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            Volume XXX, No. 2                                                                       Spring 2010

Reflecting on Years of Leadership                                                                            Myron Gutmann
                                                                                                             is an assistant
After six months away from ICPSR, Dr. Myron                                                                  director at the
Gutmann considers his time as director                                                                       National Science
                                                                                                             Foundation in
After spending most of the 2000s as      a meeting of education researchers                                  charge of the
ICPSR’s director, Myron Gutmann          ... it was great because the chair of                               Social, Behav-
left last November to lead the           the session and then one of the other                               ioral and Eco-
National Science Foundation’s Social,    presenters actually spent a lot of time        nomic Sciences directorate. He was
Behavioral and Economic Sciences         talking about ICPSR. It showed ICPSR           director of ICPSR from August 2001
directorate. Gutmann visited Ann         as this unique place in the research           to October 2009. He has authored
Arbor this spring and reflected on his   world.                                         and edited numerous books and
time at ICPSR.                                                                          articles; his research interests include
                                         When you’re in the middle of it, it            interdisciplinary historical popula-
Question: With the benefit of some       seems like that’s just everything in the       tion studies, the preservation and
distance, what is your perspective on    world. But when you step back from             sharing of digital material, and the
your time at ICPSR and the place of      it, it’s still in the middle of everything     most effective ways to protect the
the organization in the social science   that happens in the social science             confidentiality of research subjects.
community?                               research community. It’s everyone’s            He has a Ph.D. from Princeton
                                         point of reference about data.                 University.
Answer: It’s an extraordinary place
to work with an extraordinary impact.    What I took away from that experience
A few weeks ago I was on a panel at      is that ICPSR is still the place where       Q: What do you consider some of
                                         interesting things happen and where,         your greatest accomplishments during
                                         whatever we believe may not be perfect       your time at ICPSR?
 In this issue                           [at ICPSR], it’s still way ahead of
                                         every other place. And that goes from        A: I think that confirming ICPSR’s
 Q & A with Dr. Myron Gutmann       1
                                         how people get along to cutting-edge         place as the most forward-looking data
 RCMD acquires new data on          4    activities in support of research and        archive is certainly something that all
 Mexican Americans                       data.                                        of us should be really proud of. Over

 News and Notes                     5                                                                         See Gutmann, p. 2
A partner in social science research

Gutmann (cont. from page 1)
the eight and a half years that I was       DataNet competition at NSF ...             Q: Can you think of any missed
here, that’s very much something            Activities that span social science        opportunities or unfinished business
that we established.                        and the environment, or that span          from your time at ICPSR?
                                            the social sciences and health are key
A second thing would be broadening          areas for the future and data that are     A: There are always missed
the subject matter by adding to the         the seeds of leading-edge things that      opportunities, many of which arise
topical archives. We added the topical      will take ICPSR into the future.           out of our accomplishments, as well
archive in demography, we added the                                                    as the fact that the world is changing
topical archive in minority data, we        Q: What implications for ICPSR             very rapidly. ICPSR needs to position
added the topical archive in child care,    do you see in the trend toward             itself really well for a world that is
we added the Data-PASS partnership.         interdisciplinary research?                not going to look the same in two
Continuing to broaden the collection                                                   years as it does now. That’s both the
is a really important thing.                A: In the area of the things that          biggest opportunity and challenge.
                                            ICPSR does, [there are] lots of
Q: What fields are ripe for further         opportunities to capitalize on the         At the same time, so much of ICPSR’s
expansion of the collection here?           trend toward interdisciplinary             work involves providing services
                                            research. There are big challenges         to government agencies. That’s
A: I think that the next area               in moving in this direction because        unlikely to change, but the federal
certainly needs to be education,            it’s not necessarily clear that ICPSR      government’s new emphasis on open
both because there is a lot of work         should hold all the environmental          government and access to information
going on in that area and because,          data or all the biomedical data.           may complicate ICPSR’s role, both
as a policy-related issue, the federal      Rather, [ICPSR needs] to find ways to      by bringing new competitors and by
government is investing massively           partner with other collections to make     increasing the volume of information
now in improving education.                 the most of the environmental and          that needs to be distributed. I’m
                                            health data that will support research     convinced that ICPSR’s staff and
[ICPSR is] not going to wind up             together with the social science           leadership is more than adequate to
necessarily holding all of those data       data in ICPSR’s collections. [ICPSR        stay ahead of these challenges.
