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Bad Metric. Bad!
Teaching an old dog, nothing new
What are some typical metrics that you measure?
Other Examples of Software Testing Metrics
• Test Case Counts by Execution Status
• Test Case Percentages by Execution Status
• Test Case Execution Status Trend
• Test Case Status Planned vs Executed
• Test Case Coverage
• Test Case Status vs Coverage
• Test Case First Run Failure Counts
• Test Case Re– Run Counts
Test Cases
• Automation Index (Percent Automatable)
• Automation Progress
• Automation Test Coverage
Automation extras
More Examples of Software Testing Metrics
• Defect Counts by Status
• Defect Counts by Priority
• Defect Status Trend
• Defect Density
• Defect Remove Efficiency
• Defect Leakage
• Average Defect Response Time
• Requirements Volatility Index
• Testing Process Efficiency
Agile Quality Metrics
• % unit test code coverage
• % of Acceptance Criteria Covered
• # of new defects
• Defect velocity
• # of new test cases
• # of new tests automated
• Total Tests
• Total test % automated
• # test refactors
• Tests per story
Test Cases
• # Sessions/Charter
• Avg Session Time
• Number of sessions completed
• Number of problems found
• Function areas covered
• Percentage of session time spent setting up for testing
• Percentage of session time spent testing
• Percentage of session time spent investigating problems
ET Metrics
The Problem We Typically Face?
They Fail to Communicate
• Present data instead of information
• Offer no interpretation, allow user to draw own conclusion
They Are Often Inaccurate
• The act of measuring lacks of consistency
• The measures themselves have inherent variability
• No one reports margin of errors
They Do Not Measure a Control
• Can’t make decision based on number
• The measurement isn’t a lever to introduce change
They Are Not Tied to Organizational Objectives
• No threshold set for desired goal
• No action or consequence if not achieved
Back to Basics
Levels of Measurement
Nominal Interval
Ordinal Ratio
Non-Parametric Parametric
• ASSUMES an underlying normal distribution
• Requires sufficient sample size (>30)
• Standard Deviation
• Does not require known distribution shape
• Does not require known sample size
• Not as powerful as parametric tests
• Mode, Rank
• Categorical Data
• Functional Area
• Ranked Data
• Priority, Severity
• Distance is meaningful and consistent
• Time, Days, Defect Age
• Same as interval data, but with a clear 0 point
• Distance
Quick Cheat Sheet
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
= or !=
Mode, Median, Percentiles
Quantify distance between
Maths (+-*/), Standard
True Zero
Coefficient of variation
Other Examples of Software Testing Metrics
• Test Case Counts by Execution Status
• Test Case Percentages by Execution Status
• Test Case Execution Status Trend
• Test Case Status Planned vs Executed
• Test Case Coverage
• Test Case Status vs Coverage
• Test Case First Run Failure Counts
• Test Case Re– Run Counts
Test Cases
• Automation Index (Percent Automatable)
• Automation Progress
• Automation Test Coverage
Automation extras
Nominal vs Nominal
Statistic Mad Libs:
Replace the above with the following
Ordinal=Competitive Place
Interval=Degrees Fahrenheit
Ratio=Money in Your Pocket
Common Themes
• Nominal/Ordinal
• Ratio
• Divided by Interval (Usually Time)
Exercise #1 – Let’s Count Tests
1. Need volunteers
2. Assume 1 handful equals 1 days worth of testing effort
3. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs
4. Take a scoop
5. How many tests (Kisses) did you execute?
6. Based on how many tests you ran, how many more
scoops do you need to execute the rest?
Exercise #1 Questions
Are the handfuls similar? / Were the results the same?
Was there variability in the estimating? Is this similar to
guessing how much time is effort is left in a test cycle?
Is variability a normal occurrence in testing?
Are these numbers reliable?
Is counting tests measure nominal, ordinal, interval, or
For Your Consideration
How many “Joe’s” are in the room? Counting uses ratio measure for the
name attribute of a human. “Joe” itself it nominal data.
Counting “Tests” only indicates an arbitrary delineation of activity, usually
into a unit called a test case, without consideration of the contents.
