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Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public
Being a Paper Presented at ANAN Training
ND (Fin), HND (Acct.), BSc. (Acct. Ed), BSc (Fin.), LLB., LLM, MBA (Acct. & Fin.), MSc. (Acct.), MSc. (Bus &Econs), MSc. (Fin), MSc.
(Econs), Ph.D. (Acct), Ph.D. (Fin), Ph.D. (FA), CICA, CFA, CFE, CIPFA, CPFA, CertIFR, ACS, ACIS, ACIArb, ACAMS, ABR, IPA, IFA,
Prof. Godwin Emmanuel
Professor of Accounting and Financial
Department of Management & Accounting
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel &
(Certified National Accountants, Tax Practitioners &
Forensic Auditors)
Environmental and Social Risk
Management in Public Finance
Ensure adequate internal E&S capacity, including how to engage with external consultants and clients
Manage E&S risks and impacts by monitoring the portfolio
Mitigate Environmental and Social risks and impacts through E&S provisions based on legal facility and designing an action plan
Identify and assess the financial risks associated with Environmental and Social risks
Identify and assess Environmental and Social risks and their impacts
Understand basic concepts of sustainable finance and why the Environmental and Social risks should matter to public finance
Overview of Public
Overview of Public
Components of Public
Some Key Objectives
of Public Finance
Functions of Public
Overview of Risk and
Risk Management
Identification and
Assessment of Risks
Risk Identification
Risk Mitigation
Environmental Risk
and Social Risk
Risk Management
Objectives of Risk
Management in Public
Risk Management
Strategies for Public
Challenges and
Opportunities of Risk
Management in Public
Importance of
Environmental and
Social Risks in Public
Finance Decision-
Overview of
Investment and
Investment Strategies
Decision-Making in
Environmental and
Social Risk
Management in Public
Roles of Professional
Accountants in
Environmental and
Social Risk
Management in Public
Conclusion and
Public finance is no doubt the engine that drives our
communities and holds immense power to shape our world
Environmental and social risk management (ESRM) is not
just about avoiding falls, but transforming the tightrope into
a springboard for sustainable development
By proactively identifying and mitigating environmental and
social risks, public finance can unlock a wealth of
opportunities, green infrastructure projects can create jobs,
combat climate change, and improve public health
Embracing ESRM can demonstrate that a balanced
approach; one that prioritizes economic growth and
environmental well-being, social justice, and long-term
sustainability is not just possible, but essential
The public sector is the segment of the economy owned, operated, and controlled by government agencies
It provides services to the general public that contribute to societal well-being, such as law enforcement,
national defense, public transportation, transit infrastructure, educational institutions, and health services
Unlike the private sector, the public sector does not seek to make a profit from its services
Public sector implements public policy at all levels of government and includes public services provided by
elected officials
It also includes outsourcing services provided to these agencies
The three levels of government services in the public sector are federal, state, and local
Role of the Public Sector
The public sector provides essential
support and services to society,
creating a foundation for peace,
economic growth, safety, and a sense
of community
Public-sector services ensure that
there are workers to put out fires,
repave roads, deliver mail, as well as
ensure your social security check
They supply a safety net for those
who need extra support due to
poverty, sickness, disability, or old
The public sector works under the
premise that if you take care of those
in need, everyone and everything will
thrive, including the economic
development of the private sector
Examples of Public Sector Organizations
Postal service
Public Utilities
Public finance is the management of a country’s
revenue, expenditures, and debt load through various government
and quasi-government institutions
This guide provides an overview of how public finances are
managed, what the various components of public finance are, and
how to easily understand what all the numbers mean
A country’s financial position can be evaluated in much the same
way as a business’s financial statements
Components of Public Finance
•Tax collection is the main revenue source for governments
•Other types of revenue in this category include duties and tariffs on imports and revenue from any type of public services
that are not free
Tax collection
•The budget is a plan of what the government intends to have as expenditures in a fiscal year
•Expenditures are everything that a government spends money on, such as social programmes, education, and
•The actual expenditures may be greater than or less than the budget
•If the government spends more than it collects in revenue there is a deficit in that year
•If the government has fewer expenditures than it collects in taxes, there is a surplus
•If the government has a deficit (spending is greater than revenue), it will fund the difference by borrowing money and
issuing national debt
•The Debt Management Office (DMO) is responsible for issuing debt in Nigeria
National Debt
Revenue and Expenditures
• Oil Revenue
• Non-Oil
• Health care
• Employment
• Pensions
• Education
• Defense
• Infrastructure
Some Key Objectives of Public Finance
• Allocate resources effectively to ensure maximum output
and minimize waste
• Imagine the ship sailing smoothly with minimal energy
Promote economic efficiency
• Address income inequality and ensure everyone has
access to basic necessities and opportunities
• Think of sharing the catch fairly among the crew
Achieve equitable
distribution of income
• Control inflation, unemployment, and economic growth to
create a stable and predictable environment for
businesses and individuals
• Picture the ship navigating calm waters with steady winds
Maintain macroeconomic
Functions of Public Finance
Raising Revenue This involves collecting taxes, fees, and other charges from individuals and businesses
Think of it as casting nets into the ocean to haul in resources
Once the coffers are filled, the government must decide how to spend the money
This involves prioritizing different sectors like healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social
It's like carefully distributing the catch among different crew members to ensure everyone has what
they need to do their jobs
Managing Debt Governments often borrow money to cover shortfalls or invest in large projects
Public finance involves managing this debt responsibly, ensuring it doesn't become an anchor
dragging down the economic ship of the country
Think of it as carefully balancing the weight of the cargo to keep the ship afloat
All investments involve some degree of risk i.e., every saving and
investment product has different risks and returns
In finance, risk refers to the degree of uncertainty and/or
potential financial loss inherent in an investment decision
In general, as investment risks rise, investors seek higher
returns to compensate themselves for taking such risks
Differences include: how readily investors can get their money
when they need it, how fast their money will grow, and how safe
their money will be
Identification and Assessment of Risks
Risk Assessment Methodology
• Each sector of public finance should develop and implement a method of identifying and analyzing risk
• The implemented program must enable the identification and analysis of risks
Risk Identification and Analysis Guide
• A guide for small public entities provides a user-friendly process to identify and analyze risks on an enterprise-wide basis, helping
public entities protect their financial stability and their ability to provide services
Comprehensive Risk Assessment
• Management's and auditors' risk assessment processes are critical to the decisions regarding financial reporting and the
effectiveness of risk management
• Changing economic conditions may have a significant and sudden impact on an issuer’s business, which could change risks or
create new ones
Operational Risk
• Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from many normal aspects of business, including failed processes, unskilled systems,
and external events
• It is an inherent part of daily business activity and must be managed effectively
Public Financial Management Risk Assessment Framework (PFMRAF) Manual
• This manual describes the risk management process and how risks are identified, as well as an assessment process that includes
risk identification
Risk Identification Techniques
• Each sector of public finance should develop and implement a method of identifying and analyzing risk
• The implemented program must enable the identification and analysis of risks
Risk Assessment
• A guide for small public entities provides a user-friendly process to identify and analyze risks on an
enterprise-wide basis, helping public entities protect their financial stability and their ability to provide
Risk Identification
and Analysis
• Management's and auditors' risk assessment processes are critical to the decisions regarding financial
reporting and the effectiveness of risk management
Risk Assessment
• Identifies potential risks using statistical methods, such as evaluating a company's historical performance
using specific financial ratio calculations
Statistical and
Numerical Analysis
• Risk identification approaches must enable institutions to better understand their vulnerabilities and to
mitigate or capitalize against them
Risk Identification
By using these techniques, public entities can identify and assess risks effectively, enabling them to develop
appropriate risk management strategies and safeguard their financial stability and operational continuity
Risk Mitigation Strategies
•Acknowledging a risk and accepting its potential consequences without taking further action, which is
appropriate when the likelihood and impact of the risk are both low, and the cost of addressing it
outweighs the potential benefits
Risk Acceptance
•Completely avoiding the activity that carries the potential risk. For instance, if a customer has a
history of defaulting on loans, the organization may choose to avoid doing business with them
Risk Avoidance
•Implementing measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk. This may involve enhancing
security measures to reduce the risk of a cyberattack.
