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Las tendencias y los nuevos retos tecnológicos en el sector de la manufactura
Fernando Sancén, Director & CEO, Enki
Introducción a la virtualización de datos
Amanda Lleyda, Partner Sales & Channel Iberia & LATAM, Denodo
Casos de uso: ¿cómo las empresas manufactureras se están beneficiando de la virtualización de
datos para elevar su actividad al rango de industria 4.0?
Amanda Lleyda, Partner Sales & Channel Iberia & LATAM, Denodo
Demostración en vivo de la solución aplicada al análisis en tiempo real de datos industriales
Iván López Torres, Sales Engineer LATAM, Denodo
Sesión de preguntas y respuestas
¿Qué es?
¿Por qué está
Decisiones orientadas
por datos
La cadena de suministros
se está reinventando
Producción automatizada
y democrática
Fábricas Autónomas e
¿Cuál es su impacto?
Datos, Datos y más Datos
Losmayoresdesafíos parauna
•Sistemasdecontrolactivados poreventos
Data Virtualization
The Leader in Data Virtualization
Palo Alto, CA.
Global presence throughout North America,
EMEA, APAC, and Latin America.
▪ Longest continuous focus on data
virtualization – since 1999
▪ Leader in 2018 Forrester Wave – Big
Data Fabric
▪ Winner of numerous awards
~700 customers, including many F500 and
G2000 companies across every major industry
have gained significant business agility and ROI.
Backed by $4B+ private equity firm.
50+% annual growth; Profitable.
Very few companies are able to effectively use that data for growth or profitability
Manufacturing industry generates most of the world’s data
The digital revolution is knocking
manufacturers through innovations:
• IoT
• Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
• cloud technology
• big data, other areas
“While the majority of manufacturing industry executives acknowledge the importance
of digital transformation, only 5% are satisfied with their current digital strategies.”
*Forbes’ Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Manufacturing
Many companies are investing in modern technologies and frameworks
Obstacles to Digital Transformation
An overwhelming 33% of respondents cited
readiness of process and systems as the
obstacle to digital transformation.
* SpencerStuart survey on the industrial sector.
• Many are challenged by petabyte-
scale volumes of machine generated
data and field data.
• For many manufacturing companies,
the data silos remain, a challenge to
data architects.
• These obstacles severely limit the
number of actionable insights that
can be gained from the manufacturing
and supply chain process.
¿Qué es la virtualización de datos?
Data Virtualization
The Solution – Data Abstraction Layer
in business applications
related data into views
to disparate data sources
Enterprise Applications, Reporting, BI, Portals, ESB, Mobile, Web, Users
Databases & Warehouses, Cloud/Saas Applications, Big Data, NoSQL, Web, XML, Excel, PDF, Word...
Analytical Operational
Less StructuredMore Structured
Multiple Protocols,
Query, Search,
Event Driven
Big Data
Web Automation
and Indexing
CONNECT Normalized views of disparate data
CONSUME Share, Deliver, Publish, Govern, Collaborate
“Data virtualization
integrates disparate
data sources in real
time or near-real
time to meet
demands for
analytics and
transactional data.”
– Create a Road Map For A
Real-time, Agile, Self-
Service Data Platform,
Forrester Research, Dec 16,
Discover, Transform, Prepare,
Improve Quality, Integrate
Six Essential Capabilities of Data Virtualization
4. Self-service data services
5. Centralized metadata, security
& governance
6. Location-agnostic architecture for
multi-cloud, hybrid acceleration
1. Data abstraction
2. Zero replication, zero relocation
3. Real-time information
Source: Gartner 2018 Data Virtualization Market Guide
“Through 2022, 60% of all organizations will implement data
virtualization as one key delivery style in their data integration
Data virtualization has proven to be the most innovative and comprehensive data fabric
Data Virtualization Holds the Key
Many companies manage data that is scattered
across cloud and on-premises systems.
Data stakeholders use to streamline the
processes, increase manufacturing yield,
or improve manufacturing quality.
Helps connect data for varieties purposes:
• data analytics
• a single view of the
manufacturing process
• data services
• other applications
Stitch together the widest range of
• data sources
• in real time
• without physical data movement
The modern value chain involves
from highly structured data to
completely unstructured.
