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Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Using More Package Concepts
6-2 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Overloading Subprograms
The overloading feature in PL/SQL:
• Enables you to create two or more subprograms
with the same name
• Requires that the subprogram’s formal parameters
differ in number, order, or data type family
• Enables you to build flexible ways for invoking
subprograms with different data
• Provides a way to extend functionality without
loss of existing code
Note: Overloading can be done with local
subprograms, package subprograms, and type
methods, but not with stand-alone subprograms.
6-3 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
PROCEDURE add_department(deptno NUMBER,
name VARCHAR2 := 'unknown', loc NUMBER := 1700);
PROCEDURE add_department(
name VARCHAR2 := 'unknown', loc NUMBER := 1700);
END dept_pkg;
Overloading: Example
6-4 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Overloading and the STANDARD Package
• A package named STANDARD defines the PL/SQL
environment and built-in functions.
• Most built-in functions are overloaded. An
example is the TO_CHAR function:
• A PL/SQL subprogram with the same name as a
built-in subprogram overrides the standard
declaration in the local context, unless you qualify
the built-in subprogram with its package name.
6-5 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
PROCEDURE award_bonus(. . .) IS
calc_rating (. . .); --illegal reference
PROCEDURE calc_rating (. . .) IS
END forward_pkg;
Using Forward Declarations
• Block-structured languages (such as PL/SQL)
must declare identifiers before referencing them.
• Example of a referencing problem:
6-6 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
PROCEDURE calc_rating (...);-- forward declaration
-- Subprograms defined in alphabetical order
PROCEDURE award_bonus(...) IS
calc_rating (...); -- reference resolved!
. . .
PROCEDURE calc_rating (...) IS -- implementation
. . .
END forward_pkg;
Using Forward Declarations
In the package body, a forward declaration is a private
subprogram specification terminated by a semicolon.
6-7 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
... -- declare all public procedures/functions
END taxes;
... -- declare all private variables
... -- define public/private procedures/functions
SELECT rate_value INTO tax
FROM tax_rates
WHERE rate_name = 'TAX';
END taxes;
Package Initialization Block
The block at the end of the package body executes
once and is used to initialize public and private
package variables.
6-8 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Using Package Functions in SQL and
• Package functions can be used in SQL statements.
• Functions called from:
– A query or DML statement must not end the current
transaction, create or roll back to a savepoint, or
alter the system or session
– A query or a parallelized DML statement cannot
execute a DML statement or modify the database
– A DML statement cannot read or modify the table
being changed by that DML statement
Note: A function calling subprograms that break
the preceding restrictions is not allowed.
6-9 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
END taxes_pkg;
rate NUMBER := 0.08;
RETURN (value * rate);
END tax;
END taxes_pkg;
Package Function in SQL: Example
SELECT taxes_pkg.tax(salary), salary, last_name
FROM employees;
6-10 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Persistent State of Packages
The collection of package variables and the values
define the package state. The package state is:
• Initialized when the package is first loaded
• Persistent (by default) for the life of the session
– Stored in the User Global Area (UGA)
– Unique to each session
– Subject to change when package subprograms are
called or public variables are modified
• Not persistent for the session, but for the life of a
subprogram call, when using PRAGMA
SERIALLY_REUSABLE in the package specification
6-11 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Persistent State of Package
Variables: Example
State for: -Scott- -Jones-
INTO employees(
VALUES('Madonna', 0.8);
comm_pkg.reset_comm (0.5)
Err –20210 'Bad Commission'
EXIT ...
EXEC comm_pkg.reset_comm(0.2)
6-12 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
At 9:00: Scott calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.25, the
package state for std_comm is initialized to 0.10 and then set to 0.25, which is
validated because it is less than the database maximum value of 0.4.
At 9:30: Jones inserts a new row into the EMPLOYEES table with a new
maximum commission_pct value of 0.8. This is not committed, so it is visible to
Jones only. Scott’s state is unaffected.
At 9:35: Jones calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.5. The state
for Jones’s std_comm is first initialized to 0.10 and then set to the new value 0.5
that is valid for his session with the database maximum value of 0.8.
At 10:00: Scott calls with reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.6, which
is greater than the maximum database commission visible to his session, that is,
0.4 (Jones did not commit the 0.8 value.)
Between 11:00 and 12:00: Jones rolls back the transaction and exits the session.
Jones logs in at 11:45 and successfully executes the procedure, setting his state
to 0.2.
Persistent State of Package
Variables: Example
6-13 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Using PL/SQL Tables
of Records in Packages
PROCEDURE get_employees(emps OUT emp_table_type) IS
FOR emp_record IN (SELECT * FROM employees)
emps(i) := emp_record;
i:= i+1;
END get_employees;
END emp_pkg;
TYPE emp_table_type IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE
PROCEDURE get_employees(emps OUT emp_table_type);
END emp_pkg;
6-14 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
PL/SQL Wrapper
• The PL/SQL wrapper is a stand-alone utility that
hides application internals by converting PL/SQL
source code into portable object code.