Risk Control
•Transferring the risk to a third party, such as through insurance or outsourcing
Risk Transfer
•Conducting exercises and simulations to test the organization's response to potential risks
•Documenting and Monitoring Risks
Tabletop Exercises
and Simulations
These strategies help organizations effectively manage and mitigate risks, safeguarding their operations and
ensuring their long-term success
Risk Avoidance
Risk avoidance is a risk management strategy that aims to
eliminate the chance of a particular risk from happening or its
ability to impact the organization
It is a more conservative approach that involves sacrificing
potential benefits to eliminate danger
This strategy is typically adopted when the risk has the
potential to cause catastrophic damage or when the costs of
addressing it are too high
Various Ways of Implementing Risk Avoidance
Company Policies Establishing policies that prohibit certain activities or decisions that could
expose the organization to risk
Employee Training Providing training to employees on how to identify and avoid potential
risks in their work
Small Business
Insurance Coverage
Purchasing insurance policies that protect against specific risks
Hold Harmless
Negotiating contracts that require another party to indemnify the
organization against certain losses
While risk avoidance can be an effective risk mitigation strategy, it may also result in the organization missing out on
positive opportunities, such as lower expenses or operational improvements
Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk analysis and assessment before implementing this strategy
Risk Reduction
• Establishing policies, procedures, or controls to reduce the chances of harm and mitigate the
potential impact of risks
• Spreading investments across different asset classes or industries to reduce the impact of
potential losses
• Providing training to employees on how to identify and avoid potential risks in their work
• Ensuring that equipment and facilities are well-maintained to reduce the likelihood of
accidents or equipment failures
• Regularly monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of risk reduction measures and making
necessary adjustments to ensure continued improvement
Monitoring and
By implementing risk reduction strategies, organizations can effectively manage and mitigate risks, safeguarding
their operations and ensuring their long-term success
Environmental Risk and Social Risk
Social risk refers to the
potential adverse impacts on
society caused by certain
activities or events
Social risks can include
labour practices, human
rights violations, community
displacement, cultural
disruptions, and the
potential for social unrest
These risks can arise from
business operations,
government policies, or even
natural disasters
Environmental risk refers to
the potential adverse effects
on the environment caused
by human activities or
natural disasters
These risks can include
pollution, deforestation,
habitat destruction, climate
change, and resource
Environmental risks can
have far-reaching
consequences, including the
loss of biodiversity, damage
to ecosystems, and negative
impacts on human health
Environmental Risk and Social Risk
Environmental risk and social risk are often interconnected and have a significant influence on one another
Both environmental and social risks have gained increasing attention in recent years due to growing
awareness of their potential impacts and the need for sustainable development
Businesses and governments are under pressure to manage and mitigate these risks by adopting sustainable
practices, ensuring responsible supply chains, and engaging with stakeholders to address social and
environmental concerns
Various frameworks and tools have been developed to help organizations assess and manage environmental
and social risks, for example, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are conducted to evaluate the
potential environmental impacts of proposed projects
Environmental risk and social risk are multidimensional and interconnected challenges that require a holistic
and integrated approach to address them effectively
By understanding and managing these risks, organizations and governments can work towards sustainable
development that balances economic growth with social well-being and environmental protection
Risk Management
Risk management is a vast
and essential area, crucial for
individuals, businesses, and
even governments like
Risk management is a
proactive and methodical
approach to identifying,
assessing, and mitigating
potential risks
It's like building a safety net
under your tightrope walk,
giving peace of mind and
increasing chances of
Steps in Risk Management
• This involves brainstorming and analyzing all the possible negative events that could occur in a given situation
Identify potential risks
• Once identified, we need to evaluate the probability of each risk happening and the potential consequences it
might have
Assess the likelihood and impact of each risk
• Based on the assessment, we can formulate plans to reduce the likelihood or impact of each risk
• This could involve avoidance, control, transfer, or acceptance of the risk
Develop mitigation strategies
• Putting the mitigation strategies into action is crucial, and regularly monitoring their effectiveness ensures we're
on the right track
Implement and monitor
• As circumstances change, risks evolve, and our understanding improves, we need to continuously review and
adapt our risk management plan
Review and adapt
Benefits of Effective Risk Management
• Knowing we've proactively addressed potential pitfalls brings peace
of mind and allows us to focus on achieving our goals
Reduced uncertainty
and anxiety
• When risks are thoroughly assessed and mitigated, we can make
informed choices with greater confidence
Improved decision-
• By minimizing disruptions and setbacks, we can operate more
smoothly and achieve results faster
Enhanced efficiency
and productivity
• Proactive risk management can prevent financial losses and
safeguard valuable assets
Financial protection
• Demonstrating effective risk management builds trust and
confidence from stakeholders
Boosted reputation and
Application of Risk Management
• Implementing safety protocols, diversifying investments, and
conducting regular security audits are examples of risk management
in business
• Buying insurance, setting up emergency funds, and maintaining
healthy habits are ways individuals manage personal risks
• Building flood defenses, enacting disaster preparedness plans, and
diversifying the economy are examples of risk management at the
national level
Environmental and Social Risk Management
Environmental and social risk management
(ESRM) is a process of identifying,
assessing, and prioritizing environmental
and social risks that may arise from
business operations and activities
It involves developing strategies and
measures to mitigate or manage these risks,
ensuring compliance with applicable laws
and regulations, and promoting sustainable
Key Elements of ESRM (Environmental and Social Risk Management)
Identification of Environmental and Social Risks
• The first step in ESRM is to identify the environmental and social risks associated with business
• This may involve conducting environmental and social impact assessments, stakeholder
consultations, and reviews of relevant regulations and guidelines
Data Collection and Analysis
• ESRM requires the collection and analysis of accurate data related to environmental and social risks
• This involves monitoring and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs), such as greenhouse gas
emissions, water use, and waste generation
Risk Assessment and Prioritization
• After identifying risks and collecting data, the next step is to assess and prioritize the risks based on
their likelihood, severity, and impact
• This process involves ranking risks according to their potential impact on the environment, human
health, and social well-being
Key Elements of ESRM (Environmental and Social Risk Management)
Mitigation Strategies and Management Plans
• ESRM involves developing and implementing strategies and plans to mitigate or manage environmental and social
• This may include measures such as pollution control, waste reduction, biodiversity conservation, and stakeholder
Monitoring and Reporting
• ESRM requires ongoing monitoring and reporting of environmental and social performance
• This involves tracking KPIs, identifying trends, and reporting on performance against established targets
• It also involves regular communication with stakeholders, including investors, customers, regulators, and local
Effective ESRM can help companies reduce environmental and social risks, improve operational efficiency,
enhance stakeholder engagement, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Ultimately, ESRM can support the achievement of sustainable development goals, promoting long-term business
success and environmental and social well-being
Overview of Risk Management in Public Finance
Risk management in public finance refers
to the process of identifying, assessing,
and managing risks that can affect the
financial health and stability of
government entities and the communities
they serve
It involves the implementation of
strategies and policies to mitigate or
eliminate potential risks, as well as the
monitoring and evaluation of these
measures to ensure their effectiveness
Objectives of Risk Management in Public Finance