The Benefits of Data Virtualization for Manufacturing
Manifold increases in production yield and product time-to-market.
Improved product quality and customer satisfaction.
Improved security and compliance with regional rules, by avoiding replication.
Improvement in the preventative maintenance of parts, and revenue growth
from enhanced part sales.
Lower TCO and higher ROI, investments usually breaking even within a year.
Use Cases for Manufacturers
Problem Solution Results
Case Study
Schaeffler created a new Data Platform with a physical and virtual data hub
“Digital Agenda” to provide value to customers
by optimizing business processes by
establishing new data-driven business models.
• Multiple consuming applications for
reporting and self-service BI, monitor and
alert, data applications, data exploration
and analysis.
• Close to 20 different type of internal systems
Data sources were integrated on an ad hoc
basis depending on the requirement.
• Growing number of use cases that required
recent and fresh data without any latency.
• Ingest data into the Azure data lake that
formed the virtual data lake
• Manage the security related issues.
• Provide data with low latency for specific
business requirements that needed fresh
and recent data.
• Create virtual views with ease and also
saved a lot of development time and effort.
• Denodo formed the core of the Schaeffler
Cloud Data Platform and enabled data
integration and harmonization between the
physical and virtual data hub.
• The Denodo implementation was very easy
and lightweight and provided standard
connection interfaces like JDBC, ODBC, Rest
services etc. made it possible to connect to
multiple data sources.
• Denodo provided the single point of access
to enterprise data .
The Schaeffler Group is a global automotive and industrial supplier. Schaeffler provides
high-precision components and systems in engine, transmission, and chassis applications,
as well as rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications.
StatusQuo:DataSourcesintegratedin aper Use-Case/Applicationfashion
Media Center
Find &
Monitor &
Report &
Build DataDriven
Media Center
Find &
Monitor &
Report &
Build DataDriven
Virtual DataHub
• Single point of access
• Lightweight implementation
• Standard interfaces
• Homogeneous Data Model
The fair KPI for your data platform:
#SuccessfulProjects + #InnovationPoCThe fair KPI for your data platform
Success =
IoT data drives Predictive Maintenance
Supply Chain Planning
Challenges around KPIs
• Supply Chain Planning side of Logistics
• Challenges in Logistics Planning include Demand,
Supply, Inventory, Delivery, Fulfillment including
manufacturing and outsourcing, Strategic
sourcing managing the supplier/vendor base.
• Collaboration is required with the customer base
Suppliers, Logistic partners or other external
entities is also a close match to this use case
• Difficult to calculate Supply Chain Planning KPI’s
• Difficult to extract data elements for Supply chain
KPI calculation
Supply Chain Planning KPI’s
Considerations to calculate the KPI’s
Business Need Solution Benefits
Case Study McCormick used Denodo data virtualization to improve quality
assessment of their product
• AI and ML project required data spread across
all McCormick's internal systems spread across
4 different continents and in spreadsheet.
• Portions of data that were shared with
McCormick's research partner firms needed to
be masked and at the same time unmasked
when shared internally.
• Create a data service to simplify the process of
data access and data sharing and also be used
by the analytics teams for their ML projects.
• Denodo used as a semantic and data
discovery layer. integrates data from systems
and spreadsheets to create a data service for
business and analytics users.
• Denodo semantic layer was used to connect
to the API management and runtime layer to
provide data for the ML and analytics projects.
• Denodo also used to implement a centralized
data governance and security layer over all of
McCormick's enterprise data.
• ML learning applications were able to access
refreshed, validated and indexed data in real time
without any replication from Denodo enterprise
data service.
• Enterprise data service gave the business users
the capability to compare data in multiple
• Denodo used to populate the spreadsheets based
on the gaps in information and also determine the
quality of proposed data and services.