Counting Tests can never be anything other than Nominal:
• There is such a thing as 0 tests
• Tests are not equally spaced apart (excludes interval and ratio)
• Tests in and of themselves are not necessarily rankable (excludes
Exercise #2 – Let’s Count Tests and Defects
1. Need 3 volunteers
2. Assume 1 scoop equals 1 days worth of testing effort
3. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs
4. Take a scoop
5. How many defects did you find?
6. Based on how much effort you put in, how many defects exist?
Exercise #2 Questions
Is it reasonable to estimate the number of defects will be found?
Does encountering defects (Purple Kisses) reveal anything
about the overall quality?
Can you extrapolate what effort it will take to reasonably
find all the defects?
Does the unreliability in the measure affect the reliability is a
new measure (e.g. defects/day)?
Is the number of defects measure nominal, ordinal, interval, or
Any Counting is subject to variability
All Counting leads to estimating – even if unintentional
# of TC’s
# of TC’s
# of Defects
# of New Test
# of Days
# of Defects
# of tests
What ones can
you think of?
Challenges with Counting
Label does not equal content
Often inherent variability in
ability to count
Not evenly
Lacks context
Metrics (Measure over Measure) - Ratio
But, Let’s Talk About Sampling First
Sampling in Testing
If you say, “No”; consider that in
most corporate environments:
We never
test the
It is not
possible to
find every
So, does
testing use
Ponder this as we discuss the next section…
Does Testing Involve a Methodical
Defect Searching Activities?
Remember, We can’t test everything – not enough time/people/budget
So, which sample approach better approximates an actual measure (e.g.
dots per sq. inch?)
5.25 dots/sq. in. 6.5 dots/sq. in.
Ponder this as we discuss the next section…
Does Testing Involve a Methodical
Defect Searching Activities?
Which sample approach better approximates an actual measure (e.g.
dots per sq. inch?)
• What is more accurate, random or methodical searching?
5.25 dots/sq. in. 6.5 dots/sq. in.
4.95 dots/sq. in. 6.3 dots/sq. in.
There are actually 6.6
dots/sq. in.
Exercise #3
Exercise #3
1. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs
2. Each volunteer grab 1 scoop of candy
3. How many (total) tests did you execute?
4. How many (total) defects did you find?
5. Log results
Exercise #3 Questions
What there variability in the number of tests per handful?
Was there variability in the number of defects per
Does this align with your expectations? Is there a
parallel with testing?
Does a trend line help or mean anything?
Is defects/test or test/defects measure nominal, ordinal,
interval, ratio?
Defect Open
Defect Close
Test Execution
Pass/Fail Rate
Tests per Story
What others
can you think
Challenges with Metrics (Measure over Measure)
Implied derivations and forecasting
Inherits measure taking consistency
Denominator rules
Numerator has no say
Many ratio’s are created from nominal
and ordinal data
Trend is a change in a measure (or metric) over time interval.
Has three components
Direction/Movement Speed/Size Cause
Exercise #4
1. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs
2. Each volunteer grab 1 scoop of candy
3. How many tests did you execute?
4. How many defects did you find?
5. Log results
Exercise #4 Questions
Is there assurance (control) that simply taking a scoop (e.g. executing tests in a
given day) will result in defects being found? Does the graph imply that?
Are the tests/day or defects/day variable? Is the resulting defects/test
Does new defects/day have any relevance to quality?
Would the cumulative tests be less informative without the
If a day was skipped, how would that affect the results?
Do visuals make the numbers seem more valid?
Challenges with Trends
Affected by challenges of
Affected by challenges of
Time Based Series
Intervals and Activity Pause
Purpose of Metrics
Measure of
Conformance to
Best Practice
Deviation from Goal
Issues affecting purpose
Misaligned with strategy
Using metrics as outputs only
Too many metrics
Ease of measure does not equal importance
Lack of context
Limited dimensions
Lack behavioral aspects
Changing the World
How to Leverage Metrics
Explicitly link metrics to goals
I prefer relative trends over absolute
Use shorter tracking periods
Change metrics when they stop driving
Account for error and confidence
Make sure nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio
measures are used appropriately
Joseph Ours
Company Website:
Personal Blog:
Explicitly link metrics to goals
Testing is knowledge work – hard to observe
Activity is easy to observe – but often unrelated to goal
State goal in terms of purpose, “To inform stakeholders of all risks
identified through systematic searching of risks”
Use trends over absolute numbers
A change from 0%– 10% is statistically/mathematically the same as 45%–
55% or 90%– 100%.
