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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III)
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Image Processing – A Brief
Mahesh Prasanna K1
and Dr. Shantharama Rai C2
Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur
Canara Engineering College, Mangalore
Abstract: The subject of this study is to show the application of fuzzy logic in image processing with a brief introduction to fuzzy
logic and digital image processing. Digital image processing is an ever expanding and dynamic area with applications reaching
out into our everyday life such as medicine, space exploration, surveillance, authentication, automated industry inspection and
many more areas. Fuzzy logic, one of the decision-making techniques of artificial intelligence, has many application areas.
Although it has been subjected to criticisms since its birth, especially in recent years, fuzzy logic has been proven to be applicable
in almost all scientific fields. This shows that the concept of fuzzy logic will maintain its validity and the number of fields where
it draws attention will increase further.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Image Processing, Fuzzy Image Processing, Fuzzy Inference System.
This work is structured into three parts. The first part gives a
brief introduction to digital image processing [1]. Given the
importance of digital image processing and the significance of
their implementations on hardware to achieve better
performance, this work addresses image processing algorithms
like median filter, morphological processing, convolution
operation and edge detection. The second part gives an
introduction to fuzzy logic [2] and also covers topics
concerning a range of technologies used in the fuzzy image
processing systems, e.g. image sensors, signal processing
units, memory technologies and displays. Finally, the
applications of fuzzy logic in image processing are briefly
An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function f(x,
y), where x and y are spatial coordinates. The amplitude of f at
any pair of coordinates (x, y) is called intensity or gray level
of image at that point. When x, y, and the amplitude values of
f are all finite, discrete quantities, the image is called a digital
image. The processing of digital images by means of digital
computer is called digital image processing. Note that, a
digital image is composed of finite number of elements, each
of which has a particular location and value. These elements
are referred to as image elements, picture elements, pels, or
pixels (see Figure 1). Pixel is the term used most widely to
denote the elements of a digital image [3].
(x, y)
Imagef(x, y)
The most commonly used image processing algorithms like, 1)
Filtering, 2) Morphological Operations, 3) Convolution, and
4) Edge detection [1].
2.1 Procedures for Hardware Implementation
There are two types of technologies available for hardware
design. Full custom hardware design also called as
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) and semi
custom hardware device, which are programmable devices
like Digital signal processors (DSPs) and Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGA‟s). Full custom ASIC design offers
highest performance, but the complexity and the cost
associated with the design is very high. The ASIC design
cannot be changed and the design time is also very high. ASIC
designs are used in high volume commercial applications. In
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III)
addition, during design fabrication the presence of a single
error renders the chip useless. DSPs are a class of hardware
devices that fall somewhere between an ASIC and a PC in
terms of the performance and the design complexity. DSPs are
specialized microprocessors, typically programmed in C, or
with assembly code for improved performance. It is well
suited to extremely complex math intensive tasks such as
image processing. Field Programmable Gate Arrays are
reconfigurable devices. Hardware design techniques such as
parallelism and pipelining techniques can be developed on a
FPGA, which is not possible in dedicated DSP designs.
Implementing image processing algorithms on reconfigurable
hardware minimizes the time-to-market cost, enables rapid
prototyping of complex algorithms and simplifies debugging
and verification. Therefore, FPGAs are an ideal choice for
implementation of real time image processing algorithms. A
comparison is made for the areas where each of these
technologies prevails. This is shown in Table 1.1 and 1.2.
Table 1.1: Comparisons of different types of signal processing
technologies [1]
Technology Performance Power Flexibility Price
ASIC Excellent Good Poor Excellent
DSP Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
FPGA Excellent Fair Excellent Poor
Table 1.2: Comparisons between ASICs and FPGAs [1]
Performance Metric ASICs FPGAs
Power Low High
Flexibility Low High
Clock Speed High Low
Logic Integration High Low
Integrated Features Low High
Back-end Design Effort High Low
Unit Cost with Volume Production Low High
No perfect technology exists that is competent in all areas. For
a balanced embedded system design, a combination of some
of the alternative technologies is a necessity. FPGAs have
traditionally been configured by hardware engineers using a
Hardware Design Language (HDL). The two principal
languages used are Verilog HDL (Verilog) and Very High
Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) HDL (VHDL), which
allows designers to design at various levels of abstraction.