The main objectives of risk management in public finance are to protect public funds, maintain
financial stability, and ensure the delivery of essential services to citizens
These objectives are achieved through various risk management practices such as risk
identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring
Risk identification involves recognizing and understanding the potential risks that public
finance entities may face
Common risks in public finance include economic instability, budgetary shortfalls, liquidity
problems, policy and regulatory changes, fraud, cyber threats, and natural disasters
Risk management plays a crucial role in public finance by helping government entities
safeguard public funds, maintain financial stability, and improve overall financial management
Risk Management Strategies for Public Finance
Fiscal planning and forecasting
• Building robust economic models and scenario planning helps anticipate potential risks and
prepare for future fluctuations
Diversification of revenue sources
• Reducing dependence on volatile sources like oil revenue and broadening the tax base creates a
more resilient financial foundation
Cost-benefit analysis and project management
• Thoroughly assessing potential costs and benefits before undertaking projects, coupled with
effective project management practices, minimizes waste and maximizes returns
Transparency and accountability
• Openly communicating financial information, engaging in public consultations, and implementing
strong internal controls build trust and deter corruption
Internal audit and risk assessment
• Regularly evaluating departmental practices, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing
corrective measures to mitigate internal risks and promote efficient resource allocation
Challenges and Opportunities of Risk Management in Public Finance
Short-term political pressures
•Balancing long-term risk management
strategies with the immediate needs of
the current political cycle can be difficult
Limited resources
•Governments often face budget
constraints, making it challenging to
allocate sufficient resources for effective
risk management efforts
Lack of awareness and expertise
•Building institutional capacity and raising
awareness about risk management within
government organizations requires
ongoing efforts
Adopting innovative financial
•Exploring tools like insurance schemes,
derivatives, and public-private partnerships
can transfer or mitigate certain risks
Embracing new technologies
•Big data analytics and artificial intelligence
can help identify emerging risks, improve
forecasting accuracy, and optimize resource
International collaboration and
knowledge sharing
•Learning from the experiences of other
countries and engaging in global knowledge
exchange can accelerate progress in risk
management practices
Challenges Opportunities
Importance of Considering Environmental and Social Risks in Public
Finance Decision-making
• Integrating
environmental and
social risks ensures that
public finance decisions
align with the principles
of sustainable
• By assessing and
managing these risks,
governments can
promote economic
growth, social equity,
and environmental
protection in a balanced
• Ignoring environmental
and social risks can lead
to short-sighted
resulting in negative
long-term consequences
• By considering these
risks, governments can
avoid investing in
projects or sectors that
may harm the
environment, contribute
to social inequalities, or
lead to financial
instability in the future
• Environmental risks,
such as climate change,
natural disasters, and
resource depletion,
pose significant threats
to communities and
• By incorporating these
risks into public finance
governments can
prioritize investments in
resilient infrastructure,
adaptation measures,
and sustainable
resource management,
thus enhancing the
overall resilience of
Resilience and
• Social risks, such as
labour exploitation,
displacement of
communities, and
human rights violations,
can exacerbate social
inequalities and
marginalize vulnerable
• By considering these
risks, governments can
ensure that public
finance decisions
contribute to inclusive
development, address
social issues, and
protect the rights and
well-being of all
Social Equity
and Inclusion
Importance of Considering Environmental and Social Risks in Public Finance Decision-
Accountability and Transparency
• Considering environmental and social
risks enhances accountability and
transparency in public finance decision-
• By disclosing the risks associated with
projects and investments, governments
can engage with stakeholders, foster
public participation, and build trust in the
decision-making process
International Commitments
• Many countries have made international
commitments, such as the SDGs and the
Paris Agreement, which require
considering environmental and social
risks in policy-making and financing
• Incorporating these risks in public finance
can help countries fulfill their obligations
and contribute to global sustainable
development efforts.
Overall, considering
environmental and social risks in
public finance decision-making
ensures that investments and
policies are aligned with long-
term sustainability, social well-
being, and international
commitments. This approach can
help build resilient, inclusive, and
environmentally responsible
economies and societies.
Investment refers to the allocation of money or resources with the expectation of
generating future returns or benefits
The goal of investment is to grow wealth, generate income, or achieve specific
financial objectives
Investors typically choose from a range of investment options, such as stocks, bonds,
real estate, mutual funds, and alternative assets, depending on their risk appetite,
financial goals, and time horizon
Key Aspects of Investments in Public Finance
Government Bonds
•Governments issue bonds to raise funds for infrastructure projects or cover budgetary needs
•Investors receive periodic interest payments and the return of principal upon maturity
Treasury Securities
•These are debt instruments issued by the government
•They include Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, each with different maturities
•Investors receive fixed interest payments, and the principal is returned upon maturity
Infrastructure Investments
•Governments may invest in infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and utilities
•These long-term investments aim to enhance public services and stimulate economic growth
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
•Governments may collaborate with private entities to fund and manage projects
•This involves a combination of public and private investments, sharing risks and rewards
Sovereign Wealth Funds
•Some countries establish sovereign wealth funds, which are investment pools funded by a nation's reserves
•These funds aim to generate long-term returns to support government programmes and future obligations
Investment Strategies
•Growth investors focus on investing in companies expected to have above-average growth rates in their
earnings and revenue
•They look for companies in high-growth sectors or emerging industries with the potential to deliver
significant capital appreciation over time
•Value investors look for stocks or assets that are undervalued relative to their intrinsic value
•They seek out companies or assets that are trading at a discount compared to their fundamental worth and
have the potential to appreciate over time
Value Investing
•Income investors prioritize investments that generate a regular income stream, such as dividend-paying
stocks, bonds, or rental properties
•They seek out stable and reliable cash flows to provide a consistent income source
•Dividend investors focus on investing in companies that regularly distribute a portion of their profits as
dividends to shareholders
•They aim to generate income through dividend payments and often prioritize companies with a track
record of consistent dividend growth
•Index investors seek to match the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500 or FTSE 100,
by investing in a portfolio that replicates the holdings and weightings of the index
•This strategy is often used in passive investing, where investors aim to achieve broad market returns rather
than beat the market
Index Investing
Investment Strategies
•Momentum investors aim to identify and invest in assets that have shown upward price momentum
•They believe that assets that have recently experienced positive price movements will continue to do
so in the short term and seek to capitalize on this trend
•Contrarian investors take positions that go against prevailing market sentiment
•They search for assets that are undervalued or unpopular but have the potential for a turnaround
•They believe that the market can be irrational and seek to profit from buying assets when others are
•ESG investors consider environmental, social, and governance factors in their investment decisions
•They assess companies' sustainability practices, social impact, corporate governance, and ethical
standards alongside financial performance to make investment choices aligned with their values
Social, and
Governance (ESG)
It's important to note that investment strategies come with varying levels of risk and potential returns, and
each strategy may be better suited to different market conditions or personal circumstances
Choosing the Right Strategy for your Investment
Can you stomach volatility, or do you crave stability?
