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Your MVP Custom Template in 3 simple steps.
Build Your Own MVP
www.techtic.com | info@techtic.com
Techtic Solutions, Inc.
Solution Partner
Building MVP
is Now Simple: Do-it-Yourself
You Have A Brilliant Idea
That Could Be Ground-breaking
As Lean Startup
author Eric Ries
“Minimum Viable Product or
MVP is a version of a new
product which allows a team to
collect the maximum amount of
validated learnings about
customers with the least effort.”
are you
Pick one
Research your market
Asses your solution with
some potential clients
Create some personas
Know Your Market Well: A good MVP won't address all the needs for all your personas.
The best thing about being part of a startup is the
culture of innovation. While ideation is the nucleus to
product thinking, it is a tall order to convince your
investors of the viability of a product idea irrespective
how much promising it may sound.
So, you either take the risk of spending considerable
time, effort and money to build a product, which may or
may not be useful to the market. This is when the
question of ‘viability’ arises.
An when you talk about viability it includes the need to
build product feature or features that is necessary to
solve a core problem for a set of users and ensure it
thrives in the market.
MVP Development
Follows a
Build-Measure-Learn Process
The purpose of an MVP or Minimum Viability Product is to minimize risk by
authenticating your product idea, but with minimal investment. It is all
about getting your assumptions fast and efficiently to the market. This is
important so that you can start understanding, learning and iterating with
your real users (focused persona), because targeting too many users will lead
to chaos and you may miss out gauging on the viability factor.
The lean startup MVP method of Build, Measure and Learn helps you to
build and launch a product and work towards continually improving it as you
validate (or invalidate) assumptions. MEASURE results, analyze and LEARN
what users actually want to BUILD future iterations of your product to serve
your customers better.
Step-By-Step Guide
Build Your Minimum Viable Product
We at Techtic have clustered the MVP development process to realize this into
3 simple yet valuable steps**:
Hint: Determine the long-term goal of your MVP and write it down. The goal
should be driven by the problem that needs to be solved. Or simply, why are
you undertaking this project?
**All of these steps should be part of your product definition for any project. Follow these steps
to identify and prioritize features such that it allows you to competently outline what exactly you
need so as to build a valuable and viable version of your product.
Comprehend the business (market) needs
Explore the opportunities
Decide what features to build (based on Prioritization Matrix)
Step 1. Comprehend The Business Needs
What Is Your Long-term Goal?
Hint: Identify the criteria that will validate the success of the product. Please
note that the success criteria can and usually are more than a single metric.
What Are The Success Criteria?
Hint: This simple step-by-step process will help explore and identify the
opportunities for the product. And consecutively determine how the MVP can
most effectively add value besides solving the pain points.
[ON THE LEFT] Identify and list the Actors
[ON THE RIGHT] Mention what the user needs to do to meet the goal
[IN BETWEEN] Jot down all actions (jobs to be done)
Step 2. Explore The Opportunities
Map Out The User Journeys
User (Actor) Actions (Jobs) Story Ending
Pet Adopter Build Profile
Find a Pet
Book Appointment
Take a pet home
Observation: It may happen in most cases that you want to look at which
user (persona) has the most jobs and focus on that user. However, note that
this approach works from a logical perspective, but there are sometimes
higher priorities which would need to be addressed).
The features you choose for your MVP should SOLVE the problems of the
persona you are building it for. But it is important to chaff the ‘needs’ from the
‘wants’. While needs refer to the (essential) features the product cannot exist
without, wants are the (non-essential but good to have) features that by
creating a richer user experience plays a role in convincing a user to try your
User (Actor) Action (Jobs) Story Ending
Pains Actions Gains
Hint: Count and list the number of pains and gains for each action against the
product. Assign a value to help signify the importance when it makes sense.
(for instance, if a financial cost to your business is lessened due to 1 gain then
it is worth 5 points, whereas a smaller gain is worth 2 points).
