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Search and Analytics Platform for Text and
Rich Media
Vitali Nikitin,
BigData Leader, CIS countris
Open Innovation is transforming everything
Closed technology
architecture design
“After-the fact” static analytics, e.g.
Monthly reporting
Analyze data at
Real-time insight &
understanding via machine
Put data science into your
processes – Next-gen apps
and services
Analyze and apply perishable
anywhere at any time
Seamless blending of open
source, advanced technology,
deployment choices…
Contain Cost Create Outcomes
Traditional Data Analytics Open Innovation Data Analytics
Journey to the New Style of Business
Human data
Connected people, apps and things generating massive data
in many forms
Machine data
Business data
faster growth
business data
How do you bridge the gap between data and outcomes?
How do you consume
any data generated
or understood by
How do you identify
key aspects and
patterns to determine
How do you
automate to take
Data sources Diverse Modern
Q1 Q2 Q3
Augmented Intelligence
power apps for competitive advantage
Augmented Intelligence
powered by HPE
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural
language processing using advanced analytics functions.
Machine Learning at the Service of Business
Augmented Intelligence
HPE Big Data Advanced Analytics Software Solutions
Vertica high-performance
advanced analytics
− Real-time performance at scale
− Premise, Cloud, and Hybrid
− Native optimized
Hadoop options
IDOL augmented
intelligence for human
− Advanced enterprise search and rich media
− Analyze text, audio, image, and streaming
Haven OnDemand APIs
and Services
− Machine Learning as a Service
− Delivered on Microsoft Azure Cloud
− Accessible to any developer
Platform Features
Over 500 IDOL functions to augment your intelligence
Automatic hyperlinking
Conceptual search
Keyword search
Fieldtext search
Phrase search
Phonetic search
Field modulation
Fuzzy matching
Implicit profiling
Explicit profiling
Community and expertise network
Intent-based ranking
Social feedback
Automatic clustering
Clustering 2D/3D
Auto language detection
Sentiment analysis
Automatic taxonomy generation
Automatic Query Guidance
Parametric refinement
Real-time predictive query
Metadata extraction
Automatic tagging
Faceted navigation
Search your data
Analyze your data
Personalize your data
Enhance your data
Language independence
–Free from linguistic restraints and
–Automatically adapts to changing
–Over 150 languages
–Single,multibyte and Unicode
–Optional language packs for
Product performance issues
Side letters
Off balance
sheet transactionsAutomatically
partition the data
so that similar
information is
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Add context to short queries by grouping results into concepts
Automatic Query Guidance
Results: Documents
containing ”Madonna”
Documents about:
2. Italian Renaissance
3. Madonna Further
Most likely
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Exploratory analytics that help you discover the “unknown unknowns”
Enhance your data
– Managed classification
– Create categories using business rules or training
– Automatic classification and clustering
– Automatically determine categories based on patterns and relationships in information
– Spot analysis of all themes and grouping
– Time sensitive analysis; What’s hot? What’s New?
– Eduction
– Apply structure to unstructured data by extracting key fields and entities
– Hundreds of entities supported, including names, addresses, credit card information, sentiment, intent, etc
– Audio analysis
– Speaker independent speech to text, speaker identification, audio events, language identification, etc
– Image and video analysis
– Next generation image classification (is this a car?/find more like “this”)
– On-screen OCR, logo detection, intelligent scene analysis, Color and texture analysis,
story segmentation, etc
Hundreds of conceptual entities
– Quickly narrow search results with auto-identified facets and
conceptual entities such as employee names from documents
– Validate or customize entities
– Is this a valid credit card number?
– What are all docs that contain SSNs?
– If area code is 415, output as Home Office
– Pinpoint accuracy for multibyte languages such as CJK, Thai and some
European languages
IP addresses
Social Security numbers
Phone numbers
Credit cards
Job titles
… many more
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Analyze your data
– Quickly evaluate the relevance of information
–Automatic Query Guidance (providing top themes from query results in real time)
–Concept navigation via advanced visualizations (node graphs, theme tracking, topic
maps, broadcast analysis)
–Intelligent summarization (simple, concept and context)
–Intelligent highlighting (search terms, phrases, concepts, context, fidelity to query
–Concept streaming (Real-time summaries from audio that are contextual to queries and
–Intelligent de-duplication, including “near” de-duplication
– Use structure to navigate the data
–Structured, semi-structured and XML support
–Parametric search (unlimited nesting and association support)
–Directed navigation (create compelling navigation for users)
Personalize your data
We are what we… Inquire
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Discover Relationships for Richer Insight
Knowledge Graph
Customer A is in
Customer B’s network
Customer C is linked
to Customer E via
Customer D
Customers F and G
purchased the same
model last year
Customer H is the
most influential in
Customer B’s network
Intent-based ranking
– Search results personalized and targeted based on user and context
– Profile developed through complete behavior
analysis… implicit or explicit profiling
– Gather data from content consumption,
– content contribution, interaction with
colleagues, etc.
