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Dr Mark T. Edmead
IT Transformational
MTE Advisors
Mark T. Edmead is a successful technology entrepreneur
with over 28 years of practical experience in computer
systems architecture, information security, and project
Mark excels in managing the tight-deadlines and ever
changing tasks related to mission-critical project
schedules. He has extensive knowledge in IT security, IT
and application audits, Internal Audit, IT governance,
including Sarbanes-Oxley, FDIC/FFIEC, and GLBA
compliance auditing.
Dr. Edmead understands all aspects of information
security and protection including access controls,
cryptography, security management practices, network
and Internet security, computer security law and
investigations, and physical security.
He has trained Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies
in the areas of information, system, and Internet security.
He has worked with many international firms, and has the
unique ability to explain very technical concepts in
simple-to-understand terms. Mr. Edmead is a sought after
author and lecturer for information security and
information technology topics.
Mark works as an information security and regulatory
compliance consultant. He has:
• Conducted internal IT audits in the areas of critical
infrastructure/ systems and applications,
• Assessed and tested internal controls of critical
infrastructure platform systems (Windows, UNIX, IIS, SQL,
• Assessed and tested internal controls of various critical
financial applications.
• Prepared risk assessments and determined risks to
critical financial data systems and infrastructure
• Created test plans & processes and executed test plans.
• Conducted reviews of existing systems and
applications, ensuring appropriate security, management
and data integrity via control processes.
• Prepared written reports to all levels of management
• Participated in audit review panel sessions to address
results, conclusions and follow-up actions required.
Tel: +6016 3326360 Fax: +603 9205 7788 kris@360bsigroup.com
Tel: +6016 3326360 Fax: +603 9205 7788 kris@360bsigroup com
1. Bring your Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan (BCP/DRP) for
private consultation review
2. BCP/DRP Step-by-step Guide
3. BCP/DRP templates and worksheets to aid you in applying and putting into
practice what you have learned from this workshop
4. FREE copy of the course material, case studies, and other related items of the
training workshop
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Sample Case Studies:
• A major Middle Eastern bank has been experiencing tremendous growth and management feels that
their current BCP and DRP plans outdated. In this case study the delegates with perform a business
impact analysis, based on interviews with key company stakeholders and subject matter experts, and
outline which business areas are the most critical and in need of improved continuity and recovery
• A manufacturing company is considering implementing a disaster recovery plan but does not know
which disaster recovery approach they should implement. In this case study the delegates with study
the business enterprise, perform a risk analysis, and determine if a hot site, cold site, warm site, or
another disaster recovery method is the best approach.
Using a carefully selected case study, course participants will:
• Create, document and test continuity arrangements for an organization
• Perform a risk assessment and Business Impact Assessment (BIA) to identify
• Select and deploy an alternate site for continuity of mission-critical activities
• Identify appropriate strategies to recover the infrastructure and processes
• Organize and manage recovery teams
• Test and maintain an effective recovery plan in a rapidly changing technology
Disasters could cripple your organization, suspending mission-critical processes and
disrupting service to your customers. These disasters could be man-made or natural
in nature.
The Business Continuity Plan addresses an organization’s ability to continue
functioning when normal operations are disrupted.
A Disaster Recovery Plan is used to define the resources, action, tasks, and data
required to manage the business recovery process in the event of a disaster. In this
workshop you learn to identify vulnerabilities and implement appropriate
countermeasures to prevent and mitigate threats to your mission-critical processes.
You will learn techniques for creating a business continuity plan (BCP) and the
methodology for building an infrastructure that supports its effective
23 - 25 FEBRUARY 2016
For early bird bookings before 30-DEC-2015
FREE 1 Year Affiliate membership (worth £75)
with the Business Continuity Institute
(** refer to page 3 for further details)
Vice Presidents, Directors, General Managers
Chief Information Officers
Chief Information Security Officers
Chief Technology Officers
Business Continuity Officers
Heads of Departments in Information Security
Management Information Systems, IT
Infrastructure, IT Architecture, Network
Operations, IT Operations, IT Data Center,
DataBase Management, IT Deployment
IT Business Enterprise, IT Risk Management,
IT Quality Assurance, IT Audit, Risk Management,
Internal Audit, Disaster Recovery
The aim of this interactive workshop is to provide
you with the skills critical to business continuity,
disaster recovery & risk management.