Verilog and VHDL are specialized design techniques that are
not immediately accessible to software engineers, who have
often been trained using imperative programming languages.
Consequently, over the last few years there have been several
attempts at translating algorithmic oriented programming
languages directly into hardware descriptions. C-based
hardware descriptive languages have been proposed and
developed since the late 1980s. Some of the C-based hardware
descriptive languages include Cones, HardwareC,
Transmogrifier C, SystemC, OCAPI, C2Verilog, Cyber,
SpecC, Nach C], CASH. A new C like hardware description
language called Handel-C introduced by Celoxica, allows the
designer to focus more on the specification of an algorithm
rather than adopting a structural approach to coding.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) represent a
technology in which engineers create a fixed hardware design
using a variety of tools. Once a design has been programmed
onto an ASIC, it cannot be changed. Since these chips
represent true, custom hardware, highly optimized, parallel
algorithms are possible. However, except in high-volume
commercial applications, ASICs are often considered too
costly for many designs. In addition, if an error exists in the
hardware design and is not discovered before product
shipment, it cannot be corrected without a very costly product
recall. Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are a class of
hardware devices that fall somewhere between an ASIC and a
PC in terms of performance and design complexity. They can
be programmed with either assembly code or the C
programming language, which is one of the platform‟s distinct
advantages. Hardware design knowledge is still required, but
the learning curve is significantly lower than some other
design choices, since many engineers have knowledge of C
prior to exposure to DSP systems. However, algorithms
designed for a DSP cannot be highly parallel without using
multiple DSPs. Algorithm performance is certainly higher
than on a PC, but in some cases, ASIC or FPGA systems are
the only choice for a design. Still, DSPs are a very common
and efficient method of processing real-time data. Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represent reconfigurable
computing technology, which is in some ways ideally suited
for video processing. Reconfigurable computers are processors
which can be programmed with a design, and then
reprogrammed (or reconfigured) with virtually limitless
designs as the designer‟s needs change. FPGAs generally
consist of a system of logic blocks (usually look up tables and
flip-flops) and some amount of Random Access Memory
(RAM), all wired together using a vast array of interconnects.
All of the logic in an FPGA can be rewired, or reconfigured,
with a different design as often as the designer likes. This type
of architecture allows a large variety of logic designs
dependent on the processor‟s resources, which can be
interchanged for a new design as soon as the device can be
Fuzzy control techniques have attracted significant interest
and have become an important part of modern control
engineering. The use of linguistic knowledge in the form of
IF-THEN rules gives a fuzzy system the ability to work as a
universal approximator to nonlinear functions.
Fuzzy logic is a logical system which is an extension of multi-
valued logic. In logics system multi-valued logic is a
propositional calculus in which there are more than two truth
values. There are only two possible values true or false for any
proposition but extension to classical two valued logic is an n-
valued logic or n greater than two.
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III)
Fuzzy logic is conceptually easy to understand and is flexible
and is tolerant of imprecise data. Fuzzy logic is to map an
input space to an output space and for doing this a list of if
then statements called rules are evaluated in parallel .These
Rules are useful because they use variables and adjectives that
describes those variables.
A typical fuzzy logic controller (FLC) consists of a
fuzzification module, fuzzy inference engine, defuzzification
module (see Figure 2) and pre- and post-processing modules
Fuzzification FuzzyInference Defuzzyfication
Fuzzy image processing [5, 6] is the collection of all
approaches that understand, represent and process the images,
their segments and features as fuzzy sets. The representation
and processing depend on the selected fuzzy technique and on
the problem to be solved. Fuzzy image processing has three
main stages: image fuzzification, modification of membership
values, and, if necessary, image defuzzification as shown in
Figure 3.