collections. There’s a big investment       needs] to visualize a mechanism for
being passed along to the states to         interchange.                               Q: When you were director, grant
systematize their educational data.                                                    funding grew significantly while
Essentially, they want to do what a         The same thing goes for national           membership revenue was stable. Is
few states like Florida have already        boundaries. Internationalization           there much more room for growth
done: to collect data about children        will stretch the social sciences, and      in that area, or any danger of
from the time they enter preschool          ICPSR needs to stay at the forefront.      devaluing the membership side of it?
until they finish university, in order      If you think about the traditional
to have a systemic body of data that        social science data and survey data,       A: This is an old question. I raised
tells us how well students are doing        most samples are national or involve       this to Council every year I was
and how well schools are doing.             parallel surveys replicated in different   ICPSR director. Is there room for
                                            countries. Some of the newest              more growth? That links back to the
ICPSR has a really important role to        social and behavioral research these       last question about open government.
play potentially in terms of collections,   days goes beyond those sources, to         I believe that there will be continued
but also in terms of being a resource       use information from commercial            opportunities for substantial growth
on how to maintain the collections          transactions or the events in online       in sponsor revenue from grants
that are in public hands, and for the       multiplayer games or from Facebook         and contracts, both because there’s
tools and techniques that are needed to     pages. If that’s the case, how do you      an increasing recognition in the
manage them for research.                   define national boundaries in an           science community that data need
                                            archive of Facebook pages?                 to be redistributed, and ICPSR has
The second area would be some of                                                       a unique capacity to support that;
the things that we’re doing as part                                                    and because of the recognition in
of the pending proposals for the                                                                           See Gutmann, p. 3

Gutmann (cont. from page 2)

the government data community that         students or their faculty contribute to   scientific challenges. I’m involved
there is now going to be a permanent       the curation process?                     in science policy at the federal level
expectation, no matter which party                                                   to make sure that we identify those
is in power, that data will be made                                                  challenges and then select the best
                                                                                     scientists with the most creative ideas
                                                                                     to work on them. I’m also an advocate
                                                                                     for the social and behavioral sciences,
                                                                                     in order to make sure that the broader
                                                                                     scientific community is including the
                                                                                     human sciences in everything they
                                                                                     do. The current moment is wonderful
                                                                                     because the social and behavioral
                                                                                     sciences are part of what almost
                                                                                     everyone in the scientific world is
                                                                                     thinking about. ICPSR taught me
                                                                                     to think very broadly about areas of
                                                                                     research. That preparation allows me
                                                                                     to bring a well-informed approach to
                                                                                     what I’m now doing on the science
                                                                                     policy side. We’re working on subjects
                                                                                     like research into behavior and
                                                                                     education, research about human
                                                                                     decision-making as it applies to the
            ICPSR Grant/Contract Revenue vs. Membership Revenue
                                                                                     environment and energy use, and
                                                                                     about how human behavior matters as
available for widespread use.              Q: Considering ICPSR’s new                we roll out more and more technology
                                           partnership with Thomson-Reuters,         in our schools, in health care and
ICPSR’s membership needs to be             do you see much potential for             health records, and in our lives
sensitive to the changing structure of     partnerships with the private sector?     more generally. With good science
the revenue stream.                                                                  will come better knowledge about
                                           A: In an environment that is              ourselves and our society, and better
Just before I started as Director in       increasingly integrated, there’s a        ways to develop policy to serve our
2001, membership and Summer                strong role for partnerships with         country.
Program revenue combined were              the private sector, especially if they
about equal to sponsored revenue.          provide ICPSR with opportunities
Now it’s about half as much, and I         and content that were not otherwise
believe the trend is going to continue     available. But I don’t see them as a        For more information
in that way ... If the membership can’t    major way of generating revenue.
keep up financially, it may need to find                                               Financial figures on grant and
other ways to contribute. Are there        Q: Tell us a bit about what your job        contract revenue vs. membership
ways they can contribute in kind as        at NSF is like.                             are available in our Annual
opposed to money, and what would                                                       Report.
those in-kind contributions be? In a       A: My job, on top of the day-to-day
world of distributed computing, are        management role, is to make sure            A listing of all grants and
they contributing on the computing         that NSF’s investment in the [social,       contracts secured by ICPSR
side? In a world of distributed            behavioral, and economic] sciences          researchers was recently added to
curation, could their staff or their       is appropriate and moving forward to        our Web site.