After attending this workshop, you will leave
fully armed with the knowledge needed to
create a business continuity plan (BCP) and the
methodology for building an infrastructure that
supports its effective implementation.
The combination of interactive presentations,
hands-on exercises and open discussion groups
along with real case studies, ensures you will
obtain maximum value from attending.
The Business Impact Assessment (BIA)
- What is a Business Impact Assessment?
- Assessing the risk to the enterprise
- How to identify business critical activities
- Impact versus likelihood of occurrence
Establishing the Recovery Options
- Choosing a recovery site
- Specifying equipment
- Choosing suppliers
- How to select backup and restore strategies
Where is the data?
- Why you need to classify levels of information
- Managing data at rest and in transit
- Understanding data access controls
- The value of knowing where your data resides
Maintaining user connectivity
- How to communicate the disaster and recovery efforts to users
- How to identify and eliminate single points of failure
- Communicating with the media
Introduction to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
- The difference between business continuity and disaster recovery
- Why a recovery plan is an integral part of an organization’s operational
Understanding where the threats come from
- Understanding codes of practice and legal/regulatory compliance
- The step-by-step process for BCP/DRP
Protecting our assets
- What are we protecting?
- What are our mission-critical processes?
- How to prioritize what is important to protect
What is risk and how do we deal with it?
- Understanding risk assessment methodologies
- Matching the response to the threat based on the risk
- Enterprise vs. local risk management
- Top business continuity planning mistakes
The need for business continuation – a case study
- Introduction of fictitious business case
- Understand business continuity/disaster recovery needs
- Documenting the continuity requirements
10.10 - 10.30
12.00 - 13.00
14.40 - 15.00
Registration & Coffee/Tea
Workshop commences
Morning coffee/tea
Afternoon coffee/tea
End of day
“Session well organized. The trainer is very
conversant with the subject matter. Well delivered
and would definitely recommend to anyone else.”
- Habil Mutende, Manager Information Security & Change
Management, Central Bank of Kenya
“Excellent presentation, excellent attitude to
answer our questions & to share his experience.”
- Senior Manager, IT Department, Deloitte
“I have used Mark in key roles with high visibility
clients. Without hesitation I would highly
recommend Mark for any and all IT audit
engagements. His professionalism, deep
knowledge, and results oriented work style are
deeply valued by not only myself, but more
importantly by the all those who are lucky enough
to use his services.”- Russ Aebig, Director at Artesient
“We have used Mark Edmead on several projects in
the past few years including SOX readiness for
publicly traded companies and IT vulnerability
assessments for major financial institutions. He
always delivers professional and detail-oriented
workpapers on-time and within budget. Mark is
highly recommended and we will continue to use
him on other projects.”- Brenda Piazza, Director at CBIZ MHM
“Session well organized The trainer is ver1
Affiliate members to Business Continuity Institute get access to the following membership
- Continuity magazine – 4 per year (digital version)
- Monthly BCI ENewsletter
- Access to‘member only’section of BCI website
- Access to copies of BCI Workshop Reports
- Member rates on BCI products and services
- Networking opportunities at BCI organised events
- Access to BCI mentoring programme
- Access to discounted events
AffiAffililiatatee memembmbererss toto BBususininesesss CoContntininuiuityty IInsnstititututete ggetet aaccccesesss toto tthehe ffolollolowiwingng mmemembebersrshihipp
**Affiliate membership to Business Continuity Institute
BCP/DRP Project Management
- Identifying stakeholders
- Analyzing stakeholder needs
- Obtaining commitment from upper management
Review of the BCP/DRP Process
- Project initiation
- Risk analysis
- Business Impact analysis
- Develop/choose strategies
- Test and validate the plan
- Modify/update the plan
- Approve and implement the plan
Analysis of fictitious business case
Applying lessons learned
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Information Security Management Principles
IT Risk Management & Leadership
Document Management & Data Retention
Fraud Control & the COSO 2013 Framework
IT Governance
Project Management for IT Professionals
360 BSI is passionate about providing strategic IT programs
and high potential training solutions across the region to build
personal competencies and organizational capability.