Input Resulting
Image Image
Figure 3: The General Structure of Fuzzy Image Processing.
Image Fuzzification Fuzzy Inference
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy
Set Theory
Expert Knowledge
The fuzzification and defuzzification steps are due to the fact
that we do not possess fuzzy hardware. Therefore, the coding
of image data (fuzzification) and decoding of the results
(defuzzification) are steps that make possible to process
images with fuzzy techniques. The main power of fuzzy image
processing is in the middle step (modification of membership
values).After the image data are transformed from gray-level
plane to the membership plane (fuzzification), appropriate
fuzzy techniques modify the membership values. This can be a
fuzzy clustering, a fuzzy rule-based approach, a fuzzy
integration approach and so on.
In our investigation of papers on utilization of fuzzy logic in
image processing, we have reached many papers on many
application areas. However, in this study, we consider the
fields of agriculture, medicine and industry the most
remarkable ones in general. Typical applications of studies in
such fields are given below:
5.1 Fuzzy Color Credibility Approach to Color Image
With this study, fuzzy modeling of the concept of color
credibility was applied to color image filtering. On the basis of
the perceptual notion of color resemblance, the colors are
modeled as fuzzy sets in the CIELAB color space. The
principle of filtering is to select at the filter output the color
that is the most credible with respect to the rest of colors
within the filtering window. Although this approach does not
make any assumption on the desired filter type, the result is
similar to a vector median type filter [7].
5.2 Vision Intelligence for Farming Using Fuzzy Logic
Optimized Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network
This study aimed at an intelligent vision system for
autonomous vehicle field operations. Fuzzy logic was used to
classify crops and weeds. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used
to optimize and tune the fuzzy logic membership rules. Field
study confirmed that the method developed was able to
accurately classify crop and weeds through the entire growing
period. After segmenting out the weed, an artificial neural
network (ANN) was used to estimate the estimates crop height
and width. The r2 for estimation of the crop height was 0.92
for the training data and 0.83 for the test data. Finally, a
geographic information system (GIS) was used to create a
crop growth map [8].
5.3 Fuzzy Logic Approach to Numerical Water Level Gauge
The watermarking system proposed in this paper offers an
expert system technique to help solve the ownership claim for
accidental attacks on digital images. The proposed spatial
domain watermarking system is based on fuzzy logic and was
designed with the intent of embedding watermark features
such that they are undetectable to the human visual system. In
order to achieve this, it is necessary to develop and design
watermarking scheme targets three of the five perceptual holes
of the human visual system. The resulting watermarking
scheme was evaluated using image processing techniques
typical of an accidental attack process. The evaluation of the
embedded watermark was subjected to a limited sample of
human visual system observers [9].
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III)
5.4 A Fuzzy Data Fusion Method for Improved Motion
As previous work has shown, information from different
artificial image approaches to the same problem can be
combined to produce more robust results. Often, information
from a technique looking at a completely different aspect of an
image (object) can also be of use. Fuzzy set theory has yielded
useful results in combining the results of image processing
techniques for different problems. This approach is illustrated
by the use of texture information to improve the results of
motion estimation methods [10] Fuzzy Subset hood Based
Color Image Processing This study presents uses the concept
of fuzzy subset hood for defining a new class of color image
processing operations. By considering a color value as a fuzzy
set, the fuzzy subset hood becomes applicable to color images.
From this, a simple color threshold operation can be defined,
which gives a gray value image from the degrees of subset
hood. Also, mathematical morphology can be applied to color
images this way. This gives the Fuzzy Pareto Morphology
(FPM), which fulfills basic requirements for a generalized
morphology. An extension of the difference image to color
images and an operation given by the intermediate result of
FPM are called as new operations. The fuzzy subset hood
allows for the definition of a new class of comprehensive
color image processing operations [11].