                                           solve the most important public and
                                                                                               ICPSR Bulletin Spring 2010 3
A partner in social science research

 RCMD acquires data on Mexican Americans that
 were lost for decades and rediscovered at UCLA
 By John Garcia
 Director, Resource Center for Minority Data

 In the early 1990s, construction          They then combined the findings
 workers at the University of              to construct a 35-year analysis of                         John Garcia,
 California, Los Angeles, discovered       Mexican American integration into                           director of the
 a box full of papers and magnetic         American society.                                           Resource Center
 tapes. The material turned out to                                                                     for Minority
 be a decades-old study of the social,     ICPSR will process, archive, and                            Data, has a Ph.D.
 economic, and political conditions        disseminate not only the original                           from Florida
 of Mexican Americans living in the        MASP files, but also the new data                           State University
 southwest known as the Mexican            collected by Telles and Ortiz.                              and holds a
 American Study Project (MASP).                                                   professorship at the University of
 Now, with processing of the data          Generations of Exclusion measures      Arizona. His relationship with
 under way at ICPSR for inclusion          Mexican American integration           ICPSR dates back to attending the
 in our data collection, the MASP          across a number of dimensions:
                                                                                  Summer Program as a graduate
 will add another dimension to its         education, English and Spanish
 reinvigorated status.                     language use, socioeconomic            student in 1969 and includes roles as
                                           status, intermarriage, residential     visiting researcher and instructor.
 MASP was a three-year study of            segregation, ethnic identity,          His primary areas of research include
 more than 3.5 million Mexican             and political participation. The       minority group politics, and political
 Americans from the mid-1960s.             study provided some encouraging        behavior and mobilization.
 Acquisition of the data fits with the     findings, but many more that
 mission of ICPSR, and specifically        are troubling. Linguistically,
 the pursuit by the Resource Center        Mexican Americans assimilate           expanding its accessibility for
                                           into mainstream America quite          further examination by the larger
 for Minority Data (RCMD) of a
                                           well — by the second generation,       research community. In addition,
 more pro-active posture in the
                                           nearly all Mexican Americans           the extension of the MASP into a
 identification of important studies       achieve English proficiency. In many   multi-generational study of more
 focusing on minority populations          domains, however, the Mexican
 and their experiences in the United                                              contemporary relevance allows the
                                           American story doesn’t fit with        possibility of linking the findings
 States.                                   traditional models of assimilation.    to more recent outcomes. The
                                           The majority of fourth-generation      subsequent research by Telles and
 RCMD contacted UCLA researchers           Mexican Americans continue to          Ortiz has provided a troubling
 in the fall about depositing the study,   live in Latino neighborhoods and       glimpse of what other immigrant
 and this spring received the data to      marry other Latinos. They continue
                                                                                  groups may experience in the future.
 begin processing. UCLA archivists         to think of themselves as Mexicans.
 Elizabeth Stephenson and Charlotte        Economic mobility was notable from
 Brown rediscovered the MASP. Two          the first to second generation, but    RCMD seeks to serve as a portal
 UCLA sociologists, Vilma Ortiz            economic progress halts beyond the     to explore minority groups in
 and Edward Telles, designed a new         second generation and poverty rates    America by assisting in the public
 project based on the data, resulting      remain high for later generations.     dissemination and preservation of
 in the book Generations of Exclusion:     Educational achievement also peaks     quality data to generate more “good
 Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and      among the second generation,           science” for years to come. This
 Race (Sage Foundation Press, 2008).       but degenerates for subsequent         acquisition hopefully represents one
 This study located the surviving          generations.                           of many more discoveries by RCMD
 respondents of the MASP and re-                                                  to make possible the broadest
 interviewed them and their children       RCMD’s role in this discovery chain    scope of research endeavors and
 and grandchildren, if applicable.         lies in insuring the preservation      examinations.
