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Netflix Keystone SPaaS
S t r e a m P r o c e s s i n g A s a S e r v i c e
A B D 3 2 0
Monal Daxini @monaldax #reInvent #Netflix
Stream Processing Infrastructure
● Data Engineer Why stream processing, and what does the platform offer?
● Data Leader Product / vision of a stream processing platform
● Platform engineer How we build and operate a stream processing platform?
What Do I Get Out Of This Talk?
Organized based on different roles or perspectives
● I will focus on stream processing platform for business insights, which my
team builds, mostly based on Flink
● I won’t
● Address operational insights for which we have different systems
● Compare stream processing engines, or cover stream processing concepts
Why Stream Processing?
● Low latency business insights and analytics
● Processing data as it arrives helps spread workload over time, &
reduce processing redundancy
● Need to process unbounded data sets becoming increasingly
Why Real Time Data?
● Enable users to focus on data and business insights, and not worry
about building stream processing infrastructure and tooling
Why Build A Stream Processing Platform?
What Does A Stream
Processing Platform Offer?
Platform Needs To Offer Robust Way To Process Streams
Allowing To Tradeoff Between Ease, Capability, & Flexibility
Point & Click
Routing, Filtering, Projection
Streaming Jobs
● Support Streaming SQL Future
● Interactive exploration of streams for quick prototyping Future
Stream Processing as a Service platform offers
Point & Click
Routing, Filtering, Projection
Ingest Pipelines Are The Backbone Of A Real-time
Data Infrastructure
100% in AWS
Keystone Pipeline– Provision A Managed Data Stream 📽
* We would eventually like to move away from xpath & our custom parser
Keystone Self-serve – Message Formats
Keystone Self-Serve – Optional Projection 📽
Keystone Self-serve – Elasticsearch Sink Config
Keystone Self-serve – Kafka Sink Partition Key Support
Keystone - Configure 1 Data Stream, A Filter, & 3 Sinks
Create Kafka Topic, And Three Separate Jobs
SPaaS Router
Consumer Kafka
3 Jobs1 Topic
Keystone Management
1 Topic
Event Flow: Producer Uses Kafka Client Wrapper Or Proxy
SPaaS Router
Consumer Kafka
Keystone Management
Event Flow: Events Queued In Kafka
SPaaS RouterFronting
Consumer Kafka
3 instances
Keystone Management
Event Flow: Each Router Reads From Source, Optionally
Applies Filter & Projection
SPaaS RouterFronting
Consumer Kafka
3 instances
Keystone Management
Event Flow: Each Router Writes To Their Respective Sinks
SPaaS RouterFronting
Consumer Kafka
3 instances
Non-Keyed Keyed Supported
Keystone Management
Dashboard Generated For Provisioned Streams
Searchable Router Job Logs
Flink Job Web UI
Keystone Router Admin Links
Data Stream Operations is Managed
• Fully managed scaling
• Managed capacity planning
• 24 X 7 availability [Scale]
• Garbage collect unused streams
Keystone Pipeline - The Road Ahead
• Additional components – UDFs, Data Hygiene, Data Alerting, etc
• Component chaining in the UI
• Schema Support
• Data Lineage
• Cost attribution
Point & Click
Routing, Filtering, Projection
Streaming Jobs
Why A Streaming Job?
• When we need more flexibility and power than what Point &
Click pipeline offers, use stream processing jobs.