• Wrapping has the following features:
– Platform independence
– Dynamic loading
– Dynamic binding
– Dependency checking
– Normal importing and exporting when invoked
6-15 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Running the Wrapper
The command-line syntax is:
• The INAME argument is required.
• The default extension for the input file is .sql,
unless it is specified with the name.
• The ONAME argument is optional.
• The default extension for output file is .plb,
unless specified with the ONAME argument.
WRAP INAME=input_file_name [ONAME=output_file_name]
WRAP INAME=student.sql
WRAP INAME=student
WRAP INAME=student.sql ONAME=student.plb
6-16 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Results of Wrapping
• Original PL/SQL source code in input file:
• Wrapped code in output file:
min_bal := 100;
no_funds EXCEPTION;
END banking;
012abc463e ...
6-17 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Guidelines for Wrapping
• You must wrap only the package body, not the
package specification.
• The wrapper can detect syntactic errors but
cannot detect semantic errors.
• The output file should not be edited. You maintain
the original source code and wrap again as
Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Utilizing Oracle-Supplied Packages
in Application Development
6-19 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Using Oracle-Supplied Packages
The Oracle-supplied packages:
• Are provided with the Oracle server
• Extend the functionality of the database
• Enable access to certain SQL features that are
normally restricted for PL/SQL
For example, the DBMS_OUTPUT package was originally
designed to debug PL/SQL programs.
6-20 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
How the DBMS_OUTPUT Package Works
The DBMS_OUTPUT package enables you to send
messages from stored subprograms and triggers.
• PUT and PUT_LINE place text in the buffer.
• GET_LINE and GET_LINES read the buffer.
• Messages are not sent until the sender completes.
• Use SET SERVEROUTPUT ON to display messages
in iSQL*Plus.
EXEC proc Buffer
6-21 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Interacting with Operating System Files
The UTL_FILE package extends PL/SQL programs to
read and write operating system text files. UTL_FILE:
• Provides a restricted version of operating system
stream file I/O for text files
• Can access files in operating system directories
defined by a CREATE DIRECTORY statement. You
can also use the utl_file_dir database
EXEC proc
my_dir AS '/dir'
6-22 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Close the
text file
File Processing Using the
UTL_FILE Package
• Reading a file
• Writing or appending to a file
Get lines from
the text file
Put lines into
the text file
Open for
Open for
6-23 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Exceptions in the UTL_FILE Package
You may have to handle one of these exceptions when
using UTL_FILE subprograms:
The other exception not in the UTL_FILE package is:
6-24 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
dir IN VARCHAR2, filename IN VARCHAR2) IS
SELECT last_name, salary, department_id
FROM employees ORDER BY department_id;
newdeptno employees.department_id%TYPE;
olddeptno employees.department_id%TYPE := 0;
file:= UTL_FILE.FOPEN (dir, filename, 'w');
UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE (file); ...
Using UTL_FILE: Example
6-25 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
FOR emp_rec IN empc LOOP
IF emp_rec.department_id <> olddeptno THEN
'DEPARTMENT: ' || emp_rec.department_id);
' EMPLOYEE: ' || emp_rec.last_name ||
' earns: ' || emp_rec.salary);
olddeptno := emp_rec.department_id;
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Invalid File.');
write to file');
END sal_status;
Using UTL_FILE: Example
6-26 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Generating Web Pages with the HTP
• The HTP package procedures generate HTML tags.
• The HTP package is used to generate HTML
documents dynamically and can be invoked from:
– A browser using Oracle HTTP Server and PL/SQL
Gateway (mod_plsql) services
– An iSQL*Plus script to display HTML output
Web client
Oracle HTTP
SQL script
6-27 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Class 6: Overview
This practice covers the following topics:
• Using overloaded subprograms
• Creating a package initialization block
• Using a forward declaration
• Using the WRAP utility to prevent the source code
from being deciphered by humans
• Using UTL_FILE to generate a text report
• Using HTP to generate a Web page report

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06 Using More Package Concepts

  • 1. 6 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Using More Package Concepts
  • 2. 6-2 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Overloading Subprograms The overloading feature in PL/SQL: • Enables you to create two or more subprograms with the same name • Requires that the subprogram’s formal parameters differ in number, order, or data type family • Enables you to build flexible ways for invoking subprograms with different data • Provides a way to extend functionality without loss of existing code Note: Overloading can be done with local subprograms, package subprograms, and type methods, but not with stand-alone subprograms.