McCormick & Company is an American food company that manufactures, markets, and
distributes spices, seasoning mixes, condiments, and other flavouring products for the industrial,
restaurant, institutional, and home markets.Industry: Food and Beverage
McCormicK Semantic Layer
Data Services
• Information is directly in
• Timely Information
• No replication of information
• No need to validate information
• Consistent searching
• Better staging for learning
BI enablement via Logical DataWarehouse
Intel – Extreme DW
HR use of DV as Logical Layer
Intel – Single view of Employee
HR use of DV as Logical Layer
Intel – Single view of Support M&A
Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain
Intel – Supplier Master Data
Use Case
Process key role
• Supplier Master Data gathers information
about companies
• These are companies that Intel purchases
from, pays, outsource manufactures with
• Choosing a Supplier is the point of entry to
many business process.
• If it fails or is slow, it impacts all 70+
downstream consumers
Source: Intel EDW 2015
Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain
Intel – MySamples
Use Case
Process key role
• MySamples
• Need to show the latest status of samples
• Customer information from MySamplesapp
• Samples request information (if requested) from
the ERP system
• Samples shipment status (if shipped) from the
Event Management system
Source: Intel EDW 2015
Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain
Intel – Cloud CRM Integration
Use Case
Process key role
• Integrate several data sources and expose
it as service.
• Data Sources refer to customer info hold
on premise
• Published services are used by Cloud CRM
Source: Intel EDW 2015
ROI and TCO of Data Virtualization
Intel - Metrics
Value Driver Metric Goal Actual
Time to Develop Time to develop web service in days 50% 90%
Time to Deploy Time to Deploy web service in days 50% 90%
TTM Time to make web service available 60% 90%
Time to Engage Time for business to engage with IT 75% 75%
Performance Performance of web services 50% 60%
Impact Analysis How fast to perform impact analysis 50% 90%
Enterprise Architectural
Ease at which data from disparate
sources can be integrated
Security, data
• Time-to-Market
• Development
• Test Cost
Logical Data Warehouse Reference Architecture
Data Science
Data Market Place
Data Monetization
Data Warehouse
Data Lake
Data Virtualization Platform
Analytical Views
Data Science Views
λ Views
Real-Time Views
DWH Views
Hybrid Views
Cloud Views
Logical Data Warehouse
Denodo in a Multi-Location Multi-Cloud Architecture
Demo Scenario
What’s the demo scenario
We have a traditional Data Warehouse in Oracle.
External database objects can be accessed as virtual tables within
SAP HANA database.
SAP BW is SAP’s multidimensional engine for enterprise analytics.
Need to easily build reports using data coming from these sources.
Detail of clients that have
received orders in 2020?
▪ Deliveries managed by an
external system that feeds data
into Oracle.
▪ Sales data consumed by SAP BW.
▪ Customer details table, store in
SAP HANA. Sources
Base View
group by
Deliveries Sales Material Customers
How does execution work
What is the scenario?
The DV system only stores Metadata
Data is external
• Needs to travel through the Network
• To address: Minimize network traffic
Data is distributed in multiple systems
• Needs to be integrated in the virtual layer
• Some sources have processing capabilities
• To address: Maximize processing at sources to reduce load in virtualization layer
Why is this so important?
SELECT c.name, AVG(s.amount)
FROM customers c JOIN sales_material s
ON c.id = s.customer_id
GROUP BY c.name
How Denodo works compared with other federation engines
System Execution Time Data Transferred Optimization Technique
Denodo 9 sec. 4 M Aggregation push-down
Others 125 sec. 302 M None: full scan
300 M 2 M
Sales Material Customers
group by
2 M
2 M
group by id
group by
To maximize push
down to the EDW
the aggregation is
split in 2 steps:
• 1st by customer_id
• 2nd by name
This significantly
reduces network
Traffic and processing
In Denodo
Sales Material
Access & Consumption
How to access the Denodo data model?
SQL Based access
• Integration with reporting tools: Tableau, MicroStrategy, PowerBI, BO,
Cognos, Looker, OBIEE, etc.