Generate Streaming Job From Template
Generated Jenkins Build
Run And Debug Locally In The IDE
Create A New Streaming Job Config For Deployment
Deploying A Streaming Job In Test
Deploying A Streaming Job In Other Environments
Deployment Status Of A Sample Streaming Job
Streaming Job Actions & Links
Streaming Job Dashboard – Platform Metrics Auto-updated
Searchable Streaming-Job Logs
● Use case specific consulting
● Recipes
● Examples and Documentation
In Addition, Consulting & Documentation
Types of Streaming Jobs
Broadly, Two Categories Of Streaming Jobs
• Stateless
• No state maintained across events
• Stateful
• State maintained across events
Streaming Job In Context Of Keystone Pipeline
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen
Stateless Stream Processor – No Internal State
Stateless Stream Processor – External State
Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen@monaldax
Stateless Example: Generating Plays Feed For Personalization,
And Discovery Of Shows
Stateless Streaming Job Use Case: High Level Architecture
Enriching And Identifying Certain Plays
History Service
Streaming Job
Play Logs
Live Service Lookup Data
Stateful Stream Processing
Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen@monaldax
Stateful Example: Creating Search Sessions
Search Personalization – Custom Windowing On
Out-of-order Events
...... S ES
……….Session 2: S
Session 1:
SE …
Streaming Application
Flink Engine
Local State
Stateful Streaming Application With Local State,
Checkpoints, And Savepoints
(Explicitly Triggered)
Streaming Job (Flink) Savepoint Tooling Support
• Amazon S3 based multi-tenant storage management
• Auto savepoint and resume from savepoint on redeploy
• Resume from an existing savepoint
Streaming Job (Flink) High Level Features
• Stateless jobs
• Event enrichment support by accessing services using platform thick clients
• Stateful jobs 100s of GB, with larger state support in the works
• Reusable blocks (in progress)
• Job development, deployment, and monitoring tooling (alpha)
Streaming Jobs - The Road Ahead
• Easy resource provisioning estimates
• Flink support for reading and writing from data warehouse, backfill
• Continue to evolve tooling and support for large state
• Reusable Components - sources, sinks, operators, schema support, data hygiene
• Tooling support for Spark Streaming
Prod – Trending Events & Scale With Events
Flowing To Hive, Elasticsearch, Kafka
≅ 80B to 1.3T
• 1.3T+ events processed per day
• 600B to 1T unique per day
• 2+ PB in 4.5+ PB out per day
• Peak: 12M events in / sec & 36 GB / sec
Keystone Router Stream Processing Jobs Scale
How Do We Do It?
RTDI Consists Of 4 Systems. Keystone Pipeline Runs 24 X 7,
& Does Not Impact Members Ability To Play Videos
Stream Processing
24 x 7
- Dev
- Test
- Prod
Components & Streaming Jobs
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
Event Producer Library
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
• Inject event metadata - GUID, timestamp, host, app
• Transparent and dynamic traffic routing for producers
• Chaski - Custom binary data wrapper within Keystone pipeline
• Multiple serialization support & Additional metadata
• Netflix ecosystem integration – Eureka, Archaius, Atlas
Producer Library - Kafka Client Wrapper
Streaming Job
Boundary Of Custom Binary Data Wrapper
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
• Automated Kafka producer buffer (60s) tuning based on traffic
• Best effort delivery, Prioritizes host application availability
• acks=1, Do not block to send events, Unclean leader election
• Non-keyed messages, retry send to available partitions
• 99.9%+ delivery
Producer Library - Kafka Client Wrapper
Ksgateway - Event Proxy For Non-java Clients, REST & GRPC
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
Kafka Clusters (0.10) on Amazon EC2
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
• Have message sizes > 1MB and up to 10MB
• Large Scale Keystone Ingest pipelines results in large fan out
• Lower Latency – used for ad-hoc messaging as well
• Open source – enhance, patch, or extend
• Cons: It’s not Managed
Why Kafka?
Scale for Large Fan-out and Isolation - Cascading Topology
Alternative: Logical Stream (Topic) Spread Across
Multiple Topics Across Multiple Clusters (WIP)
• Dedicated Zookeeper cluster per Kafka cluster
• Small Clusters < 200 brokers, partitions <= 10K
• Partitions distributed evenly across brokers
• Rack-aware replica assignment, brokers spread in 3 Zones
• 2 copies & Unclean leader election on
• Non-transactional
Kafka Deployment Strategies – Version 0.10 (YMMV)
• 36+ Kafka & Zookeeper clusters
• 4000+ brokers (EC2), 700+ topics
• 3000+ d2.xl, 900+ i2.2xl
• Highly available 99.99%+
• Retention 2hr, 4hr, 8hr, 24hr
Kafka Clusters Scale
Stream Processing Platform
Keystone Management
Stream Consumers
High-level Stream Processing Platform Architecture - Routers
Keystone Management
Point & Click
Router Streaming Job
Container Runtime
1. Create
Streaming Job
2. Launch Job with
Config, Source,
Sink, Filters,
Projections, etc. 3. Launch Containers
• Immutable Image
• Automated, system driven config overrides
• Keystone pipeline is built on Flink Routers
• Each Flink Router is a stream processing job
• Router provisioning based on incoming traffic or estimates
• Runs on containers atop EC2
• Island mode - single AWS Region
Streaming Jobs 1.3.2
High-level Stream Processing Platform Architecture
Streaming Jobs
Keystone Management
Point & Click or
Streaming Job
Container Runtime
1. Create
Streaming Job
2. Launch Job with
Config overrides
3. Launch Containers
• Immutable Image
• User driven config overrides
Stream Processing Platform - Layered cake
Amazon EC2
Titus Container Runtime
Stream Processing Platform
(Flink Streaming Engine, Config Management)
Reusable Components
Source & Sink Connectors, Filtering, Projection, etc.