  • 3. 6-3 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dept_pkg IS PROCEDURE add_department(deptno NUMBER, name VARCHAR2 := 'unknown', loc NUMBER := 1700); PROCEDURE add_department( name VARCHAR2 := 'unknown', loc NUMBER := 1700); END dept_pkg; / Overloading: Example
  • 4. 6-4 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Overloading and the STANDARD Package • A package named STANDARD defines the PL/SQL environment and built-in functions. • Most built-in functions are overloaded. An example is the TO_CHAR function: • A PL/SQL subprogram with the same name as a built-in subprogram overrides the standard declaration in the local context, unless you qualify the built-in subprogram with its package name. FUNCTION TO_CHAR (p1 DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION TO_CHAR (p2 NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION TO_CHAR (p1 DATE, P2 VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION TO_CHAR (p1 NUMBER, P2 VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
  • 5. 6-5 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pkg IS PROCEDURE award_bonus(. . .) IS BEGIN calc_rating (. . .); --illegal reference END; PROCEDURE calc_rating (. . .) IS BEGIN ... END; END forward_pkg; / Using Forward Declarations • Block-structured languages (such as PL/SQL) must declare identifiers before referencing them. • Example of a referencing problem:
  • 6. 6-6 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pkg IS PROCEDURE calc_rating (...);-- forward declaration -- Subprograms defined in alphabetical order PROCEDURE award_bonus(...) IS BEGIN calc_rating (...); -- reference resolved! . . . END; PROCEDURE calc_rating (...) IS -- implementation BEGIN . . . END; END forward_pkg; Using Forward Declarations In the package body, a forward declaration is a private subprogram specification terminated by a semicolon.
  • 7. 6-7 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE taxes IS tax NUMBER; ... -- declare all public procedures/functions END taxes; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY taxes IS ... -- declare all private variables ... -- define public/private procedures/functions BEGIN SELECT rate_value INTO tax FROM tax_rates WHERE rate_name = 'TAX'; END taxes; / Package Initialization Block The block at the end of the package body executes once and is used to initialize public and private package variables.
  • 8. 6-8 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Using Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions • Package functions can be used in SQL statements. • Functions called from: – A query or DML statement must not end the current transaction, create or roll back to a savepoint, or alter the system or session – A query or a parallelized DML statement cannot execute a DML statement or modify the database – A DML statement cannot read or modify the table being changed by that DML statement Note: A function calling subprograms that break the preceding restrictions is not allowed.
  • 9. 6-9 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE taxes_pkg IS FUNCTION tax (value IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; END taxes_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY taxes_pkg IS FUNCTION tax (value IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS rate NUMBER := 0.08; BEGIN RETURN (value * rate); END tax; END taxes_pkg; / Package Function in SQL: Example SELECT taxes_pkg.tax(salary), salary, last_name FROM employees;
  • 10. 6-10 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Persistent State of Packages The collection of package variables and the values define the package state. The package state is: • Initialized when the package is first loaded • Persistent (by default) for the life of the session – Stored in the User Global Area (UGA) – Unique to each session – Subject to change when package subprograms are called or public variables are modified • Not persistent for the session, but for the life of a subprogram call, when using PRAGMA SERIALLY_REUSABLE in the package specification
  • 11. 6-11 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Persistent State of Package Variables: Example State for: -Scott- -Jones- Time Events STD MAX STD MAX Scott> EXECUTE comm_pkg.reset_comm(0.25) Jones> INSERT INTO employees( last_name,commission_pct) VALUES('Madonna', 0.8); Jones> EXECUTE comm_pkg.reset_comm (0.5) Scott> EXECUTE comm_pkg.reset_comm(0.6) Err –20210 'Bad Commission' Jones> ROLLBACK; EXIT ... EXEC comm_pkg.reset_comm(0.2) 9:00 9:30 9:35 10:00 11:00 11:01 12:00 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 - 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 - 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
  • 12. 6-12 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. At 9:00: Scott calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.25, the package state for std_comm is initialized to 0.10 and then set to 0.25, which is validated because it is less than the database maximum value of 0.4. At 9:30: Jones inserts a new row into the EMPLOYEES table with a new maximum commission_pct value of 0.8. This is not committed, so it is visible to Jones only. Scott’s state is unaffected. At 9:35: Jones calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.5. The state for Jones’s std_comm is first initialized to 0.10 and then set to the new value 0.5 that is valid for his session with the database maximum value of 0.8. At 10:00: Scott calls with reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.6, which is greater than the maximum database commission visible to his session, that is, 0.4 (Jones did not commit the 0.8 value.) Between 11:00 and 12:00: Jones rolls back the transaction and exits the session. Jones logs in at 11:45 and successfully executes the procedure, setting his state to 0.2. Persistent State of Package Variables: Example
  • 13. 6-13 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Using PL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emp_pkg IS PROCEDURE get_employees(emps OUT emp_table_type) IS i BINARY_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR emp_record IN (SELECT * FROM employees) LOOP emps(i) := emp_record; i:= i+1; END LOOP; END get_employees; END emp_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_pkg IS TYPE emp_table_type IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE get_employees(emps OUT emp_table_type); END emp_pkg; /
  • 14. 6-14 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. PL/SQL Wrapper • The PL/SQL wrapper is a stand-alone utility that hides application internals by converting PL/SQL source code into portable object code. • Wrapping has the following features: – Platform independence – Dynamic loading – Dynamic binding – Dependency checking – Normal importing and exporting when invoked
  • 15. 6-15 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Running the Wrapper The command-line syntax is: • The INAME argument is required. • The default extension for the input file is .sql, unless it is specified with the name. • The ONAME argument is optional. • The default extension for output file is .plb, unless specified with the ONAME argument. Examples: WRAP INAME=input_file_name [ONAME=output_file_name] WRAP INAME=student.sql WRAP INAME=student WRAP INAME=student.sql ONAME=student.plb
  • 16. 6-16 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Results of Wrapping • Original PL/SQL source code in input file: • Wrapped code in output file: CREATE PACKAGE banking IS min_bal := 100; no_funds EXCEPTION; ... END banking; / CREATE PACKAGE banking wrapped 012abc463e ... /
  • 17. 6-17 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Wrapping • You must wrap only the package body, not the package specification. • The wrapper can detect syntactic errors but cannot detect semantic errors. • The output file should not be edited. You maintain the original source code and wrap again as required.
