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High Performance
NoSQL Database
Powering New
Opportunities at Scale
Ask The Experts: 
Architectural Overview
■  Overview
■ Database landscape
■ Use cases
■  Architecture
■  Storage
■  Indexes and Operations
■  Cross Datacenter Replication
■  Questions
Response time: Hours, Weeks
TB to PB
Read Intensive
Response time: Seconds
Gigabytes of data
Balanced Reads/Writes
Response time: Seconds
Terabytes of data
Read Intensive
Real-time Transactions
Response time: < 5 ms
1-100 TB
Balanced Reads/Writes
24x7x365 Availability
Database Landscape
Next Generation Systems of Engagement –
An Emerging Market with Multiple Technologies
Aerospike Delivers Predictable Performance, Highest Availability, and Lowest TCO
Systems of Engagement - TCO
Scale TB
Systems of Engagement – Many Choices
Scale TB
Significant functional
overlap - Commodity DB
problem set
Unique Functional
Capabilities and High
Value Problem Set
High Performance NoSQL +
■  Unlimited Key Value pairs, record size
up to 128KB - 1MB.
■  Complex & Scalar Types - integer,
double, string, blob, list, map,
■  Distributed Queries on secondary
indices (exact match, integer range,
geospatial queries).
■  User Defined Functions extend the
■  Patented Indexed Map-Reduce –
distributed queries can be filtered,
transformed, aggregated, and
Use cases
Advertising Technology Stack
In-memory NoSQL
Cookies, email, deviceID, IP address, location,
segments, clicks, likes, tweets, search terms...
Best sellers, top scores, trending tweets
Discover patterns,
segment data:
location patterns,
audience affinity
Currently about 3.0M / sec in North
•  Billions of users & cookies across the internet
•  Accessible using provisioning applications
(self-serve and through support personnel)
•  Real-time algorithms used for targeting, offers.
Need for Extremely High Availability,
Reliably, Low latency
•  10’s TBs of data
•  1B ~ 10B objects
•  1M ~ 10M TPS
Selected NoSQL
•  Clustered HA system
•  Predictable low latency at high throughput
•  Highly-available and reliable on failure
•  Cross data center (XDR) support
AdTech – Targeting, Bidding, Programmatic






Travel Portal
Poll for
Airlines forced interstate
Legacy mainframe
reservation and pricing
Requirement: 1M TPS
allowing overhead
Travel App
Financial Services – Intraday Positions
10M+ user records
Primary key access
•  Challenge
–  DB2 stores positions for 10 Million
–  Value-at-risk calculations in minutes,
not hours
–  Consistent view of trade state across all
–  Must update stock prices, show balances
on 300 positions, process 250M
transactions, 2 M updates/day
–  Cache uneconomical – 150 servers
growing to 1000
•  Need to scale reliably
–  3 à 13 TB
–  100 à 400 Million objects
–  200k à I Million TPS
•  Selected NoSQL
–  Flash
–  Predictable Low latency at High
–  Immediate consistency
–  Cross data center (XDR) support
–  10 Server Cluster
Start of Day
Data Loading
End of Day
QOS & Real-Time Billing for Telcos
•  Per-account routing rules win edge systems
•  Traffic shaping to implement account policies
•  Accessible using provisioning applications
(self-serve and through support personnel)
Need for Extremely High Availability,
Reliably, Low latency
•  TBs of data
•  10-100M objects
•  10-200K TPS
Selected NoSQL
•  Clustered system
•  Predictable low latency at high throughput
•  Highly-available and reliable on failure
•  Cross data center (XDR) support
Auth. QoS Billing
Request Execute
Real-Time ChecksConfig Module App
Update Device
User Setting
Traditional SOE Architecture Has Significant Limitations
• Complex
• Maintainability
• Durability
• Consistency
• Scalability
• Cost ($)
• Data LagCaching Layer
Operational Database
Legacy RDBMS
Fast speed – Consumer Scale
Consumer Facing
Pricing /
Legacy Database
Enterprise Environment
Hybrid Memory Systems - Enabling a New Class of Real-time
Aerospike Delivers Predictable Performance, Highest Availability, and Lowest TCO
Legacy Database
Enterprise Environment
Powered by High Performance NoSQL
Fast speed – Consumer Scale
Hybrid Memory Database
• Simplicity
• Maintainability
• Durability
• Consistency
• Scalability
• Cost ($)
• Data Lag Reduced
Consumer Facing
Pricing /
Legacy RDBMS
Architecture – The Big Picture
1)  No Hotspots
– Distributed Hash Table
simplifies data partitioning
2)  Smart Client – 1 hop to data,
no load balancers
3)  Shared Nothing Architecture,
every node is identical
4)  Smart Cluster, Zero Touch
– auto-failover, rebalancing,
rack aware, rolling upgrades
5)  Transactions and long-running
tasks prioritized in real-time
6)  XDR – sync replication across
data centers ensures Zero
How Data is Organized
Aerospike RDBMS
Namespace Tablespace or Database
Set Table
Record Row
Bin Column
Bin type
Map /
Smart Client™
■  The Aerospike Client is implemented as a library, JAR or DLL, and
consists of 2 parts:
■ Operation APIs – These are the operations that you can execute on the
cluster – CRUD+ etc.
