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An Engineering Approach
to Database Evalua5ons
Drew Paroski, MemSQL, VP of Engineering
Adam Prout, MemSQL, Chief Architect
MemSQL 1
MemSQL 2
8 Criteria To Keep In Mind While
Looking For Your Next Database
MemSQL 3
Do you understand anything they're saying?
Oh yes master Luke remember that I am fluent in over 6
million forms of communica9on
MemSQL 4
1/ Pick the right language(s) including SQL
• Surface area supported: Joins, Aggregates, sub-queries, CTEs,
Window func>ons
• Parallelism: In a single machine, across a cluster of machines
• Query op>mizer maturity
• Profiling and query tuning support
MemSQL 5
Aim for Peak Performance
MemSQL 6
2/ Performance
• Making use of modern hardware
• i.e. SIMD, flash/NVMe
• Code Genera>on
MemSQL 7
Choose the right storage model
MemSQL 8
3/ Database storage technology
• Columnstore, Rowstore, Documentstore
• Index types
• B-Tree, LSM-Tree, hash table, min-max index
• In-Memory AND On-Disk storage
MemSQL 9
Focus on Transac+ons
"We can pay you two thousand now,
plus fi4een when we reach Alderaan"
MemSQL 10
4/ Transac*onality
• Point-updates and mass updates
• File systems (HDFS) are not intended for this func<onality
MemSQL 11
Protect with redundancy
MemSQL 12
5/ Protec*on and durability
• Replica)on support (synchronous, asynchronous, log based,
statement based)
• Built-in transparent high availability or manual setup
• Backup and Restore support
MemSQL 13
Invest in Procedures
MemSQL 14
6/ UDFs and Stored Procedures
• Custom func,ons
• Advantages of in-database opera,ons
MemSQL 15
Prepare for Fast Ingest
MemSQL 16
7/ Data Ingest
• Fast, con+nuous, streaming ingest
• Running queries concurrently with ingest
MemSQL 17
Guarantee Security
MemSQL 18
8/ Security
• Encryp(on; Authen(ca(on
• Role Based Access Control
• Audit Logging; Strict Mode
MemSQL 19
You are cer)fied to rule the database universe
MemSQL 20
drew@memsql.com and adam@mesql.com
MemSQL 21

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An Engineering Approach to Database Evaluations