(Streaming Job)
Streaming Jobs
Flink Job Cluster In HA Mode
Job Manager
Leader (WebUI)
Task Manager Task Manager Task Manager
Job Manager
One dedicated Zookeeper
cluster for all streamig Jobs
Flink Task Slots & Automatic Operator Chaining
Image: Flink 1.2 documentation@monaldax
Flink Job Cluster In HA Mode With Checkpoints
Job Manager
Task Manager Task Manager Task Manager
Job Manager
State Checkpoints
State Metadata
Flink Checkpoints Similar To 2 Phase Commit
Image: Flink 1.2 documentation@monaldax
Titus Job
Task Manager
Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5
Checkpoints Are Taken Often
Job Manager
Job Manager
Task Manager
Titus Host 1
Titus Host 1
Task Manager
Titus Host 2
Titus Job
- Checkpoints
- Kafka Offset
Titus Job
Task Manager
Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5
Checkpoints Are Taken Often. A Container Could Fail…
Job Manager
Job Manager
Task Manager
Titus Host 1
Titus Host 1
Task Manager
Titus Host 2
Titus Job
- Checkpoints
- Kafka Offset
Titus Job
Task Manager
Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5
Job Manager
Job Manager
Task Manager
Titus Host 1
Titus Host 2
Task Manager
Titus Host 3
Titus Job
- Checkpoints
- Kafka OffsetRestore
Failed Container Automatically Replaced. State
Restored To Last Checkpoint, Partially Recovery Supported
Replacement container
and Streaming Jobs Management
SPaaS RouterFronting
Consumer Kafka
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
Keystone Management Current Architecture - Imperative
Keystone Management New Architecture (WIP) – Declarative
Keystone Management New Architecture (WIP)
• The ability to pass data along the chain of Joblets within a Job
• Locks and semaphores on resources spanning across jobs
• Customization and integration into Netflix ecosystem – Eureka, etc.
Keystone Management Unique Features
How Do We Operate It?
Scale Operations Using Systems Not Humans
• No separate Ops team
• No separate QA team
• No separate Dev team
• It’s all done by developers of the Real Time Data Infrastructure
We Run What We Build!
• We rely on metrics, monitoring, alerting & paging, & automation
• Separate metrics system – Atlas
• Separate alert configuration and alert actions system
• Options for separate system to run cross-system automation tasks
We Leverage Other Netflix Systems
Easy Alert Configuration And Status
Easy View Of Fired Alerts
Streaming Job
Operating Ksgateway - Event Proxy For Non-Java Clients
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
• Stateless Service
• Scaled Using Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling Group
• Pre-scaled for planned increase in traffic
Streaming Job
Event Producer Related Monitoring And Alerts
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Monitoring Producer, Alert On Drop Rate
Kafka Clusters
SPaaS RouterFronting
Keystone Management
Streaming Job
Kafka Failover - Fronting Kafka Clusters
Kafka Cluster Failover – As Fast As 5 Minutes
Kafka Cluster & Routers In Healthy State
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Issue With Kafka Cluster
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Launch Backup Kafka Cluster With Same Number Of
Instances, But Smaller Instance Type
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Bring up failover
Kafka cluster
Copy metadata
from Zookeeper
Change Producer Config To Produce To Failover
Cluster, And Launch Routers For Failover Traffic
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Failover Flink
Change Producer Config To Original Cluster, And
Finish Draining Events From Backup Flink Router
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Failover Flink
Decommission Backup Cluster And Router Once Original
Cluster Is Fixed, Or A Replacement Cluster Is Live
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Failover Flink
Flink Router
Fronting Kafka
Back To Steady State With Click Of A Button
• Failover currently supported for Fronting Kafka clusters only
• We are working on multi-consumer client with support for keyed
message to support failover of consumer Kafka clusters.