■ First class observer of the Cluster – Monitoring the state of each node and
aware on new nodes or node failures.
Smart Client - Distributed Hash table
■  Distributed Hash Table with No Hotspots
■ Every key hashed with RIPEMD160
into an ultra efficient 20 byte (fixed length) string
■ Hash + additional (fixed 64 bytes) data
forms index entry in RAM
■ Some bits from hash value are used to
calculate the Partition ID (4096 partitions)
■ Partition ID maps to Node ID in the cluster
■  1 Hop to data
■ Smart Client simply calculates Partition
ID to determine Node ID
■ No Load Balancers required
Even record distribution
Node A Node B Node C
Automatic rebalancing
Adding, or removing a node, the cluster
automatically rebalances
1.  Cluster discovers new node via gossip
2.  Paxos vote determines new data
3.  Partition migrations scheduled
4.  When a partition migration starts,
write journal starts on destination
5.  Partition moves atomically
6.  Journal is applied and source data deleted
After migration is complete, the cluster is
evenly balanced.
Predictable high performance
Data is distributed evenly across nodes in a cluster using the Aerospike
Smart Partitions™ algorithm.
■  RIPEMD160 (no collisions yet found)
■  4096 Data Partitions
■  Even distribution of
■ Partitions across nodes
■ Records across Partitions
■ Data across Flash devices
■  Primary and Replica
Even Data Distribution
Massively Parallel
Automatic Distribution of Data
•  Even amount of data on all nodes and all drives
•  All hardware used equally
•  Load on all servers is balanced
•  No “hot spots”
•  No configuration changes as workload or use
case changes
Smart Clients
•  Single “hop” from client to server
•  Cluster-spanning operations (scan, query, batch)
sent to all processing nodes for parallel
Scale up Architecture - Server internals
Service Threads
Service Queues
Predictable Performance
Single hop DRAM Read
Single hop DRAM Write
DRAM Write
Replica Write,
Single hop
Predictable Performance
Performance Built In
•  Written in C with memory-optimized libraries => No garbage collection
•  Continual defragmentation of storage => No compactions
•  Known master for any piece of data => No quorum reads
•  Designed as a distributed database => Networking primary consideration
Storage Optimizations
•  Writes done to memory buffer => Avoid storage slowdown
•  Storage used in “block” mode => No file system overhead
•  Reads and writes striped across devices => Concurrent use of hardware
Smart Clients
•  Single “hop” from client to server
Data Consistency
•  Written data should be immediately consistent within a cluster
without introducing additional latency
•  Mixed workloads (true concurrent reads/writes) should not cause
•  Written data should be asynchronously written to remote clusters
Data Consistency
Local Cluster
Remote Cluster
Data Storage Layer – Hybrid Architecture
Data in RAM
Data in RAM is very fast – at a price
■  Indexes and Data both in-memory
■  $$$ (great < 100G, Cloud)
■  More servers
■  Super fast
■  Optional HDD as backing store
Data on Flash / SSD
■ Record data stored contiguously