Value and income investing tend to be less risky, while growth and momentum strategies
involve higher potential returns but also greater risk
Are you planning for retirement in 30 years or aiming for short-term gains?
Long-term strategies like value and income investing typically outperform in the long run, while
momentum and technical analysis cater to shorter timeframes
Are you building wealth for your future, securing retirement income, or generating passive
Align your strategy with your specific financial aspirations
Do you enjoy in-depth research or prefer technical analysis?
Choose a strategy that aligns with your interests and personality for sustained engagement
Sustainable Investment Strategies
Sustainable investment strategies, also known
as socially responsible investing (SRI), impact
investing, or ESG investing (Environmental,
Social, and Governance), aim to generate
positive financial returns while considering the
environmental, social, and ethical implications
of the investments
These strategies incorporate sustainability
factors, such as climate change, human rights,
diversity, corporate governance, and resource
depletion, into the investment process
Common Sustainable Investment Strategies
• This strategy involves excluding certain industries or
companies from the investment portfolio based on predefined
• This strategy involves considering environmental, social, and
governance factors along with financial analysis when making
investment decisions
• Impact investors seek to generate measurable positive social
or environmental impact alongside financial returns
• Thematic investors focus on specific sustainability themes,
such as clean energy, water scarcity, sustainable agriculture, or
Common Sustainable Investment Strategies
Community Investing
• Community investors allocate capital to benefit disadvantaged communities or underserved areas
Corporate Engagement
• This strategy involves engaging with companies as an investor to encourage positive change
Green Bonds
• Green bonds are fixed-income securities exclusively used to finance environmentally friendly projects,
such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, or sustainable infrastructure
• Divestment involves selling investments in companies or industries deemed unsustainable or unethical
• It is often a strategy used to align investment portfolios with personal values or protest against specific
practices, such as fossil fuel extraction or tobacco production
Decision-making in environmental and social risk
management in public finance involves considering
and managing potential risks and impacts on the
environment and society when making financial
decisions and investments
Decision-making in environmental and social risk
management in public finance requires a
comprehensive and proactive approach to ensuring
that investments are environmentally and socially
sustainable and contribute to the overall well-being
of both current and future generations
•Public finance institutions need to identify and assess potential risks and impacts on the environment and society
associated with their investment decisions
•This includes evaluating the potential negative impacts on ecosystems, climate change, biodiversity, human rights,
labour standards, and indigenous peoples' rights
Identifying and assessing environmental and social risks
•Public finance institutions need to establish policies and guidelines that outline their commitment to addressing
environmental and social risks
•These policies should include criteria for screening investments and determining when additional mitigation
measures are necessary
Setting policies and guidelines
•Public finance institutions need to conduct thorough due diligence on potential investments to determine their
environmental and social risks and impacts
•This may involve conducting environmental and social impact assessments, engaging with local communities and
stakeholders, and evaluating the project's compliance with relevant environmental and social standards and
Due diligence
Mitigation measures
•Public finance institutions should implement measures to mitigate identified environmental and social risks
•This may include requiring project developers to implement specific environmental and social management plans, ensuring
compliance with relevant regulations, and monitoring ongoing project performance
Stakeholder engagement
•Public finance institutions should engage with relevant stakeholders, including affected communities, non-governmental
organizations, and experts, to seek their input on potential investments and to ensure that their concerns and interests are
adequately addressed
Reporting and transparency
•Public finance institutions should provide transparent and accessible information on their environmental and social risk
management practices
•This may include regular reporting on investments, disclosure of project-specific environmental and social information, and public
consultation processes
Continuous improvement
•Public finance institutions should continuously monitor and evaluate their environmental and social risk management practices to
identify opportunities for improvement
•This may involve learning from best practices, engaging in knowledge-sharing and capacity-building activities, and updating policies
and guidelines in response to new challenges and emerging risks
• Professional accountants can analyze public finance projects and programs to identify potential
environmental and social risks
• They can conduct risk assessments to evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of these risks
• Accountants can ensure that accurate and transparent reporting of environmental and social risks is
• They can develop reporting frameworks and guidelines to capture relevant data and information
• This includes preparing financial statements, sustainability reports, and other disclosures that
accurately reflect the environmental and social risks associated with public finance activities
• Accountants are responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental and social regulations
• They can advise on the regulatory framework and requirements relevant to public finance activities
• They can also help develop internal control systems to monitor compliance and provide adequate
•Professional accountants can help integrate environmental and social considerations into decision-making processes
•They can analyze the financial impacts of different options, considering both financial and non-financial factors
•By considering environmental and social risks, accountants can contribute to the development of sustainable public
finance strategies
Integration of
and social
•Accountants can provide independent assessment and assurance services to evaluate the management of
environmental and social risks in public finance
•They can conduct audits to review compliance with environmental and social policies, procedures, and regulations
•This helps ensure accountability and transparency in the management of public funds
Auditing and
•Professional accountants can engage with stakeholders, such as government agencies, civil society organizations, and
the public, to understand their concerns and perspectives regarding environmental and social risks
•They can facilitate dialogue and collaboration to address these risks effectively
Overall, professional accountants play a crucial role in identifying, reporting, managing, and providing assurance on
environmental and social risks in public finance
Their expertise and ethical standards contribute to the effective management of these risks, leading to more sustainable and
responsible public finance practices
Public finance, like a sturdy ship
navigating turbulent seas, demands
constant vigilance and strategic
Environmental disasters, economic
fluctuations, and social unrest act as
unexpected squalls in the realm of
public finance
They can cripple infrastructure, disrupt
service delivery, and plunge nations
into financial turmoil
Neglecting these risks would be akin to
setting sail without a weather map,
inviting misfortune and jeopardizing
the well-being of millions
By proactively and strategically
managing risks, governments can
ensure responsible use of public funds,
foster economic stability, and build a
future where citizens can thrive
Invest in building
strong risk
resources for risk
assessment, mo
nitoring, and
Foster a culture
of transparency
technologies and
data analytics to
enhance risk
collaborate with
other countries
organizations to
share best
Prof. Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun
Professor of Accounting & Financial Development
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel & Co
(Certified National Accountants, Tax Practitioners & Auditors)
godwinoye@yahoo.com; godwinoye@oyedokungodwin.com
+2348033737184 & 2348055863944

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ANAN Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public Finance Prof. Oyedokun.pptx

  • 1. Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public Finance Being a Paper Presented at ANAN Training
  • 2. ND (Fin), HND (Acct.), BSc. (Acct. Ed), BSc (Fin.), LLB., LLM, MBA (Acct. & Fin.), MSc. (Acct.), MSc. (Bus &Econs), MSc. (Fin), MSc. (Econs), Ph.D. (Acct), Ph.D. (Fin), Ph.D. (FA), CICA, CFA, CFE, CIPFA, CPFA, CertIFR, ACS, ACIS, ACIArb, ACAMS, ABR, IPA, IFA, MNIM, FCA, FCTI, FCIB, FCNA, FCFIP, FCE, FERP, FFAR, FPD-CR, FSEAN, FNIOAIM, FCCrFA, FCCFI, FICA, FCECFI, JP Prof. Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun Professor of Accounting and Financial Development Department of Management & Accounting Faculty of Management and Social Sciences Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel & Co (Certified National Accountants, Tax Practitioners & Forensic Auditors)
  • 3. Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public Finance
  • 4. Ensure adequate internal E&S capacity, including how to engage with external consultants and clients Manage E&S risks and impacts by monitoring the portfolio Mitigate Environmental and Social risks and impacts through E&S provisions based on legal facility and designing an action plan Identify and assess the financial risks associated with Environmental and Social risks Identify and assess Environmental and Social risks and their impacts Understand basic concepts of sustainable finance and why the Environmental and Social risks should matter to public finance Objectives