Consumer Kafka Clusters
Planned & Regular
Kafka Kong
This Automation Also Serves As Kafka Kong, A Tool That
Follows Principles Of Chaos Engineering
• Over provision for variations and traffic for failover
• Broker health & outlier detection and auto termination
• 99 percentile response time
• Broker TCP timeouts, errors, retransmissions
• Producer’s send latency
Kafka Operation Strategies (YMMV)
• Scale up by
• Adding partitions – to new brokers, requires no keyed messages
• Partition reassignment – in small batches with custom tool
• Scale down by
• Create New topics / New clusters
• Create new clusters - use Kafka failover automation
Kafka Operation Strategies (YMMV)
Stream Processing Platform
Keystone Management
Flink Streaming Job
• Container replacement
• Checkpoints and Savepoints
• Keep retrying if event data format is valid
• Isolation – issue with one sink does not impact another
Routers & Streaming Job Fault Tolerance By Design
• Provision new or updated streams
• Bulk updates and terminate routers and re-deployment
• Automatic partial recovery allows zero-touch migration of
underlying container infrastructure
• Manual – KSRunbook
Router Deployment Automation
Manual Intervention, We Have Runbook.
Goal Is To Automate And Keep Runbook Small
• Per stream provisioning based on past weeks traffic or bit rate estimate
• Provision buffer capacity
• Run 1 additional container for latency sensitive consumers
• Manual, % increase, easy to compute and deploy
• Plan capacity to handle service failover, and holiday peaks
Router Capacity Planning And Provisioning
Admin Tooling To Scale Up Manually, Or To Deploy A New Build
Application Metrics – Router Message Flow
Application Metrics – Router filtering
Platform-level Metrics – Kafka Offset Metrics
System Metrics - Router JVM Metrics
Alerts– Hive Sink Router
Flink Streaming Job
● Split between application and infrastructure
● Metrics and monitoring and
● Alerts
● Paging and on-call rotations
● Platform customers follow the same “We build it we run it model”
Example Streaming Job Application Level Simulated Metrics
Example Streaming Job System Level Simulated Metrics
Operations – The road ahead
● True auto scaling
● Bootstrap capacity planning for stateful streaming jobs
● Automated Canary tooling & Data parity
● Point and Click components quick testing, and performance profiling
● E.g., - iterating over a Filter definition
I Want To Learn More
● http://bit.ly/mLOOP - Deep dive into Unbounded Data Processing Systems
● http://bit.ly/m17FF - Keynote – Stream Processing with Flink at Netflix
● http://bit.ly/2BoYAq0 - Multi-tenant Multi-cluster Kafka Messaging Service
© 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
M o n a l D a x i n i
@ m o n a l d a x
Que sti o ns?

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AWS Re-Invent 2017 Netflix Keystone SPaaS - Monal Daxini - Abd320 2017

  • 1. © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS re:INVENT Netflix Keystone SPaaS S t r e a m P r o c e s s i n g A s a S e r v i c e A B D 3 2 0 Monal Daxini @monaldax #reInvent #Netflix Stream Processing Infrastructure
  • 2. @monaldax ● Data Engineer Why stream processing, and what does the platform offer? ● Data Leader Product / vision of a stream processing platform ● Platform engineer How we build and operate a stream processing platform? What Do I Get Out Of This Talk? Organized based on different roles or perspectives @monaldax
  • 3. @monaldax ● I will focus on stream processing platform for business insights, which my team builds, mostly based on Flink ● I won’t ● Address operational insights for which we have different systems ● Compare stream processing engines, or cover stream processing concepts
  • 5.
  • 6. @monaldax ● Low latency business insights and analytics ● Processing data as it arrives helps spread workload over time, & reduce processing redundancy ● Need to process unbounded data sets becoming increasingly common Why Real Time Data?
  • 7. @monaldax ● Enable users to focus on data and business insights, and not worry about building stream processing infrastructure and tooling Why Build A Stream Processing Platform?
  • 8. @monaldax What Does A Stream Processing Platform Offer?
