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Clickstream & Social Media Analysis 
Use cases and examples using Apache Spark 
Michael Cutler @ TUMRA – November 2014
About Me 
• Early adopter of Hadoop 
• Spoke at Hadoop World on 
machine learning 
• Twitter: @cotdp 
We use Data Science and Big Data 
technology to help ecommerce 
companies understand their 
customers and increase sales. 
This Talk 
• Slide are on Slideshare 
• Code example on Github 
• Twitter: @tumra
1 Background 
2 Introducing Apache Spark 
3 Examples
1 Background
Clickstream & Social Media Analysis 
Generalised Approach 
Mobile/Tablet App 
Reporting & 
Web Site 
Social Network 
Events Files Tables
How has this approach evolved? 
Rapidly reducing the ‘time to insight’ 
pre-Historic Hadoop 
• Proprietary & Expensive 
• Slow Constrained 
Time to Insight 
48+ hours 
2008 - Hadoop 
• Open-source & Inexpensive 
• Flexible but complex to use 
Time to Insight 
2014 - Spark 
• Batch, Streaming & Interactive 
• Fast & Easy to use 
Time to Insight 
Weaving a story from a string of activities 
Understanding the shoppers journey 
PPC long-tail 
Day #0 
Opened Email 
Newsletter on iPad PPC brand 
PPC brand keyword & 
signed up email 
Add To Cart 
Day #7 Day #10 Day #13 Day #17
Shopper Journey 
Understanding the shoppers journey 
Research Consideration Purchase 
It’s all about People & Products 
Not just boring log files! 
Turn low-level events like “Page Views” into something meaningful 
e.g. <Person1234> <viewed-a> <Product:Camera> 
Bought a … 
Activity & Interactions 
Gauging Interest 
Measuring the degree of interest a Person has about a Product 
e.g. are 10 views for a certain Product a good or bad thing? 
Either inferred from other Peoples activities, or Product similarity 
Both people and products have properties, 
e.g. <Person1234> <is:gender> <Female>
People & Product Interactions 
Source: Snowplow Analytics 
e.g. “Michael” “bought a” “Americano” “Starbucks, Shoreditch”
That sounds like a Graph … 
Use graphs to understand user intent 
Interest Graph Visualisation 
• Collect user activity data in real-time, not just 
clicks but mouse-overs, images, video, social. 
• Algorithms identify products, categories and 
brands a particular person is interested in. 
• Cluster users into ‘neighborhoods’ to infer what to 
show to existing and future visitors. 
This visualization illustrates just 1% of 6 weeks visitor 
activity data. Blue data points are People, Orange 
data points are Products.
Introducing 2 Apache Spark
Three reasons Apache Spark is awesome! 
Apart from “no more Java Map/Reduce code!!!” 
• In-memory Caching 
• DAG execution optimisation 
• Easy to use in Scala, Java, Python 
• Machine Learning baked in 
• Graph algorithms 
• Interactive Shell 
• Query from Spark SQL 
• Streaming 
• Batch (file based)
Apache Spark 
Architecture Overview 
Apache ZooKeeper Hadoop Filesystem 
Yarn / Mesos 
Apache Spark 
Coexists with your existing Hadoop Infrastructure 
Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) 
Apache ZooKeeper 
Apache Hive etc. 
Map / Reduce 
Yarn / Mesos
Apache Spark can … 
Simple example of Spark SQL used from Scala 
Source: Databricks 
Go from a SQL query… 
… to a trained machine learning 
model in three lines of code.
3 Examples
Example Architecture 
Coexists with your existing Hadoop Infrastructure 
Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) NoSQL Store 
Apache ZooKeeper 
Apache Kafka 
Social Media Analysis 
Converting a low-level event into a meaningful high-level interaction 
• A user-interaction from the 
Facebook firehose, received as a 
real-time stream of JSON 
• Streamed into Apache Kafka, 
also stored in SequenceFiles 
• Modeled into Scala Case Class:
Example - Spark (Scala) 
Using the Spark (Scala) interface to analyze the data 
• Parse JSON 
• Extract interesting attributes 
• ‘Reduce by Key’ to sum the result 
• Print results
Example - Spark SQL 
Using the Spark SQL interface to analyze the data 
• Parse JSON 
• Extract interesting attributes, 
transform into Case Classes 
• ‘Register as table’ 
• Execute SQL, print results
Want to play with awesome tech and data? 