  • 5. Contents Introduction Overview of Public Sector Overview of Public Finance Components of Public Finance Some Key Objectives of Public Finance Functions of Public Finance Overview of Risk and Risk Management Identification and Assessment of Risks Risk Identification Techniques Risk Mitigation Strategies Environmental Risk and Social Risk Risk Management Objectives of Risk Management in Public Finance Risk Management Strategies for Public Finance Challenges and Opportunities of Risk Management in Public Finance Importance of Considering Environmental and Social Risks in Public Finance Decision- Making Overview of Investment and Investment Strategies Decision-Making in Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public Finance Roles of Professional Accountants in Environmental and Social Risk Management in Public Finance Conclusion and Recommendations
  • 6. Introduction Public finance is no doubt the engine that drives our communities and holds immense power to shape our world Environmental and social risk management (ESRM) is not just about avoiding falls, but transforming the tightrope into a springboard for sustainable development By proactively identifying and mitigating environmental and social risks, public finance can unlock a wealth of opportunities, green infrastructure projects can create jobs, combat climate change, and improve public health Embracing ESRM can demonstrate that a balanced approach; one that prioritizes economic growth and environmental well-being, social justice, and long-term sustainability is not just possible, but essential
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  • 8. OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC SECTOR The public sector is the segment of the economy owned, operated, and controlled by government agencies It provides services to the general public that contribute to societal well-being, such as law enforcement, national defense, public transportation, transit infrastructure, educational institutions, and health services Unlike the private sector, the public sector does not seek to make a profit from its services Public sector implements public policy at all levels of government and includes public services provided by elected officials It also includes outsourcing services provided to these agencies The three levels of government services in the public sector are federal, state, and local
  • 9. Role of the Public Sector The public sector provides essential support and services to society, creating a foundation for peace, economic growth, safety, and a sense of community Public-sector services ensure that there are workers to put out fires, repave roads, deliver mail, as well as ensure your social security check arrives They supply a safety net for those who need extra support due to poverty, sickness, disability, or old age The public sector works under the premise that if you take care of those in need, everyone and everything will thrive, including the economic development of the private sector
  • 10. Examples of Public Sector Organizations Educational institutions Emergency services Postal service Public Utilities Social services Transit infrastructure
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  • 12. OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC FINANCE Public finance is the management of a country’s revenue, expenditures, and debt load through various government and quasi-government institutions This guide provides an overview of how public finances are managed, what the various components of public finance are, and how to easily understand what all the numbers mean A country’s financial position can be evaluated in much the same way as a business’s financial statements
  • 13. Components of Public Finance •Tax collection is the main revenue source for governments •Other types of revenue in this category include duties and tariffs on imports and revenue from any type of public services that are not free Tax collection •The budget is a plan of what the government intends to have as expenditures in a fiscal year Budget •Expenditures are everything that a government spends money on, such as social programmes, education, and infrastructure •The actual expenditures may be greater than or less than the budget Expenditures •If the government spends more than it collects in revenue there is a deficit in that year •If the government has fewer expenditures than it collects in taxes, there is a surplus Deficit/Surplus •If the government has a deficit (spending is greater than revenue), it will fund the difference by borrowing money and issuing national debt •The Debt Management Office (DMO) is responsible for issuing debt in Nigeria National Debt
  • 14. Revenue and Expenditures Revenue • Oil Revenue • Non-Oil Revenue Expenses • Health care • Employment insurance • Pensions • Education • Defense (military) • Infrastructure
  • 15. Some Key Objectives of Public Finance • Allocate resources effectively to ensure maximum output and minimize waste • Imagine the ship sailing smoothly with minimal energy expended Promote economic efficiency • Address income inequality and ensure everyone has access to basic necessities and opportunities • Think of sharing the catch fairly among the crew members Achieve equitable distribution of income • Control inflation, unemployment, and economic growth to create a stable and predictable environment for businesses and individuals • Picture the ship navigating calm waters with steady winds Maintain macroeconomic stability
  • 16. Functions of Public Finance Raising Revenue This involves collecting taxes, fees, and other charges from individuals and businesses Think of it as casting nets into the ocean to haul in resources Allocating Expenditure Once the coffers are filled, the government must decide how to spend the money This involves prioritizing different sectors like healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social security It's like carefully distributing the catch among different crew members to ensure everyone has what they need to do their jobs Managing Debt Governments often borrow money to cover shortfalls or invest in large projects Public finance involves managing this debt responsibly, ensuring it doesn't become an anchor dragging down the economic ship of the country Think of it as carefully balancing the weight of the cargo to keep the ship afloat
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  • 18. OVERVIEW OF RISK AND RISK MANAGEMENT All investments involve some degree of risk i.e., every saving and investment product has different risks and returns In finance, risk refers to the degree of uncertainty and/or potential financial loss inherent in an investment decision In general, as investment risks rise, investors seek higher returns to compensate themselves for taking such risks Differences include: how readily investors can get their money when they need it, how fast their money will grow, and how safe their money will be
  • 19. Identification and Assessment of Risks Risk Assessment Methodology • Each sector of public finance should develop and implement a method of identifying and analyzing risk • The implemented program must enable the identification and analysis of risks Risk Identification and Analysis Guide • A guide for small public entities provides a user-friendly process to identify and analyze risks on an enterprise-wide basis, helping public entities protect their financial stability and their ability to provide services Comprehensive Risk Assessment • Management's and auditors' risk assessment processes are critical to the decisions regarding financial reporting and the effectiveness of risk management • Changing economic conditions may have a significant and sudden impact on an issuer’s business, which could change risks or create new ones Operational Risk • Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from many normal aspects of business, including failed processes, unskilled systems, and external events • It is an inherent part of daily business activity and must be managed effectively Public Financial Management Risk Assessment Framework (PFMRAF) Manual • This manual describes the risk management process and how risks are identified, as well as an assessment process that includes risk identification
  • 20. Risk Identification Techniques • Each sector of public finance should develop and implement a method of identifying and analyzing risk • The implemented program must enable the identification and analysis of risks Risk Assessment Methodology • A guide for small public entities provides a user-friendly process to identify and analyze risks on an enterprise-wide basis, helping public entities protect their financial stability and their ability to provide services Risk Identification and Analysis Guide • Management's and auditors' risk assessment processes are critical to the decisions regarding financial reporting and the effectiveness of risk management Comprehensive Risk Assessment • Identifies potential risks using statistical methods, such as evaluating a company's historical performance using specific financial ratio calculations Statistical and Numerical Analysis • Risk identification approaches must enable institutions to better understand their vulnerabilities and to mitigate or capitalize against them Risk Identification Approaches By using these techniques, public entities can identify and assess risks effectively, enabling them to develop appropriate risk management strategies and safeguard their financial stability and operational continuity
  • 21. Risk Mitigation Strategies •Acknowledging a risk and accepting its potential consequences without taking further action, which is appropriate when the likelihood and impact of the risk are both low, and the cost of addressing it outweighs the potential benefits Risk Acceptance •Completely avoiding the activity that carries the potential risk. For instance, if a customer has a history of defaulting on loans, the organization may choose to avoid doing business with them Risk Avoidance •Implementing measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk. This may involve enhancing security measures to reduce the risk of a cyberattack. Risk Control •Transferring the risk to a third party, such as through insurance or outsourcing Risk Transfer •Conducting exercises and simulations to test the organization's response to potential risks •Documenting and Monitoring Risks Tabletop Exercises and Simulations These strategies help organizations effectively manage and mitigate risks, safeguarding their operations and ensuring their long-term success