  • 9. @monaldax Platform Needs To Offer Robust Way To Process Streams Allowing To Tradeoff Between Ease, Capability, & Flexibility SPaaS
  • 10. @monaldax Point & Click Routing, Filtering, Projection Streaming Jobs ● Support Streaming SQL Future ● Interactive exploration of streams for quick prototyping Future Stream Processing as a Service platform offers
  • 11. @monaldax Point & Click Routing, Filtering, Projection
  • 12. @monaldax Event Producers Sinks Ingest Pipelines Are The Backbone Of A Real-time Data Infrastructure SERVERLESS Turnkey 100% in AWS
  • 13. @monaldax Keystone Pipeline– Provision A Managed Data Stream 📽
  • 14. @monaldax * We would eventually like to move away from xpath & our custom parser Keystone Self-serve – Message Formats
  • 15. @monaldax Keystone Self-Serve – Optional Projection 📽
  • 16. @monaldax Keystone Self-serve – Elasticsearch Sink Config
  • 17. @monaldax Keystone Self-serve – Kafka Sink Partition Key Support
  • 18. @monaldax Keystone - Configure 1 Data Stream, A Filter, & 3 Sinks
  • 19. Event Producer Create Kafka Topic, And Three Separate Jobs SPaaS Router Fronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka KCW Elasticsearch 3 Jobs1 Topic Keystone Management 1 Topic @monaldax
  • 20. Event Flow: Producer Uses Kafka Client Wrapper Or Proxy SPaaS Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Elasticsearch @monaldax
  • 21. Event Flow: Events Queued In Kafka SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka Event Producer KSGateway Consumer Kafka KCW Elasticsearch 3 instances Keystone Management @monaldax
  • 22. Event Flow: Each Router Reads From Source, Optionally Applies Filter & Projection SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka Event Producer KSGateway Consumer Kafka KCW Elasticsearch 3 instances Keystone Management @monaldax
  • 23. Event Flow: Each Router Writes To Their Respective Sinks SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka Event Producer KSGateway Consumer Kafka KCW Elasticsearch 3 instances Non-Keyed Keyed Supported Keystone Management @monaldax
  • 24. Dashboard Generated For Provisioned Streams
  • 26. Flink Job Web UI @monaldax k
  • 28. Data Stream Operations is Managed • Fully managed scaling • Managed capacity planning • 24 X 7 availability [Scale] • Garbage collect unused streams @monaldax
  • 29. Keystone Pipeline - The Road Ahead • Additional components – UDFs, Data Hygiene, Data Alerting, etc • Component chaining in the UI • Schema Support • Data Lineage • Cost attribution @monaldax
  • 30. @monaldax Point & Click Routing, Filtering, Projection (prod) Streaming Jobs
  • 31. Why A Streaming Job? • When we need more flexibility and power than what Point & Click pipeline offers, use stream processing jobs. @monaldax
  • 32. Generate Streaming Job From Template @monaldax
  • 34. Run And Debug Locally In The IDE @monaldax
  • 35. Create A New Streaming Job Config For Deployment @monaldax
  • 36. Deploying A Streaming Job In Test @monaldax
  • 37. Deploying A Streaming Job In Other Environments @monaldax
  • 38. Deployment Status Of A Sample Streaming Job
  • 39. Streaming Job Actions & Links @monaldax
  • 40. Streaming Job Dashboard – Platform Metrics Auto-updated @monaldax
  • 42. @monaldax ● Use case specific consulting ● Recipes ● Examples and Documentation In Addition, Consulting & Documentation
  • 44. Broadly, Two Categories Of Streaming Jobs • Stateless • No state maintained across events • Stateful • State maintained across events @monaldax
  • 45. Event Producer Streaming Job In Context Of Keystone Pipeline SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 46. Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen Stateless Stream Processor – No Internal State @monaldax
  • 47. Stateless Stream Processor – External State Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen@monaldax
  • 48. Stateless Example: Generating Plays Feed For Personalization, And Discovery Of Shows
  • 49. @monaldax Stateless Streaming Job Use Case: High Level Architecture Enriching And Identifying Certain Plays Playback History Service Video Metadata Streaming Job Play Logs Live Service Lookup Data
  • 50. Stateful Stream Processing Image adapted from: Stephan Ewen@monaldax
  • 51. Stateful Example: Creating Search Sessions