■ 1 read per record
■ Automatic continuous defragment
■ Data written in flash optimal blocks
■ Automatic distribution across drives
■ Writes buffered BLOCK INTERFACE
10x LOWER TCO10x Fewer
Indexes and Operations
Indexes in DRAM, Data on SSD
•  Small amount of DRAM => avoid cost and server sprawl
•  No concept of cache misses => Predictable, low latency
performance on NVMe/SSD
Primary Index
Primary index
■ DHT of rbTrees (one per partition)
■  Index entry
■ 64 bytes
■ Write generation
■ Time To Live
■ Last Update Time
■ Storage address
■ Uses shared memory for
Fast Restart
Key Value operations using the Primary Index
■  Put
■  Exists
■  Get
■  CAS
■  Increment (counters)
■  Append/Prepend
■  List Operations
■  SortedMap Operations
■  Touch
■  Delete
■  Batch Read/Exists
■  Scan
Secondary Indexes
■  Bin (Column) indices
■  Declarative index
■ String, Integer, List, Map Keys,
■  Map Values, GeoJSON
■  In RAM – fast
■  Multi-node
■ Co-located with primary index
■  Reference local data only
■  Index creation
■ Tools: AQL, ascli
■ Client API – developer only
Queries on Secondary Indexes
A query is a value based lookup using a secondary index similar to a SQL
select statement.
The query is sent to all nodes in the cluster in parallel
■  Scatter-gather
■  Multi-threaded
Best for “low selectivity” indices
Good for “high selectivity” indices
Selectivity = Cardinality / Rows*100
Cross Datacenter Replication - XDR
XDR Architecture
Each node in the clusterDistributed clusters
XDR Topologies
Star Replication
Simple Active-Passive Simple Active-Active
More Complex Topology
Failure Handling
Node failure within a cluster – nodes with replica data will continue
Link failure – XDR keeps track of link failures and data to be shipped over
that link. It will recover when the link comes up.
Node failure in a Cluster Link failure between Clusters
Aerospike – Enabling Your Digital Transformation
Powered by High
Performance NoSQL
Aerospike – The Next Generation
Operational Database
•  No cache required – simpler architecture! Smaller Server Footprint
•  Patented Flash Optimization – Log structured File System
•  Record Oriented, Schema Free NoSQL KV Store
•  True Real Time DB engine, multi threaded, massively parallel
•  DRAM or Hybrid DRAM/Flash for Persistence
•  Stable, Low Latency and high throughput under any condition
•  Deployable on Bare Metal, virtualized, containerized, or Cloud
•  Highest Uptime & Availability (5 nines plus), Scalable
•  Automatic DB Cluster formation, self healing and dynamic sharding
•  Cross Data Center Replication (XDR)
•  Machine Learning
•  Broad language support (C/C++, Java,C#, Python, Go, Node.js, PHP)
•  Patented functionality, DB aware Clients, No load balancers required
•  Rich API’s - Accelerated development
•  Optimized for Flash and DRAM
•  Demonstrated 10:1 price performance savings
•  Up to 10x reduction in servers deployed
•  Huge operational efficiency – “Set it and Forget it”
High Performance
NoSQL Database
Powering New
Opportunities at Scale
See how much you can save with Aerospike:
Ready to get started?