5.5 Fuzzy Rules and GIS in Three Dimensional Prediction
While a full soil survey based on intensive sampling is
probably the best way to determine soil conditions at a large
scale, this is not always feasible or necessary. In many cases,
predictions by an experienced soil surveyor, based on less
expensive information such as topography, aerial
photography, or land use data, can be an alternative. The
three-dimensional rule-based continuous soil modeling system
(TRCS) provides an environment for formulating fuzzy rules
that link soil conditions to landscape information. Soil
information is represented in the form of fuzzy profiles based
on a set of horizon classes optimized for their predictive
5.6 Object Recognition in Robot Football by Using One
Dimensional Image
Robot football is an increasingly developing area in the world
of autonomous robots and related research fields. One of the
main problems in this task is to determine the presence and
location of objects from the robot‟s point of view. This
method is tested on a simulator of a Khepera autonomous
mobile robot with an onboard one dimensional 256 gray level
black-white camera. The objects in the field are the light gray
walls, a simulated yellow tennis ball, and a black goal area.
Three methods are introduced in this work: In the threshold
based method, a high pass filter is used multiple times to
detect the rising and falling edges, and then a threshold is
applied over the detected edges to eliminate the false edges.
After the detection of the edges, regions are detected. By using
the number of regions, the mean value of each region, and the
standard deviation of the regions, several rules, which are
needed to classify the regions, are extracted. These rules use
the relations between the objects, relative to each other. The
second method is based on a neural network, and the last
method uses fuzzy expert systems, to recognize the objects
Present day applications require various kinds of images as
sources of information for interpretation and analysis. When
an image is converted from one form to another (such as
digitizing, scanning, transmitting, storing, etc.) degradation
occurs. Hence the output image has to undergo a process
called image enhancement, which consists of a collection of
techniques that seek to improve the visual appearance of an
image. Image enhancement is basically improving the
interpretability or perception of information in images for
human viewers and providing „better‟ input for other
automated image processing systems [1].
The fuzzy set theory is incorporated to handle uncertainties
(arising from deficiencies of information available). The fuzzy
logic provides a mathematical framework for representation
and processing of expert knowledge. The concept of if-then
rules plays a role in approximation of the values like crossover
point. The fuzzy if-then rules are a sophisticated bridge
between human knowledge on one side and the numerical
framework of computers on the other side. They are simple
and easy to understand. It can be used to achieve a higher level
of image quality considering the subjective perception and
opinion of human observers. Fuzzy theory can be used to
overcome the drawbacks of spatial domain methods like
thresholding and frequency domain methods like Gaussian
low pass filter to improve the contrast of an image. In future
Nuro-Fuzzy techniques can be used to enhance the quality of
The uncertainties within image processing tasks are not
always due to randomness but often due to vagueness and
ambiguity. Fuzzy technique enables us to manage these
problems effectively.
[1] K. Mahesh Prasanna, C. Shantharama Rai, “Image
Processing Algorithms – A Comprehensive Study”,
IJACR (International Journal of Advanced Computer
Research), ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online):
2277-7970, Volume-4, Number-2, Issue-15, June-
2014, pp 532-539.
[2] K. Mahesh Prasanna, and C. Shantharama Rai,
“Fuzzy Logic – A Comprehensive Study”, IJAFRC
(International Journal of Advance Foundation &
Research in Computer), ISSN: 2348-4853, Volume-
1, Issue-10, October-2014, pp 10-15.
[3] Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods: “Digital
Image Processing”, Third edition, 1990.
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III)
[4] I. Kalaykov, B. Iliev, et. al.: “DSP-based Fast Fuzzy
Logic Controllers”.
[5] Abhradita Deepak Borkar, MithileshAtulkar: “Fuzzy
Inference System for Image Processing”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013.
[6] Abdallah A. Alshennawy, and Ayman A. Aly: “Edge
Detection in Digital ImagesUsing Fuzzy Logic
Technique”, International Journal of Electrical and
Computer Engineering 4:7 2009.