  • 52. Search Personalization – Custom Windowing On Out-of-order Events ...... S ES ……….Session 2: S Hours S E Session 1: SE … @monaldax
  • 53. Streaming Application Flink Engine Local State Stateful Streaming Application With Local State, Checkpoints, And Savepoints Sinks Savepoints (Explicitly Triggered) Checkpoints (Automatic) Sources @monaldax
  • 54. Streaming Job (Flink) Savepoint Tooling Support • Amazon S3 based multi-tenant storage management • Auto savepoint and resume from savepoint on redeploy • Resume from an existing savepoint @monaldax
  • 55. Streaming Job (Flink) High Level Features • Stateless jobs • Event enrichment support by accessing services using platform thick clients • Stateful jobs 100s of GB, with larger state support in the works • Reusable blocks (in progress) • Job development, deployment, and monitoring tooling (alpha) @monaldax
  • 56. Streaming Jobs - The Road Ahead • Easy resource provisioning estimates • Flink support for reading and writing from data warehouse, backfill • Continue to evolve tooling and support for large state • Reusable Components - sources, sinks, operators, schema support, data hygiene • Tooling support for Spark Streaming @monaldax
  • 58. Prod – Trending Events & Scale With Events Flowing To Hive, Elasticsearch, Kafka ≅ 80B to 1.3T • 1.3T+ events processed per day • 600B to 1T unique per day • 2+ PB in 4.5+ PB out per day • Peak: 12M events in / sec & 36 GB / sec @monaldax
  • 59. @monaldax Keystone Router Stream Processing Jobs Scale m4.4xl
  • 61. @monaldax RTDI Consists Of 4 Systems. Keystone Pipeline Runs 24 X 7, & Does Not Impact Members Ability To Play Videos Keystone Stream Processing (SPaaS) Keystone Management Keystone Messaging 24 x 7 - Dev - Test - Prod Granular shadowing
  • 62. Event Producer Components & Streaming Jobs SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 63. Event Producer Event Producer Library SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 64. • Inject event metadata - GUID, timestamp, host, app • Transparent and dynamic traffic routing for producers • Chaski - Custom binary data wrapper within Keystone pipeline • Multiple serialization support & Additional metadata • Netflix ecosystem integration – Eureka, Archaius, Atlas Producer Library - Kafka Client Wrapper @monaldax
  • 65. Streaming Job Event Producer Boundary Of Custom Binary Data Wrapper SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch @monaldax
  • 66. • Automated Kafka producer buffer (60s) tuning based on traffic • Best effort delivery, Prioritizes host application availability • acks=1, Do not block to send events, Unclean leader election • Non-keyed messages, retry send to available partitions • 99.9%+ delivery Producer Library - Kafka Client Wrapper @monaldax
  • 67. Event Producer Ksgateway - Event Proxy For Non-java Clients, REST & GRPC SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 68. Event Producer Kafka Clusters (0.10) on Amazon EC2 SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 69. • Have message sizes > 1MB and up to 10MB • Large Scale Keystone Ingest pipelines results in large fan out • Lower Latency – used for ad-hoc messaging as well • Open source – enhance, patch, or extend • Cons: It’s not Managed Why Kafka? @monaldax
  • 70. Scale for Large Fan-out and Isolation - Cascading Topology Fronting Kafka Consumer Kafka Consumer @monaldax
  • 71. Alternative: Logical Stream (Topic) Spread Across Multiple Topics Across Multiple Clusters (WIP) Multi-Cluster Producer Multi-Cluster Consumer @monaldax
  • 72. • Dedicated Zookeeper cluster per Kafka cluster • Small Clusters < 200 brokers, partitions <= 10K • Partitions distributed evenly across brokers • Rack-aware replica assignment, brokers spread in 3 Zones • 2 copies & Unclean leader election on • Non-transactional Kafka Deployment Strategies – Version 0.10 (YMMV) @monaldax
  • 73. • 36+ Kafka & Zookeeper clusters • 4000+ brokers (EC2), 700+ topics • 3000+ d2.xl, 900+ i2.2xl • Highly available 99.99%+ • Retention 2hr, 4hr, 8hr, 24hr Kafka Clusters Scale @monaldax
  • 75. High-level Stream Processing Platform Architecture - Routers Keystone Management Point & Click Router Streaming Job Container Runtime 1. Create Streaming Job 2. Launch Job with Config, Source, Sink, Filters, Projections, etc. 3. Launch Containers • Immutable Image • Automated, system driven config overrides @monaldax
