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Robert	Hryniewicz
Developer	Advocate
Apache	Spark	
Crash	Course	- DataWorks Summit	- Munich	2017
2 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
“Big	Data”
à Internet	of	Anything	(IoT)
– Wind	Turbines,	Oil	Rigs
– Beacons,	Wearables
– Smart	Cars
à User	Generated	Content	(Social,	Web	&	Mobile)
– Twitter,	Facebook,	Snapchat
– Clickstream
– Paypal,	Venmo
44ZB	in	2020
3 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Visualizing	44ZB	
100	pixels	=	1M	TB
100	px ->	1M	TB		assumes	5M	pixel	resolution	screen
4 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
5 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
The	“Big	Data”	Problem
à A	single	machine	cannot	process	or	even	store	all	the	data!
à Distribute	data	over	large	clusters
à How	to	split	work	across	machines?
à Moving	data	over	network	is	expensive
à Must	consider	data	&	network	locality
à How	to	deal	with	failures?
à How	to	deal	with	slow	nodes?
6 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Background
7 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
What	Is	Apache	Spark?
à Apache	open	source	project	
originally	developed	at	AMPLab
(University	of	California	Berkeley)
à Unified	data	processing	engine	that	
operates	across	varied	data	
workloads	and	platforms
8 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Why	Apache	Spark?
à Elegant	Developer	APIs
– Single	environment	for	data	munging,	data	wrangling,	and	Machine	Learning	(ML)
à In-memory	computation	model	– Fast!
– Effective	for	iterative	computations	and	ML
à Machine	Learning
– Implementation	of	distributed	ML	algorithms
– Pipeline	API	(Spark	ML)
9 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
10 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Basics
11 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
à Main	entry	point	for	Spark	functionality
à Allows	programming	with	DataFrame and	Dataset	APIs
– Fewer	concepts	and	constructs	a	developer	has	to	juggle	while	interacting	with	Spark
à Represented	as	spark	and	auto-initialized	in	Zeppelin	env.
What	is	it?
12 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
13 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
More	Flexible Better	Storage	and	Performance///
14 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL	Overview
à Spark	module	for	structured	data	processing	(e.g.	DB	tables,	JSON	files,	CSV)
à Three	ways	to	manipulate	data:
– DataFrames API
– SQL	queries
– Datasets	API
15 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
à Distributed collection of	data organized into	named	
à Conceptually	equivalent	to	a	table	in	relational	DB	or	
a	data	frame	in	R/Python
à API	available	in	Scala,	Java,	Python,	and	R
Col1 Col2 … … ColN
Data	is	described	as	a	DataFrame
with	rows,	columns,	and	a	schema
16 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Col1 Col2 … … ColN
17 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Create	a	DataFrame
val path = "examples/flights.json"
val flights = spark.read.json(path)
18 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Register	a	Temporary	View	(SQL	API)
19 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Two	API	Examples:	DataFrame and	SQL	APIs
flights.select("Origin", "Dest", "DepDelay”)
.filter($"DepDelay" > 15).show(5)
| IAD| TPA| 19|
| IND| BWI| 34|
| IND| JAX| 25|
| IND| LAS| 67|
| IND| MCO| 94|
SELECT Origin, Dest, DepDelay
FROM flightsView
WHERE DepDelay > 15 LIMIT 5
DataFrame API
20 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
21 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
What	is	Stream	Processing?