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Topical sentiment analysis
– Decomposition and classification within a sentence to pull out specific
– “I stayed at the Marriott last week, and though the mattresses were
very nice, the service was awful.”
– Is this Positive? Negative? Neutral?
– How much Positive? How much Negative?
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Search video as easily as text
Transform rich media into intelligent assets
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Live video or playback
from archived footage
On-screen text
Face identification
Automatically generated
transcript using speech
Speaker identification
Automatic keyframe
Automatically create metadata,
keyframes, transcriptions
Understand video footage and
audio streams in real time
Apply advanced analytics such as
clustering and categorization, and link
with other file types
Image technology: 2D objects
Registered image Test image
Generic Logo recognition
Test image
“Search your data”
“Analyze your
“Personalize your
“Enhance your
Intuitive Knowledge Discovery for Self-Service Analytics
Visualization to simplify analytics workflow Topics Map
Result Comparison
Rich Contextual View
Business Intelligence for Human Information (BIFHI)
Use Cases
Cross Industries and Industry specific
Customer care, turbocharged
Customer Self Service via IDOL Search
Key Differentiators
Automate more customer service with advanced
features such as contextual search, automatic
hyperlinking, implicit query, sentiment analysis,
alerting, and chat agents
Find and act on 100% of information - regardless
of language, source or information format
Scalably and securely access virtually all systems,
including cloud repositories with over 400 pre-built
enterprise-class connectors
How Customer Would Deploy
IDOL powered self service web-based support using all available knowledge sources: knowledge base, contact center, forums,
product reviews and more, with connectors to existing OSS, BSS, media solutions and network management as needed
How IDOL would drive competitive advantage for customer
• Reduced churn & improved CSAT due to enhanced automation of customer self-service and improved user experience;
• SG&A cost reduction with single systems for internal and external support
Solutions like HPE Service
Anywhere run IDOL Search
to improve service quality
and staff efficiency
Monitor social media to proactively address incidents and issues
Social Customer Service via IDOL
Key Differentiators
• Combine social and public data (Twitter, news, etc)
with customer data in the enterprise to gain insights
• Strong text analytics to synthesize and summarize
large volumes of data – sentiment analytics, concept
extraction, extract place names
• xxxxxHow Customer Would Deploy
Deploy IDOL with connectors to various data sources.
How Social Customer Service would drive competitive advantage for customer
Tap into other sources of customer feedback for proactive and reactive resolution of service issues.
Improve customer satisfaction, mitigate churn, identify upsell opportunities
Build a knowledge graph of your organization and automate customer interaction
Workforce Productivity via IDOL Knowledge Management
Key Differentiators
• Automates manual customer care processes &
• Expertise location to team and deliver best response
• Proactively deliver and manage relevant & timely
How Customer Would Deploy
Deploy a comprehensive platform for customer
interaction to automate a time-consuming, labor-
intensive process.
How IDOL would drive competitive advantage for customer
• SG&A cost savings: Increased customer satisfaction (decrease churn rate), decreased call center load, understand your
organization better to align resources and eliminate inefficiency
• Increased revenue: Re-deploy resources to high value customer add services
Analyze video, audio, images to support & drive the next wave of experience and
Multimedia Analytics via IDOL Multimedia
Key Differentiators
• Automate - create metadata, key frames, transcriptions
• Understand - video and audio streams in real time
• Act – apply advanced analytics (cluster, categorize, link)
How Customer Would Deploy
In line with strategic next wave value added services, rich content,
and services strategy
How IDOL Multimedia Analytics would drive competitive advantage for Customer
Drive next wave content, publishing, and advertising/monetization (revenue enhancement)
- Value Added Services to complete against OTT
- Content screening, moderation
- Ad verification
- Compliance
New Age On-Demand Internet Video,
to- Text
IDOL powered Smart City Solution
Integration Analytics Data Fusion
Integrate data feeds
from across the city
into a common
command center for
investigation and
event monitoring
Add video, audio, and
event analytics to the
feeds to enable real
time monitoring for
security trends and
Complete the puzzle
with additional
information sources
like social media,
broadcast media
monitoring, employee
databases, etc.
