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Canada – Looking for Canadian Immigration? We Can Help
Immigration Experts>Canada – Looking For Canadian Immigration? We Can Help You!
Going to another country is an undeniably intimidating process. If you get permanent or temporary residence in a country you dream to
settle in, it becomes a pretty amazing moment. If Canada is your dreamland and you wish to obtain Canadian Immigration, then you’re at
the right place.
Here, we will explain you about the current programs that Immigration Canada is offering for the candidates from all over the world.
Canada Immigration Express Entry introduced in 2015 is the most popular program to get Canadian permanent residency.
Do you know that at the time you receive Canadian Immigration for permanent residency, you get the similar
rights as any other Canadian Citizen?
You shouldn’t ignore the fact that you are bound to show the same obligations to the society as well. Once you spend two years of your
residency period within Canada, you are eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after the period of three years. The good thing is that
you don’t have to give up your existing citizenship as the Canadian government accepts dual nationality.
However, there’s a difference between permanent residency and obtaining citizenship in Canada. The very first thing is that you don’t
get the right to vote with your permanent residency. When you become the citizen of Canada, they can’t take it back. While, if you
commit a felony or such a crime that is intolerable within Canada, the government may deport you back.
Canadian Immigration consists of six main categories or groups as we may call them. The main types include:
Canada Immigration Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Program, Canadian Experience Class, Family
Sponsorship, Federal Skilled Worker, Business Immigrant and Quebec Skilled Worker.
Each group addresses a group of immigrants and comes with some specific requirements. Coming to Canada under Asylum category is
also possible or the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Understand each of the programs in detail below:
In this article, you will find everything related to Immigration to Canada, Canada immigration points, Canada Express Entry, how to get
Canadian Immigration, etc. So, Keep Reading…
Before we move further to Canadian Immigration programs in detail, here is an update for Canadian Immigration 2017. All the
information is valid for Canadian Immigration for Pakistani Nationals.
Canadian Immigration Plan 2017 – NEW!!!
Now, let’s take a look at Canadian Immigration Program…
Canadian Immigration Express Entry Program
Express Entry is normally called as “Canada Immigration Express Entry” in Pakistan. It’s basically a new selection system introduced
by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to choose skilled workers for immigration to Canada.
Canada Immigration Express Entry was initiated back in 2015. It has produced optimum results for Canada until now as both state and
provincial governments are satisfied with this points based Immigration system. The procedure is completely electronic, which reduces
the time.
If you fulfill the Canada immigration points demands, you get the Canada permanent residency within 6 to 8 months. You have to start
the procedure through making a profile on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website and fill all the information.
Here is a video regarding how to get selection in Express Entry:
When you complete your profile, you get your Canada immigration points also known as Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). When
IRCC conducts a draw, if you comes among the top candidates based on Canada immigration points, you will be selected.
The GOOD NEWS regarding Express Entry selection is that CRS requirement is dropping with each draw, since December 2016. They
are inviting more and more people in each draw breaking all the records. What does it mean? It means that this is the high time to apply
for Canada immigration Express Entry if you want to move to Canada.
Federal Skilled Worker
Federal skilled worker class targets those people who have the potential to become economically established as a Canadian resident after
arrival. Federal Skilled worker is one the most popular way to get move to Canada.
Eligibility criteria include:
 Candidate must have at least 12 months of full-time or paid experience of working for a Canadian employer in the past ten years.
If so, the doors will open for a candidate to apply for 38 qualifying occupations; or
 Candidates have spent 12 months in Canada as a temporary resident or International student; or
 A candidate who are eligible to qualify for a full-time permanent job which is offered by a Canadian employer.
Read More: Canada Express Entry Draw Results
Moreover, the candidate must have other characteristics to be eligible to apply for the Skilled Worker category. Candidate must have at
least one year of experience in the similar field. Also, the skill level must be equivalent to the Canadian Occupation’s level A and B.
Otherwise there are high chances for the application to go un-noticed. Also, the candidate must have gained this experience within last
ten years of time.
Financial resources also play a significant role for the candidates applying for the Skilled Worker’s category. The candidates must be
able to financially support themselves and their dependents for at least six months once the Border authorities allow them to move to
Canada. However, candidates with a qualifying job offer can come without the financial resources requirement.