  • 18. 6 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Utilizing Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development
  • 19. 6-19 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Using Oracle-Supplied Packages The Oracle-supplied packages: • Are provided with the Oracle server • Extend the functionality of the database • Enable access to certain SQL features that are normally restricted for PL/SQL For example, the DBMS_OUTPUT package was originally designed to debug PL/SQL programs.
  • 20. 6-20 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. How the DBMS_OUTPUT Package Works The DBMS_OUTPUT package enables you to send messages from stored subprograms and triggers. • PUT and PUT_LINE place text in the buffer. • GET_LINE and GET_LINES read the buffer. • Messages are not sent until the sender completes. • Use SET SERVEROUTPUT ON to display messages in iSQL*Plus. PUT_LINE GET_LINE PUT NEW_LINE GET_LINES SET SERVEROUT ON [SIZE n] EXEC proc Buffer Output
  • 21. 6-21 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Interacting with Operating System Files The UTL_FILE package extends PL/SQL programs to read and write operating system text files. UTL_FILE: • Provides a restricted version of operating system stream file I/O for text files • Can access files in operating system directories defined by a CREATE DIRECTORY statement. You can also use the utl_file_dir database parameter. EXEC proc O/S fileUTL_FILE CREATE DIRECTORY my_dir AS '/dir'
  • 22. 6-22 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Yes No Close the text file File Processing Using the UTL_FILE Package • Reading a file • Writing or appending to a file Get lines from the text file Put lines into the text file Open for reading Open for write/append More to read? Yes No More to write? f:=FOPEN(dir,file,'r') f:=FOPEN(dir,file,'w') f:=FOPEN(dir,file,'a') GET_LINE(f,buf,len) PUT(f,buf) PUT_LINE(f,buf) FCLOSE(f)
  • 23. 6-23 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Exceptions in the UTL_FILE Package You may have to handle one of these exceptions when using UTL_FILE subprograms: • INVALID_PATH • INVALID_MODE • INVALID_FILEHANDLE • INVALID_OPERATION • READ_ERROR • WRITE_ERROR • INTERNAL_ERROR The other exception not in the UTL_FILE package is: • NO_DATA_FOUND and VALUE_ERROR
  • 24. 6-24 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sal_status( dir IN VARCHAR2, filename IN VARCHAR2) IS file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; CURSOR empc IS SELECT last_name, salary, department_id FROM employees ORDER BY department_id; newdeptno employees.department_id%TYPE; olddeptno employees.department_id%TYPE := 0; BEGIN file:= UTL_FILE.FOPEN (dir, filename, 'w'); UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file, 'REPORT: GENERATED ON ' || SYSDATE); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE (file); ... Using UTL_FILE: Example
  • 25. 6-25 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. FOR emp_rec IN empc LOOP IF emp_rec.department_id <> olddeptno THEN UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file, 'DEPARTMENT: ' || emp_rec.department_id); END IF; UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file, ' EMPLOYEE: ' || emp_rec.last_name || ' earns: ' || emp_rec.salary); olddeptno := emp_rec.department_id; END LOOP; UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file,'*** END OF REPORT ***'); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (file); EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_FILEHANDLE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Invalid File.'); WHEN UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20002, 'Unable to write to file'); END sal_status; / Using UTL_FILE: Example
  • 26. 6-26 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Generating Web Pages with the HTP Package • The HTP package procedures generate HTML tags. • The HTP package is used to generate HTML documents dynamically and can be invoked from: – A browser using Oracle HTTP Server and PL/SQL Gateway (mod_plsql) services – An iSQL*Plus script to display HTML output Web client Oracle HTTP Server Buffer SQL script Generated HTML mod_plsql Oracle database BufferHTP
  • 27. 6-27 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Class 6: Overview This practice covers the following topics: • Using overloaded subprograms • Creating a package initialization block • Using a forward declaration • Using the WRAP utility to prevent the source code from being deciphered by humans • Using UTL_FILE to generate a text report • Using HTP to generate a Web page report

Editor's Notes

  1. Overloading Subprograms The overloading feature in PL/SQL enables you to develop two or more packaged subprograms with the same name. Overloading is useful when you want a subprogram to accept similar sets of parameters that have different data types. For example, the TO_CHAR function has more than one way to be called, enabling you to convert a number or a date to a character string. PL/SQL allows overloading of package subprogram names and object type methods. The key rule is that you can use the same name for different subprograms as long as their formal parameters differ in number, order, or data type family. Consider using overloading when: Processing rules for two or more subprograms are similar, but the type or number of parameters used varies Providing alternative ways for finding different data with varying search criteria. For example, you may want to find employees by their employee ID and also provide a way to find employees by their last name. The logic is intrinsically the same, but the parameters or search criteria differ. Extending functionality when you do not want to replace existing code Note: Stand-alone subprograms cannot be overloaded. Writing local subprograms in object type methods is not discussed in this course.