Single numbers tend to hide relevance
Trending numbers, help teams see when they are moving towards or
away from targets
Use shorter tracking periods
Shorter periods equal faster feedback and smaller performance gaps
Bigger periods equal bigger gaps and more overwhelming feeling
Bigger periods also mean less often feedback, fewer times to correct
Tracking more often
Tracking in smaller periods
Change metrics when they stop driving change
Metrics that don’t drive action are usually used punitively
Bad metrics, when actioned, drive bad decisions
Revisiting metrics periodically to ensure they are driving change
Specific Measure/Metric Pitfalls
Accuracy vs Precision
Measuring time with inconsistent flow
Measuring individuals
Measuring too little, too late
Measuring too much, too soon
Incorrect measuring approach
Misapplication of statistics
Accuracy vs Precision
Accuracy – How close to real value
Precision – if measured multiple times, the amount of variation in that
In general counting these two are generally well adhered to. In trending,
especially with time or effort based measures, fluctuations can introduce
startling results
Measuring time with inconsistent flow
Time is often used as a denominator for a metric
If items start/stop suddenly, or are not consistently driven through
measuring interval, volatile fluctuations can results (e.g. test execution,
test cycles, etc…)
Measuring individuals
It is bad form to associate metrics with individual performance – but is
often done on agile teams
Person A, did 75% of the teams testing velocity
Measuring too little, too late
Capturing information late in the process leaves little room to adjust
Measuring too much, too soon
Too many decisions early on can lead to analysis paralysis
Incorrect measuring approach
Often counts by category are used. Tests (planned vs executed). Can be
issue where category is subjective, priority/severity
Misapplication of statistics
Using %’s to indicate something important. E.g. 10%– 20% is the same
change as 80%– 90%, but folks often assume 80%– 90% is more

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Bad Metric, Bad!

  • 1. NOTICE: Proprietary and Confidential This material is proprietary to Centric Consulting, LLC. It contains trade secrets and information which is solely the property of Centric Consulting, LLC. This material is solely for the Client’s internal use. This material shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Centric Consulting, LLC. © 2013 Centric Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved Bad Metric. Bad! Teaching an old dog, nothing new
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. What are some typical metrics that you measure?
  • 5. Other Examples of Software Testing Metrics • Test Case Counts by Execution Status • Test Case Percentages by Execution Status • Test Case Execution Status Trend • Test Case Status Planned vs Executed • Test Case Coverage • Test Case Status vs Coverage • Test Case First Run Failure Counts • Test Case Re– Run Counts Test Cases • Automation Index (Percent Automatable) • Automation Progress • Automation Test Coverage Automation extras
  • 6. More Examples of Software Testing Metrics • Defect Counts by Status • Defect Counts by Priority • Defect Status Trend • Defect Density • Defect Remove Efficiency • Defect Leakage • Average Defect Response Time Defects • Requirements Volatility Index • Testing Process Efficiency Other
  • 7. Agile Quality Metrics • % unit test code coverage • % of Acceptance Criteria Covered Coverage • # of new defects • Defect velocity Defects • # of new test cases • # of new tests automated • Total Tests • Total test % automated • # test refactors • Tests per story Test Cases • # Sessions/Charter • Avg Session Time • Number of sessions completed • Number of problems found • Function areas covered • Percentage of session time spent setting up for testing • Percentage of session time spent testing • Percentage of session time spent investigating problems ET Metrics
  • 8. The Problem We Typically Face? They Fail to Communicate • Present data instead of information • Offer no interpretation, allow user to draw own conclusion They Are Often Inaccurate • The act of measuring lacks of consistency • The measures themselves have inherent variability • No one reports margin of errors They Do Not Measure a Control • Can’t make decision based on number • The measurement isn’t a lever to introduce change They Are Not Tied to Organizational Objectives • No threshold set for desired goal • No action or consequence if not achieved
  • 10. Levels of Measurement Nominal Interval Ordinal Ratio Non-Parametric Parametric
  • 11. Parametric • ASSUMES an underlying normal distribution • Requires sufficient sample size (>30) • Standard Deviation Non-Parametric • Does not require known distribution shape • Does not require known sample size • Not as powerful as parametric tests • Mode, Rank
  • 12. • Categorical Data • Functional Area Nominal • Ranked Data • Priority, Severity Ordinal • Distance is meaningful and consistent • Time, Days, Defect Age Interval • Same as interval data, but with a clear 0 point • Distance Ratio
  • 13. Quick Cheat Sheet Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Counts = or != X X X X Mode, Median, Percentiles Ordering <> X X X Quantify distance between Maths (+-*/), Standard Deviation X X True Zero Coefficient of variation X
  • 14. Other Examples of Software Testing Metrics • Test Case Counts by Execution Status • Test Case Percentages by Execution Status • Test Case Execution Status Trend • Test Case Status Planned vs Executed • Test Case Coverage • Test Case Status vs Coverage • Test Case First Run Failure Counts • Test Case Re– Run Counts Test Cases • Automation Index (Percent Automatable) • Automation Progress • Automation Test Coverage Automation extras Ratio/Nominal Ratio/Nominal Nominal/Interval Nominal vs Nominal Ratio Nominal/Ratio Nominal Nominal Statistic Mad Libs: Replace the above with the following Nominal=Gender Ordinal=Competitive Place Interval=Degrees Fahrenheit Ratio=Money in Your Pocket
  • 15. Common Themes Counts • Nominal/Ordinal Metric • Ratio Trends • Divided by Interval (Usually Time)
  • 18.