[7] Vertan,C., Boujemaa,N., Buzuloiu,V., “ A Fuzzy
Color Credibility Approach To Color Image
Filtering” IEEE,Vol 31 No:4,2001,pp. 88-94
[8] Naguchi,N., Reid,J.F.,Zhang,Q., Tian, L.F., “Vision
İntelligence For Precision Farming Using fuzzy
Logic Optimized Genetik Algorithm And Artificial
Neural Network” An ASAE Meeting Presentation,
Paper No: 983034,1998 ,pp 128-136
[9] Coumou,D., Mathew,A., “A Fuzzy Logic Approach
To Digital Image Watermarking” DESDes‟01 The
International Workshop On Discrete-Event System
Design, 2001,pp. 201-209
[10] Peacook,A.M., Renshaw,D., Hannah,J., “ A Fuzzy
Data Fusion Method For Improved Motion
Estimation”, University of Edinburgh, 1996, pp.75-
[11] Köppen,M.,Nowack,G., “Fuzzy Subsethood Based
Color Image Processing” Processings of the 1997
Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive
Science Society Conference,1997
[12] Köse,H., Akın, L., “ Object Recognition In Robot
Football Using A One Dimensional Image” TAINN,

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Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Image Processing – A Brief Study

  • 1. COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III) 1555 Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Image Processing – A Brief Study Mahesh Prasanna K1 and Dr. Shantharama Rai C2 1 Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur 2 Canara Engineering College, Mangalore Abstract: The subject of this study is to show the application of fuzzy logic in image processing with a brief introduction to fuzzy logic and digital image processing. Digital image processing is an ever expanding and dynamic area with applications reaching out into our everyday life such as medicine, space exploration, surveillance, authentication, automated industry inspection and many more areas. Fuzzy logic, one of the decision-making techniques of artificial intelligence, has many application areas. Although it has been subjected to criticisms since its birth, especially in recent years, fuzzy logic has been proven to be applicable in almost all scientific fields. This shows that the concept of fuzzy logic will maintain its validity and the number of fields where it draws attention will increase further. Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Image Processing, Fuzzy Image Processing, Fuzzy Inference System. 1. INTRODUCTION This work is structured into three parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to digital image processing [1]. Given the importance of digital image processing and the significance of their implementations on hardware to achieve better performance, this work addresses image processing algorithms like median filter, morphological processing, convolution operation and edge detection. The second part gives an introduction to fuzzy logic [2] and also covers topics concerning a range of technologies used in the fuzzy image processing systems, e.g. image sensors, signal processing units, memory technologies and displays. Finally, the applications of fuzzy logic in image processing are briefly explained. 2. THE CONCEPT OF IMAGE PROCESSING An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function f(x, y), where x and y are spatial coordinates. The amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x, y) is called intensity or gray level of image at that point. When x, y, and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, the image is called a digital image. The processing of digital images by means of digital computer is called digital image processing. Note that, a digital image is composed of finite number of elements, each of which has a particular location and value. These elements are referred to as image elements, picture elements, pels, or pixels (see Figure 1). Pixel is the term used most widely to denote the elements of a digital image [3]. Y (x, y) Imagef(x, y) X Figure1:DigitalImage. The most commonly used image processing algorithms like, 1) Filtering, 2) Morphological Operations, 3) Convolution, and 4) Edge detection [1]. 2.1 Procedures for Hardware Implementation There are two types of technologies available for hardware design. Full custom hardware design also called as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) and semi custom hardware device, which are programmable devices like Digital signal processors (DSPs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA‟s). Full custom ASIC design offers highest performance, but the complexity and the cost associated with the design is very high. The ASIC design cannot be changed and the design time is also very high. ASIC designs are used in high volume commercial applications. In ISSN:2320-0790