Batch	Processing
• Ability	to	process	and	analyze	data	at-rest	(stored	data)
• Request-based,	bulk	evaluation	and	short-lived	processing
• Enabler	for	Retrospective,	Reactive	and	On-demand	Analytics
Stream	Processing
• Ability	to	ingest,	process	and	analyze	data	in-motion	in	real- or	near-real-time
• Event	or	micro-batch	driven,	continuous	evaluation	and	long-lived	processing
• Enabler	for	real-time	Prospective,	Proactive	and	Predictive	Analytics	 for	Next	Best	
Stream	Processing	 +		Batch	Processing	 =			All	Data	Analytics
real-time (now) historical (past)
22 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Next Generation Analytics
Iterative & Exploratory
Data is the structure
Traditional Analytics
Structured & Repeatable
Structure built to store data
Modern	Data	Applications	approach	to	Insights
Start with hypothesis
Test against selected data
Data leads the way
Explore all data, identify correlations
Analyze after landing… Analyze in motion…
23 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Streaming
à Extension	of	Spark	Core	API
à Stream	processing	of	live	data	streams
– Scalable
– High-throughput
– Fault-tolerant
No	longer	
Spark	2.x
24 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Streaming
25 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Streaming
Discretized	Streams	(DStreams)
à High-level	abstraction	representing	continuous	stream	of	data
à Internally	represented	as	a	sequence	of	RDDs
à Operation	applied	on	a	DStream translates	to	operations	on	the	underlying	RDDs
26 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Streaming
Example:	flatMap operation
27 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	Streaming
à Apply	transformations	over	a	sliding	window	of	data,	e.g.	rolling	average
Window	Operations
28 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Challenges	in	Streaming	Data
à Consistency
à Fault	tolerance
à Out-of-order	data
29 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Structured	Streaming:	Basics
30 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Structured	Streaming:	Model
31 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Handling	late	arriving	data
32 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
33 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
AI	in	Media	&	Pop	Culture
34 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Machine Learning use cases
• Predict	diagnosis
• Prioritize	screenings
• Reduce	re-admittance	rates
Financial	services
• Fraud	Detection/prevention
• Predict	underwriting	risk
• New	account	risk	screens
Public	Sector
• Analyze	public	sentiment
• Optimize	resource	allocation
• Law	enforcement	&	security	
• Product	recommendation
• Inventory	management
• Price	optimization
• Predict	customer	churn
• Predict	equipment	failure
• Customer	behavior	analysis
Oil	&	Gas
• Predictive	maintenance
• Seismic	data	management
• Predict	well	production	levels
35 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Scatter 2D Data Visualized
scatterData ç DataFrame
|-12.0| [-4.9]|
| -6.0| [-4.5]|
| -7.2| [-4.1]|
| -5.0| [-3.2]|
| -2.0| [-3.0]|
| -3.1| [-2.1]|
| -4.0| [-1.5]|
| -2.2| [-1.2]|
| -2.0| [-0.7]|
| 1.0| [-0.5]|
| -0.7| [-0.2]|
36 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Linear Regression Model Training (one feature)
Coefficients:	2.81				Intercept:	3.05
y	=	2.81x	+	3.05
37 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Linear Regression (two features)
Coefficients: [0.464, 0.464]
Intercept: 0.0563
38 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark API for building ML pipelines
Pipeline	Model
Export	Model
39 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
40 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
41 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
à Page	Rank
à Topic	Modeling	(LDA)
à Community	Detection
Source:	ampcamp.berkeley.edu
42 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Zeppelin	&	HDP
43 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
What’s Apache Zeppelin?
Web-based notebook
that enables interactive
data analytics.
You can make beautiful
data-driven, interactive
and collaborative
documents with SQL,
Python, Scala and more
44 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
imple	line	chart
45 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
orizontal	plot	of	three	line	charts
46 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
treaming	data	into	a	line	chart
47 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
lotting	Iris	data	features	in	one	plot
48 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
omparing	Iris	data	distributions
49 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
What is a Note/Notebook?
• A	web	based	GUI	for	small	code	snippets
• Write	code	snippets	in	browser
• Zeppelin	sends	code	to	backend	for	execution
• Zeppelin	gets	data	back	from	backend
• Zeppelin	visualizes	data
• Zeppelin	Note	=	Set	of	(Paragraphs/Cells)
• Other	Features	- Sharing/Collaboration/Reports/Import/Export
50 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
How	does	Zeppelin	work?
Report	viewers
Spark	|	Hive	|	HBase
Any	of	30+	back	ends
51 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Big	Data	Lifecycle
Business	user
Data	ScientistData	Engineer
All	in	Zeppelin!
52 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
à Zeppelin	è Interactive	notebook
à Spark
à YARN	è Resource	Management
à HDFS	è Distributed	Storage	Layer
Spark Core Engine
MLlib GraphX
1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
53 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Access patterns enabled by YARN
YARN: Data Operating System
1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
Hadoop Distributed File System
Interactive Real-TimeBatch
Applications Batch
Needs to happen but, no
timeframe limitations
Needs to happen at
Human time
Needs to happen at
Machine Execution time.