You will receive practical training from a professionally
qualified educator with over twenty years of teaching and
training experience.
Please feel free to mix-and-match topics from the areas listed
below to get the right training content for your staff. Other
topics may be available upon request.
Thank you for your registration!
* Save up to 50% for In-house Training program
Substitutions are welcome at any time. Please notify us at
least 2 working days prior to the event. All cancellations will
carry a 10% cancellation fee, once a registration form is
received. All cancellations must be in writing by fax or email
at least 2 weeks before the event date. Cancellations with
less than 2 weeks prior to the event date carry a 100% liability.
However, course materials will still be couriered to you.
General Information:
Payment is required within 5 days upon receipt of
the invoice.
All payments must be received prior to the event date
Hotel Contact Details:
Fax: +603 9205 7788
Tel: +603 9205 7772
Mobile: +6016 3326 360
Email: kris@360bsigroup.com
360 BSI (M) Sdn Bhd (833835-X), Level 8 Pavilion KL, 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.© www.360bsi.com/IT
Name on tag
Job Title
Name on tag
Job Title
Name on tag
Job Title
(This form is invalid without a signature)
Name :
Job Title :
Email :
( )Tel :
Organization :
Address :
Signature : Date: / /
15% discount - Special for Group of 3
USD 2,995 per delegate
Bank transfer:
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Dubai Mall Branch, P.O.Box 49124 Dubai, U.A.E
Account No: 10065721319001
IBAN No: AE780030010065721319001
The fee does not include any taxes (withholding or otherwise). In case of any taxes applicable
the client has to ensure that the taxes are paid on top of the investment fee paid for the course.
Compliance with the local tax laws is the responsibility of the client.
23 - 25 FEBRUARY 2016
Registrations close ONE (1) week before the training dates.
The fees cover lunch, tea breaks, materials and certificate.
Official confirmation will be sent, once registration has been
Participants will need to arrange their own accommodation.
Attire: Smart Casual
For Room Reservation, please contact Reservation Desk.
Tel: +60 3 2117 4899 Fax: +60 3 2142 1441
Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur
160, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
360 BSI Training Calendar 2016
Contact Kris at kris@360bsi.com to register or for further details. Tel: +60 16 3326 360
Event Code Type COURSE TITLE DATE - 2016 VENUE
KK-TE-DOH-46 General Effective Technical Report Writing 13 - 14 Dec 2015 Doha
KK-TE-KL-41 General Effective Technical Report Writing 13 - 14 Jan 2016 Kuala Lumpur
KK-TE-JAK-42 General Effective Technical Report Writing 18 - 19 Jan 2016 Jakarta
KK-TE-DOH-47 General Effective Technical Report Writing 21 - 22 Feb 2016 Doha
SV-IT-KL-22 IT Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning 23 - 25 Feb 2016 Kuala Lumpur
SV-IT-DUB-21 IT IT Information Security Management Principles 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2016 Dubai
Document & Information Management, Security,
Retention & Archiving
06 - 09 Mar 2016 Dubai
SV-SS-DUB-102 Safety BBS: Safety & Leadership 06 - 08 Mar 2016 Dubai
SV-SS-DUB-103 Safety Root Cause Analysis 09 - 10 Mar 2016 Dubai
KK-MN-KL-117/118 General Negotiating Sales Success & Customer Loyalty 07 - 10 March 2016 Kuala Lumpur
KK-MN-KL-119/120 General
Effective Communication, Presentation Skills &
Report Writing
07 - 10 March 2016 Kuala Lumpur
KK-MN-DUB-121/122 General Negotiating Sales Success & Customer Loyalty 13 - 16 March 2016 Dubai
KK-MN-DUB-123/124 General
Effective Communication, Presentation Skills &
Report Writing
13 - 16 March 2016 Dubai
Document & Information Management, Security,
Retention & Archiving
04 - 07 Apr 2016 Singapore
KK-MN-DUB-131 Management Green Supply Chain Management 10 - 12 Apr 2016 Dubai
SV-FI-KL-11/12 Finance
Fraud Control & The COSO 2013 Framework: Improving
Internal Controls and Organizational Effectiveness
To be confirmed 2016 Kuala Lumpur
SV-MN-DUB-131 HR Effective Performance Management To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
SV-MN-DUB-132 HR Preventing Workplace Bullying To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
SV-FI-DUB-9/10 Finance
Fraud Control & The COSO 2013 Framework: Improving
Internal Controls and Organizational Effectiveness
To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