  • 2. COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III) 1556 addition, during design fabrication the presence of a single error renders the chip useless. DSPs are a class of hardware devices that fall somewhere between an ASIC and a PC in terms of the performance and the design complexity. DSPs are specialized microprocessors, typically programmed in C, or with assembly code for improved performance. It is well suited to extremely complex math intensive tasks such as image processing. Field Programmable Gate Arrays are reconfigurable devices. Hardware design techniques such as parallelism and pipelining techniques can be developed on a FPGA, which is not possible in dedicated DSP designs. Implementing image processing algorithms on reconfigurable hardware minimizes the time-to-market cost, enables rapid prototyping of complex algorithms and simplifies debugging and verification. Therefore, FPGAs are an ideal choice for implementation of real time image processing algorithms. A comparison is made for the areas where each of these technologies prevails. This is shown in Table 1.1 and 1.2. Table 1.1: Comparisons of different types of signal processing technologies [1] Technology Performance Power Flexibility Price ASIC Excellent Good Poor Excellent DSP Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent FPGA Excellent Fair Excellent Poor Table 1.2: Comparisons between ASICs and FPGAs [1] Performance Metric ASICs FPGAs Power Low High Flexibility Low High Clock Speed High Low Logic Integration High Low Integrated Features Low High Back-end Design Effort High Low Unit Cost with Volume Production Low High No perfect technology exists that is competent in all areas. For a balanced embedded system design, a combination of some of the alternative technologies is a necessity. FPGAs have traditionally been configured by hardware engineers using a Hardware Design Language (HDL). The two principal languages used are Verilog HDL (Verilog) and Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) HDL (VHDL), which allows designers to design at various levels of abstraction. Verilog and VHDL are specialized design techniques that are not immediately accessible to software engineers, who have often been trained using imperative programming languages. Consequently, over the last few years there have been several attempts at translating algorithmic oriented programming languages directly into hardware descriptions. C-based hardware descriptive languages have been proposed and developed since the late 1980s. Some of the C-based hardware descriptive languages include Cones, HardwareC, Transmogrifier C, SystemC, OCAPI, C2Verilog, Cyber, SpecC, Nach C], CASH. A new C like hardware description language called Handel-C introduced by Celoxica, allows the designer to focus more on the specification of an algorithm rather than adopting a structural approach to coding. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) represent a technology in which engineers create a fixed hardware design using a variety of tools. Once a design has been programmed onto an ASIC, it cannot be changed. Since these chips represent true, custom hardware, highly optimized, parallel algorithms are possible. However, except in high-volume commercial applications, ASICs are often considered too costly for many designs. In addition, if an error exists in the hardware design and is not discovered before product shipment, it cannot be corrected without a very costly product recall. Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are a class of hardware devices that fall somewhere between an ASIC and a PC in terms of performance and design complexity. They can be programmed with either assembly code or the C programming language, which is one of the platform‟s distinct advantages. Hardware design knowledge is still required, but the learning curve is significantly lower than some other design choices, since many engineers have knowledge of C prior to exposure to DSP systems. However, algorithms designed for a DSP cannot be highly parallel without using multiple DSPs. Algorithm performance is certainly higher than on a PC, but in some cases, ASIC or FPGA systems are the only choice for a design. Still, DSPs are a very common and efficient method of processing real-time data. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represent reconfigurable computing technology, which is in some ways ideally suited for video processing. Reconfigurable computers are processors which can be programmed with a design, and then reprogrammed (or reconfigured) with virtually limitless designs as the designer‟s needs change. FPGAs generally consist of a system of logic blocks (usually look up tables and flip-flops) and some amount of Random Access Memory (RAM), all wired together using a vast array of interconnects. All of the logic in an FPGA can be rewired, or reconfigured, with a different design as often as the designer likes. This type of architecture allows a large variety of logic designs dependent on the processor‟s resources, which can be interchanged for a new design as soon as the device can be reprogrammed. 3. THE CONCEPT OF FUZZY LOGIC Fuzzy control techniques have attracted significant interest and have become an important part of modern control engineering. The use of linguistic knowledge in the form of IF-THEN rules gives a fuzzy system the ability to work as a universal approximator to nonlinear functions. Fuzzy logic is a logical system which is an extension of multi- valued logic. In logics system multi-valued logic is a propositional calculus in which there are more than two truth values. There are only two possible values true or false for any proposition but extension to classical two valued logic is an n- valued logic or n greater than two.