Built-in Scalability
Unlimited expansion
and connectivity
already included at all
levels by design.
Streamlined workflow
and automated
for triggers and alerts
Customer Stories
IDOL in Action
China Mobile
Communications service provider industry
– Allow users to access information on thousands of public services
directly from their mobile phones – success of the Wireless City
platform depends on the users’ ability to quickly find information
– Over 740 million subscribers can search through more than 8,000
applications for public service information, including public
transportation schedules, public health records, traffic offenses and
– Users receive more accurate search results than ever before
– China Mobile customers get the most relevant and useful information
regardless of the terms they use in the search
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 30
Leading American multinational telecom
Paying careful attention to every aspect of customer-facing processes and applications
– Provide support desk staff with fast access to precise information
required to address customer’s problem
– Improve knowledge management system search capabilities
– HPE Big Data Professional Services
– Reduced time-to-resolution with fast queries that ensure support
experts can resolve customer issues quickly
– Relevant results as query functionality makes sure that results deliver
information most likely to resolve customer issues
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 31
Leading financial software, data and media company
Subscribers require up-to-the-second information on market conditions and trends
– Deliver search performance at the scale required by the size of its data
repository, 200 million messages, 15-20 million chats daily
– Provide robust, cost-efficient solution with scalability for large and
growing volume of data, supported by small IT headcount
– HPE Big Data Professional Services
– Detects trends in real-time messaging and chats for subscribers
– Accommodates 10+ billion of document entries without compromising
performance today
– Ensures scalability delivers ROI in the future
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 32
HPE on HPE CX Analytics
Answering critical customer satisfaction issues better and faster
– Pull all customer-related data into a centralized repository
– Create a set of analytics services its business units can use to
improve the company’s Net Promoter Score® (NPS)
– HPE IDOL Information Analytics and HPE Vertica Analytics Platform
– Tableau
– Hadoop
– Maximize value of customer experience data to improve customer
– Provide snapshot of customer experience metrics that is current and
comprehensive; answer complex questions in 5-10 minutes
– Generate a 360-degree view of the HPE customer experience
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 33
Dept. of State Development, Business and Innovation
Public Sector – Victoria, Australia
– Provide a single, secure, enterprise-wide search platform across
multiple information sources inside and outside the organization
– Locate information from different information sources such as HPE
TRIM, the DSDBI Intranet, shared network drives, Salesforce and
external sites such as Hansard, Australian Bureau of Statistics,
Victoria online and other websites
– HPE IDOL, Microsearch Portlet, Microsearch consulting services
– Easily and quickly find relevant information with near real-time search
across millions of documents, 9 enterprise and Internet content
sources, leading to significant time savings
– Single sign-on allows filtered results, preventing the inadvertent
disclosure of sensitive information
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 34
Global health services
Robust search technology supports health services needs of 80 million customers worldwide
– Detect meaning of data even if data didn’t conform to specific standard
e.g. physician, MD, doctor, or Dr
– Fast query results to support positive customer experience
– Customers can quickly identify providers that meet their needs for
specialty, location and other important criteria
– Solution supports business and fiscal objectives with lower cost-in-
network providers
– Scalability maximizes ROI over time
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 35
Fortune 500 global diversified healthcare company
Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 36
Claims data
– Provider information
– FWA recovery data
– Call center data
– Treatment/Service data
– Social media
Population and community health
Care management/Care coordination
Surveillance, Analysis, Product development innovation
Consumer cctivation/Engagement/Education
Reputation management/Outreach
Innovation focus
Lines of business
– Innovation
– Brand
– Care delivery
– Product development
– Payment integrity
– Provider
– Consumer activation

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Callcenter HPE IDOL overview

  • 1. HPE IDOL Search and Analytics Platform for Text and Rich Media Vitali Nikitin, BigData Leader, CIS countris
  • 2. Open Innovation is transforming everything Closed technology architecture design “After-the fact” static analytics, e.g. Monthly reporting Analyze data at “rest” Real-time insight & understanding via machine learning Put data science into your processes – Next-gen apps and services Analyze and apply perishable data anywhere at any time Premise-based systems Seamless blending of open source, advanced technology, deployment choices… Contain Cost Create Outcomes Traditional Data Analytics Open Innovation Data Analytics Journey to the New Style of Business
  • 3. Human data Connected people, apps and things generating massive data in many forms Machine data Business data faster growth than traditional business data 10x
  • 4. How do you bridge the gap between data and outcomes? 4 How do you consume any data generated or understood by humans? How do you identify key aspects and patterns to determine outcomes? How do you automate to take action? Data sources Diverse Modern Apps Q1 Q2 Q3
  • 5. Augmented Intelligence power apps for competitive advantage 5 Augmented Intelligence powered by HPE Artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing using advanced analytics functions.