  2. Overloading: Example The slide shows the dept_pkg package specification with an overloaded procedure called add_department . The first declaration takes three parameters that are used to provide data for a new department record inserted into the department table. The second declaration takes only two parameters, because this version internally generates the department ID through an Oracle sequence. Note: The example uses basic data types for its arguments to ensure that the example fits in the space provided. It is better to specify data types using the %TYPE attribute for variables that are used to populate columns in database tables, as in the following example: PROCEDURE add_department (deptno departments.department_id%TYPE, name departments.department_name%TYPE := &apos;unknown&apos;, loc departments.location_id%TYPE := 1700);
  3. Overloading and the STANDARD Package A package named STANDARD defines the PL/SQL environment and globally declares types, exceptions, and subprograms that are available automatically to PL/SQL programs. Most of the built-in functions that are found in the STANDARD package are overloaded. For example, the TO_CHAR function has four different declarations, as shown in the slide. The TO_CHAR function can take either the DATE or the NUMBER data type and convert it to the character data type. The format to which the date or number has to be converted can also be specified in the function call. If you redeclare a built-in subprogram in another PL/SQL program, then your local declaration overrides the standard or built-in subprogram. To be able to access the built-in subprogram, you must qualify it with its package name. For example, if you redeclare the TO_CHAR function to access the built-in function, then you refer to it as STANDARD.TO_CHAR . If you redeclare a built-in subprogram as a stand-alone subprogram, then to access your subprogram you must qualify it with your schema name: for example, SCOTT.TO_CHAR .
  4. Using Forward Declarations In general, PL/SQL is like other block-structured languages and does not allow forward references. You must declare an identifier before using it. For example, a subprogram must be declared before you can call it. Coding standards often require that subprograms be kept in alphabetical sequence to make them easy to find. In this case, you may encounter problems, as shown in the slide example, where the calc_rating procedure cannot be referenced because it has not yet been declared. You can solve the illegal reference problem by reversing the order of the two procedures. However, this easy solution does not work if the coding rules require subprograms to be declared in alphabetical order. The solution in this case is to use forward declarations provided in PL/SQL. A forward declaration enables you to declare the heading of a subprogram, that is, the subprogram specification terminated by a semicolon. Note: The compilation error for calc_rating occurs only if calc_rating is a private packaged procedure. If calc_rating is declared in the package specification, then it is already declared as if it was a forward declaration, and its reference can be resolved by the compiler.
  5. Using Forward Declarations (continued) As previously mentioned, PL/SQL enables you to create a special subprogram declaration called a forward declaration. A forward declaration may be required for private subprograms in the package body, and consists of the subprogram specification terminated by a semicolon. Forward declarations help to: Define subprograms in logical or alphabetical order Define mutually recursive subprograms. Mutually recursive programs are programs that call each other directly or indirectly. Group and logically organize subprograms in a package body When creating a forward declaration: The formal parameters must appear in both the forward declaration and the subprogram body The subprogram body can appear anywhere after the forward declaration, but both must appear in the same program unit Forward Declarations and Packages Typically, the subprogram specifications go in the package specification, and the subprogram bodies go in the package body. The public subprogram declarations in the package specification do not require forward declarations.
  6. Package Initialization Block The first time a component in a package is referenced, the entire package is loaded into memory for the user session. By default, the initial value of variables is NULL (if not explicitly initialized). To initialize package variables, you can: Use assignment operations in their declarations for simple initialization tasks Add code block to the end of a package body for more complex initialization tasks Consider the block of code at the end of a package body as a package initialization block that executes once, when the package is first invoked within the user session. The example in the slide shows the tax public variable being initialized to the value in the tax_rates table the first time the taxes package is referenced. Note: If you initialize the variable in the declaration by using an assignment operation, it is overwritten by the code in the initialization block at the end of the package body. The initialization block is terminated by the END keyword for the package body.