  • 3. COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III) 1557 Fuzzy logic is conceptually easy to understand and is flexible and is tolerant of imprecise data. Fuzzy logic is to map an input space to an output space and for doing this a list of if then statements called rules are evaluated in parallel .These Rules are useful because they use variables and adjectives that describes those variables. A typical fuzzy logic controller (FLC) consists of a fuzzification module, fuzzy inference engine, defuzzification module (see Figure 2) and pre- and post-processing modules [4]. Figure2:GeneralFuzzyLogicController. Fuzzification FuzzyInference Defuzzyfication Rule&Database 4. FUZZY IMAGE PROCESSING Fuzzy image processing [5, 6] is the collection of all approaches that understand, represent and process the images, their segments and features as fuzzy sets. The representation and processing depend on the selected fuzzy technique and on the problem to be solved. Fuzzy image processing has three main stages: image fuzzification, modification of membership values, and, if necessary, image defuzzification as shown in Figure 3. Input Resulting Image Image Figure 3: The General Structure of Fuzzy Image Processing. Image Fuzzification Fuzzy Inference System Image Defuzzyfication Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Set Theory Expert Knowledge The fuzzification and defuzzification steps are due to the fact that we do not possess fuzzy hardware. Therefore, the coding of image data (fuzzification) and decoding of the results (defuzzification) are steps that make possible to process images with fuzzy techniques. The main power of fuzzy image processing is in the middle step (modification of membership values).After the image data are transformed from gray-level plane to the membership plane (fuzzification), appropriate fuzzy techniques modify the membership values. This can be a fuzzy clustering, a fuzzy rule-based approach, a fuzzy integration approach and so on. 5. APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY LOGIC IN IMAGE PROCESSING In our investigation of papers on utilization of fuzzy logic in image processing, we have reached many papers on many application areas. However, in this study, we consider the fields of agriculture, medicine and industry the most remarkable ones in general. Typical applications of studies in such fields are given below: 5.1 Fuzzy Color Credibility Approach to Color Image Filtering With this study, fuzzy modeling of the concept of color credibility was applied to color image filtering. On the basis of the perceptual notion of color resemblance, the colors are modeled as fuzzy sets in the CIELAB color space. The principle of filtering is to select at the filter output the color that is the most credible with respect to the rest of colors within the filtering window. Although this approach does not make any assumption on the desired filter type, the result is similar to a vector median type filter [7]. 5.2 Vision Intelligence for Farming Using Fuzzy Logic Optimized Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network This study aimed at an intelligent vision system for autonomous vehicle field operations. Fuzzy logic was used to classify crops and weeds. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to optimize and tune the fuzzy logic membership rules. Field study confirmed that the method developed was able to accurately classify crop and weeds through the entire growing period. After segmenting out the weed, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used to estimate the estimates crop height and width. The r2 for estimation of the crop height was 0.92 for the training data and 0.83 for the test data. Finally, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to create a crop growth map [8]. 5.3 Fuzzy Logic Approach to Numerical Water Level Gauge The watermarking system proposed in this paper offers an expert system technique to help solve the ownership claim for accidental attacks on digital images. The proposed spatial domain watermarking system is based on fuzzy logic and was designed with the intent of embedding watermark features such that they are undetectable to the human visual system. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to develop and design watermarking scheme targets three of the five perceptual holes of the human visual system. The resulting watermarking scheme was evaluated using image processing techniques typical of an accidental attack process. The evaluation of the embedded watermark was subjected to a limited sample of human visual system observers [9].