  • 6. Machine Learning at the Service of Business Augmented Intelligence
  • 7. HPE Big Data Advanced Analytics Software Solutions Vertica high-performance advanced analytics − Real-time performance at scale − Premise, Cloud, and Hybrid − Native optimized Hadoop options IDOL augmented intelligence for human information − Advanced enterprise search and rich media analytics − Analyze text, audio, image, and streaming video Haven OnDemand APIs and Services − Machine Learning as a Service − Delivered on Microsoft Azure Cloud − Accessible to any developer Deep Learning Text Analytics Face Detection Neural Network Speech Recognition Categor- ization
  • 9. Over 500 IDOL functions to augment your intelligence Automatic hyperlinking Conceptual search Keyword search Fieldtext search Phrase search Phonetic search Field modulation Fuzzy matching Implicit profiling Explicit profiling Community and expertise network Agents Intent-based ranking Alerting Social feedback Eduction Automatic clustering Clustering 2D/3D Autoclassification Auto language detection Sentiment analysis Automatic taxonomy generation Automatic Query Guidance Highlighting Parametric refinement Summarization Real-time predictive query Metadata extraction Automatic tagging Faceted navigation Inquire Search your data Investigate Analyze your data Interact Personalize your data Improve Enhance your data
  • 10. Language independence –Free from linguistic restraints and rules –Automatically adapts to changing definitions –Over 150 languages –Single,multibyte and Unicode languages –Optional language packs for localization
  • 11. Product performance issues Clustering Side letters Off balance sheet transactionsAutomatically partition the data so that similar information is clustered together Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 12. Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data” Add context to short queries by grouping results into concepts Automatic Query Guidance Query ”Madonna” Results: Documents containing ”Madonna” Query search Documents about: 1.Singer 2. Italian Renaissance 3. Madonna Further suggestions… Most likely meaning… Result documents Conceptual clustering
  • 13. Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data” Exploratory analytics that help you discover the “unknown unknowns” Enhance your data – Managed classification – Create categories using business rules or training – Automatic classification and clustering – Automatically determine categories based on patterns and relationships in information – Spot analysis of all themes and grouping – Time sensitive analysis; What’s hot? What’s New? – Eduction – Apply structure to unstructured data by extracting key fields and entities – Hundreds of entities supported, including names, addresses, credit card information, sentiment, intent, etc – Audio analysis – Speaker independent speech to text, speaker identification, audio events, language identification, etc – Image and video analysis – Next generation image classification (is this a car?/find more like “this”) – On-screen OCR, logo detection, intelligent scene analysis, Color and texture analysis, story segmentation, etc
  • 14. Hundreds of conceptual entities Eduction – Quickly narrow search results with auto-identified facets and conceptual entities such as employee names from documents – Validate or customize entities – Is this a valid credit card number? – What are all docs that contain SSNs? – If area code is 415, output as Home Office – Pinpoint accuracy for multibyte languages such as CJK, Thai and some European languages Names Places IP addresses Companies Events Relationships Medicines Airports Cars Social Security numbers Phone numbers Credit cards Dates Holidays Job titles Currencies … many more Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 15. Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data” Analyze your data – Quickly evaluate the relevance of information –Automatic Query Guidance (providing top themes from query results in real time) –Concept navigation via advanced visualizations (node graphs, theme tracking, topic maps, broadcast analysis) –Intelligent summarization (simple, concept and context) –Intelligent highlighting (search terms, phrases, concepts, context, fidelity to query grammar) –Concept streaming (Real-time summaries from audio that are contextual to queries and intent) –Intelligent de-duplication, including “near” de-duplication – Use structure to navigate the data –Structured, semi-structured and XML support –Parametric search (unlimited nesting and association support) –Directed navigation (create compelling navigation for users)
  • 16. Personalize your data We are what we… Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 17. Discover Relationships for Richer Insight 17 Knowledge Graph Customer A is in Customer B’s network Customer C is linked to Customer E via Customer D Customers F and G purchased the same model last year Customer H is the most influential in Customer B’s network