  7. Using Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions When executing a SQL statement that calls a stored function, the Oracle server must know the purity level of stored functions, that is, whether the functions are free of the restrictions listed in the slide. In general, restrictions are changes to database tables or public package variables (those declared in a package specification). Restrictions can delay the execution of a query, yield order-dependent (therefore indeterminate) results, or require that the package state variables be maintained across user sessions. Various restrictions are not allowed when a function is called from a SQL query or a DML statement. Therefore, the following restrictions apply to stored functions called from SQL expressions: A function called from a query or DML statement cannot end the current transaction, create or roll back to a savepoint, or alter the system or session. A function called from a query statement or from a parallelized DML statement cannot execute a DML statement or otherwise modify the database. A function called from a DML statement cannot read or modify the particular table being modified by that DML statement. Note: Prior to Oracle8 i , the purity level was checked at compilation time by including PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES in the package specification. Since Oracle8 i , the purity level of functions is checked at run time.
  8. Package Function in SQL: Example The first code box shows how to create the package specification and the body encapsulating the tax function in the taxes_pkg package. The second code box shows how to call the packaged tax function in the SELECT statement. The output results are similar to: Note: If you are using Oracle versions prior to 8 i , then you must assert the purity level of the function in the package specification by using PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES . If this is not specified, you get an error message saying that the TAX function does not guarantee that it will not update the database while invoking the package function in a query. …
  9. Persistent State of Packages The collection of public and private package variables represents the package state for the user session. That is, the package state is the set of values stored in all the package variables at a given point in time. In general, the package state exists for the life of the user session. Package variables are initialized the first time a package is loaded into memory for a user session. The package variables are, by default, unique to each session and hold their values until the user session is terminated. In other words, the variables are stored in the UGA memory allocated by the database for each user session. The package state changes when a package subprogram is invoked and its logic modifies the variable state. Public package state can be directly modified by operations appropriate to its type. Note: If you add PRAGMA SERIALLY_RESUABLE to the package specification, then the database stores package variables in the System Global Area (SGA) shared across user sessions. In this case, the package state is maintained for the life of a subprogram call or a single reference to a package construct. The SERIALLY_REUSABLE directive is useful if you want to conserve memory and if the package state does not need to persist for each user session.
  10. Persistent State of Package Variables: Example The slide sequence is based on two different users, Scott and Jones, executing comm_pkg (covered in the lesson titled “Creating Packages”), in which the reset_comm procedure invokes the validate function to check the new commission. The example shows how the persistent state of the std_comm package variable is maintained in each user session. At 9:00: Scott calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.25, the package state for std_comm is initialized to 0.10 and then set to 0.25, which is validated because it is less than the database maximum value of 0.4. At 9:30: Jones inserts a new row into the EMPLOYEES table with a new maximum commission_pct value of 0.8. This is not committed, so it is visible to Jones only. Scott’s state is unaffected. At 9:35: Jones calls reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.5. The state for Jones’s std_comm is first initialized to 0.10 and then set to the new value 0.5 that is valid for his session with the database maximum value of 0.8. At 10:00: Scott calls with reset_comm with a new commission value of 0.6, which is greater than the maximum database commission visible to his session, that is, 0.4 (Jones did not commit the 0.8 value.) Between 11:00 and 12:00: Jones rolls back the transaction and exits the session. Jones logs in at 11:45 and successfully executes the procedure, setting his state to 0.2.
  11. Using Tables of Records of Procedures or Functions in Packages The emp_pkg package contains a get_employees procedure that reads rows from the EMPLOYEES table and returns the rows using the OUT parameter, which is a PL/SQL table of records. The key points include the following: employee_table_type is declared as a public type. employee_table_type is used for a formal output parameter in the procedure, and the employees variable in the calling block (shown below). In i SQL*Plus, you can invoke the get_employees procedure in an anonymous PL/SQL block by using the employees variable as shown in the following example : DECLARE employees emp_pkg.emp_table_type; BEGIN emp_pkg.get_employees(employees); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(&apos;Emp 4: &apos;||employees(4).last_name); END; / This results in the following output: Emp 4: Ernst
  12. What Is the PL/SQL Wrapper? The PL/SQL wrapper is a stand-alone utility that converts PL/SQL source code into portable object code. Using it, you can deliver PL/SQL applications without exposing your source code, which may contain proprietary algorithms and data structures. The wrapper converts the readable source code into unreadable code. By hiding application internals, it prevents misuse of your application. Wrapped code, such as PL/SQL stored programs, has several features: It is platform independent, so you do not need to deliver multiple versions of the same compilation unit. It permits dynamic loading, so users need not shut down and relink to add a new feature. It permits dynamic binding, so external references are resolved at load time. It offers strict dependency checking, so that invalidated program units are recompiled automatically when they are invoked. It supports normal importing and exporting, so the import/export utility can process wrapped files.