  • 4. COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (3), March-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-III) 1558 5.4 A Fuzzy Data Fusion Method for Improved Motion Estimation As previous work has shown, information from different artificial image approaches to the same problem can be combined to produce more robust results. Often, information from a technique looking at a completely different aspect of an image (object) can also be of use. Fuzzy set theory has yielded useful results in combining the results of image processing techniques for different problems. This approach is illustrated by the use of texture information to improve the results of motion estimation methods [10] Fuzzy Subset hood Based Color Image Processing This study presents uses the concept of fuzzy subset hood for defining a new class of color image processing operations. By considering a color value as a fuzzy set, the fuzzy subset hood becomes applicable to color images. From this, a simple color threshold operation can be defined, which gives a gray value image from the degrees of subset hood. Also, mathematical morphology can be applied to color images this way. This gives the Fuzzy Pareto Morphology (FPM), which fulfills basic requirements for a generalized morphology. An extension of the difference image to color images and an operation given by the intermediate result of FPM are called as new operations. The fuzzy subset hood allows for the definition of a new class of comprehensive color image processing operations [11]. 5.5 Fuzzy Rules and GIS in Three Dimensional Prediction While a full soil survey based on intensive sampling is probably the best way to determine soil conditions at a large scale, this is not always feasible or necessary. In many cases, predictions by an experienced soil surveyor, based on less expensive information such as topography, aerial photography, or land use data, can be an alternative. The three-dimensional rule-based continuous soil modeling system (TRCS) provides an environment for formulating fuzzy rules that link soil conditions to landscape information. Soil information is represented in the form of fuzzy profiles based on a set of horizon classes optimized for their predictive powers. 5.6 Object Recognition in Robot Football by Using One Dimensional Image Robot football is an increasingly developing area in the world of autonomous robots and related research fields. One of the main problems in this task is to determine the presence and location of objects from the robot‟s point of view. This method is tested on a simulator of a Khepera autonomous mobile robot with an onboard one dimensional 256 gray level black-white camera. The objects in the field are the light gray walls, a simulated yellow tennis ball, and a black goal area. Three methods are introduced in this work: In the threshold based method, a high pass filter is used multiple times to detect the rising and falling edges, and then a threshold is applied over the detected edges to eliminate the false edges. After the detection of the edges, regions are detected. By using the number of regions, the mean value of each region, and the standard deviation of the regions, several rules, which are needed to classify the regions, are extracted. These rules use the relations between the objects, relative to each other. The second method is based on a neural network, and the last method uses fuzzy expert systems, to recognize the objects [12]. 6. CONCLUSIONS Present day applications require various kinds of images as sources of information for interpretation and analysis. When an image is converted from one form to another (such as digitizing, scanning, transmitting, storing, etc.) degradation occurs. Hence the output image has to undergo a process called image enhancement, which consists of a collection of techniques that seek to improve the visual appearance of an image. Image enhancement is basically improving the interpretability or perception of information in images for human viewers and providing „better‟ input for other automated image processing systems [1]. The fuzzy set theory is incorporated to handle uncertainties (arising from deficiencies of information available). The fuzzy logic provides a mathematical framework for representation and processing of expert knowledge. The concept of if-then rules plays a role in approximation of the values like crossover point. The fuzzy if-then rules are a sophisticated bridge between human knowledge on one side and the numerical framework of computers on the other side. They are simple and easy to understand. It can be used to achieve a higher level of image quality considering the subjective perception and opinion of human observers. Fuzzy theory can be used to overcome the drawbacks of spatial domain methods like thresholding and frequency domain methods like Gaussian low pass filter to improve the contrast of an image. In future Nuro-Fuzzy techniques can be used to enhance the quality of images. The uncertainties within image processing tasks are not always due to randomness but often due to vagueness and ambiguity. Fuzzy technique enables us to manage these problems effectively. REFERENCES [1] K. Mahesh Prasanna, C. Shantharama Rai, “Image Processing Algorithms – A Comprehensive Study”, IJACR (International Journal of Advanced Computer Research), ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970, Volume-4, Number-2, Issue-15, June- 2014, pp 532-539. [2] K. Mahesh Prasanna, and C. 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