  • 18. Intent-based ranking – Search results personalized and targeted based on user and context – Profile developed through complete behavior analysis… implicit or explicit profiling – Gather data from content consumption, – content contribution, interaction with colleagues, etc. Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 19. Topical sentiment analysis – Decomposition and classification within a sentence to pull out specific topics – “I stayed at the Marriott last week, and though the mattresses were very nice, the service was awful.” – Is this Positive? Negative? Neutral? – How much Positive? How much Negative? Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 20. Search video as easily as text Transform rich media into intelligent assets Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data” Live video or playback from archived footage On-screen text recognition Face identification Automatically generated transcript using speech recognition Speaker identification Timecode synchronization Automatic keyframe generation Automate Automatically create metadata, keyframes, transcriptions Understand Understand video footage and audio streams in real time Act Apply advanced analytics such as clustering and categorization, and link with other file types
  • 21. Image technology: 2D objects Registered image Test image Generic Logo recognition Registered Logos Test image Inquire “Search your data” Investigate “Analyze your data” Interact “Personalize your data” Improve “Enhance your data”
  • 22. Intuitive Knowledge Discovery for Self-Service Analytics 22 Visualization to simplify analytics workflow Topics Map Sunburst Result Comparison Rich Contextual View Business Intelligence for Human Information (BIFHI)
  • 23. Use Cases Cross Industries and Industry specific 23
  • 24. Customer care, turbocharged Customer Self Service via IDOL Search Key Differentiators Automate more customer service with advanced features such as contextual search, automatic hyperlinking, implicit query, sentiment analysis, alerting, and chat agents Find and act on 100% of information - regardless of language, source or information format Scalably and securely access virtually all systems, including cloud repositories with over 400 pre-built enterprise-class connectors How Customer Would Deploy IDOL powered self service web-based support using all available knowledge sources: knowledge base, contact center, forums, product reviews and more, with connectors to existing OSS, BSS, media solutions and network management as needed How IDOL would drive competitive advantage for customer • Reduced churn & improved CSAT due to enhanced automation of customer self-service and improved user experience; • SG&A cost reduction with single systems for internal and external support Solutions like HPE Service Anywhere run IDOL Search to improve service quality and staff efficiency 
  • 25. Monitor social media to proactively address incidents and issues Social Customer Service via IDOL Key Differentiators • Combine social and public data (Twitter, news, etc) with customer data in the enterprise to gain insights • Strong text analytics to synthesize and summarize large volumes of data – sentiment analytics, concept extraction, extract place names • xxxxxHow Customer Would Deploy Deploy IDOL with connectors to various data sources. How Social Customer Service would drive competitive advantage for customer Tap into other sources of customer feedback for proactive and reactive resolution of service issues. Improve customer satisfaction, mitigate churn, identify upsell opportunities
  • 26. Build a knowledge graph of your organization and automate customer interaction Workforce Productivity via IDOL Knowledge Management Key Differentiators • Automates manual customer care processes & actions • Expertise location to team and deliver best response • Proactively deliver and manage relevant & timely data How Customer Would Deploy Deploy a comprehensive platform for customer interaction to automate a time-consuming, labor- intensive process. How IDOL would drive competitive advantage for customer • SG&A cost savings: Increased customer satisfaction (decrease churn rate), decreased call center load, understand your organization better to align resources and eliminate inefficiency • Increased revenue: Re-deploy resources to high value customer add services Unstructured Structured Collaboration Expertise Location Categorizatio n Eduction Taxonomy
  • 27. On Screen Text Recog. Analyze video, audio, images to support & drive the next wave of experience and monetization Multimedia Analytics via IDOL Multimedia Key Differentiators • Automate - create metadata, key frames, transcriptions • Understand - video and audio streams in real time • Act – apply advanced analytics (cluster, categorize, link) How Customer Would Deploy In line with strategic next wave value added services, rich content, and services strategy How IDOL Multimedia Analytics would drive competitive advantage for Customer Drive next wave content, publishing, and advertising/monetization (revenue enhancement) - Value Added Services to complete against OTT - Content screening, moderation - Ad verification - Compliance New Age On-Demand Internet Video, Audio Multi Language Video Analytics Face detection Sentiment extraction Advanced IDOL Analytics Speech- to- Text Speaker Identify