  • 22. Risk Avoidance Risk avoidance is a risk management strategy that aims to eliminate the chance of a particular risk from happening or its ability to impact the organization It is a more conservative approach that involves sacrificing potential benefits to eliminate danger This strategy is typically adopted when the risk has the potential to cause catastrophic damage or when the costs of addressing it are too high
  • 23. Various Ways of Implementing Risk Avoidance Company Policies Establishing policies that prohibit certain activities or decisions that could expose the organization to risk Employee Training Providing training to employees on how to identify and avoid potential risks in their work Small Business Insurance Coverage Purchasing insurance policies that protect against specific risks Hold Harmless Agreements Negotiating contracts that require another party to indemnify the organization against certain losses While risk avoidance can be an effective risk mitigation strategy, it may also result in the organization missing out on positive opportunities, such as lower expenses or operational improvements Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk analysis and assessment before implementing this strategy
  • 24. Risk Reduction • Establishing policies, procedures, or controls to reduce the chances of harm and mitigate the potential impact of risks Implementing Controls • Spreading investments across different asset classes or industries to reduce the impact of potential losses Diversification • Providing training to employees on how to identify and avoid potential risks in their work Employee Training • Ensuring that equipment and facilities are well-maintained to reduce the likelihood of accidents or equipment failures Regular Maintenance • Regularly monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of risk reduction measures and making necessary adjustments to ensure continued improvement Monitoring and Review By implementing risk reduction strategies, organizations can effectively manage and mitigate risks, safeguarding their operations and ensuring their long-term success
  • 25. Environmental Risk and Social Risk Social risk refers to the potential adverse impacts on society caused by certain activities or events Social risks can include labour practices, human rights violations, community displacement, cultural disruptions, and the potential for social unrest These risks can arise from business operations, government policies, or even natural disasters Environmental risk refers to the potential adverse effects on the environment caused by human activities or natural disasters These risks can include pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, climate change, and resource depletion Environmental risks can have far-reaching consequences, including the loss of biodiversity, damage to ecosystems, and negative impacts on human health
  • 26. Environmental Risk and Social Risk Environmental risk and social risk are often interconnected and have a significant influence on one another Both environmental and social risks have gained increasing attention in recent years due to growing awareness of their potential impacts and the need for sustainable development Businesses and governments are under pressure to manage and mitigate these risks by adopting sustainable practices, ensuring responsible supply chains, and engaging with stakeholders to address social and environmental concerns Various frameworks and tools have been developed to help organizations assess and manage environmental and social risks, for example, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are conducted to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects Environmental risk and social risk are multidimensional and interconnected challenges that require a holistic and integrated approach to address them effectively By understanding and managing these risks, organizations and governments can work towards sustainable development that balances economic growth with social well-being and environmental protection
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  • 28. Risk Management Risk management is a vast and essential area, crucial for individuals, businesses, and even governments like Nigeria Risk management is a proactive and methodical approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks It's like building a safety net under your tightrope walk, giving peace of mind and increasing chances of success
  • 29. Steps in Risk Management • This involves brainstorming and analyzing all the possible negative events that could occur in a given situation Identify potential risks • Once identified, we need to evaluate the probability of each risk happening and the potential consequences it might have Assess the likelihood and impact of each risk • Based on the assessment, we can formulate plans to reduce the likelihood or impact of each risk • This could involve avoidance, control, transfer, or acceptance of the risk Develop mitigation strategies • Putting the mitigation strategies into action is crucial, and regularly monitoring their effectiveness ensures we're on the right track Implement and monitor • As circumstances change, risks evolve, and our understanding improves, we need to continuously review and adapt our risk management plan Review and adapt
  • 30. Benefits of Effective Risk Management • Knowing we've proactively addressed potential pitfalls brings peace of mind and allows us to focus on achieving our goals Reduced uncertainty and anxiety • When risks are thoroughly assessed and mitigated, we can make informed choices with greater confidence Improved decision- making • By minimizing disruptions and setbacks, we can operate more smoothly and achieve results faster Enhanced efficiency and productivity • Proactive risk management can prevent financial losses and safeguard valuable assets Financial protection • Demonstrating effective risk management builds trust and confidence from stakeholders Boosted reputation and credibility
  • 31. Application of Risk Management Businesses • Implementing safety protocols, diversifying investments, and conducting regular security audits are examples of risk management in business Individuals • Buying insurance, setting up emergency funds, and maintaining healthy habits are ways individuals manage personal risks Governments • Building flood defenses, enacting disaster preparedness plans, and diversifying the economy are examples of risk management at the national level
  • 32. Environmental and Social Risk Management Environmental and social risk management (ESRM) is a process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing environmental and social risks that may arise from business operations and activities It involves developing strategies and measures to mitigate or manage these risks, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and promoting sustainable development
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  • 34. Key Elements of ESRM (Environmental and Social Risk Management) Identification of Environmental and Social Risks • The first step in ESRM is to identify the environmental and social risks associated with business activities • This may involve conducting environmental and social impact assessments, stakeholder consultations, and reviews of relevant regulations and guidelines Data Collection and Analysis • ESRM requires the collection and analysis of accurate data related to environmental and social risks • This involves monitoring and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs), such as greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and waste generation Risk Assessment and Prioritization • After identifying risks and collecting data, the next step is to assess and prioritize the risks based on their likelihood, severity, and impact • This process involves ranking risks according to their potential impact on the environment, human health, and social well-being
  • 35. Key Elements of ESRM (Environmental and Social Risk Management) Mitigation Strategies and Management Plans • ESRM involves developing and implementing strategies and plans to mitigate or manage environmental and social risks • This may include measures such as pollution control, waste reduction, biodiversity conservation, and stakeholder engagement Monitoring and Reporting • ESRM requires ongoing monitoring and reporting of environmental and social performance • This involves tracking KPIs, identifying trends, and reporting on performance against established targets • It also involves regular communication with stakeholders, including investors, customers, regulators, and local communities Effective ESRM can help companies reduce environmental and social risks, improve operational efficiency, enhance stakeholder engagement, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations Ultimately, ESRM can support the achievement of sustainable development goals, promoting long-term business success and environmental and social well-being
  • 36. Overview of Risk Management in Public Finance Risk management in public finance refers to the process of identifying, assessing, and managing risks that can affect the financial health and stability of government entities and the communities they serve It involves the implementation of strategies and policies to mitigate or eliminate potential risks, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of these measures to ensure their effectiveness
  • 37. Objectives of Risk Management in Public Finance The main objectives of risk management in public finance are to protect public funds, maintain financial stability, and ensure the delivery of essential services to citizens These objectives are achieved through various risk management practices such as risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring Risk identification involves recognizing and understanding the potential risks that public finance entities may face Common risks in public finance include economic instability, budgetary shortfalls, liquidity problems, policy and regulatory changes, fraud, cyber threats, and natural disasters Risk management plays a crucial role in public finance by helping government entities safeguard public funds, maintain financial stability, and improve overall financial management performance