  • 76. • Keystone pipeline is built on Flink Routers • Each Flink Router is a stream processing job • Router provisioning based on incoming traffic or estimates • Runs on containers atop EC2 • Island mode - single AWS Region Streaming Jobs 1.3.2 @monaldax
  • 77. High-level Stream Processing Platform Architecture Streaming Jobs Keystone Management Point & Click or Streaming Job Container Runtime 1. Create Streaming Job 2. Launch Job with Config overrides 3. Launch Containers • Immutable Image • User driven config overrides @monaldax
  • 78. Stream Processing Platform - Layered cake Amazon EC2 Titus Container Runtime Stream Processing Platform (Flink Streaming Engine, Config Management) Reusable Components Source & Sink Connectors, Filtering, Projection, etc. Routers (Streaming Job) Streaming Jobs @monaldax
  • 79. @monaldax Flink Job Cluster In HA Mode Zookeeper Job Manager Leader (WebUI) Task Manager Task Manager Task Manager Job Manager (WebUI) One dedicated Zookeeper cluster for all streamig Jobs
  • 80. Flink Task Slots & Automatic Operator Chaining Image: Flink 1.2 documentation@monaldax
  • 81. @monaldax Flink Job Cluster In HA Mode With Checkpoints Zookeeper Job Manager (Leader) Task Manager Task Manager Task Manager Job Manager State Checkpoints State Metadata Checkpoints
  • 82. Flink Checkpoints Similar To 2 Phase Commit Image: Flink 1.2 documentation@monaldax
  • 83. @monaldax Titus Job Task Manager IP Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5 Checkpoints Are Taken Often Zookeeper Job Manager (standby) Job Manager (master) Task Manager Titus Host 1 IP Titus Host 1 …. Task Manager Titus Host 2 IP Titus Job IPIP AWS VPC State - Checkpoints - Kafka Offset Save
  • 84. @monaldax Titus Job Task Manager IP Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5 Checkpoints Are Taken Often. A Container Could Fail… Zookeeper Job Manager (standby) Job Manager (master) Task Manager Titus Host 1 IP Titus Host 1 …. Task Manager Titus Host 2 IP Titus Job IPIP AWS VPC State - Checkpoints - Kafka Offset Save X
  • 85. @monaldax Titus Job Task Manager IP Titus Host 4 Titus Host 5 Zookeeper Job Manager (standby) Job Manager (master) Task Manager Titus Host 1 IP Titus Host 2 …. Task Manager Titus Host 3 IP Titus Job IPIP AWS VPC State - Checkpoints - Kafka OffsetRestore Failed Container Automatically Replaced. State Restored To Last Checkpoint, Partially Recovery Supported Replacement container
  • 86. Event Producer and Streaming Jobs Management SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 87. @monaldax Keystone Management Current Architecture - Imperative Composable Joblets Composable Joblets
  • 88. @monaldax Keystone Management New Architecture (WIP) – Declarative
  • 89. @monaldax Keystone Management New Architecture (WIP)
  • 90. • The ability to pass data along the chain of Joblets within a Job • Locks and semaphores on resources spanning across jobs • Customization and integration into Netflix ecosystem – Eureka, etc. Keystone Management Unique Features @monaldax
  • 91. @monaldax How Do We Operate It? Scale Operations Using Systems Not Humans
  • 92. • No separate Ops team • No separate QA team • No separate Dev team • It’s all done by developers of the Real Time Data Infrastructure We Run What We Build! @monaldax
  • 93. • We rely on metrics, monitoring, alerting & paging, & automation • Separate metrics system – Atlas • Separate alert configuration and alert actions system • Options for separate system to run cross-system automation tasks We Leverage Other Netflix Systems @monaldax
  • 94. Easy Alert Configuration And Status @monaldax
  • 95. Easy View Of Fired Alerts @monaldax
  • 96. Streaming Job Event Producer Operating Ksgateway - Event Proxy For Non-Java Clients SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management Hive Elasticsearch • Stateless Service • Scaled Using Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling Group • Pre-scaled for planned increase in traffic @monaldax
  • 97. Streaming Job Event Producer Event Producer Related Monitoring And Alerts SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Elasticsearch @monaldax
  • 99. Event Producer Kafka Clusters SPaaS RouterFronting Kafka KSGateway Consumer Kafka Keystone Management KCW Hive Elasticsearch Streaming Job @monaldax
  • 100. @monaldax Kafka Failover - Fronting Kafka Clusters