                                           of this important study and
                                        News and Notes ...
                                          Search begins for new                       IFSS releases harmonized
POLITICAL AND                             director                                    dataset
                                          With the appointment of Myron               The Integrated Fertility Survey
George Alter, Acting Director
Mary Vardigan, Assistant Director
                                          Gutmann to a position at the                Series (IFSS) project at ICPSR
                                          National Science Foundation,                is pleased to announce the
                                          ICPSR has begun the search                  release of a harmonized dataset.
Council Members                           process for a new director.                 The data, consisting of more
Ann Wolpert, Chair
                                                                                      than 90 sociodemographic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                          A search committee has been                 variables spanning 10 studies,
                                          formed, chaired by Pamela                   five decades, and more than
Francine Berman                           Smock of the Population Studies
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                                                      71,000 respondents, have
                                          Center at the Institute for Social          been harmonized to facilitate
G. Sayeed Choudhury                       Research at the University of               easy comparisons between the
Johns Hopkins University                  Michigan. ICPSR is one of five
                                                                                      component surveys. Online
Paul N. Courant                           research centers within ISR.
                                                                                      analysis functionality is available
University of Michigan                    Other members of the search
                                                                                      for this first release.
Catherine A. Fitch
                                          committee include five ICPSR
University of Minnesota                   Council members and two
                                          ICPSR researchers.                          With funding from the Eunice
Thomas LaVeist                                                                        Kennedy Shriver National
Johns Hopkins University                                                              Institute of Child Health and
                                          The services of J. Robert Scott
Jeffrey Moon                              Executive Search of Boston have             Human Development, the IFSS
Queen’s University
                                          also been enlisted.                         project seeks to 1) develop
Gregory Price                                                                         a harmonized data file and
Morehouse College                         ICPSR seeks candidates who can              accompanying metadata for
Rogelio Saenz                             provide innovative leadership               users interested in changes in
Texas A&M University                      in all aspects of the institute’s           fertility and the family; 2) create,
                                          mission. Candidates must have               archive, and distribute clean,
Barbara Schneider
Michigan State University                 significant experience with                 standardized electronic data files
                                          quantitative social science                 and documentation for the 10
Lori M. Weber
                                          research and instruction, and a             component surveys; 3) equip
California State University, Chico
                                          strong record of peer-reviewed              IFSS studies with online data
Christopher Zorn                          publications and grant funding.             analysis tools to allow for quick
Pennsylvania State University
                                                                                      analyses; and 4) offer complete
Aletha C. Huston, Past Chair              For more information, see our               documentation, tutorials, and
University of Texas, Austin               Careers and Internships page.               other user support.

Bulletin Staff                          Feedback sought on download process
                                        In the next few months, ICPSR will begin an evaluation
Editor: Dan Meisler
dmeisler@umich.edu                      of its download mechanism. Specifically we want to look
(734) 615-7904                          at how the data download can be improved/streamlined. To that end, we’d appreciate
                                        your feedback. Please take a moment to let us know what you think of our data
                                        download mechanisms, and suggest areas for improvement. You can either email us your
                                        suggestions at web-support@icpsr.umich.edu or fill out a simple Web form.