In addition to other elements, we can’t ignore the point-based assessment. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) awards the points
based on a candidate’s ability to survive and adjust to Canadian society. A candidate must score sixty-seven points for a guaranteed
acceptance. Otherwise, there are small chances for candidates to obtain the Canadian permanent residency.
Let’s take a look at what gives you Canada immigration points:
Education (maximum twenty-five points)
 Candidates who have a high-school degree get extra 5 Canada immigration points. You can get the maximum 25 immigration
points if you have a master’s or Ph.D. degree.
 There are additional points for trade certificates
Experience (maximum twenty-one points)
 A Candidate can get the maximum points if he/she has at least four years of experience at the equivalent level of occupation.
Age (maximum ten points)
 A candidate between the ages of 21 to 49 can score the maximum Canada immigration points.
Adaptability (maximum ten points)
 Adaptability brings in the factors that are directly related to an individual’s ability to become a member of Canadian society. If a
candidate has previously worked in Canada, Immigration officer will evaluate adaptability of that as well.
Language Skills (maximum twenty-four points)
 French and English are both official languages. Based on the province, you have to score as many points in either French or
 There are different points for the ability levels to speak, write, listen and read both languages
In addition to this, a candidate will have to pass security and medical test to qualify for the Skilled Worker category. The eligibility
criteria changes if you’re applying for Skilled Worker class of Quebec. Read below to know about the Quebec’s skilled worker category:
Quebec Skilled Worker – Canadian Immigration
Quebec Province offers its unique programs after collaborating with the Government of Canada. Also, the selection system works
independently without the involvement of federal government or other territories. If you apply for Quebec immigration program, your
assessment is done according to the Quebec Selection criteria.
You must keep in mind that selection criteria wouldn’t be as of the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship. Though, the points-based
system of Quebec Skilled Worker class is similar to the federal system but with a slight difference.
Read More: Canadian Express Entry: How to Improve Your Ranking and Profile?
The point-based system of Quebec system has such a structure that benefits the potential immigrants. You can only qualify for a Quebec
Selection Certificate if you score at least sixty points. However, people applying for permanent residency of their spouse or common-law
partner must score at least sixty-eight points. Canada Immigration Points aren’t too tough to obtain if you have enough skills and
experience with good English language skills.
Let’s understand the selection factors for Canadian province, Quebec Immigration:
Training (Obtain maximum of 29 points)
 Separate points for the job-related and educational training
 If your specialty in more than one field, you can score additional points
Job Offer (maximum ten points)
 You can get extra points if you have a job offer from a Quebec employer. You can get more points if the job offer is from an
employer outside of the Montreal.
Experience (maximum nine points)
 If you have more than four or five years of expertise in the field of your skill, then you can get nine points by the Quebec
Age (maximum eighteen points)
 If you apply for immigration and you fall in the age bracket of 18 years to 35 years, you can score maximum eighteen points.
Language Proficiency (maximum twenty-two points)
 The official language of Quebec is French. Almost 90% of the citizens speak French not English. You must keep in mind that
Quebec gives importance to oral communication skills rather than written. You get sixteen points if you’re perfect at oral
French. On the other hand, six points you can receive if you’re good at spoken English.
Having family members in Quebec (maximum nine points)
 If you have your family members already living in the province of Quebec, you can get the maximum of nine points without any
difficulty. They can also help you in the Canadian immigration.
Spouse or Common-law partner (maximum eighteen points)
 There are additional eighteen points available for the people applying for Canadian immigration with their spouse or common-
law partner. The eighteen points will be awarded for their training, age, education, language and work experience.
Children (maximum eight points)
 If you have a child less than 12 years old, you can receive the maximum of four points. If your child is between 13 to age 21,
you can receive 2 points for each of your children.
Financial self-sufficiency (maximum one point)
 You receive one point if you’re financially self-sufficient at the time of your arrival in Quebec. However, the application may
not process if you don’t meet this requirement.
Adaptability (maximum eight points)
 If you are smart to adapt Quebec lifestyle, you can achieve maximum eight points. It depends on the assessment test for
After fulfilling the requirements, you will have to get Quebec Selection Certificate for Canadian Immigration. After that, you will have
to pass a security test and medical examination.