  • 102. @monaldax Kafka Cluster & Routers In Healthy State Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer
  • 103. @monaldax Issue With Kafka Cluster Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer X
  • 104. @monaldax Launch Backup Kafka Cluster With Same Number Of Instances, But Smaller Instance Type Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer Bring up failover Kafka cluster Copy metadata from Zookeeper X
  • 105. @monaldax Change Producer Config To Produce To Failover Cluster, And Launch Routers For Failover Traffic Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer Failover Flink Router X
  • 106. @monaldax Change Producer Config To Original Cluster, And Finish Draining Events From Backup Flink Router Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer Failover Flink Router
  • 107. @monaldax Decommission Backup Cluster And Router Once Original Cluster Is Fixed, Or A Replacement Cluster Is Live Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer Failover Flink Router X X
  • 108. @monaldax Flink Router Fronting Kafka Event Producer Back To Steady State With Click Of A Button
  • 109. • Failover currently supported for Fronting Kafka clusters only • We are working on multi-consumer client with support for keyed message to support failover of consumer Kafka clusters. Consumer Kafka Clusters @monaldax
  • 110. Planned & Regular Kafka Kong This Automation Also Serves As Kafka Kong, A Tool That Follows Principles Of Chaos Engineering @monaldax
  • 111. • Over provision for variations and traffic for failover • Broker health & outlier detection and auto termination • 99 percentile response time • Broker TCP timeouts, errors, retransmissions • Producer’s send latency Kafka Operation Strategies (YMMV) @monaldax
  • 112. • Scale up by • Adding partitions – to new brokers, requires no keyed messages • Partition reassignment – in small batches with custom tool • Scale down by • Create New topics / New clusters • Create new clusters - use Kafka failover automation Kafka Operation Strategies (YMMV) @monaldax
  • 114. • Container replacement • Checkpoints and Savepoints • Keep retrying if event data format is valid • Isolation – issue with one sink does not impact another Routers & Streaming Job Fault Tolerance By Design @monaldax
  • 115. • Provision new or updated streams • Bulk updates and terminate routers and re-deployment • Automatic partial recovery allows zero-touch migration of underlying container infrastructure • Manual – KSRunbook Router Deployment Automation @monaldax
  • 116. Manual Intervention, We Have Runbook. Goal Is To Automate And Keep Runbook Small @monaldax
  • 117. • Per stream provisioning based on past weeks traffic or bit rate estimate • Provision buffer capacity • Run 1 additional container for latency sensitive consumers • Manual, % increase, easy to compute and deploy • Plan capacity to handle service failover, and holiday peaks Router Capacity Planning And Provisioning @monaldax
  • 118. Admin Tooling To Scale Up Manually, Or To Deploy A New Build @monaldax
  • 119. Application Metrics – Router Message Flow @monaldax
  • 120. Application Metrics – Router filtering @monaldax
  • 121. Platform-level Metrics – Kafka Offset Metrics
  • 122. System Metrics - Router JVM Metrics @monaldax
  • 123. Alerts– Hive Sink Router @monaldax
  • 124. @monaldax Flink Streaming Job ● Split between application and infrastructure ● Metrics and monitoring and ● Alerts ● Paging and on-call rotations ● Platform customers follow the same “We build it we run it model”
  • 125. Example Streaming Job Application Level Simulated Metrics
  • 126. Example Streaming Job System Level Simulated Metrics
  • 127. @monaldax Operations – The road ahead ● True auto scaling ● Bootstrap capacity planning for stateful streaming jobs ● Automated Canary tooling & Data parity ● Point and Click components quick testing, and performance profiling ● E.g., - iterating over a Filter definition
  • 128. @monaldax I Want To Learn More ● http://bit.ly/mLOOP - Deep dive into Unbounded Data Processing Systems ● http://bit.ly/m17FF - Keynote – Stream Processing with Flink at Netflix ● http://bit.ly/2BoYAq0 - Multi-tenant Multi-cluster Kafka Messaging Service
  • 129. © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. THANK YOU! M o n a l D a x i n i @ m o n a l d a x Que sti o ns?