[WRITE DOWN] The pain points for each job
[WRITE DOWN] The action (job) a user completes when using the product
[WRITE DOWN] The gains for each job
Create ‘Pain And Gain Map’ to Back Each Action
Pains Actions Gains
Trouble viewing
Book Appointment View available
appointment and
book immediately
Observation: The above exercise lets you identify the ‘greatest potential’ you
have to resolve pains and add gains. Focus on building features that address
that particular area for your MVP. You can address the other areas later in the
product roadmap to be added as items.
Create Opportunity Statements
Hint: Although there are several methods to summarize pains and gains, we
prefer to follow a HOW MIGHT WE format to create the opportunity
statements that will reflect the pains and gains you have identified for your
product like:
How might we help users find location more easily?
How might we accelerate the application process?
How might we make it easier to book hotels?
How Might We ?
How Might We ?
How Might We ?
Hint: Use your opportunity statements to finalize what features you want to
build out. In this stage you need to consolidate the findings of Step 2 to define
the feature sentence.
If one of your ‘How might we’ questions was ‘HOW MIGHT WE accelerate the
application process’, then in Step 3, you should arrive at the conclusion
High Impact
Low Impact
in MVP
in MVP
Step 3. Decide What Features To Build
Get Your ‘Prioritization Matrix’ Right
RECOMMENDATION: Use a prioritization matrix to make the final decision on what is
MUST NEED to be included in your MVP.
Prioritization Matrix
High ImpactDebate Include in MVP
Don’t Include in MVP Low Impact Revisit
Techtic Solutions is the solution partner to a number of startups and small
businesses and have been helping build MVPs for their product ideas. We
make sure that your product is viably market ready and help you raise the
necessary funds from angel investors and venture capital firms. Some of our
most dominant MVP expertise in mobile app development is:
Get in touch with us today to know more about how Techtic with their rich
experience can help you give wings to your idea by building MVP for your
startup. Write to us at info@techtic.com with your idea. We sign NDA for the
trust you put on us.
We Can Help Build
Your Next ‘Successful’ MVP
Techtic Solutions, Inc.
85 Broad St. New York NY 10004 | info@techtic.com | 201.793.8324

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Build Your Own MVP - Your MVP Custom Template in 3 simple steps

  • 1. Your MVP Custom Template in 3 simple steps. Build Your Own MVP www.techtic.com | info@techtic.com Techtic Solutions, Inc. Solution Partner
  • 2. Building MVP is Now Simple: Do-it-Yourself You Have A Brilliant Idea That Could Be Ground-breaking As Lean Startup author Eric Ries defines, “Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learnings about customers with the least effort.” What Problem are you solving? Pick one persona Research your market Asses your solution with some potential clients Create some personas Know Your Market Well: A good MVP won't address all the needs for all your personas. The best thing about being part of a startup is the culture of innovation. While ideation is the nucleus to product thinking, it is a tall order to convince your investors of the viability of a product idea irrespective how much promising it may sound. So, you either take the risk of spending considerable time, effort and money to build a product, which may or may not be useful to the market. This is when the question of ‘viability’ arises. An when you talk about viability it includes the need to build product feature or features that is necessary to solve a core problem for a set of users and ensure it thrives in the market.
  • 3. MVP Development Follows a Build-Measure-Learn Process The purpose of an MVP or Minimum Viability Product is to minimize risk by authenticating your product idea, but with minimal investment. It is all about getting your assumptions fast and efficiently to the market. This is important so that you can start understanding, learning and iterating with your real users (focused persona), because targeting too many users will lead to chaos and you may miss out gauging on the viability factor. The lean startup MVP method of Build, Measure and Learn helps you to build and launch a product and work towards continually improving it as you validate (or invalidate) assumptions. MEASURE results, analyze and LEARN what users actually want to BUILD future iterations of your product to serve your customers better.
  • 4. Step-By-Step Guide To Build Your Minimum Viable Product We at Techtic have clustered the MVP development process to realize this into 3 simple yet valuable steps**: Hint: Determine the long-term goal of your MVP and write it down. The goal should be driven by the problem that needs to be solved. Or simply, why are you undertaking this project? **All of these steps should be part of your product definition for any project. Follow these steps to identify and prioritize features such that it allows you to competently outline what exactly you need so as to build a valuable and viable version of your product. Comprehend the business (market) needs Explore the opportunities Decide what features to build (based on Prioritization Matrix) 01 02 03 Step 1. Comprehend The Business Needs What Is Your Long-term Goal?