Canadian Provincial Nominee Program
Provincial Nominee Program is another way through which you can obtain canadian immigration within any province of Canada.
Canadian Federal government and provinces work together to design Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).
Both authorities get shared jurisdiction to invite people who are willing to become a permanent citizenship of Canada. Provinces get the
right to ask specific individuals who are suitable for high demand occupations or who can make contributions to the region.
Read More: Manitoba Provincial Immigration Plan For 2017
To apply for any Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), a candidate must obtain Provincial Nomination Certificate from Canadian
Immigration and Citizenship (CIC). Each province defines the necessary requirements based on their needs. You can contact us to learn
about different programs offered by various regions.
Once you obtain Provincial Nomination Certification from CIC, you can then apply for the permanent residency within a particular
region. Keep in mind that Provincial nominee programs get priority processing when it comes to getting permanent residency as
compared to other programs. Immigration Quebec!
Currently, these provinces are offering their own Provincial Nominee Programs:
 Saskatchewan
 Manitoba
 Yukon
 Alberta
 Nova Scotia
 British Columbia
 Ontario
 New Brunswick
 Prince Edward Island
 Newfoundland and Labrador
Family Class Sponsorship
Family Class Sponsorship category benefits those Canadian citizens or permanent residents who want to sponsor family members or
close relatives. Keep in mind that a candidate must be at least 18 years of age when he applies for the sponsorship. If you wish to apply
for Family Class Sponsorship for any of your family members, you must sign a contract in which candidate will promise the Canadian
government that you will financially support your family member for three to ten years after their arrival.
However, the age of the family member will define the length of the contract period. Also, the nature of the relationship will also affect
sponsorship. To be able to apply for Family Class Sponsorship, the candidate must show that he/she is financially self-sufficient.
A Canadian citizen or permanent resident can apply for the sponsorship of his/her family members after demonstrating financial abilities
to bear the daily expenses of the sponsored member. In addition to this, the sponsoring person must be living in Canada in order to apply
for the sponsorship.
Otherwise, the application will not be processed. However, individuals who wish to sponsor their spouse, common-law partner or
children get leverage if the sponsoring person demonstrates an intention to stay in Canada after the arrival of sponsored people. It’s a
great solution to get Canadian immigration.
Family members who are eligible for Family Class Sponsorship:
 Parents or grandparents
 Dependent children (They must be below 22 years of age unless they financially depend on you. They can be full-time students.
Or if your kid is disabled)
 Spouse or common-law partner
 Orphaned children of your brothers and sister whom you wish to adopt. They must be below 18 years of age. Also, the
unmarried nieces and nephews under 18 years old.
 Any relative of any age if you haven’t sponsored any other family member mentioned above.
However, province of Quebec has their independent eligibility criteria for Family Class Sponsorship.
Business Immigration
Business Immigration is a program for the people who can contribute to Canada’s economy. You can get immigration under business
category if you are willing to invest in a Canadian business or you have managerial skills. The candidate who will invest in a Canadian
business will generate jobs for the Canadian citizens. It will certainly strengthen Canadian economy, so government always welcomes
investor to their country.
Individuals having high net worth along with the business experience have high chances to get permanent residency in Canada through
this program. There are three different sub-categories of Canadian Business Immigration class.
 Immigration Investor Program:
The investor program specifically targets the individuals who can contribute to Canada’s economic development by investing
their money. Candidates applying for this program must have a net worth of 800,000 CAD. Also, they must provide proof that
the earned wealth is legal. In addition to this, the candidate must invest half of their net worth into a Canadian business to
generate jobs for the Canadian citizens. The Canadian government is liable to return the invested capital within the period of five
years without interest. If you fulfill these requirements, you can get Canadian Immigration.
 Entrepreneur Program:
Entrepreneur program is similar to Immigration investor program with the difference of net worth that you have to show.
Candidates applying under Entrepreneur program must have a net worth of 400,000 CAD. However, the candidate must commit
to managing the business along with investing. It will create employment opportunities within Canada so the Canadian citizens
can apply.
 Self-Employed Program:
Self-Employed program targets those individuals who have relevant experience of different business types at managerial level.
Moreover, the candidate must manage his/her expenses along with supporting dependent people through self-employed income.