• Custom built applications
Web Services
▪ Multiple formats
• RESTful
• OData 4.0
• GraphQL
▪ Compliance with modern standards: OAuth, JWT, SAML, OpenAPI
Denodo’s Data Catalog
▪ Web-based tool for exploration and discovery by business users
Denodo Data Catalog
The Role of Denodo’s Data Catalog
Catalog of views and web services
▪ Browse and search for existing views and services
▪ See descriptions, relationships and data lineage
Preview and find data
▪ Quick look at data
▪ Search based on content
▪ Customize existing views for particular needs
▪ “My queries” for personal use & share with other users
▪ Export to local file
▪ Propose new standard business / canonical views
Security in Denodo
• Pass-through authentication
• Service accounts
• User/password
• Kerberos and Windows SSO
• Web Service security: SAML, OAuth, SPNEGO
Active Directory
Role based Authentication
Guest, employee, corporate
Schema-wide Permissions
Data Specific Permissions
(Row, Column level, Masking)
Policy Based Security
Data in motion
• TLSv1.2
Data in motion
• TLS v1.2
data at rest
• Cache
• Swap
Assigning Privileges to Role
Assigning Column Privileges
Assigning Restrictions
Key Takeaways
Source Abstraction
• Hides complexity for ease of data access by business.
Semantic Data Modeling
• Business Entities and pre-aggregated views and reports.
Flexible Publication Options
• Multiple options that adapt to the needs of the consumer.
Development and Operations
• Simplifies data security, privacy and audit
Enable self-service
• Simplifies data exploration and ability to handle metadata
Fernando Sancén Amanda Lleyda Iván Torres López
Director & Co-Founder
Partner Channel & Sales
Sales Engineer
(+34) 912 77 58 55
(+52) 598 517 82
¡Gracias por su participación!

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¿Cómo las manufacturas están evolucionando hacia la Industria 4.0 con la virtualización de datos? (Mexico)

  • 1.
  • 2. Agenda11:00 Las tendencias y los nuevos retos tecnológicos en el sector de la manufactura Fernando Sancén, Director & CEO, Enki 11:30 Introducción a la virtualización de datos Amanda Lleyda, Partner Sales & Channel Iberia & LATAM, Denodo 11:45 Casos de uso: ¿cómo las empresas manufactureras se están beneficiando de la virtualización de datos para elevar su actividad al rango de industria 4.0? Amanda Lleyda, Partner Sales & Channel Iberia & LATAM, Denodo 12:15 Demostración en vivo de la solución aplicada al análisis en tiempo real de datos industriales Iván López Torres, Sales Engineer LATAM, Denodo 12:45 Sesión de preguntas y respuestas
  • 5. Tendencias Decisiones orientadas por datos La cadena de suministros se está reinventando Producción automatizada y democrática Fábricas Autónomas e inteligentes
  • 7. ¿Cuál es su impacto? Datos, Datos y más Datos •Inteligenciaartificial •IoTy5G •BigData&CloudIndustrial
  • 10. 10 Denodo The Leader in Data Virtualization DENODO OFFICES, CUSTOMERS, PARTNERS Palo Alto, CA. Global presence throughout North America, EMEA, APAC, and Latin America. LEADERSHIP ▪ Longest continuous focus on data virtualization – since 1999 ▪ Leader in 2018 Forrester Wave – Big Data Fabric ▪ Winner of numerous awards CUSTOMERS ~700 customers, including many F500 and G2000 companies across every major industry have gained significant business agility and ROI. FINANCIALS Backed by $4B+ private equity firm. 50+% annual growth; Profitable.
  • 11. 11 Very few companies are able to effectively use that data for growth or profitability Manufacturing industry generates most of the world’s data The digital revolution is knocking manufacturers through innovations: • IoT • Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence • cloud technology • big data, other areas “While the majority of manufacturing industry executives acknowledge the importance of digital transformation, only 5% are satisfied with their current digital strategies.” *Forbes’ Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Manufacturing
  • 12. 12 Many companies are investing in modern technologies and frameworks Obstacles to Digital Transformation An overwhelming 33% of respondents cited readiness of process and systems as the obstacle to digital transformation. * SpencerStuart survey on the industrial sector. • Many are challenged by petabyte- scale volumes of machine generated data and field data. • For many manufacturing companies, the data silos remain, a challenge to data architects. • These obstacles severely limit the number of actionable insights that can be gained from the manufacturing and supply chain process.
  • 13. 13 ¿Qué es la virtualización de datos?