54 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Why	Apache	Spark	on	YARN?
à Resource	management	
à Utilizes	existing	HDP	cluster	
à Scheduling	and	queues
Spark	Driver
Application	Master
YARN	container
Spark	Executor
YARN	container
Task Task
Spark	Executor
YARN	container
Task Task
Spark	Executor
YARN	container
Task Task
55 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Fault Tolerant Distributed Storage
• Divide	files	into	big	blocks	and	distribute	3	copies	randomly across	the	cluster
• Processing	Data	Locality
• Not	Just	storage	but	computation
Logical File
56 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark and HDP
57 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
58 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Hortonworks	Cloud	Solutions
Microsoft AWS Google
Managed Azure	HDInsight
Non-Managed	/
Hortonworks	Data	
Cloud	for	AWS
Cloud	IaaS
Hortonworks	Data	Platform
(via	Ambari	and	via	Cloudbreak)
59 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Hortonworks	Cloud	Solutions:	Flexibility	and	Choice
Hortonworks	Data	
Cloud	for	AWS
HDP	on	Cloud	IaaS
More	Prescriptive
More	Ephemeral
More	Options
More	Long	Running
60 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
HDP	2.6	and	New	Cluster	Types
61 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
62 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
63 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Multitenancy	with	Zeppelin
64 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
à Livy	is	the	open	source	REST	interface	for	interacting	with	Apache	Spark	from	anywhere	
à Installed	as	Spark	Ambari Service
Livy Client
Spark	Interactive	Session
Spark	Batch	Session
Livy Server
65 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Security	Across	Zeppelin-Livy-Spark
Ispark	Group	Interpreter
SPNego:	Kerberos Kerberos
Livy	APIs
Spark	on	YARN
Livy Server
66 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Reasons	to	Integrate	with	Livy
à Bring	Sessions	to	Apache	Zeppelin
– Isolation
– Session	sharing	
à Enable	efficient	cluster	resource	utilization
– Default	Spark	interpreter	keeps	YARN/Spark	job	running	forever
– Livy	interpreter	recycled	after	60	minutes	of	inactivity	
(controlled	by	livy.server.session.timeout )
à To	Identity	Propagation
– Send	user	identity	from	Zeppelin		>	Livy		>	Spark	on	YARN
67 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Livy Server
SparkSession Sharing
Client	1
Client	2
Client	3
68 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Apache	Zeppelin	Security:	Authentication	+	SSL
Tommy	Callahan
Zeppelin Spark	on	YARN
69 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Apache	Zeppelin	+	Livy	End-to-End	Security
Ispark	Group	Interpreter
SPNego:	Kerberos Kerberos/RPC
Livy	APIs
Spark	on	YARN
Livy Server
Job	runs	as
Tommy	Callahan
Tommy	Callahan
70 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Sample	Architecture
71 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Modern	Data	Apps
à HDP	2.6
– Batch	Processing
à HDF	2.1
– Streaming	Apps
Modern	Data	Applications
72 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Modern	Data	Applications
Custom	or	Off	the	Shelf
Real-Time	Cyber	Security
protects	systems	with	superior	threat	
Smart	Manufacturing
dramatically	improves	yields	by	managing	
more	variables	in	greater	detail
Connected,	Autonomous	Cars
drive	themselves	and	improve	road	safety
Future	Farming
optimizing	soil,	seeds	and	equipment	to	
measured	conditions	on	each	square	foot
Automatic	Recommendation	Engines
match	products	to	preferences	in	milliseconds
Modern	Data	Applications
Data	Platform
73 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Managed	Dataflow
74 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
75 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
High-Level	Overview
IoT Edge
(single	node)
IoT Edge
(single	node)
IoT Devices
IoT Devices
NiFi Hub Data	Broker
Live	Dashboard
Data	Center
(on	prem/cloud)
HDFS/S3 HBase/Cassandra
76 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Labs	/	Tutorials
77 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Future	Tutorials
à Deploying	Models	with	Spark	Structured	Streaming
à Predicting	Airline	Delays	with	SparkR
à Sentiment	Analysis	with	Apache	Spark	(Gradient	Boosting)
à Auto	Text	Classification	(Naïve	Bayes)
78 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Hortonworks	Community	Connection
Read access for everyone, join to participate and be recognized
• Full	Q&A	Platform	(like	StackOverflow)
• Knowledge	Base	Articles
• Code	Samples	and	Repositories
79 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Community	Engagement
Participate now at: community.hortonworks.com©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2015.	All	Rights	Reserved
Registered	Users
Technical	Assets
One Website!