SV-IT-DUB-19 IT Project Management for IT Professionals (23 PDUs) To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
SV-SS-DUB-96 Safety Visible Safety Leadership To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
SV-SS-DUB-97 Safety
Quality, Behavior & the Bottom Line: The Human Side of
Quality Improvement
To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
IT Governance: Governance & Management of
Enterprise IT
To be confirmed 2016 Dubai
Advanced Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage (STO)
Security Advanced Certificate in Security Management Kuala Lumpur
Advanced Certificate in Professional Investigation &
Covert Surveillance
Security Advanced Certificate in Field Incident Command Dubai
Management CSR Strategy & Value-creation Masterclass Dubai
HR Training ROI Masterclass Dubai
Management Effective and Efficient Warehouse Operations Dubai
Finance Effective Collection & Recovery Strategies Dubai
Other Training Courses by Affiliated Training Partners

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Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning, 23 - 25 February 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • 1. 1 Dr Mark T. Edmead CISSP, CISA, COBIT, Lean IT, DevOpsB IT Transformational Consultant MTE Advisors Mark T. Edmead is a successful technology entrepreneur with over 28 years of practical experience in computer systems architecture, information security, and project management. Mark excels in managing the tight-deadlines and ever changing tasks related to mission-critical project schedules. He has extensive knowledge in IT security, IT and application audits, Internal Audit, IT governance, including Sarbanes-Oxley, FDIC/FFIEC, and GLBA compliance auditing. Dr. Edmead understands all aspects of information security and protection including access controls, cryptography, security management practices, network and Internet security, computer security law and investigations, and physical security. He has trained Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies in the areas of information, system, and Internet security. He has worked with many international firms, and has the unique ability to explain very technical concepts in simple-to-understand terms. Mr. Edmead is a sought after author and lecturer for information security and information technology topics. Mark works as an information security and regulatory compliance consultant. He has: • Conducted internal IT audits in the areas of critical infrastructure/ systems and applications, • Assessed and tested internal controls of critical infrastructure platform systems (Windows, UNIX, IIS, SQL, Oracle) • Assessed and tested internal controls of various critical financial applications. • Prepared risk assessments and determined risks to critical financial data systems and infrastructure components. • Created test plans & processes and executed test plans. • Conducted reviews of existing systems and applications, ensuring appropriate security, management and data integrity via control processes. • Prepared written reports to all levels of management • Participated in audit review panel sessions to address results, conclusions and follow-up actions required. YOUR INTERNATIONAL COURSE FACILITATOR Tel: +6016 3326360 Fax: +603 9205 7788 kris@360bsigroup.com • c c • • a a • • r Tel: +6016 3326360 Fax: +603 9205 7788 kris@360bsigroup com 1. Bring your Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan (BCP/DRP) for private consultation review 2. BCP/DRP Step-by-step Guide 3. BCP/DRP templates and worksheets to aid you in applying and putting into practice what you have learned from this workshop 4. FREE copy of the course material, case studies, and other related items of the training workshop 1.1. BBriringng yyouourr BuBusisineness private consultation rev EXCLUSIVE: titinunuitityy PlPlanan/D/Disisasasteterr ReRecocovvery iew ssss CConon on rev :: TEMPLATES & TAKEAWAYS Sample Case Studies: • A major Middle Eastern bank has been experiencing tremendous growth and management feels that their current BCP and DRP plans outdated. In this case study the delegates with perform a business impact analysis, based on interviews with key company stakeholders and subject matter experts, and outline which business areas are the most critical and in need of improved continuity and recovery plans. • A manufacturing company is considering implementing a disaster recovery plan but does not know which disaster recovery approach they should implement. In this case study the delegates with