  • 19. Exercise #1 – Let’s Count Tests 1. Need volunteers 2. Assume 1 handful equals 1 days worth of testing effort 3. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs 4. Take a scoop 5. How many tests (Kisses) did you execute? 6. Based on how many tests you ran, how many more scoops do you need to execute the rest?
  • 20. Exercise #1 Questions Are the handfuls similar? / Were the results the same? Was there variability in the estimating? Is this similar to guessing how much time is effort is left in a test cycle? Is variability a normal occurrence in testing? Are these numbers reliable? Is counting tests measure nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?
  • 21. For Your Consideration How many “Joe’s” are in the room? Counting uses ratio measure for the name attribute of a human. “Joe” itself it nominal data. Counting “Tests” only indicates an arbitrary delineation of activity, usually into a unit called a test case, without consideration of the contents. Counting Tests can never be anything other than Nominal: • There is such a thing as 0 tests • Tests are not equally spaced apart (excludes interval and ratio) • Tests in and of themselves are not necessarily rankable (excludes ordinal)
  • 22. Exercise #2 – Let’s Count Tests and Defects 1. Need 3 volunteers 2. Assume 1 scoop equals 1 days worth of testing effort 3. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs 4. Take a scoop 5. How many defects did you find? 6. Based on how much effort you put in, how many defects exist?
  • 23. Exercise #2 Questions Is it reasonable to estimate the number of defects will be found? Does encountering defects (Purple Kisses) reveal anything about the overall quality? Can you extrapolate what effort it will take to reasonably find all the defects? Does the unreliability in the measure affect the reliability is a new measure (e.g. defects/day)? Is the number of defects measure nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?
  • 24. Examples Any Counting is subject to variability All Counting leads to estimating – even if unintentional # of TC’s Executed # of TC’s Written # of Defects # of New Test Cases # of Days Needed # of Defects Remaining # of tests automated What ones can you think of?
  • 25. Challenges with Counting Label does not equal content Often inherent variability in ability to count Not evenly spaced/Inconsistent Lacks context
  • 26. Metrics (Measure over Measure) - Ratio But, Let’s Talk About Sampling First
  • 27. Sampling in Testing Does testing use sampling? If you say, “No”; consider that in most corporate environments: We never test the entire application It is not realistically possible to find every defect So, does testing use sampling?
  • 28. Ponder this as we discuss the next section… Does Testing Involve a Methodical Defect Searching Activities?
  • 29. Sampling Remember, We can’t test everything – not enough time/people/budget So, which sample approach better approximates an actual measure (e.g. dots per sq. inch?) 5.25 dots/sq. in. 6.5 dots/sq. in.
  • 30. Ponder this as we discuss the next section… Does Testing Involve a Methodical Defect Searching Activities?
  • 31. Sampling Which sample approach better approximates an actual measure (e.g. dots per sq. inch?) • What is more accurate, random or methodical searching? 5.25 dots/sq. in. 6.5 dots/sq. in. 4.95 dots/sq. in. 6.3 dots/sq. in. There are actually 6.6 dots/sq. in.