  • 28. IDOL powered Smart City Solution Integration Analytics Data Fusion Integrate data feeds from across the city into a common command center for investigation and event monitoring Add video, audio, and event analytics to the feeds to enable real time monitoring for security trends and incidents Complete the puzzle with additional information sources like social media, broadcast media monitoring, employee databases, etc. Built-in Scalability Unlimited expansion and connectivity already included at all levels by design. Automation Streamlined workflow and automated process for triggers and alerts
  • 30. China Mobile Communications service provider industry Challenge – Allow users to access information on thousands of public services directly from their mobile phones – success of the Wireless City platform depends on the users’ ability to quickly find information Solution – HPE IDOL Result – Over 740 million subscribers can search through more than 8,000 applications for public service information, including public transportation schedules, public health records, traffic offenses and more – Users receive more accurate search results than ever before – China Mobile customers get the most relevant and useful information regardless of the terms they use in the search Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 30
  • 31. Leading American multinational telecom Paying careful attention to every aspect of customer-facing processes and applications Challenge – Provide support desk staff with fast access to precise information required to address customer’s problem – Improve knowledge management system search capabilities Solution – HPE IDOL – HPE Big Data Professional Services Result – Reduced time-to-resolution with fast queries that ensure support experts can resolve customer issues quickly – Relevant results as query functionality makes sure that results deliver information most likely to resolve customer issues Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 31
  • 32. Leading financial software, data and media company Subscribers require up-to-the-second information on market conditions and trends Challenge – Deliver search performance at the scale required by the size of its data repository, 200 million messages, 15-20 million chats daily – Provide robust, cost-efficient solution with scalability for large and growing volume of data, supported by small IT headcount Solution – HPE IDOL – HPE Big Data Professional Services Result – Detects trends in real-time messaging and chats for subscribers – Accommodates 10+ billion of document entries without compromising performance today – Ensures scalability delivers ROI in the future Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 32
  • 33. HPE on HPE CX Analytics Answering critical customer satisfaction issues better and faster Challenge – Pull all customer-related data into a centralized repository – Create a set of analytics services its business units can use to improve the company’s Net Promoter Score® (NPS) Solution – HPE IDOL Information Analytics and HPE Vertica Analytics Platform – Tableau – Hadoop Result – Maximize value of customer experience data to improve customer satisfaction – Provide snapshot of customer experience metrics that is current and comprehensive; answer complex questions in 5-10 minutes – Generate a 360-degree view of the HPE customer experience Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 33
  • 34. Dept. of State Development, Business and Innovation Public Sector – Victoria, Australia Challenge – Provide a single, secure, enterprise-wide search platform across multiple information sources inside and outside the organization – Locate information from different information sources such as HPE TRIM, the DSDBI Intranet, shared network drives, Salesforce and external sites such as Hansard, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Victoria online and other websites Solution – HPE IDOL, Microsearch Portlet, Microsearch consulting services Result – Easily and quickly find relevant information with near real-time search across millions of documents, 9 enterprise and Internet content sources, leading to significant time savings – Single sign-on allows filtered results, preventing the inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 34
  • 35. Global health services Robust search technology supports health services needs of 80 million customers worldwide Challenge – Detect meaning of data even if data didn’t conform to specific standard e.g. physician, MD, doctor, or Dr – Fast query results to support positive customer experience Solution – HPE IDOL Result – Customers can quickly identify providers that meet their needs for specialty, location and other important criteria – Solution supports business and fiscal objectives with lower cost-in- network providers – Scalability maximizes ROI over time Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 35
  • 36. Fortune 500 global diversified healthcare company Private | Confidential | Internal Use Only 36 Claims data – Provider information – FWA recovery data – Call center data – Treatment/Service data – Social media Population and community health Care management/Care coordination Surveillance, Analysis, Product development innovation Consumer cctivation/Engagement/Education Reputation management/Outreach Innovation focus Lines of business – Innovation – Brand – Care delivery – Product development – Payment integrity – Provider – Consumer activation