                                                                                             ICPSR Bulletin Spring 2010 5

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  • 1. ICPSR BULLETIN Volume XXX, No. 2 Spring 2010 Reflecting on Years of Leadership Myron Gutmann is an assistant After six months away from ICPSR, Dr. Myron director at the Gutmann considers his time as director National Science Foundation in After spending most of the 2000s as a meeting of education researchers charge of the ICPSR’s director, Myron Gutmann ... it was great because the chair of Social, Behav- left last November to lead the the session and then one of the other ioral and Eco- National Science Foundation’s Social, presenters actually spent a lot of time nomic Sciences directorate. He was Behavioral and Economic Sciences talking about ICPSR. It showed ICPSR director of ICPSR from August 2001 directorate. Gutmann visited Ann as this unique place in the research to October 2009. He has authored Arbor this spring and reflected on his world. and edited numerous books and time at ICPSR. articles; his research interests include When you’re in the middle of it, it interdisciplinary historical popula- Question: With the benefit of some seems like that’s just everything in the tion studies, the preservation and distance, what is your perspective on world. But when you step back from sharing of digital material, and the your time at ICPSR and the place of it, it’s still in the middle of everything most effective ways to protect the the organization in the social science that happens in the social science confidentiality of research subjects. community? research community. It’s everyone’s He has a Ph.D. from Princeton point of reference about data. University. Answer: It’s an extraordinary place to work with an extraordinary impact. What I took away from that experience A few weeks ago I was on a panel at is that ICPSR is still the place where Q: What do you consider some of interesting things happen and where, your greatest accomplishments during whatever we believe may not be perfect your time at ICPSR? In this issue [at ICPSR], it’s still way ahead of every other place. And that goes from A: I think that confirming ICPSR’s Q & A with Dr. Myron Gutmann 1 how people get along to cutting-edge place as the most forward-looking data RCMD acquires new data on 4 activities in support of research and archive is certainly something that all Mexican Americans data. of us should be really proud of. Over News and Notes 5 See Gutmann, p. 2
  • 2. A partner in social science research Gutmann (cont. from page 1) the eight and a half years that I was DataNet competition at NSF ... Q: Can you think of any missed here, that’s very much something Activities that span social science opportunities or unfinished business that we established. and the environment, or that span from your time at ICPSR? the social sciences and health are key A second thing would be broadening areas for the future and data that are A: There are always missed the subject matter by adding to the the seeds of leading-edge things that opportunities, many of which arise topical archives. We added the topical will take ICPSR into the future. out of our accomplishments, as well archive in demography, we added the as the fact that the world is changing topical archive in minority data, we Q: What implications for ICPSR very rapidly. ICPSR needs to position added the topical archive in child care, do you see in the trend toward itself really well for a world that is we added the Data-PASS partnership. interdisciplinary research? not going to look the same in two Continuing to broaden the collection years as it does now. That’s both the is a really important thing. A: In the area of the things that biggest opportunity and challenge. ICPSR does, [there are] lots of Q: What fields are ripe for further opportunities to capitalize on the At the same time, so much of ICPSR’s expansion of the collection here? trend toward interdisciplinary work involves providing services research. There are big challenges to government agencies. That’s A: I think that the next area in moving in this direction because unlikely to change, but the federal certainly needs to be education, it’s not necessarily clear that ICPSR government’s new emphasis on open both because there is a lot of work should hold all the environmental government and access to information going on in that area and because, data or all the biomedical data. may complicate ICPSR’s role, both as a policy-related issue, the federal Rather, [ICPSR needs] to find ways to by bringing new competitors and by government is investing massively partner with other collections to make increasing the volume of information now in improving education. the most of the environmental and that needs to be distributed. I’m health data that will support research convinced that ICPSR’s staff and [ICPSR is] not going to wind up together with the social science leadership is more than adequate to necessarily holding all of those data data in ICPSR’s collections. [ICPSR stay ahead of these challenges. collections. There’s a big investment needs] to visualize a mechanism for being passed along to the states to interchange. Q: When you were director, grant systematize their educational data. funding grew significantly while Essentially, they want to do what a The same thing goes for national membership revenue was stable. Is few states like Florida have already boundaries. Internationalization there much more room for growth done: to collect data about children will stretch the social sciences, and in that area, or any danger of from the time they enter preschool ICPSR needs to stay at the forefront. devaluing the membership side of it? until they finish university, in order If you think about the traditional to have a systemic body of data that