If you have any questions or want to further
explore if Aerospike is right for you, contact

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Aerospike Hybrid Memory Architecture

  • 1. High Performance NoSQL Database Powering New Opportunities at Scale Ask The Experts: Architectural Overview
  • 2. Overview ■  Overview ■ Database landscape ■ Use cases ■  Architecture ■  Storage ■  Indexes and Operations ■  Cross Datacenter Replication ■  Questions
  • 3. Response time: Hours, Weeks TB to PB Read Intensive TRANSACTIONS (OLTP) Response time: Seconds Gigabytes of data Balanced Reads/Writes ANALYTICS (OLAP) STRUCTURED DATA Response time: Seconds Terabytes of data Read Intensive BIG DATA ANALYTICS Real-time Transactions Response time: < 5 ms 1-100 TB Balanced Reads/Writes 24x7x365 Availability UNSTRUCTURED DATA REAL-TIME BIG DATA Database Landscape
  • 4. Next Generation Systems of Engagement – An Emerging Market with Multiple Technologies Aerospike Delivers Predictable Performance, Highest Availability, and Lowest TCO Systems of Engagement - TCO TCO ($) Scale TB Systems of Engagement – Many Choices Alternative TCO Aerospike TCO Speed TPS Scale TB Significant functional overlap - Commodity DB problem set Unique Functional Capabilities and High Value Problem Set
  • 5. High Performance NoSQL + ■  Unlimited Key Value pairs, record size up to 128KB - 1MB. ■  Complex & Scalar Types - integer, double, string, blob, list, map, geospatial. ■  Distributed Queries on secondary indices (exact match, integer range, geospatial queries). ■  User Defined Functions extend the database. ■  Patented Indexed Map-Reduce – distributed queries can be filtered, transformed, aggregated, and reduced.
  • 7. MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS BILLIONS OF DEVICES APP SERVERS DATA WAREHOUSEINSIGHTS Advertising Technology Stack WRITE CONTEXT In-memory NoSQL WRITE REAL-TIME CONTEXT READ RECENT CONTENT PROFILE STORE Cookies, email, deviceID, IP address, location, segments, clicks, likes, tweets, search terms... REAL-TIME ANALYTICS Best sellers, top scores, trending tweets BATCH ANALYTICS Discover patterns, segment data: location patterns, audience affinity Currently about 3.0M / sec in North American
  • 8. Challenge •  Billions of users & cookies across the internet •  Accessible using provisioning applications (self-serve and through support personnel) •  Real-time algorithms used for targeting, offers. Need for Extremely High Availability, Reliably, Low latency •  10’s TBs of data •  1B ~ 10B objects •  1M ~ 10M TPS Selected NoSQL •  Clustered HA system •  Predictable low latency at high throughput •  Highly-available and reliable on failure •  Cross data center (XDR) support AdTech – Targeting, Bidding, Programmatic INTERNET
  • 9. Travel Portal PRICING DATABASE (RATE LIMITED) Poll for Pricing Changes PRICING DATA Store Latest Price SESSION MANAGEMENT Session Data Read Price XDR Airlines forced interstate banking Legacy mainframe technology Multi-company reservation and pricing Requirement: 1M TPS allowing overhead Travel App
  • 10. Financial Services – Intraday Positions 10M+ user records Primary key access 1M+ TPS •  Challenge –  DB2 stores positions for 10 Million customers –  Value-at-risk calculations in minutes, not hours –  Consistent view of trade state across all applications –  Must update stock prices, show balances on 300 positions, process 250M transactions, 2 M updates/day –  Cache uneconomical – 150 servers growing to 1000 •  Need to scale reliably –  3 à 13 TB –  100 à 400 Million objects –  200k à I Million TPS •  Selected NoSQL –  Flash –  Predictable Low latency at High Throughput –  Immediate consistency –  Cross data center (XDR) support –  10 Server Cluster IBM DB2 (MAINFRAME) Read/Write Start of Day Data Loading End of Day Reconciliation Query REAL-TIME DATA FEED ACCOUNT POSITIONS XDR