  13. Running the Wrapper The wrapper is an operating system executable called WRAP . To run the wrapper, enter the following command at your operating system prompt: WRAP INAME=input_file_name [ONAME=output_file_name] Each of the examples shown in the slide takes a file called student.sql as input and creates an output file called student.plb . After the wrapped file is created, execute the .plb file from i SQL*Plus to compile and store the wrapped version of the source code, as you would execute SQL script files. Note Only the INAME argument is required. If the ONAME argument is not specified, then the output file acquires the same name as the input file with an extension of .plb . Do not put spaces around the equal signs in the command-line arguments. The input file can have any extension, but the default is .sql . Case sensitivity of the INAME and ONAME values depends on the operating system. Generally, the output file is much larger than the input file. Do not put spaces around the equal signs in the INAME and ONAME arguments and values.
  14. Results of Wrapping When it is wrapped, an object type, package, or subprogram has this form: header, followed by the word wrapped , followed by the encrypted body. The input file can contain any combination of SQL statements. However, the PL/SQL wrapper wraps only the following CREATE statements: CREATE [OR REPLACE] TYPE CREATE [OR REPLACE] TYPE BODY CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE BODY CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE All other SQL CREATE statements are passed intact to the output file.
  15. Guidelines for Wrapping Guidelines include the following: When wrapping a package or object type, wrap only the body, not the specification. Thus, you give other developers the information they need to use the package without exposing its implementation. If your input file contains syntactic errors, the PL/SQL wrapper detects and reports them. However, the wrapper cannot detect semantic errors because it does not resolve external references. For example, the wrapper does not report an error if the table or view amp does not exist: CREATE PROCEDURE raise_salary (emp_id INTEGER, amount NUMBER) AS BEGIN UPDATE amp -- should be emp SET sal = sal + amount WHERE empno = emp_id; END; However, the PL/SQL compiler resolves external references. Therefore, semantic errors are reported when the wrapper output file ( .plb file) is compiled. The output file should not be edited, because its contents are not readable. To change a wrapped object, you need to modify the original source code and wrap the code again.
  16. Using Oracle-Supplied Packages Packages are provided with the Oracle server to allow either of the following: PL/SQL access to certain SQL features The extension of the functionality of the database You can use the functionality provided by these packages when creating your application, or you may simply want to use these packages as ideas when you create your own stored procedures. Most of the standard packages are created by running catproc.sql . The DBMS_OUTPUT package is the one that you will be most familiar with during this course. You should know about this package if you attended the Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals course.
  17. Using the DBMS_OUTPUT Package The DBMS_OUTPUT package sends textual messages from any PL/SQL block into a buffer in the database. Procedures provided by the package include: PUT to append text from the procedure to the current line of the line output buffer NEW_LINE to place an end-of-line marker in the output buffer PUT_LINE to combine the action of PUT and NEW_LINE ; to trim leadings spaces GET_LINE to retrieve the current line from the buffer into a procedure variable GET_LINES to retrieve an array of lines into a procedure-array variable ENABLE/DISABLE to enable or disable calls to the DBMS_OUTPUT procedures The buffer size can be set by using: The SIZE n option appended to the SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command, where n is between 2,000 (the default) and 1,000,000 (1 million characters) An integer parameter between 2,000 and 1,000,000 in the ENABLE procedure Practical Uses You can output results to the window for debugging purposes. You can trace code execution path for a function or procedure. You can send messages between subprograms and triggers. Note: There is no mechanism to flush output during the execution of a procedure.
  18. Interacting with Operating System Files The Oracle-supplied UTL_FILE package is used to access text files in the operating system of the database server. The database provides read and write access to specific operating system directories by using: A CREATE DIRECTORY statement that associates an alias with an operating system directory. The database directory alias can be granted the READ and WRITE privileges to control the type of access to files in the operating system. For example: CREATE DIRECTORY my_dir AS &apos;/temp/my_files&apos;; GRANT READ, WRITE ON my_dir TO public. The paths specified in the utl_file_dir database initialization parameter The preferred approach is to use the directory alias created by the CREATE DIRECTORY statement, which does not require the database to be restarted. The operating system directories specified by using either of these techniques should be accessible to and on the same machine as the database server processes. The path (directory) names may be case sensitive for some operating systems. Note: The DBMS_LOB package can be used to read binary files on the operating system. DBMS_LOB is covered in the lesson titled “Manipulating Large Objects.”