80 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Future	of	Data	Meetups
81 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
FB	Sort
à Spark	job	that	reads	60	TB	of	compressed	data	
and	performs	a	90	TB	shuffle	and	sort.
à Largest	real-world	Spark	job	to	date!
– Databricks’	PetaByte sort	was	on	synthetic	data.
à Multiple	reliability	fixes.
à Spark	job	that	reads	60	TB	of	compressed	data	
and	performs	a	90	TB	shuffle	and	sort.
à Largest	real-world	Spark	job	to	date!
– Databricks’	PetaByte sort	was	on	synthetic	data.
à Multiple	reliability	fixes.
“Spark	could	reliably	shuffle	and	sort	90	TB+	intermediate	data	and	run	250,000	tasks	in	a	
single	job	[...]	and	it	has	been	running	in	production	for	several	months.”
82 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
Spark	SQL
Structured	Data
Spark	Streaming
Near	Real-time
Spark	MLlib
Machine	Learning
Graph	Analysis
Robert	Hryniewicz
83 ©	Hortonworks	Inc.	2011	– 2016.	All	Rights	Reserved
What’s	new	in	HDP	2.6	– Spark	&	Zeppelin
à Spark	1.6.3	GA
à Spark	2.1	GA
à REST	API	(Livy)	GA
à Spark	Thrift	Server	doAS GA
à SparkSQL – Row/Column	Security	(GA)
à Spark	Streaming	+	Kafka	over	SSL
à Multi	Cluster	HBase support	for	SHC
à Package	support	in	PySpark &	SparkR
à Spark	2.x	support
à Improved	Livy	integration
à No	password	in	clear
à JDBC	interpreter	improvements
à Smart	Sense	integration
à Knox	proxy	Zeppelin	UI
Zeppelin	0.7.x
Robert	Hryniewicz

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DataWorks Summit
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DataWorks Summit/Hadoop Summit
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DataWorks Summit
Hadoop Summit Tokyo Apache NiFi Crash Course
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DataWorks Summit/Hadoop Summit
Spark-Zeppelin-ML on HWX
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DataWorks Summit/Hadoop Summit
Unlocking insights in streaming data
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Carolyn Duby
Make Streaming IoT Analytics Work for You
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IBM Cloud Paris meetup 20180213 - Hortonworks
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IBM France Lab
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Mac Moore
Its Finally Here! Building Complex Streaming Analytics Apps in under 10 min w...
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Its Finally Here! Building Complex Streaming Analytics Apps in under 10 min w...
DataWorks Summit
Solving Cybersecurity at Scale
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DataWorks Summit
Internet of things Crash Course Workshop
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DataWorks Summit
Internet of Things Crash Course Workshop at Hadoop Summit
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DataWorks Summit
Data in Motion - Data at Rest - Hortonworks a Modern Architecture
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Mats Johansson
Hortonworks - IBM Cognitive - The Future of Data Science
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Thiago Santiago
Attunity Hortonworks Webinar- Sept 22, 2016
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Real-Time Processing in Hadoop for IoT Use Cases - Phoenix HUG
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Spark-Zeppelin-ML on HWX
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Paris FOD Meetup #5 Hortonworks Presentation
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Enabling the Real Time Analytical Enterprise
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Unlocking insights in streaming data
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Make Streaming IoT Analytics Work for You
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Solving Cybersecurity at Scale
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Solving Cybersecurity at Scale
Internet of things Crash Course Workshop
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Internet of Things Crash Course Workshop at Hadoop Summit
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Data in Motion - Data at Rest - Hortonworks a Modern Architecture
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Hortonworks - IBM Cognitive - The Future of Data Science
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