Applicants must demonstrate their managerial skills along with their net worth to begin the process of applying. Also, they must
be available to work as a manager for any Canadian employer.
Canadian Experience Class
Canadian Experience Class category targets those individuals who fall in the Temporary foreign worker’s list or students who graduated
from an institute in Canada. Candidates who apply can get permanent residency once selected. The eligible individuals must have
already experienced the Canadian lifestyle and must have the ability to settle into Canadian society.
For immigration to Canada, International students who have already worked in Canada must have:
 Studied at a Canadian Institute for two years and completed the program of study (post-secondary educational institute)
 Have at least one year in the experience of technical, skilled or professional work. (Make sure that this experience is gained
within two years of the application date)
 Depending on the occupation, the candidate must have moderate language skills. (French and English)
Temporary Foreign Workers must have:
 Must have at least 24 months of experience of a technical, professional or skilled work within three years of period when applied
 Based on the level of occupation, the candidate must have moderate language proficiency.
The candidate who meets the necessary requirements and is still a resident of Canada may also apply. They can contact the Canadian
Immigration and Citizenship (CIC) and get the further details. For candidates who wish to apply for any occupation level from outside of
Canada must submit the application within 12 months of leaving their job in Canada.
Canadian Immigration For Pakistani Nationals
For Pakistanis who want to get Canadian Immigration for a better future, you are welcome to contact us anytime. Immigration Experts is
an experienced and trusted consultancy located in Pakistan. We can assist you in getting Immigration to Canada if you any plans to move
Immigration to Australia is another great option in case you are not interested in Immigration to Canada. Canadian Immigration for
Pakistanis is completely possible but Australian immigration is a great option as well!
Contact Information
Contact Numbers: 051-8439994-7, 042-35911332
Islamabad Address: Office 1-A, First Floor, Sardar Begum Plaza, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Lahore Address: 61, Ali Street, Opposite Barkat Market, Behind Total Fuel Station, New Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Note: IELTS Classes by Immigration Experts has been started in Lahore. For Australia Immigration, New Zealand Immigration, Canada
Immigration Latest News, you can always visit our website.
Facebook Page: Immigration & Visa Experts
Youtube Channel: Immigration Experts Youtube
LinkedIn Profile: Rizwan Ul Haque

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Canadian Immigration.docx

  • 1. Canada – Looking for Canadian Immigration? We Can Help You! Immigration Experts>Canada – Looking For Canadian Immigration? We Can Help You! Going to another country is an undeniably intimidating process. If you get permanent or temporary residence in a country you dream to settle in, it becomes a pretty amazing moment. If Canada is your dreamland and you wish to obtain Canadian Immigration, then you’re at the right place. Here, we will explain you about the current programs that Immigration Canada is offering for the candidates from all over the world. Canada Immigration Express Entry introduced in 2015 is the most popular program to get Canadian permanent residency. Do you know that at the time you receive Canadian Immigration for permanent residency, you get the similar rights as any other Canadian Citizen? You shouldn’t ignore the fact that you are bound to show the same obligations to the society as well. Once you spend two years of your residency period within Canada, you are eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after the period of three years. The good thing is that you don’t have to give up your existing citizenship as the Canadian government accepts dual nationality. However, there’s a difference between permanent residency and obtaining citizenship in Canada. The very first thing is that you don’t get the right to vote with your permanent residency. When you become the citizen of Canada, they can’t take it back. While, if you commit a felony or such a crime that is intolerable within Canada, the government may deport you back. Canadian Immigration consists of six main categories or groups as we may call them. The main types include: Canada Immigration Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Program, Canadian Experience Class, Family Sponsorship, Federal Skilled Worker, Business Immigrant and Quebec Skilled Worker. Each group addresses a group of immigrants and comes with some specific requirements. Coming to Canada under Asylum category is also possible or the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Understand each of the programs in detail below: In this article, you will find everything related to Immigration to Canada, Canada immigration points, Canada Express Entry, how to get Canadian Immigration, etc. So, Keep Reading… Before we move further to Canadian Immigration programs in detail, here is an update for Canadian Immigration 2017. All the information is valid for Canadian Immigration for Pakistani Nationals. Canadian Immigration Plan 2017 – NEW!!!