  • 38. Risk Management Strategies for Public Finance Fiscal planning and forecasting • Building robust economic models and scenario planning helps anticipate potential risks and prepare for future fluctuations Diversification of revenue sources • Reducing dependence on volatile sources like oil revenue and broadening the tax base creates a more resilient financial foundation Cost-benefit analysis and project management • Thoroughly assessing potential costs and benefits before undertaking projects, coupled with effective project management practices, minimizes waste and maximizes returns Transparency and accountability • Openly communicating financial information, engaging in public consultations, and implementing strong internal controls build trust and deter corruption Internal audit and risk assessment • Regularly evaluating departmental practices, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing corrective measures to mitigate internal risks and promote efficient resource allocation
  • 39. Challenges and Opportunities of Risk Management in Public Finance Short-term political pressures •Balancing long-term risk management strategies with the immediate needs of the current political cycle can be difficult Limited resources •Governments often face budget constraints, making it challenging to allocate sufficient resources for effective risk management efforts Lack of awareness and expertise •Building institutional capacity and raising awareness about risk management within government organizations requires ongoing efforts Adopting innovative financial instruments •Exploring tools like insurance schemes, derivatives, and public-private partnerships can transfer or mitigate certain risks effectively Embracing new technologies •Big data analytics and artificial intelligence can help identify emerging risks, improve forecasting accuracy, and optimize resource allocation International collaboration and knowledge sharing •Learning from the experiences of other countries and engaging in global knowledge exchange can accelerate progress in risk management practices Challenges Opportunities
  • 40. Importance of Considering Environmental and Social Risks in Public Finance Decision-making • Integrating environmental and social risks ensures that public finance decisions align with the principles of sustainable development • By assessing and managing these risks, governments can promote economic growth, social equity, and environmental protection in a balanced manner Sustainable Development • Ignoring environmental and social risks can lead to short-sighted decision-making, resulting in negative long-term consequences • By considering these risks, governments can avoid investing in projects or sectors that may harm the environment, contribute to social inequalities, or lead to financial instability in the future Long-term Viability • Environmental risks, such as climate change, natural disasters, and resource depletion, pose significant threats to communities and economies • By incorporating these risks into public finance decision-making, governments can prioritize investments in resilient infrastructure, adaptation measures, and sustainable resource management, thus enhancing the overall resilience of societies Resilience and Adaptation • Social risks, such as labour exploitation, displacement of communities, and human rights violations, can exacerbate social inequalities and marginalize vulnerable populations • By considering these risks, governments can ensure that public finance decisions contribute to inclusive development, address social issues, and protect the rights and well-being of all individuals Social Equity and Inclusion
  • 41. Importance of Considering Environmental and Social Risks in Public Finance Decision- making Accountability and Transparency • Considering environmental and social risks enhances accountability and transparency in public finance decision- making • By disclosing the risks associated with projects and investments, governments can engage with stakeholders, foster public participation, and build trust in the decision-making process International Commitments • Many countries have made international commitments, such as the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, which require considering environmental and social risks in policy-making and financing decisions • Incorporating these risks in public finance can help countries fulfill their obligations and contribute to global sustainable development efforts. Overall, considering environmental and social risks in public finance decision-making ensures that investments and policies are aligned with long- term sustainability, social well- being, and international commitments. This approach can help build resilient, inclusive, and environmentally responsible economies and societies.
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  • 43. OVERVIEW OF INVESTMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES Investment refers to the allocation of money or resources with the expectation of generating future returns or benefits The goal of investment is to grow wealth, generate income, or achieve specific financial objectives Investors typically choose from a range of investment options, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, and alternative assets, depending on their risk appetite, financial goals, and time horizon
  • 44. Key Aspects of Investments in Public Finance Government Bonds •Governments issue bonds to raise funds for infrastructure projects or cover budgetary needs •Investors receive periodic interest payments and the return of principal upon maturity Treasury Securities •These are debt instruments issued by the government •They include Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, each with different maturities •Investors receive fixed interest payments, and the principal is returned upon maturity Infrastructure Investments •Governments may invest in infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and utilities •These long-term investments aim to enhance public services and stimulate economic growth Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) •Governments may collaborate with private entities to fund and manage projects •This involves a combination of public and private investments, sharing risks and rewards Sovereign Wealth Funds •Some countries establish sovereign wealth funds, which are investment pools funded by a nation's reserves •These funds aim to generate long-term returns to support government programmes and future obligations
  • 45. Investment Strategies •Growth investors focus on investing in companies expected to have above-average growth rates in their earnings and revenue •They look for companies in high-growth sectors or emerging industries with the potential to deliver significant capital appreciation over time Growth Investing •Value investors look for stocks or assets that are undervalued relative to their intrinsic value •They seek out companies or assets that are trading at a discount compared to their fundamental worth and have the potential to appreciate over time Value Investing •Income investors prioritize investments that generate a regular income stream, such as dividend-paying stocks, bonds, or rental properties •They seek out stable and reliable cash flows to provide a consistent income source Income Investing •Dividend investors focus on investing in companies that regularly distribute a portion of their profits as dividends to shareholders •They aim to generate income through dividend payments and often prioritize companies with a track record of consistent dividend growth Dividend Investing •Index investors seek to match the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500 or FTSE 100, by investing in a portfolio that replicates the holdings and weightings of the index •This strategy is often used in passive investing, where investors aim to achieve broad market returns rather than beat the market Index Investing
  • 46. Investment Strategies •Momentum investors aim to identify and invest in assets that have shown upward price momentum •They believe that assets that have recently experienced positive price movements will continue to do so in the short term and seek to capitalize on this trend Momentum Investing •Contrarian investors take positions that go against prevailing market sentiment •They search for assets that are undervalued or unpopular but have the potential for a turnaround •They believe that the market can be irrational and seek to profit from buying assets when others are selling Contrarian Investing •ESG investors consider environmental, social, and governance factors in their investment decisions •They assess companies' sustainability practices, social impact, corporate governance, and ethical standards alongside financial performance to make investment choices aligned with their values Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing It's important to note that investment strategies come with varying levels of risk and potential returns, and each strategy may be better suited to different market conditions or personal circumstances
  • 47. Choosing the Right Strategy for your Investment Risk Tolerance Can you stomach volatility, or do you crave stability? Value and income investing tend to be less risky, while growth and momentum strategies involve higher potential returns but also greater risk Investment Horizon Are you planning for retirement in 30 years or aiming for short-term gains? Long-term strategies like value and income investing typically outperform in the long run, while momentum and technical analysis cater to shorter timeframes Financial Goals Are you building wealth for your future, securing retirement income, or generating passive income? Align your strategy with your specific financial aspirations Personal Preferences Do you enjoy in-depth research or prefer technical analysis? Choose a strategy that aligns with your interests and personality for sustained engagement
  • 48. Sustainable Investment Strategies Sustainable investment strategies, also known as socially responsible investing (SRI), impact investing, or ESG investing (Environmental, Social, and Governance), aim to generate positive financial returns while considering the environmental, social, and ethical implications of the investments These strategies incorporate sustainability factors, such as climate change, human rights, diversity, corporate governance, and resource depletion, into the investment process
  • 49.