study the business enterprise, perform a risk analysis, and determine if a hot site, cold site, warm site, or another disaster recovery method is the best approach. Using a carefully selected case study, course participants will: • Create, document and test continuity arrangements for an organization • Perform a risk assessment and Business Impact Assessment (BIA) to identify vulnerabilities • Select and deploy an alternate site for continuity of mission-critical activities • Identify appropriate strategies to recover the infrastructure and processes • Organize and manage recovery teams • Test and maintain an effective recovery plan in a rapidly changing technology environment BENEFITS OF ATTENDING Disasters could cripple your organization, suspending mission-critical processes and disrupting service to your customers. These disasters could be man-made or natural in nature. The Business Continuity Plan addresses an organization’s ability to continue functioning when normal operations are disrupted. A Disaster Recovery Plan is used to define the resources, action, tasks, and data required to manage the business recovery process in the event of a disaster. In this workshop you learn to identify vulnerabilities and implement appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate threats to your mission-critical processes. You will learn techniques for creating a business continuity plan (BCP) and the methodology for building an infrastructure that supports its effective implementation. COURSE OVERVIEW IT SERIES 23 - 25 FEBRUARY 2016 GRAND MILLENNIUM KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING EXCLUSIVE TAKEAWAY For early bird bookings before 30-DEC-2015 FREE 1 Year Affiliate membership (worth £75) with the Business Continuity Institute (** refer to page 3 for further details)
  • 2. 2 WHO SHOULD ATTEND Vice Presidents, Directors, General Managers Chief Information Officers Chief Information Security Officers Chief Technology Officers Business Continuity Officers Heads of Departments in Information Security Management Information Systems, IT Infrastructure, IT Architecture, Network Operations, IT Operations, IT Data Center, DataBase Management, IT Deployment IT Business Enterprise, IT Risk Management, IT Quality Assurance, IT Audit, Risk Management, Internal Audit, Disaster Recovery WHY THIS EVENT The aim of this interactive workshop is to provide you with the skills critical to business continuity, disaster recovery & risk management. After attending this workshop, you will leave fully armed with the knowledge needed to create a business continuity plan (BCP) and the methodology for building an infrastructure that supports its effective implementation. The combination of interactive presentations, hands-on exercises and open discussion groups along with real case studies, ensures you will obtain maximum value from attending. DAY2 RISK ASSESSMENT & RECOVERY The Business Impact Assessment (BIA) - What is a Business Impact Assessment? - Assessing the risk to the enterprise - How to identify business critical activities - Impact versus likelihood of occurrence Establishing the Recovery Options - Choosing a recovery site - Specifying equipment - Choosing suppliers - How to select backup and restore strategies Where is the data? - Why you need to classify levels of information - Managing data at rest and in transit - Understanding data access controls - The value of knowing where your data resides Maintaining user connectivity - How to communicate the disaster and recovery efforts to users - How to identify and eliminate single points of failure - Communicating with the media DAY1 BCP/DRP - CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES Introduction to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning - The difference between business continuity and disaster recovery - Why a recovery plan is an integral part of an organization’s operational strategy Understanding where the threats come from - Understanding codes of practice and legal/regulatory compliance requirements - The step-by-step process for BCP/DRP Protecting our assets - What are we protecting? - What are our mission-critical processes? - How to prioritize what is important to protect What is risk and how do we deal with it? - Understanding risk assessment methodologies - Matching the response to the threat based on the risk - Enterprise vs. local risk management - Top business continuity planning mistakes The need for business continuation – a case study - Introduction of fictitious business case - Understand business continuity/disaster recovery needs - Documenting the continuity requirements COURSE CONTENT