  • 14. 14 Data Virtualization The Solution – Data Abstraction Layer Consume in business applications Combine related data into views Connect to disparate data sources 2 3 1 DATA CONSUMERS DISPARATE DATA SOURCES Enterprise Applications, Reporting, BI, Portals, ESB, Mobile, Web, Users Databases & Warehouses, Cloud/Saas Applications, Big Data, NoSQL, Web, XML, Excel, PDF, Word... Analytical Operational Less StructuredMore Structured CONNECT COMBINE PUBLISH Multiple Protocols, Formats Query, Search, Browse Request/Reply, Event Driven Secure Delivery SQL, MDX Web Services Big Data APIs Web Automation and Indexing CONNECT Normalized views of disparate data COMBINE CONSUME Share, Deliver, Publish, Govern, Collaborate “Data virtualization integrates disparate data sources in real time or near-real time to meet demands for analytics and transactional data.” – Create a Road Map For A Real-time, Agile, Self- Service Data Platform, Forrester Research, Dec 16, 2015 Discover, Transform, Prepare, Improve Quality, Integrate
  • 15. 15 Six Essential Capabilities of Data Virtualization 4. Self-service data services 5. Centralized metadata, security & governance 6. Location-agnostic architecture for multi-cloud, hybrid acceleration 1. Data abstraction 2. Zero replication, zero relocation 3. Real-time information
  • 16. 16 Source: Gartner 2018 Data Virtualization Market Guide “Through 2022, 60% of all organizations will implement data virtualization as one key delivery style in their data integration architecture”
  • 17. 17 Data virtualization has proven to be the most innovative and comprehensive data fabric Data Virtualization Holds the Key Many companies manage data that is scattered across cloud and on-premises systems. Data stakeholders use to streamline the processes, increase manufacturing yield, or improve manufacturing quality. Helps connect data for varieties purposes: • data analytics • a single view of the manufacturing process • data services • other applications Stitch together the widest range of • data sources • in real time • without physical data movement The modern value chain involves from highly structured data to completely unstructured.
  • 18. 18 The Benefits of Data Virtualization for Manufacturing Manifold increases in production yield and product time-to-market. Improved product quality and customer satisfaction. Improved security and compliance with regional rules, by avoiding replication. Improvement in the preventative maintenance of parts, and revenue growth from enhanced part sales. Lower TCO and higher ROI, investments usually breaking even within a year.
  • 19. Use Cases for Manufacturers
  • 20. Problem Solution Results Case Study 20 Schaeffler created a new Data Platform with a physical and virtual data hub “Digital Agenda” to provide value to customers by optimizing business processes by establishing new data-driven business models. • Multiple consuming applications for reporting and self-service BI, monitor and alert, data applications, data exploration and analysis. • Close to 20 different type of internal systems Data sources were integrated on an ad hoc basis depending on the requirement. • Growing number of use cases that required recent and fresh data without any latency. • Ingest data into the Azure data lake that formed the virtual data lake • Manage the security related issues. • Provide data with low latency for specific business requirements that needed fresh and recent data. • Create virtual views with ease and also saved a lot of development time and effort. • Denodo formed the core of the Schaeffler Cloud Data Platform and enabled data integration and harmonization between the physical and virtual data hub. • The Denodo implementation was very easy and lightweight and provided standard connection interfaces like JDBC, ODBC, Rest services etc. made it possible to connect to multiple data sources. • Denodo provided the single point of access to enterprise data . The Schaeffler Group is a global automotive and industrial supplier. Schaeffler provides high-precision components and systems in engine, transmission, and chassis applications, as well as rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications.
  • 21. 21 Schaeffler StatusQuo:DataSourcesintegratedin aper Use-Case/Applicationfashion Use Cases MaQS ProConnectBox Media Center ADLS Find & Understand Monitor & Alert Report & Self-ServiceBI Explore& Analyse Build DataDriven Applications OfferDigital Products Data Sources
  • 22. 22 Schaeffler TheNewSchaefflerDataPlatformatscale Use Cases MaQS ProConnectBox Media Center ADLS Find & Understand Monitor & Alert Report & Self-ServiceBI Explore& Analyse Build DataDriven Applications OfferDigital Products Data Sources Virtual DataHub • Single point of access • Lightweight implementation • Standard interfaces • Homogeneous Data Model
  • 23. 23 Schaeffler DataDrivenProjects The fair KPI for your data platform: #SuccessfulProjects + #InnovationPoCThe fair KPI for your data platform Success = #TotalProjects
  • 24.