social science data and survey data, A: This is an old question. I raised tells us how well students are doing most samples are national or involve this to Council every year I was and how well schools are doing. parallel surveys replicated in different ICPSR director. Is there room for countries. Some of the newest more growth? That links back to the ICPSR has a really important role to social and behavioral research these last question about open government. play potentially in terms of collections, days goes beyond those sources, to I believe that there will be continued but also in terms of being a resource use information from commercial opportunities for substantial growth on how to maintain the collections transactions or the events in online in sponsor revenue from grants that are in public hands, and for the multiplayer games or from Facebook and contracts, both because there’s tools and techniques that are needed to pages. If that’s the case, how do you an increasing recognition in the manage them for research. define national boundaries in an science community that data need archive of Facebook pages? to be redistributed, and ICPSR has The second area would be some of a unique capacity to support that; the things that we’re doing as part and because of the recognition in of the pending proposals for the See Gutmann, p. 3 2
  • 3. Gutmann (cont. from page 2) the government data community that students or their faculty contribute to scientific challenges. I’m involved there is now going to be a permanent the curation process? in science policy at the federal level expectation, no matter which party to make sure that we identify those is in power, that data will be made challenges and then select the best scientists with the most creative ideas to work on them. I’m also an advocate for the social and behavioral sciences, in order to make sure that the broader scientific community is including the human sciences in everything they do. The current moment is wonderful because the social and behavioral sciences are part of what almost everyone in the scientific world is thinking about. ICPSR taught me to think very broadly about areas of research. That preparation allows me to bring a well-informed approach to what I’m now doing on the science policy side. We’re working on subjects like research into behavior and education, research about human decision-making as it applies to the ICPSR Grant/Contract Revenue vs. Membership Revenue environment and energy use, and about how human behavior matters as available for widespread use. Q: Considering ICPSR’s new we roll out more and more technology partnership with Thomson-Reuters, in our schools, in health care and ICPSR’s membership needs to be do you see much potential for health records, and in our lives sensitive to the changing structure of partnerships with the private sector? more generally. With good science the revenue stream. will come better knowledge about A: In an environment that is ourselves and our society, and better Just before I started as Director in increasingly integrated, there’s a ways to develop policy to serve our 2001, membership and Summer strong role for partnerships with country. Program revenue combined were the private sector, especially if they about equal to sponsored revenue. provide ICPSR with opportunities Now it’s about half as much, and I and content that were not otherwise believe the trend is going to continue available. But I don’t see them as a For more information in that way ... If the membership can’t major way of generating revenue. keep up financially, it may need to find Financial figures on grant and other ways to contribute. Are there Q: Tell us a bit about what your job contract revenue vs. membership ways they can contribute in kind as at NSF is like. are available in our Annual opposed to money, and what would Report. those in-kind contributions be? In a A: My job, on top of the day-to-day world of distributed computing, are management role, is to make sure A listing of all grants and they contributing on the computing that NSF’s investment in the [social, contracts secured by ICPSR side? In a world of distributed behavioral, and economic] sciences researchers was recently added to curation, could their staff or their is appropriate and moving forward to our Web site. solve the most important public and ICPSR Bulletin Spring 2010 3
  • 4. A partner in social science research RCMD acquires data on Mexican Americans that were lost for decades and rediscovered at UCLA By John Garcia Director, Resource Center for Minority Data In the early 1990s, construction They then combined the findings workers at the University of to construct a 35-year analysis of John Garcia, California, Los Angeles, discovered Mexican American integration into director of the a box full of papers and magnetic American society. Resource Center tapes. The material turned out to for Minority be a decades-old study of the social, ICPSR will process, archive, and Data, has a Ph.D. economic, and political conditions disseminate not only the original from Florida of Mexican Americans living in the MASP files, but also the new data State University southwest known as the Mexican collected by Telles and Ortiz. and holds a American Study Project (MASP). professorship at the University of Now, with processing of the data Generations of Exclusion measures Arizona. His relationship with under way at ICPSR for inclusion Mexican American integration ICPSR dates back to attending the in our data collection, the MASP across a number of dimensions: Summer Program as a graduate will add another dimension to its education, English and Spanish reinvigorated status. language use, socioeconomic student in 1969 and includes roles as status, intermarriage, residential visiting researcher and instructor. MASP was a three-year study of segregation, ethnic