  • 50. Common Sustainable Investment Strategies • This strategy involves excluding certain industries or companies from the investment portfolio based on predefined criteria Screening • This strategy involves considering environmental, social, and governance factors along with financial analysis when making investment decisions ESG Integration • Impact investors seek to generate measurable positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns Impact Investing • Thematic investors focus on specific sustainability themes, such as clean energy, water scarcity, sustainable agriculture, or healthcare Thematic Investing
  • 51. Common Sustainable Investment Strategies Community Investing • Community investors allocate capital to benefit disadvantaged communities or underserved areas Corporate Engagement • This strategy involves engaging with companies as an investor to encourage positive change Green Bonds • Green bonds are fixed-income securities exclusively used to finance environmentally friendly projects, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, or sustainable infrastructure Divestment • Divestment involves selling investments in companies or industries deemed unsustainable or unethical • It is often a strategy used to align investment portfolios with personal values or protest against specific practices, such as fossil fuel extraction or tobacco production
  • 52. DECISION-MAKING IN ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCE Decision-making in environmental and social risk management in public finance involves considering and managing potential risks and impacts on the environment and society when making financial decisions and investments Decision-making in environmental and social risk management in public finance requires a comprehensive and proactive approach to ensuring that investments are environmentally and socially sustainable and contribute to the overall well-being of both current and future generations
  • 53. DECISION-MAKING IN ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCE •Public finance institutions need to identify and assess potential risks and impacts on the environment and society associated with their investment decisions •This includes evaluating the potential negative impacts on ecosystems, climate change, biodiversity, human rights, labour standards, and indigenous peoples' rights Identifying and assessing environmental and social risks •Public finance institutions need to establish policies and guidelines that outline their commitment to addressing environmental and social risks •These policies should include criteria for screening investments and determining when additional mitigation measures are necessary Setting policies and guidelines •Public finance institutions need to conduct thorough due diligence on potential investments to determine their environmental and social risks and impacts •This may involve conducting environmental and social impact assessments, engaging with local communities and stakeholders, and evaluating the project's compliance with relevant environmental and social standards and regulations Due diligence
  • 54.
  • 55. DECISION-MAKING IN ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCE Mitigation measures •Public finance institutions should implement measures to mitigate identified environmental and social risks •This may include requiring project developers to implement specific environmental and social management plans, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, and monitoring ongoing project performance Stakeholder engagement •Public finance institutions should engage with relevant stakeholders, including affected communities, non-governmental organizations, and experts, to seek their input on potential investments and to ensure that their concerns and interests are adequately addressed Reporting and transparency •Public finance institutions should provide transparent and accessible information on their environmental and social risk management practices •This may include regular reporting on investments, disclosure of project-specific environmental and social information, and public consultation processes Continuous improvement •Public finance institutions should continuously monitor and evaluate their environmental and social risk management practices to identify opportunities for improvement •This may involve learning from best practices, engaging in knowledge-sharing and capacity-building activities, and updating policies and guidelines in response to new challenges and emerging risks
  • 56. ROLES OF PROFESSIONALACCOUNTANTS IN ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCE • Professional accountants can analyze public finance projects and programs to identify potential environmental and social risks • They can conduct risk assessments to evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of these risks Identifying and assessing risks • Accountants can ensure that accurate and transparent reporting of environmental and social risks is undertaken • They can develop reporting frameworks and guidelines to capture relevant data and information • This includes preparing financial statements, sustainability reports, and other disclosures that accurately reflect the environmental and social risks associated with public finance activities Reporting and disclosure • Accountants are responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental and social regulations • They can advise on the regulatory framework and requirements relevant to public finance activities • They can also help develop internal control systems to monitor compliance and provide adequate assurance Compliance and regulatory requirements
  • 57. ROLES OF PROFESSIONALACCOUNTANTS IN ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCE •Professional accountants can help integrate environmental and social considerations into decision-making processes •They can analyze the financial impacts of different options, considering both financial and non-financial factors •By considering environmental and social risks, accountants can contribute to the development of sustainable public finance strategies Integration of environmental and social considerations •Accountants can provide independent assessment and assurance services to evaluate the management of environmental and social risks in public finance •They can conduct audits to review compliance with environmental and social policies, procedures, and regulations •This helps ensure accountability and transparency in the management of public funds Auditing and assurance •Professional accountants can engage with stakeholders, such as government agencies, civil society organizations, and the public, to understand their concerns and perspectives regarding environmental and social risks •They can facilitate dialogue and collaboration to address these risks effectively Stakeholder engagement Overall, professional accountants play a crucial role in identifying, reporting, managing, and providing assurance on environmental and social risks in public finance Their expertise and ethical standards contribute to the effective management of these risks, leading to more sustainable and responsible public finance practices
  • 58. Conclusion Public finance, like a sturdy ship navigating turbulent seas, demands constant vigilance and strategic maneuvering Environmental disasters, economic fluctuations, and social unrest act as unexpected squalls in the realm of public finance They can cripple infrastructure, disrupt service delivery, and plunge nations into financial turmoil Neglecting these risks would be akin to setting sail without a weather map, inviting misfortune and jeopardizing the well-being of millions By proactively and strategically managing risks, governments can ensure responsible use of public funds, foster economic stability, and build a future where citizens can thrive
  • 59. Recommendations Invest in building strong risk management frameworks within government institutions Allocate sufficient resources for risk assessment, mo nitoring, and mitigation activities Foster a culture of transparency and accountability within government operations Embrace innovative technologies and data analytics to enhance risk management capabilities Actively collaborate with other countries and international organizations to share best practices
  • 60. Prof. Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun Professor of Accounting & Financial Development Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel & Co (Certified National Accountants, Tax Practitioners & Auditors) godwinoye@yahoo.com; godwinoye@oyedokungodwin.com +2348033737184 & 2348055863944