  • 2.
  • 3. Now, let’s take a look at Canadian Immigration Program… Canadian Immigration Express Entry Program Express Entry is normally called as “Canada Immigration Express Entry” in Pakistan. It’s basically a new selection system introduced by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to choose skilled workers for immigration to Canada. Canada Immigration Express Entry was initiated back in 2015. It has produced optimum results for Canada until now as both state and provincial governments are satisfied with this points based Immigration system. The procedure is completely electronic, which reduces the time. If you fulfill the Canada immigration points demands, you get the Canada permanent residency within 6 to 8 months. You have to start the procedure through making a profile on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website and fill all the information. Here is a video regarding how to get selection in Express Entry: When you complete your profile, you get your Canada immigration points also known as Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). When IRCC conducts a draw, if you comes among the top candidates based on Canada immigration points, you will be selected. The GOOD NEWS regarding Express Entry selection is that CRS requirement is dropping with each draw, since December 2016. They are inviting more and more people in each draw breaking all the records. What does it mean? It means that this is the high time to apply for Canada immigration Express Entry if you want to move to Canada. Federal Skilled Worker Federal skilled worker class targets those people who have the potential to become economically established as a Canadian resident after arrival. Federal Skilled worker is one the most popular way to get move to Canada. Eligibility criteria include:
  • 4.  Candidate must have at least 12 months of full-time or paid experience of working for a Canadian employer in the past ten years. If so, the doors will open for a candidate to apply for 38 qualifying occupations; or  Candidates have spent 12 months in Canada as a temporary resident or International student; or  A candidate who are eligible to qualify for a full-time permanent job which is offered by a Canadian employer. Read More: Canada Express Entry Draw Results Moreover, the candidate must have other characteristics to be eligible to apply for the Skilled Worker category. Candidate must have at least one year of experience in the similar field. Also, the skill level must be equivalent to the Canadian Occupation’s level A and B. Otherwise there are high chances for the application to go un-noticed. Also, the candidate must have gained this experience within last ten years of time. Financial resources also play a significant role for the candidates applying for the Skilled Worker’s category. The candidates must be able to financially support themselves and their dependents for at least six months once the Border authorities allow them to move to Canada. However, candidates with a qualifying job offer can come without the financial resources requirement. In addition to other elements, we can’t ignore the point-based assessment. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) awards the points based on a candidate’s ability to survive and adjust to Canadian society. A candidate must score sixty-seven points for a guaranteed acceptance. Otherwise, there are small chances for candidates to obtain the Canadian permanent residency. Let’s take a look at what gives you Canada immigration points: Education (maximum twenty-five points)  Candidates who have a high-school degree get extra 5 Canada immigration points. You can get the maximum 25 immigration points if you have a master’s or Ph.D. degree.  There are additional points for trade certificates Experience (maximum twenty-one points)  A Candidate can get the maximum points if he/she has at least four years of experience at the equivalent level of occupation. Age (maximum ten points)  A candidate between the ages of 21 to 49 can score the maximum Canada immigration points. Adaptability (maximum ten points)  Adaptability brings in the factors that are directly related to an individual’s ability to become a member of Canadian society. If a candidate has previously worked in Canada, Immigration officer will evaluate adaptability of that as well. Language Skills (maximum twenty-four points)  French and English are both official languages. Based on the province, you have to score as many points in either French or English.  There are different points for the ability levels to speak, write, listen and read both languages In addition to this, a candidate will have to pass security and medical test to qualify for the Skilled Worker category. The eligibility criteria changes if you’re applying for Skilled Worker class of Quebec. Read below to know about the Quebec’s skilled worker category: Quebec Skilled Worker – Canadian Immigration
  • 5. Quebec Province offers its unique programs after collaborating with the Government of Canada. Also, the selection system works independently without the involvement of federal government or other territories. If you apply for Quebec immigration program, your assessment is done according to the Quebec Selection criteria. You must keep in mind that selection criteria wouldn’t be as of the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship. Though, the points-based system of Quebec Skilled Worker class is similar to the federal system but with a slight difference.