  19. File Processing Using the UTL_FILE Package Using the procedures and functions in the UTL_FILE package, open files with the FOPEN function. You then either read from or write or append to the file until processing is done. After completing processing the file, close the file by using the FCLOSE procedure. The following are the subprograms: The FOPEN function opens a file in a specified directory for input/output (I/O) and returns a file handle used in subsequent I/O operations. The IS_OPEN function returns a Boolean value whenever a file handle refers to an open file. Use IS_OPEN to check if the file is already open before opening the file. The GET_LINE procedure reads a line of text from the file into an output buffer parameter. (The maximum input record size is 1,023 bytes unless you specify a larger size in the overloaded version of FOPEN .) The PUT and PUT_LINE procedures write text to the opened file. The PUTF procedure provides formatted output with two format specifiers: %s to substitute a value into the output string and \n for a new line character. The NEW_LINE procedure terminates a line in an output file. The FFLUSH procedure writes all data buffered in memory to a file. The FCLOSE procedure closes an opened file. The FCLOSE_ALL procedure closes all opened file handles for the session.
  20. Exceptions in the UTL_FILE Package The UTL_FILE package declares seven exceptions that indicate an error condition in the operating system file processing. The UTL_FILE exceptions are: INVALID_PATH if the file location or file name was invalid INVALID_MODE if the OPEN_MODE parameter in FOPEN was invalid INVALID_FILEHANDLE if the file handle was invalid INVALID_OPERATION if the file could not be opened or operated on as requested READ_ERROR if an operating system error occurred during the read operation WRITE_ERROR if an operating system error occurred during the write operation INTERNAL_ERROR if an unspecified error occurred in PL/SQL Note: These exceptions must always be prefaced with the package name. UTL_FILE procedures can also raise predefined PL/SQL exceptions such as NO_DATA_FOUND or VALUE_ERROR . The NO_DATA_FOUND exception is raised when reading past the end of a file by using UTL_FILE.GET_LINE or UTL_FILE.GET_LINES .
  21. Using UTL_FILE : Example In the example, the sal_status procedure creates a report of employees for each department, along with their salaries. The data is written to a text file by using the UTL_FILE package. In the code example, the variable file is declared as UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE , a package type that is a record with a field called ID of the BINARY_INTEGER data type. For example: TYPE file_type IS RECORD (id BINARY_INTEGER); The field of FILE_TYPE record is private to the UTL_FILE package and should never be referenced or changed. The sal_status procedure accepts two parameters: The dir parameter for the name of the directory in which to write the text file The filename parameter to specify the name of the file For example, to call the procedure, use: EXECUTE sal_status(&apos;MY_DIR&apos;, &apos;salreport.txt&apos;) Note: The directory location used ( MY_DIR ) must be in uppercase characters if it is a directory alias created by a CREATE DIRECTORY statement. When reading a file in a loop, the loop should exit when it detects the NO_DATA_FOUND exception. The UTL_FILE output is sent synchronously. DBMS_OUTPUT procedures do not produce output until the procedure is completed.
  22. Using UTL_FILE : Example (continued) The output for this report in the salreport.txt file is as follows: SALARY REPORT: GENERATED ON 08-MAR-01 DEPARTMENT: 10 EMPLOYEE: Whalen earns: 4400 DEPARTMENT: 20 EMPLOYEE: Hartstein earns: 13000 EMPLOYEE: Fay earns: 6000 DEPARTMENT: 30 EMPLOYEE: Raphaely earns: 11000 EMPLOYEE: Khoo earns: 3100 ... DEPARTMENT: 100 EMPLOYEE: Greenberg earns: 12000 ... DEPARTMENT: 110 EMPLOYEE: Higgins earns: 12000 EMPLOYEE: Gietz earns: 8300 EMPLOYEE: Grant earns: 7000 *** END OF REPORT ***
  23. Generating Web Pages with the HTP Package The HTP package contains procedures that are used to generate HTML tags. The HTML tags that are generated typically enclose the data provided as parameters to the various procedures. The slide illustrates two ways in which the HTP package can be used: Most likely your procedures are invoked by the PL/SQL Gateway services, via the mod_plsql component supplied with Oracle HTTP Server, which is part of the Oracle Application Server product (represented by the solid lines in the graphic). Alternatively (as represented by the dotted lines in the graphic), your procedure can be called from i SQL*Plus that can display the generated HTML output, which can be copied and pasted to a file. This technique is used in this course because Oracle Application Server software is not installed as a part of the course environment. Note: The HTP procedures output information to a session buffer held in the database server. In the Oracle HTTP Server context, when the procedure completes, the mod_plsql component automatically receives the buffer contents, which are then returned to the browser as the HTTP response. In SQL*Plus, you must manually execute: A SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command The procedure to generate the HTML into the buffer The OWA_UTIL.SHOWPAGE procedure to display the buffer contents
  24. Practice 4: Overview In this practice, you modify an existing package to contain overloaded subprograms, and you use forward declarations. You also create a package initialization block within a package body to populate a PL/SQL table. You use the WRAP command-line utility to prevent the source code from being readable in the data dictionary tables.