identity, His primary areas of research include more than 3.5 million Mexican and political participation. The minority group politics, and political Americans from the mid-1960s. study provided some encouraging behavior and mobilization. Acquisition of the data fits with the findings, but many more that mission of ICPSR, and specifically are troubling. Linguistically, the pursuit by the Resource Center Mexican Americans assimilate expanding its accessibility for into mainstream America quite further examination by the larger for Minority Data (RCMD) of a well — by the second generation, research community. In addition, more pro-active posture in the nearly all Mexican Americans the extension of the MASP into a identification of important studies achieve English proficiency. In many multi-generational study of more focusing on minority populations domains, however, the Mexican and their experiences in the United contemporary relevance allows the American story doesn’t fit with possibility of linking the findings States. traditional models of assimilation. to more recent outcomes. The The majority of fourth-generation subsequent research by Telles and RCMD contacted UCLA researchers Mexican Americans continue to Ortiz has provided a troubling in the fall about depositing the study, live in Latino neighborhoods and glimpse of what other immigrant and this spring received the data to marry other Latinos. They continue groups may experience in the future. begin processing. UCLA archivists to think of themselves as Mexicans. Elizabeth Stephenson and Charlotte Economic mobility was notable from Brown rediscovered the MASP. Two the first to second generation, but RCMD seeks to serve as a portal UCLA sociologists, Vilma Ortiz economic progress halts beyond the to explore minority groups in and Edward Telles, designed a new second generation and poverty rates America by assisting in the public project based on the data, resulting remain high for later generations. dissemination and preservation of in the book Generations of Exclusion: Educational achievement also peaks quality data to generate more “good Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and among the second generation, science” for years to come. This Race (Sage Foundation Press, 2008). but degenerates for subsequent acquisition hopefully represents one This study located the surviving generations. of many more discoveries by RCMD respondents of the MASP and re- to make possible the broadest interviewed them and their children RCMD’s role in this discovery chain scope of research endeavors and and grandchildren, if applicable. lies in insuring the preservation examinations. of this important study and
  • 5. INTER-UNIVERSITY News and Notes ... CONSORTIUM FOR Search begins for new IFSS releases harmonized POLITICAL AND director dataset SOCIAL RESEARCH With the appointment of Myron The Integrated Fertility Survey George Alter, Acting Director Mary Vardigan, Assistant Director Gutmann to a position at the Series (IFSS) project at ICPSR National Science Foundation, is pleased to announce the ICPSR has begun the search release of a harmonized dataset. Council Members process for a new director. The data, consisting of more Ann Wolpert, Chair than 90 sociodemographic Massachusetts Institute of Technology A search committee has been variables spanning 10 studies, formed, chaired by Pamela five decades, and more than Francine Berman Smock of the Population Studies Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 71,000 respondents, have Center at the Institute for Social been harmonized to facilitate G. Sayeed Choudhury Research at the University of easy comparisons between the Johns Hopkins University Michigan. ICPSR is one of five component surveys. Online Paul N. Courant research centers within ISR. analysis functionality is available University of Michigan Other members of the search for this first release. Catherine A. Fitch committee include five ICPSR University of Minnesota Council members and two ICPSR researchers. With funding from the Eunice Thomas LaVeist Kennedy Shriver National Johns Hopkins University Institute of Child Health and The services of J. Robert Scott Jeffrey Moon Executive Search of Boston have Human Development, the IFSS Queen’s University also been enlisted. project seeks to 1) develop Gregory Price a harmonized data file and Morehouse College ICPSR seeks candidates who can accompanying metadata for Rogelio Saenz provide innovative leadership users interested in changes in Texas A&M University in all aspects of the institute’s fertility and the family; 2) create, mission. Candidates must have archive, and distribute clean, Barbara Schneider Michigan State University significant experience with standardized electronic data files quantitative social science and documentation for the 10 Lori M. Weber research and instruction, and a component surveys; 3) equip California State University, Chico strong record of peer-reviewed IFSS studies with online data Christopher Zorn publications and grant funding. analysis tools to allow for quick Pennsylvania State University analyses; and 4) offer complete Aletha C. Huston, Past Chair For more information, see our documentation, tutorials, and University of Texas, Austin Careers and Internships page. other user support. Bulletin Staff Feedback sought on download process In the next few months, ICPSR will begin an evaluation Editor: Dan Meisler dmeisler@umich.edu of its download mechanism. Specifically we want to look (734) 615-7904 at how the data download can be improved/streamlined. To that end, we’d appreciate your feedback. Please take a moment to let us know what you think of our data download mechanisms, and suggest areas for improvement. You can either email us your suggestions at web-support@icpsr.umich.edu or fill out a simple Web form. ICPSR Bulletin Spring 2010 5