  • 25. 25 IoT data drives Predictive Maintenance Caterpillar
  • 26. 26 Supply Chain Planning Challenges around KPIs • Supply Chain Planning side of Logistics • Challenges in Logistics Planning include Demand, Supply, Inventory, Delivery, Fulfillment including manufacturing and outsourcing, Strategic sourcing managing the supplier/vendor base. • Collaboration is required with the customer base Suppliers, Logistic partners or other external entities is also a close match to this use case • Difficult to calculate Supply Chain Planning KPI’s • Difficult to extract data elements for Supply chain KPI calculation
  • 27. 27 Supply Chain Planning KPI’s Considerations to calculate the KPI’s
  • 28. 28 Business Need Solution Benefits Case Study McCormick used Denodo data virtualization to improve quality assessment of their product • AI and ML project required data spread across all McCormick's internal systems spread across 4 different continents and in spreadsheet. • Portions of data that were shared with McCormick's research partner firms needed to be masked and at the same time unmasked when shared internally. • Create a data service to simplify the process of data access and data sharing and also be used by the analytics teams for their ML projects. • Denodo used as a semantic and data discovery layer. integrates data from systems and spreadsheets to create a data service for business and analytics users. • Denodo semantic layer was used to connect to the API management and runtime layer to provide data for the ML and analytics projects. • Denodo also used to implement a centralized data governance and security layer over all of McCormick's enterprise data. • ML learning applications were able to access refreshed, validated and indexed data in real time without any replication from Denodo enterprise data service. • Enterprise data service gave the business users the capability to compare data in multiple systems. • Denodo used to populate the spreadsheets based on the gaps in information and also determine the quality of proposed data and services. McCormick & Company is an American food company that manufactures, markets, and distributes spices, seasoning mixes, condiments, and other flavouring products for the industrial, restaurant, institutional, and home markets.Industry: Food and Beverage
  • 29. 29 McCormicK Semantic Layer Data Services • Information is directly in application • Timely Information • No replication of information • No need to validate information • Consistent searching • Better staging for learning
  • 30.
  • 31. 31 BI enablement via Logical DataWarehouse Intel – Extreme DW
  • 32. 32 HR use of DV as Logical Layer Intel – Single view of Employee
  • 33. 33 HR use of DV as Logical Layer Intel – Single view of Support M&A
  • 34. 34 Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain Intel – Supplier Master Data Use Case Process key role • Supplier Master Data gathers information about companies • These are companies that Intel purchases from, pays, outsource manufactures with • Choosing a Supplier is the point of entry to many business process. • If it fails or is slow, it impacts all 70+ downstream consumers Source: Intel EDW 2015
  • 35. 35 Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain Intel – MySamples Use Case Process key role • MySamples • Need to show the latest status of samples requests. • Customer information from MySamplesapp • Samples request information (if requested) from the ERP system • Samples shipment status (if shipped) from the Event Management system Source: Intel EDW 2015
  • 36. 36 Data Service Layer for streamlining business processes in the value chain Intel – Cloud CRM Integration Use Case Process key role • Integrate several data sources and expose it as service. • Data Sources refer to customer info hold on premise • Published services are used by Cloud CRM Source: Intel EDW 2015
  • 37. 37 ROI and TCO of Data Virtualization Intel - Metrics Value Driver Metric Goal Actual Time to Develop Time to develop web service in days 50% 90% Time to Deploy Time to Deploy web service in days 50% 90% TTM Time to make web service available 60% 90% Time to Engage Time for business to engage with IT 75% 75% Performance Performance of web services 50% 60% Impact Analysis How fast to perform impact analysis 50% 90% Enterprise Architectural Alignment Ease at which data from disparate sources can be integrated Security, data classification High Savings: • Time-to-Market • Development • Test Cost
  • 39. 39 Logical Data Warehouse Reference Architecture Reporting Analytics Data Science Data Market Place Data Monetization AI/MM iPaaS Kafka ETL CDC Sqoop Flume RawDataZoneStagingArea CuratedDataZoneCoreDWHmodel Data Warehouse Data Lake Data Virtualization Platform Analytical Views Data Science Views λ Views Real-Time Views DWH Views Hybrid Views Cloud Views UniversalCatalogofDataServices CentralizedAccessControl Logical Data Warehouse
  • 40. 40 Denodo in a Multi-Location Multi-Cloud Architecture
  • 41. Demo
  • 43. 43 What’s the demo scenario We have a traditional Data Warehouse in Oracle. External database objects can be accessed as virtual tables within SAP HANA database. SAP BW is SAP’s multidimensional engine for enterprise analytics. Need to easily build reports using data coming from these sources.