  • 11. QOS & Real-Time Billing for Telcos Challenge •  Per-account routing rules win edge systems •  Traffic shaping to implement account policies •  Accessible using provisioning applications (self-serve and through support personnel) Need for Extremely High Availability, Reliably, Low latency •  TBs of data •  10-100M objects •  10-200K TPS Selected NoSQL •  Clustered system •  Predictable low latency at high throughput •  Highly-available and reliable on failure •  Cross data center (XDR) support SOURCE DEVICE/USER DESTINATIONReal-Time Auth. QoS Billing Request Execute Request Real-Time ChecksConfig Module App Update Device User Setting Hot-Standby XDR
  • 12. Traditional SOE Architecture Has Significant Limitations Challenges: • Complex • Maintainability • Durability • Consistency • Scalability • Cost ($) • Data LagCaching Layer Operational Database Legacy RDBMS HDFS BASED Fast speed – Consumer Scale Real-time Consumer Facing Pricing / Inventory/Billing Real-time Decisioning Streaming Data Legacy Database (Mainframe) RDBMS Database Transactional Systems Enterprise Environment
  • 13. XDR Aerospike Hybrid Memory Systems - Enabling a New Class of Real-time Applications Aerospike Delivers Predictable Performance, Highest Availability, and Lowest TCO Legacy Database (Mainframe) RDBMS Database Transactional Systems Enterprise Environment Powered by High Performance NoSQL Fast speed – Consumer Scale Hybrid Memory Database Benefits: • Simplicity • Maintainability • Durability • Consistency • Scalability • Cost ($) • Data Lag Reduced Real-time Consumer Facing Pricing / Inventory/Billing Real-time Decisioning Streaming Data Legacy RDBMS HDFS BASED
  • 15. Architecture – The Big Picture 1)  No Hotspots – Distributed Hash Table simplifies data partitioning 2)  Smart Client – 1 hop to data, no load balancers 3)  Shared Nothing Architecture, every node is identical 4)  Smart Cluster, Zero Touch – auto-failover, rebalancing, rack aware, rolling upgrades 5)  Transactions and long-running tasks prioritized in real-time 6)  XDR – sync replication across data centers ensures Zero Downtime
  • 16. How Data is Organized Aerospike RDBMS Namespace Tablespace or Database Set Table Record Row Bin Column Bin type Integer Double String BLOB List Map / SortedMap GeoJSON
  • 17. Smart Client™ ■  The Aerospike Client is implemented as a library, JAR or DLL, and consists of 2 parts: ■ Operation APIs – These are the operations that you can execute on the cluster – CRUD+ etc. ■ First class observer of the Cluster – Monitoring the state of each node and aware on new nodes or node failures.
  • 18. Smart Client - Distributed Hash table ■  Distributed Hash Table with No Hotspots ■ Every key hashed with RIPEMD160 into an ultra efficient 20 byte (fixed length) string ■ Hash + additional (fixed 64 bytes) data forms index entry in RAM ■ Some bits from hash value are used to calculate the Partition ID (4096 partitions) ■ Partition ID maps to Node ID in the cluster ■  1 Hop to data ■ Smart Client simply calculates Partition ID to determine Node ID ■ No Load Balancers required
  • 19. Even record distribution Node A Node B Node C Z Z’ Y Y’ X X’ AerospikeClient Application
  • 20. Automatic rebalancing Adding, or removing a node, the cluster automatically rebalances 1.  Cluster discovers new node via gossip protocol 2.  Paxos vote determines new data organization 3.  Partition migrations scheduled 4.  When a partition migration starts, write journal starts on destination 5.  Partition moves atomically 6.  Journal is applied and source data deleted After migration is complete, the cluster is evenly balanced.
  • 22. Data is distributed evenly across nodes in a cluster using the Aerospike Smart Partitions™ algorithm. ■  RIPEMD160 (no collisions yet found) ■  4096 Data Partitions ■  Even distribution of ■ Partitions across nodes ■ Records across Partitions ■ Data across Flash devices ■  Primary and Replica Partitions Even Data Distribution
  • 23. Massively Parallel Automatic Distribution of Data •  Even amount of data on all nodes and all drives •  All hardware used equally •  Load on all servers is balanced •  No “hot spots” •  No configuration changes as workload or use case changes Smart Clients •  Single “hop” from client to server •  Cluster-spanning operations (scan, query, batch) sent to all processing nodes for parallel processing.