  • 6. Read More: Canadian Express Entry: How to Improve Your Ranking and Profile? The point-based system of Quebec system has such a structure that benefits the potential immigrants. You can only qualify for a Quebec Selection Certificate if you score at least sixty points. However, people applying for permanent residency of their spouse or common-law partner must score at least sixty-eight points. Canada Immigration Points aren’t too tough to obtain if you have enough skills and experience with good English language skills. Let’s understand the selection factors for Canadian province, Quebec Immigration: Training (Obtain maximum of 29 points)  Separate points for the job-related and educational training  If your specialty in more than one field, you can score additional points Job Offer (maximum ten points)  You can get extra points if you have a job offer from a Quebec employer. You can get more points if the job offer is from an employer outside of the Montreal. Experience (maximum nine points)  If you have more than four or five years of expertise in the field of your skill, then you can get nine points by the Quebec Immigration. Age (maximum eighteen points)  If you apply for immigration and you fall in the age bracket of 18 years to 35 years, you can score maximum eighteen points. Language Proficiency (maximum twenty-two points)
  • 7.  The official language of Quebec is French. Almost 90% of the citizens speak French not English. You must keep in mind that Quebec gives importance to oral communication skills rather than written. You get sixteen points if you’re perfect at oral French. On the other hand, six points you can receive if you’re good at spoken English. Having family members in Quebec (maximum nine points)  If you have your family members already living in the province of Quebec, you can get the maximum of nine points without any difficulty. They can also help you in the Canadian immigration. Spouse or Common-law partner (maximum eighteen points)  There are additional eighteen points available for the people applying for Canadian immigration with their spouse or common- law partner. The eighteen points will be awarded for their training, age, education, language and work experience. Children (maximum eight points)  If you have a child less than 12 years old, you can receive the maximum of four points. If your child is between 13 to age 21, you can receive 2 points for each of your children. Financial self-sufficiency (maximum one point)  You receive one point if you’re financially self-sufficient at the time of your arrival in Quebec. However, the application may not process if you don’t meet this requirement. Adaptability (maximum eight points)  If you are smart to adapt Quebec lifestyle, you can achieve maximum eight points. It depends on the assessment test for adaptability. After fulfilling the requirements, you will have to get Quebec Selection Certificate for Canadian Immigration. After that, you will have to pass a security test and medical examination. Canadian Provincial Nominee Program
  • 8. Provincial Nominee Program is another way through which you can obtain canadian immigration within any province of Canada. Canadian Federal government and provinces work together to design Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Both authorities get shared jurisdiction to invite people who are willing to become a permanent citizenship of Canada. Provinces get the right to ask specific individuals who are suitable for high demand occupations or who can make contributions to the region. Read More: Manitoba Provincial Immigration Plan For 2017 To apply for any Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), a candidate must obtain Provincial Nomination Certificate from Canadian Immigration and Citizenship (CIC). Each province defines the necessary requirements based on their needs. You can contact us to learn about different programs offered by various regions. Once you obtain Provincial Nomination Certification from CIC, you can then apply for the permanent residency within a particular region. Keep in mind that Provincial nominee programs get priority processing when it comes to getting permanent residency as compared to other programs. Immigration Quebec! Currently, these provinces are offering their own Provincial Nominee Programs:  Saskatchewan  Manitoba  Yukon  Alberta  Nova Scotia  British Columbia
  • 9.  Ontario  New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island  Newfoundland and Labrador Family Class Sponsorship Family Class Sponsorship category benefits those Canadian citizens or permanent residents who want to sponsor family members or close relatives. Keep in mind that a candidate must be at least 18 years of age when he applies for the sponsorship. If you wish to apply for Family Class Sponsorship for any of your family members, you must sign a contract in which candidate will promise the Canadian government that you will financially support your family member for three to ten years after their arrival. However, the age of the family member will define the length of the contract period. Also, the nature of the relationship will also affect sponsorship. To be able to apply for Family Class Sponsorship, the candidate must show that he/she is financially self-sufficient. A Canadian citizen or permanent resident can apply for the sponsorship of his/her family members after demonstrating financial abilities to bear the daily expenses of the sponsored member. In addition to this, the sponsoring person must be living in Canada in order to apply for the sponsorship. Otherwise, the application will not be processed. However, individuals who wish to sponsor their spouse, common-law partner or children get leverage if the sponsoring person demonstrates an intention to stay in Canada after the arrival of sponsored people. It’s a great solution to get Canadian immigration. Family members who are eligible for Family Class Sponsorship:  Parents or grandparents  Dependent children (They must be below 22 years of age unless they financially depend on you. They can be full-time students. Or if your kid is disabled)  Spouse or common-law partner  Orphaned children of your brothers and sister whom you wish to adopt. They must be below 18 years of age. Also, the unmarried nieces and nephews under 18 years old.  Any relative of any age if you haven’t sponsored any other family member mentioned above. However, province of Quebec has their independent eligibility criteria for Family Class Sponsorship.