  • 44. 44 Example Detail of clients that have received orders in 2020? ▪ Deliveries managed by an external system that feeds data into Oracle. ▪ Sales data consumed by SAP BW. ▪ Customer details table, store in SAP HANA. Sources Combine, Transform & Integrate Consume Base View Source Abstraction join group by customer join Deliveries Sales Material Customers
  • 46. 46 What is the scenario? The DV system only stores Metadata Data is external • Needs to travel through the Network • To address: Minimize network traffic Data is distributed in multiple systems • Needs to be integrated in the virtual layer • Some sources have processing capabilities • To address: Maximize processing at sources to reduce load in virtualization layer
  • 47. 47 Why is this so important? SELECT c.name, AVG(s.amount) FROM customers c JOIN sales_material s ON c.id = s.customer_id GROUP BY c.name How Denodo works compared with other federation engines System Execution Time Data Transferred Optimization Technique Denodo 9 sec. 4 M Aggregation push-down Others 125 sec. 302 M None: full scan 300 M 2 M Sales Material Customers join group by 2 M 2 M Customers join group by id group by customer To maximize push down to the EDW the aggregation is split in 2 steps: • 1st by customer_id • 2nd by name This significantly reduces network Traffic and processing In Denodo Sales Material
  • 49. 49 How to access the Denodo data model? SQL Based access ▪ JDBC, ODBC and ADO.NET • Integration with reporting tools: Tableau, MicroStrategy, PowerBI, BO, Cognos, Looker, OBIEE, etc. • Custom built applications Web Services ▪ Multiple formats • RESTful • SOAP • OData 4.0 • GraphQL ▪ Compliance with modern standards: OAuth, JWT, SAML, OpenAPI Denodo’s Data Catalog ▪ Web-based tool for exploration and discovery by business users
  • 51. 51 The Role of Denodo’s Data Catalog Catalog of views and web services ▪ Browse and search for existing views and services ▪ See descriptions, relationships and data lineage Preview and find data ▪ Quick look at data ▪ Search based on content Consume ▪ Customize existing views for particular needs ▪ “My queries” for personal use & share with other users ▪ Export to local file ▪ Propose new standard business / canonical views
  • 54. 54 Overview Security in Denodo Authentication • Pass-through authentication • Service accounts Authentication • User/password • Kerberos and Windows SSO • Web Service security: SAML, OAuth, SPNEGO LDAP Active Directory Role based Authentication Guest, employee, corporate Schema-wide Permissions Data Specific Permissions (Row, Column level, Masking) Policy Based Security Data in motion • TLSv1.2 Data in motion • TLS v1.2 Encrypted data at rest • Cache • Swap
  • 58. 58 Key Takeaways Conclusion Source Abstraction • Hides complexity for ease of data access by business. Semantic Data Modeling • Business Entities and pre-aggregated views and reports. Flexible Publication Options • Multiple options that adapt to the needs of the consumer. Development and Operations • Simplifies data security, privacy and audit Enable self-service • Simplifies data exploration and ability to handle metadata
  • 59. Q&A
  • 60. Fernando Sancén Amanda Lleyda Iván Torres López Director & Co-Founder Enki Partner Channel & Sales Denodo Sales Engineer Denodo www.denodo.com info.la@denodo.com (+34) 912 77 58 55 www.enki.mx CONTACTO@ENKI.MX (+52) 598 517 82 ¡Gracias por su participación!