  • 5. Hint: Identify the criteria that will validate the success of the product. Please note that the success criteria can and usually are more than a single metric. What Are The Success Criteria? Hint: This simple step-by-step process will help explore and identify the opportunities for the product. And consecutively determine how the MVP can most effectively add value besides solving the pain points. [ON THE LEFT] Identify and list the Actors [ON THE RIGHT] Mention what the user needs to do to meet the goal [IN BETWEEN] Jot down all actions (jobs to be done) 01 02 03 Step 2. Explore The Opportunities Map Out The User Journeys User (Actor) Actions (Jobs) Story Ending Pet Adopter Build Profile Find a Pet Book Appointment Apply Take a pet home
  • 6. Observation: It may happen in most cases that you want to look at which user (persona) has the most jobs and focus on that user. However, note that this approach works from a logical perspective, but there are sometimes higher priorities which would need to be addressed). The features you choose for your MVP should SOLVE the problems of the persona you are building it for. But it is important to chaff the ‘needs’ from the ‘wants’. While needs refer to the (essential) features the product cannot exist without, wants are the (non-essential but good to have) features that by creating a richer user experience plays a role in convincing a user to try your product. User (Actor) Action (Jobs) Story Ending
  • 7. Pains Actions Gains Hint: Count and list the number of pains and gains for each action against the product. Assign a value to help signify the importance when it makes sense. (for instance, if a financial cost to your business is lessened due to 1 gain then it is worth 5 points, whereas a smaller gain is worth 2 points). [WRITE DOWN] The pain points for each job [WRITE DOWN] The action (job) a user completes when using the product [WRITE DOWN] The gains for each job 01 02 03 Create ‘Pain And Gain Map’ to Back Each Action Pains Actions Gains Trouble viewing appointment availability Book Appointment View available appointment and book immediately
  • 8. Observation: The above exercise lets you identify the ‘greatest potential’ you have to resolve pains and add gains. Focus on building features that address that particular area for your MVP. You can address the other areas later in the product roadmap to be added as items. Create Opportunity Statements Hint: Although there are several methods to summarize pains and gains, we prefer to follow a HOW MIGHT WE format to create the opportunity statements that will reflect the pains and gains you have identified for your product like: How might we help users find location more easily? How might we accelerate the application process? How might we make it easier to book hotels? How Might We ? How Might We ? How Might We ?
  • 9. Hint: Use your opportunity statements to finalize what features you want to build out. In this stage you need to consolidate the findings of Step 2 to define the feature sentence. If one of your ‘How might we’ questions was ‘HOW MIGHT WE accelerate the application process’, then in Step 3, you should arrive at the conclusion High Impact Low Urgency High Urgency Low Impact Debate Include in MVP Don’t Include in MVP Revisit Step 3. Decide What Features To Build Get Your ‘Prioritization Matrix’ Right
  • 10. RECOMMENDATION: Use a prioritization matrix to make the final decision on what is MUST NEED to be included in your MVP. Prioritization Matrix High ImpactDebate Include in MVP Low Urgency High Urgency Don’t Include in MVP Low Impact Revisit
  • 11. Techtic Solutions is the solution partner to a number of startups and small businesses and have been helping build MVPs for their product ideas. We make sure that your product is viably market ready and help you raise the necessary funds from angel investors and venture capital firms. Some of our most dominant MVP expertise in mobile app development is: Get in touch with us today to know more about how Techtic with their rich experience can help you give wings to your idea by building MVP for your startup. Write to us at info@techtic.com with your idea. We sign NDA for the trust you put on us. MVP FOR HEALTHCARE MVP FOR TRAVEL MVP FOR MARKETPLACE MVP FOR CHATBOT We Can Help Build Your Next ‘Successful’ MVP Techtic Solutions, Inc. 85 Broad St. New York NY 10004 | info@techtic.com | 201.793.8324 WWW.TECHTIC.COM