  • 10. Business Immigration Business Immigration is a program for the people who can contribute to Canada’s economy. You can get immigration under business category if you are willing to invest in a Canadian business or you have managerial skills. The candidate who will invest in a Canadian business will generate jobs for the Canadian citizens. It will certainly strengthen Canadian economy, so government always welcomes investor to their country. Individuals having high net worth along with the business experience have high chances to get permanent residency in Canada through this program. There are three different sub-categories of Canadian Business Immigration class.  Immigration Investor Program: The investor program specifically targets the individuals who can contribute to Canada’s economic development by investing their money. Candidates applying for this program must have a net worth of 800,000 CAD. Also, they must provide proof that the earned wealth is legal. In addition to this, the candidate must invest half of their net worth into a Canadian business to generate jobs for the Canadian citizens. The Canadian government is liable to return the invested capital within the period of five years without interest. If you fulfill these requirements, you can get Canadian Immigration.  Entrepreneur Program: Entrepreneur program is similar to Immigration investor program with the difference of net worth that you have to show. Candidates applying under Entrepreneur program must have a net worth of 400,000 CAD. However, the candidate must commit to managing the business along with investing. It will create employment opportunities within Canada so the Canadian citizens can apply.  Self-Employed Program: Self-Employed program targets those individuals who have relevant experience of different business types at managerial level. Moreover, the candidate must manage his/her expenses along with supporting dependent people through self-employed income. Applicants must demonstrate their managerial skills along with their net worth to begin the process of applying. Also, they must be available to work as a manager for any Canadian employer. Canadian Experience Class
  • 11. Canadian Experience Class category targets those individuals who fall in the Temporary foreign worker’s list or students who graduated from an institute in Canada. Candidates who apply can get permanent residency once selected. The eligible individuals must have already experienced the Canadian lifestyle and must have the ability to settle into Canadian society. For immigration to Canada, International students who have already worked in Canada must have:  Studied at a Canadian Institute for two years and completed the program of study (post-secondary educational institute)  Have at least one year in the experience of technical, skilled or professional work. (Make sure that this experience is gained within two years of the application date)  Depending on the occupation, the candidate must have moderate language skills. (French and English) Temporary Foreign Workers must have:  Must have at least 24 months of experience of a technical, professional or skilled work within three years of period when applied  Based on the level of occupation, the candidate must have moderate language proficiency. The candidate who meets the necessary requirements and is still a resident of Canada may also apply. They can contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship (CIC) and get the further details. For candidates who wish to apply for any occupation level from outside of Canada must submit the application within 12 months of leaving their job in Canada. Canadian Immigration For Pakistani Nationals For Pakistanis who want to get Canadian Immigration for a better future, you are welcome to contact us anytime. Immigration Experts is an experienced and trusted consultancy located in Pakistan. We can assist you in getting Immigration to Canada if you any plans to move abroad.
  • 12. Immigration to Australia is another great option in case you are not interested in Immigration to Canada. Canadian Immigration for Pakistanis is completely possible but Australian immigration is a great option as well! Contact Information Contact Numbers: 051-8439994-7, 042-35911332 Islamabad Address: Office 1-A, First Floor, Sardar Begum Plaza, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan. Lahore Address: 61, Ali Street, Opposite Barkat Market, Behind Total Fuel Station, New Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan. Note: IELTS Classes by Immigration Experts has been started in Lahore. For Australia Immigration, New Zealand Immigration, Canada Immigration Latest News, you can always visit our website. Facebook Page: Immigration & Visa Experts Youtube Channel: Immigration Experts Youtube LinkedIn Profile: Rizwan Ul Haque