
Testing Tools Code CoverageRelease Deploy
Dev QA Prod
Mainframe Inclusive DevOps Toolchain
© 2016 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved.

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NRB - BE MAINFRAME DAY 2017 - Compuware Dev Ops

  • 1. 1 Including the Mainframe in a DevOps Software Delivery Environment Rick Slade, Executive Solution Architect - DevOps October, 2017
  • 2. 2 Current State of Enterprise IT
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4 One Speed • Agile is based on Lean manufacturing • One of biggest ‘wastes’ is waiting • If one team is waiting on another, by definition, it is a constraint FASTSLOW Distributed Development FASTSLOW Mainframe Development
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6 DevOps Supporting Practices • Iterative/Agile • Minimum Viable Product • Lean • “Whole team” • Collaboration • Test Data Management • Continuous Integration, Delivery, Feedback and Learning • Automation – Analysis, Coding, Testing, Deployment, Monitoring • Measurement
  • 7. 7 DevOps Supporting Tools • Planning/Backlog Management • Analysis, System & Program • Code and Unit Test • Quality Assurance • Automated Testing • Deployment • Orchestration • Collaboration • Monitoring
  • 8. 8 10 Steps to Mainframe Agile Development
  • 9. 9 Implementing a Modern Enterprise Software Delivery Environment Know Your Problem Know Your Current State Know Your Constraints Define Success
  • 10. 10 Step 1: Define the Desired State Create specific goals in terms of: Agility Enables frequent, rightsized code changes to fulfill business needs Confidence Ensures successful mainframe code changes without unintended consequences Efficiency Maximizes time and skills across dev, testing and ops Ease of Use Empowers mainframe-inexperienced devs to work on updates and enhancements Integration Connects mainframe and non-mainframe systems to achieve DevOps
  • 11. 11 Step 2 Modernize the Mainframe Development Environment FOCUS AND GOALS • Eliminate need for green screen and highly specialized knowledge • All experience levels easily work on mainframe and non-mainframe dev, test and maintenance tasks SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Empirical productivity metrics (ex. Delivery cycle times, etc.) 2.Positive anecdotal feedback 3.Motivate non-mainframe devs to work on mainframe-related activities
  • 12. 12 Step 3 Adopt Automated Unit Testing FOCUS AND GOALS • Incremental testing allows devs to quickly and continuously adjust to better align with goals • Reduce reliance on manual testing • Empower those not accustomed to working this way to change mentality SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.More frequent code drops 2.Fewer errors found later in lifecycle 3.Tight synchronization across mainframe and non-mainframe dev
  • 13. 13 Step 4 Gain Graphical, Intuitive Visibility into Existing Code and Data Structure FOCUS AND GOALS • Large, complex, undocumented mainframe apps impede transformation • Highly dependent on tribal knowledge of senior mainframe staff • Prepare new devs to quickly “read” existing app logic, program inter-dependencies and data structures SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Devs work independently on unfamiliar programs 2.Experienced devs confirm benefits of program visualizations 3.Measurements of incremental improvements in dev productivity
  • 14. 14 Step 5 Enable Earlier Detection of Application Quality Issues and Establish Quality KPIs FOCUS AND GOALS • Mainframes power core business processes with low tolerance for error • Increased possibility for human error as less-experienced devs work on mainframe tasks • Error rates for experienced devs may increase as speed and frequency increase SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Higher rates of pre-compile error detection 2.Positive trends in quality 3.Reduced number of error-related cycles
  • 15. 15 Step 6 Initial Training in and adoption of Agile Processor FOCUS AND GOALS • Now have dev environment and teams in place • Shifting to incremental model allows teams to collaborate • Moving from waterfall to Agile presents significant changes in culture • Craft mainframe and Agile-experienced devs to aid transition SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Certain percentage of dev/test staff completes Agile training (with goal = 100%) 2.First delivery of artifacts from initial Agile teams 3.Discovery of obstacles to broader adoption 4.Evidence of cross-team collaboration
  • 16. 16 Step 7 Use Operational Data Throughout the Development, Testing and Production Lifecycle FOCUS AND GOALS • Using operational data in testing helps identify production-type errors earlier • Operational tools foreshadow code issues • Feedback loops are crucial as pre-production issue identification and resolution avoids costly abends and potential app issues SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Earlier detection of avoidable CPU consumption 2.Reduction in Abends in production 3.Reduction in cost per error measures
  • 17. 17 Step 8 Agile-enable Core Source Code Management Functions FOCUS AND GOALS • Modern, end-to-end Agile SCM, release and deployment automation enables all skill levels to fulfill business requirements, optimize code quality and improve dev productivity • Automated change management eliminates manual steps, empowering quick iteration through dev, test and QA SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Different Agile teams work on different stories in parallel 2.Devs with all skill levels can quickly understand scope of changes before diving in 3.Reductions in code approval delays
  • 18. 18 Step 9 Automated Intelligent Deployment FOCUS AND GOALS • Quickly and reliably getting new code into production is crucial to keeping pace • Automate and coordinate deploy of all related dev artifacts into all target environments in highly synchronized manner • Pinpoint deployment issues immediately, taking instant corrective action SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Faster rollouts of compiled code 2.Reduction in code promotion failures 3.First successful automated rollback from failed deployment
  • 19. 19 Step 10 Cross – Platform Continuous Delivery FOCUS AND GOALS • Including mainframe in enterprise DevOps is critical to achieving agility when changing multi-platform apps to fulfill business needs • Craft de-siloed environment where mainframe can be quickly and appropriately accessed to meet business needs by whichever staff resources are available SUCCESS INDICATORS 1.Related code is worked on in parallel on multiple platforms 2.Increased communications and collaboration between previously siloed devs with different skill sets 3.First successfully automated cross- platform release rollout
  • 20. 20 Debug Deploy Monitor Audit Diagnose Tune FeedbackTestEdit/BuildAnalyze Collaboration Mainframe CrossPlatform Integration Distributed Dev Ops Building Your DevOps Toolchain
  • 21. 21 Dev Agile Process IdeationProject Management Code Editing Validate CodeAnalyze Code Debug Code Edit / Manage Data Develop Continuous IntegrationVersion Control Code Quality Testing Tools Code CoverageRelease Deploy Manage ITSM Monitor Dev QA Prod Mainframe Inclusive DevOps Toolchain
  • 22. 22 © 2016 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved.

Editor's Notes

  1. Mudas Transport (moving products that are not actually required to perform the processing) Inventory (all components, work in process, and finished product not being processed) Motion (people or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the processing) Waiting (waiting for the next production step, interruptions of production during shift change) Overproduction (production ahead of demand) Over Processing (resulting from poor tool or product design creating activity) Defects (the effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects)[18] (Womac) manufacturing goods or services that do not meet customer demand or specifications