  • 3. 3 COURSE SCHEDULE 8.00 8.30 10.10 - 10.30 12.00 - 13.00 14.40 - 15.00 16.00 Registration & Coffee/Tea Workshop commences Morning coffee/tea Lunch Afternoon coffee/tea End of day “Session well organized. The trainer is very conversant with the subject matter. Well delivered and would definitely recommend to anyone else.” - Habil Mutende, Manager Information Security & Change Management, Central Bank of Kenya “Excellent presentation, excellent attitude to answer our questions & to share his experience.” - Senior Manager, IT Department, Deloitte “I have used Mark in key roles with high visibility clients. Without hesitation I would highly recommend Mark for any and all IT audit engagements. His professionalism, deep knowledge, and results oriented work style are deeply valued by not only myself, but more importantly by the all those who are lucky enough to use his services.”- Russ Aebig, Director at Artesient “We have used Mark Edmead on several projects in the past few years including SOX readiness for publicly traded companies and IT vulnerability assessments for major financial institutions. He always delivers professional and detail-oriented workpapers on-time and within budget. Mark is highly recommended and we will continue to use him on other projects.”- Brenda Piazza, Director at CBIZ MHM 1 3 2 4 “Session well organized The trainer is ver1 Latest TESTIMONIALS Affiliate members to Business Continuity Institute get access to the following membership benefits: - Continuity magazine – 4 per year (digital version) - Monthly BCI ENewsletter - Access to‘member only’section of BCI website - Access to copies of BCI Workshop Reports - Member rates on BCI products and services - Networking opportunities at BCI organised events - Access to BCI mentoring programme - Access to discounted events AffiAffililiatatee memembmbererss toto BBususininesesss CoContntininuiuityty IInsnstititututete ggetet aaccccesesss toto tthehe ffolollolowiwingng mmemembebersrshihipp benefits: **Affiliate membership to Business Continuity Institute DAY3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & REVIEW BCP/DRP Project Management - Identifying stakeholders - Analyzing stakeholder needs - Obtaining commitment from upper management Review of the BCP/DRP Process - Project initiation - Risk analysis - Business Impact analysis - Develop/choose strategies - Test and validate the plan - Modify/update the plan - Approve and implement the plan Analysis of fictitious business case Applying lessons learned COURSE CONTENT
  • 4. PAYMENT DETAILSFEES 4 OTHER RELATED PUBLIC COURSES Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Information Security Management Principles IT Risk Management & Leadership Document Management & Data Retention Fraud Control & the COSO 2013 Framework IT Governance Project Management for IT Professionals 360 BSI is passionate about providing strategic IT programs and high potential training solutions across the region to build personal competencies and organizational capability. You will receive practical training from a professionally qualified educator with over twenty years of teaching and training experience. Please feel free to mix-and-match topics from the areas listed below to get the right training content for your staff. Other topics may be available upon request. IN-HOUSE TRAINING Thank you for your registration! * Save up to 50% for In-house Training program Substitutions are welcome at any time. Please notify us at least 2 working days prior to the event. All cancellations will carry a 10% cancellation fee, once a registration form is received. All cancellations must be in writing by fax or email at least 2 weeks before the event date. Cancellations with less than 2 weeks prior to the event date carry a 100% liability. However, course materials will still be couriered to you. General Information: 1 2 3 4 5 Cancellations/Substitutions Payment is required within 5 days upon receipt of the invoice. All payments must be received prior to the event date Hotel Contact Details: Fax: +603 9205 7788 Tel: +603 9205 7772 Mobile: +6016 3326 360 Email: kris@360bsigroup.com REGISTRATION FORM 360 BSI (M) Sdn Bhd (833835-X), Level 8 Pavilion KL, 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.