  • 33. Exercise #3 1. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs 2. Each volunteer grab 1 scoop of candy 3. How many (total) tests did you execute? 4. How many (total) defects did you find? 5. Log results
  • 34. Exercise #3 Questions What there variability in the number of tests per handful? Was there variability in the number of defects per handful? Does this align with your expectations? Is there a parallel with testing? Does a trend line help or mean anything? Is defects/test or test/defects measure nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio?
  • 35. Defect Open Rate Defect Close Rate Test Execution Velocity Pass/Fail Rate Defect Removal Efficiency Tests per Story Index What others can you think of?
  • 36. Challenges with Metrics (Measure over Measure) Implied derivations and forecasting Inherits measure taking consistency issues Denominator rules Numerator has no say Many ratio’s are created from nominal and ordinal data
  • 38. Trend Trend is a change in a measure (or metric) over time interval. Has three components Direction/Movement Speed/Size Cause (Implied)
  • 39.
  • 40. Exercise #4 1. Silver Hershey Kisses are tests, Purple ones are bugs 2. Each volunteer grab 1 scoop of candy 3. How many tests did you execute? 4. How many defects did you find? 5. Log results
  • 41. Exercise #4 Questions Is there assurance (control) that simply taking a scoop (e.g. executing tests in a given day) will result in defects being found? Does the graph imply that? Are the tests/day or defects/day variable? Is the resulting defects/test variable? Does new defects/day have any relevance to quality? Would the cumulative tests be less informative without the burndown? If a day was skipped, how would that affect the results? Do visuals make the numbers seem more valid?
  • 42. Challenges with Trends Affected by challenges of counting Affected by challenges of metrics Time Based Series Intervals and Activity Pause
  • 43.
  • 44. Purpose of Metrics Measure of Performance Conformance to Best Practice Deviation from Goal
  • 45. Issues affecting purpose Misaligned with strategy Using metrics as outputs only Too many metrics Ease of measure does not equal importance Lack of context Limited dimensions Lack behavioral aspects
  • 47. How to Leverage Metrics Explicitly link metrics to goals I prefer relative trends over absolute numbers Use shorter tracking periods Change metrics when they stop driving change Account for error and confidence Make sure nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measures are used appropriately
  • 49. Explicitly link metrics to goals Understand: Testing is knowledge work – hard to observe Activity is easy to observe – but often unrelated to goal Try: State goal in terms of purpose, “To inform stakeholders of all risks identified through systematic searching of risks”
  • 50. Use trends over absolute numbers Understand A change from 0%– 10% is statistically/mathematically the same as 45%– 55% or 90%– 100%. Single numbers tend to hide relevance Try Trending numbers, help teams see when they are moving towards or away from targets
  • 51. Use shorter tracking periods Understand Shorter periods equal faster feedback and smaller performance gaps Bigger periods equal bigger gaps and more overwhelming feeling Bigger periods also mean less often feedback, fewer times to correct course Try Tracking more often Tracking in smaller periods
  • 52. Change metrics when they stop driving change Understand Metrics that don’t drive action are usually used punitively Bad metrics, when actioned, drive bad decisions Try Revisiting metrics periodically to ensure they are driving change
  • 53.
  • 54. Specific Measure/Metric Pitfalls Accuracy vs Precision Measuring time with inconsistent flow Measuring individuals Measuring too little, too late Measuring too much, too soon Incorrect measuring approach Misapplication of statistics
  • 55. Accuracy vs Precision Accuracy – How close to real value Precision – if measured multiple times, the amount of variation in that measure In general counting these two are generally well adhered to. In trending, especially with time or effort based measures, fluctuations can introduce startling results
  • 56. Measuring time with inconsistent flow Time is often used as a denominator for a metric If items start/stop suddenly, or are not consistently driven through measuring interval, volatile fluctuations can results (e.g. test execution, test cycles, etc…)
  • 57. Measuring individuals It is bad form to associate metrics with individual performance – but is often done on agile teams Person A, did 75% of the teams testing velocity
  • 58. Measuring too little, too late Capturing information late in the process leaves little room to adjust
  • 59. Measuring too much, too soon Too many decisions early on can lead to analysis paralysis
  • 60. Incorrect measuring approach Often counts by category are used. Tests (planned vs executed). Can be issue where category is subjective, priority/severity
  • 61. Misapplication of statistics Using %’s to indicate something important. E.g. 10%– 20% is the same change as 80%– 90%, but folks often assume 80%– 90% is more relevant