We’re hiring! team@tumra.com 
Data Engineer 
Scala, functional programming, 
Hadoop, NoSQL 
Sales & Marketing 
Experience with SaaS and ecommerce sales

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Clickstream & Social Media Analysis using Apache Spark

  • 1. Clickstream & Social Media Analysis Use cases and examples using Apache Spark Michael Cutler @ TUMRA – November 2014
  • 2. Hello About Me • Early adopter of Hadoop • Spoke at Hadoop World on machine learning • Twitter: @cotdp TUMRA We use Data Science and Big Data technology to help ecommerce companies understand their customers and increase sales. This Talk • Slide are on Slideshare • Code example on Github • Twitter: @tumra
  • 3. 1 Background 2 Introducing Apache Spark 3 Examples
  • 5. Clickstream & Social Media Analysis Generalised Approach Mobile/Tablet App Data Collection Data Processing Reporting & Analysis Web Site You People Social Network Events Files Tables
  • 6. How has this approach evolved? Rapidly reducing the ‘time to insight’ pre-Historic Hadoop • Proprietary & Expensive • Slow Constrained Time to Insight 48+ hours 2008 - Hadoop • Open-source & Inexpensive • Flexible but complex to use Time to Insight hours 2014 - Spark • Batch, Streaming & Interactive • Fast & Easy to use Time to Insight minutes
  • 7. Weaving a story from a string of activities Understanding the shoppers journey PPC long-tail keyword Day #0 Opened Email Newsletter on iPad PPC brand PPC brand keyword & signed up email keyword Add To Cart Order Placed Day #7 Day #10 Day #13 Day #17
  • 8. Shopper Journey Understanding the shoppers journey Time Shopper Consumer Research Consideration Purchase Need
  • 9. It’s all about People & Products Not just boring log files! Turn low-level events like “Page Views” into something meaningful e.g. <Person1234> <viewed-a> <Product:Camera> Bought a … Activity & Interactions Gauging Interest Measuring the degree of interest a Person has about a Product e.g. are 10 views for a certain Product a good or bad thing? Affinities Either inferred from other Peoples activities, or Product similarity Properties Both people and products have properties, e.g. <Person1234> <is:gender> <Female>
  • 10. People & Product Interactions Source: Snowplow Analytics e.g. “Michael” “bought a” “Americano” “Starbucks, Shoreditch”
  • 11. That sounds like a Graph … Use graphs to understand user intent Interest Graph Visualisation • Collect user activity data in real-time, not just clicks but mouse-overs, images, video, social. • Algorithms identify products, categories and brands a particular person is interested in. • Cluster users into ‘neighborhoods’ to infer what to show to existing and future visitors. This visualization illustrates just 1% of 6 weeks visitor activity data. Blue data points are People, Orange data points are Products.
  • 13. Three reasons Apache Spark is awesome! Apart from “no more Java Map/Reduce code!!!” Fast • In-memory Caching • DAG execution optimisation • Easy to use in Scala, Java, Python Smart • Machine Learning baked in • Graph algorithms • Interactive Shell Flexible • Query from Spark SQL • Streaming • Batch (file based)
  • 14. Apache Spark Architecture Overview Apache ZooKeeper Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) Yarn / Mesos (optional)
  • 15. Apache Spark Coexists with your existing Hadoop Infrastructure Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) Apache ZooKeeper Apache Hive etc. Map / Reduce Yarn / Mesos
  • 16. Apache Spark can … Simple example of Spark SQL used from Scala Source: Databricks Go from a SQL query… … to a trained machine learning model in three lines of code.
  • 18. Example Architecture Coexists with your existing Hadoop Infrastructure Reporting Dashboard Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) NoSQL Store Apache ZooKeeper (Cassandra) Apache Kafka Analytics Jobs
  • 19. Social Media Analysis Converting a low-level event into a meaningful high-level interaction • A user-interaction from the Facebook firehose, received as a real-time stream of JSON • Streamed into Apache Kafka, also stored in SequenceFiles • Modeled into Scala Case Class:
  • 20. Example - Spark (Scala) Using the Spark (Scala) interface to analyze the data • Parse JSON • Extract interesting attributes • ‘Reduce by Key’ to sum the result • Print results
  • 21. Example - Spark SQL Using the Spark SQL interface to analyze the data • Parse JSON • Extract interesting attributes, transform into Case Classes • ‘Register as table’ • Execute SQL, print results
  • 22. Want to play with awesome tech and data? We’re hiring! team@tumra.com Data Engineer Scala, functional programming, Hadoop, NoSQL Sales & Marketing Experience with SaaS and ecommerce sales