© www.360bsi.com/IT Name Name on tag Job Title Email Mobile : : : : : Name Name on tag Job Title Email Mobile : : : : : Name Name on tag Job Title Email Mobile : : : : : 1 2 3 DELEGATES AUTHORIZATION (This form is invalid without a signature) Name : Job Title : Email : ( )Tel : Organization : Address : Signature : Date: / / 15% discount - Special for Group of 3 USD 2,995 per delegate Bank transfer: 360 BSI MIDDLE EAST LIMITED Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Dubai Mall Branch, P.O.Box 49124 Dubai, U.A.E Account No: 10065721319001 Swift No: ADCBAEAAXXX IBAN No: AE780030010065721319001 The fee does not include any taxes (withholding or otherwise). In case of any taxes applicable the client has to ensure that the taxes are paid on top of the investment fee paid for the course. Compliance with the local tax laws is the responsibility of the client. 23 - 25 FEBRUARY 2016 GRAND MILLENNIUM KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA Registrations close ONE (1) week before the training dates. The fees cover lunch, tea breaks, materials and certificate. Official confirmation will be sent, once registration has been received. Participants will need to arrange their own accommodation. Attire: Smart Casual For Room Reservation, please contact Reservation Desk. Tel: +60 3 2117 4899 Fax: +60 3 2142 1441 Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur 160, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING
  • 5. 360 BSI Training Calendar 2016 Contact Kris at kris@360bsi.com to register or for further details. Tel: +60 16 3326 360 Event Code Type COURSE TITLE DATE - 2016 VENUE KK-TE-DOH-46 General Effective Technical Report Writing 13 - 14 Dec 2015 Doha KK-TE-KL-41 General Effective Technical Report Writing 13 - 14 Jan 2016 Kuala Lumpur KK-TE-JAK-42 General Effective Technical Report Writing 18 - 19 Jan 2016 Jakarta KK-TE-DOH-47 General Effective Technical Report Writing 21 - 22 Feb 2016 Doha SV-IT-KL-22 IT Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning 23 - 25 Feb 2016 Kuala Lumpur SV-IT-DUB-21 IT IT Information Security Management Principles 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2016 Dubai KK-MN-DUB-129 IT Document & Information Management, Security, Retention & Archiving 06 - 09 Mar 2016 Dubai SV-SS-DUB-102 Safety BBS: Safety & Leadership 06 - 08 Mar 2016 Dubai SV-SS-DUB-103 Safety Root Cause Analysis 09 - 10 Mar 2016 Dubai KK-MN-KL-117/118 General Negotiating Sales Success & Customer Loyalty 07 - 10 March 2016 Kuala Lumpur KK-MN-KL-119/120 General Effective Communication, Presentation Skills & Report Writing 07 - 10 March 2016 Kuala Lumpur KK-MN-DUB-121/122 General Negotiating Sales Success & Customer Loyalty 13 - 16 March 2016 Dubai KK-MN-DUB-123/124 General Effective Communication, Presentation Skills & Report Writing 13 - 16 March 2016 Dubai KK-MN-SIN-130 IT Document & Information Management, Security, Retention & Archiving 04 - 07 Apr 2016 Singapore KK-MN-DUB-131 Management Green Supply Chain Management 10 - 12 Apr 2016 Dubai SV-FI-KL-11/12 Finance Fraud Control & The COSO 2013 Framework: Improving Internal Controls and Organizational Effectiveness To be confirmed 2016 Kuala Lumpur SV-MN-DUB-131 HR Effective Performance Management To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-MN-DUB-132 HR Preventing Workplace Bullying To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-FI-DUB-9/10 Finance Fraud Control & The COSO 2013 Framework: Improving Internal Controls and Organizational Effectiveness To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-IT-DUB-19 IT Project Management for IT Professionals (23 PDUs) To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-SS-DUB-96 Safety Visible Safety Leadership To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-SS-DUB-97 Safety Quality, Behavior & the Bottom Line: The Human Side of Quality Improvement To be confirmed 2016 Dubai SV-IT-DUB-20 IT IT Governance: Governance & Management of Enterprise IT To be confirmed 2016 Dubai Technical Advanced Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage (STO) Management Dubai Security Advanced Certificate in Security Management Kuala Lumpur Security Advanced Certificate in Professional Investigation & Covert Surveillance Dubai Security Advanced Certificate in Field Incident Command Dubai Management CSR Strategy & Value-creation Masterclass Dubai HR Training ROI Masterclass Dubai Management Effective and Efficient Warehouse Operations Dubai Finance Effective Collection & Recovery Strategies Dubai Other Training Courses by Affiliated Training Partners