  • 24. Scale up Architecture - Server internals TCP/IPSocket FlashStorage Service Threads Service Queues Transaction Threads
  • 26. Predictable Performance Performance Built In •  Written in C with memory-optimized libraries => No garbage collection •  Continual defragmentation of storage => No compactions •  Known master for any piece of data => No quorum reads •  Designed as a distributed database => Networking primary consideration Storage Optimizations •  Writes done to memory buffer => Avoid storage slowdown •  Storage used in “block” mode => No file system overhead •  Reads and writes striped across devices => Concurrent use of hardware Smart Clients •  Single “hop” from client to server
  • 27. Data Consistency •  Written data should be immediately consistent within a cluster without introducing additional latency •  Mixed workloads (true concurrent reads/writes) should not cause issues •  Written data should be asynchronously written to remote clusters
  • 30. Data Storage Layer – Hybrid Architecture
  • 31. Data in RAM Data in RAM is very fast – at a price ■  Indexes and Data both in-memory ■  $$$ (great < 100G, Cloud) ■  More servers ■  Super fast ■  Optional HDD as backing store
  • 32. Data on Flash / SSD ■ Record data stored contiguously ■ 1 read per record ■ Automatic continuous defragment ■ Data written in flash optimal blocks ■ Automatic distribution across drives ■ Writes buffered BLOCK INTERFACE SSD SSDSSD AEROSPIKE HYBRID MEMORY SYSTEM™
  • 35. Indexes in DRAM, Data on SSD •  Small amount of DRAM => avoid cost and server sprawl •  No concept of cache misses => Predictable, low latency performance on NVMe/SSD
  • 36. Primary Index Primary index ■ DHT of rbTrees (one per partition) ■  Index entry ■ 64 bytes ■ Write generation ■ Time To Live ■ Last Update Time ■ Storage address ■ Uses shared memory for Fast Restart
  • 37. Key Value operations using the Primary Index ■  Put ■  Exists ■  Get ■  CAS ■  Increment (counters) ■  Append/Prepend ■  List Operations ■  SortedMap Operations ■  Touch ■  Delete ■  Batch Read/Exists ■  Scan
  • 38. Secondary Indexes ■  Bin (Column) indices ■  Declarative index ■ String, Integer, List, Map Keys, ■  Map Values, GeoJSON ■  In RAM – fast ■  Multi-node ■ Co-located with primary index ■  Reference local data only ■  Index creation ■ Tools: AQL, ascli ■ Client API – developer only
  • 39. Queries on Secondary Indexes A query is a value based lookup using a secondary index similar to a SQL select statement. The query is sent to all nodes in the cluster in parallel ■  Scatter-gather ■  Multi-threaded Best for “low selectivity” indices Good for “high selectivity” indices Selectivity = Cardinality / Rows*100 SECONDARY INDEX PRIMARY INDEX UDF UDF UDF RECORD RECORDRECORD RECORD SSD SSD DRAM … ……
  • 41. XDR Architecture Each node in the clusterDistributed clusters
  • 42. XDR Topologies Star Replication Simple Active-Passive Simple Active-Active More Complex Topology
  • 43. Failure Handling Node failure within a cluster – nodes with replica data will continue Link failure – XDR keeps track of link failures and data to be shipped over that link. It will recover when the link comes up. Node failure in a Cluster Link failure between Clusters
  • 44. Aerospike – Enabling Your Digital Transformation Powered by High Performance NoSQL Aerospike – The Next Generation Operational Database TRUE HYBRID MEMORY ARCHITECTURE •  No cache required – simpler architecture! Smaller Server Footprint •  Patented Flash Optimization – Log structured File System •  Record Oriented, Schema Free NoSQL KV Store PREDICTABLE PERFORMANCE •  True Real Time DB engine, multi threaded, massively parallel •  DRAM or Hybrid DRAM/Flash for Persistence •  Stable, Low Latency and high throughput under any condition •  Deployable on Bare Metal, virtualized, containerized, or Cloud DYNAMIC CLUSTER MANAGEMENT •  Highest Uptime & Availability (5 nines plus), Scalable •  Automatic DB Cluster formation, self healing and dynamic sharding •  Cross Data Center Replication (XDR) INTELLIGENT CLIENTS •  Machine Learning •  Broad language support (C/C++, Java,C#, Python, Go, Node.js, PHP) •  Patented functionality, DB aware Clients, No load balancers required •  Rich API’s - Accelerated development TCO •  Optimized for Flash and DRAM •  Demonstrated 10:1 price performance savings •  Up to 10x reduction in servers deployed •  Huge operational efficiency – “Set it and Forget it” $
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