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A/B Testing
By: Kapil Saxena
What Is A/B Testing?
 Develop

two versions of a page
 Randomly show different versions to users
 Track how users perform
 Evaluate (that's where statistics comes in)
 Use the better version
Why A/B Test?

typical website converts 2% of visitors
into customers
 People can't explain why they left
 Small changes can make a big difference
 How about +40%?
 Google believes it works, see Content
Experiments in Google Analytics
What Can You A/B Test?
 Removing

form fields
 Adding relevant form fields
 Marketing landing pages
 Different explanations
 Having interstitial pages
 Email content
 Any casual decisions you care about
A/B Tests Do Not Substitute For
 Talking

to users
 Usability tests
 Acceptance tests
 Unit tests
 Thinking
The G-Test

method for comparing 2 data sets
 It was invented by Karl Pearson in 1900
 It is a close relative of the chi-square test
 It is our main method for evaluating A/B
 There are alternatives
Limitations Of The G-Test
 Only

answers yes/no questions (but you
pick the question)
 Only handles 2 versions (there is a
 Requires independence in samples
 Does not do confidence intervals
What To Measure
 Start

your A/B test
 Divide your users into groups A and B
 Decide whether each person did what
you want
 Reduce your results to 4 numbers: ($a_yes,
$a_no, $b_yes, $b_no)
G-Test Evaluation
 Select

a yes/no question about users
 Divide users in A and B into yes/no
 Perform complicated G-test calculation
to calculate $p
 Our confidence is 1-$p
 Make decision if our confidence is near
100% and we have enough samples
 Enough samples is at least 10 yes and no
results in each test
The Conversion Funnel
Your Conversion Funnel

Every company has one or more conversion
You should know yours, and be actively trying
to improve each step
Each step can be tracked with some metric
Most A/B tests concentrate on one step in the
Expect to run multiple A/B tests against each
Standardize these metrics
Examples Of Metrics
 Sessions,

sessions with registration
 People who searched, who viewed detail
page, contacted, leased
 People who saved favorites, started a
cart, completed purchase
 People who saw at least 3 pages, clicked
on an ad
 Anything measurable and important to
your business
Too Many Metrics?
 You

may have many metrics
 High confidence on one may be chance
 Believe if it was the metric you tried to
 Believe if very high confidence
 Believe if metrics agree
 Conflicting metrics require business
Is That It?
 You

now know enough to run a successful
A/B test!
 If you do everything right
 If you do it wrong you won't know
 You'll just get random answers
 And believe them
Compare Apples To Apples
 Traffic

behaves differently at different

 Friday night ≠ Monday morning
 First week in month ≠ last week in month
 Last week's visitors have done more than
this week's
 Do not try to compare people from
different times
Be Careful When Changing
The Mix

and B can receive unequal traffic
 But do not change the mix they get
 Wrong Change(90/10) A vs B to (80/20)
 You are implicitly comparing old A's with
new B's
 Right Change(10/10/80) A vs B vs
Untested to (20/20/60)
 This comes up repeatedly
What Is Wrong With This?
 Suppose

you are A/B testing a change to
your product page
 You log hits on your product page
 You log clicks on Buy Now
 You plug those numbers into the A/B
 Is this OK?
Beware Hidden Correlations!
 Correlations

increase variability, and
therefore $g_test
 Some people look at many product
 Their buying behaviour is correlated on
those pages
 This increases the size of chance
 Leading to wrong results
Guarantee Independence
 Whatever

granularity (session, person,
event) you make A/B decisons on...
 Needs to be what you test on
 In this case measure people who hit your
product page
 Measure people who clicked on Buy Now
 Those are the right statistics to use
 This comes up repeatedly
Wrong Metric


At Rent.com we changed the title of our
lease report email
The new email had improved opens and
That was because it interested people who
were still looking for a place to live
That email needed to interest people who
had already found a place to live
We looked at the wrong metric, and it cost us
This mistake is fairly rare
That's It!
 Those

are the big mistakes that I've seen
 You now know how to do an A/B test
 ...and should have good odds of getting it
 Of course there is more to know
 But this is the core

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A/B testing

  • 2. What Is A/B Testing?  Develop two versions of a page  Randomly show different versions to users  Track how users perform  Evaluate (that's where statistics comes in)  Use the better version
  • 3. Why A/B Test? A typical website converts 2% of visitors into customers  People can't explain why they left  Small changes can make a big difference  How about +40%?  Google believes it works, see Content Experiments in Google Analytics
  • 4. What Can You A/B Test?  Removing form fields  Adding relevant form fields  Marketing landing pages  Different explanations  Having interstitial pages  Email content  Any casual decisions you care about
  • 5. A/B Tests Do Not Substitute For  Talking to users  Usability tests  Acceptance tests  Unit tests  Thinking
  • 6. The G-Test A method for comparing 2 data sets  It was invented by Karl Pearson in 1900  It is a close relative of the chi-square test  It is our main method for evaluating A/B tests  There are alternatives
  • 7. Limitations Of The G-Test  Only answers yes/no questions (but you pick the question)  Only handles 2 versions (there is a workaround)  Requires independence in samples  Does not do confidence intervals
  • 8. What To Measure  Start your A/B test  Divide your users into groups A and B  Decide whether each person did what you want  Reduce your results to 4 numbers: ($a_yes, $a_no, $b_yes, $b_no)
  • 9. G-Test Evaluation  Select a yes/no question about users  Divide users in A and B into yes/no  Perform complicated G-test calculation to calculate $p  Our confidence is 1-$p  Make decision if our confidence is near 100% and we have enough samples  Enough samples is at least 10 yes and no results in each test
  • 11. Your Conversion Funnel       Every company has one or more conversion funnels You should know yours, and be actively trying to improve each step Each step can be tracked with some metric Most A/B tests concentrate on one step in the funnel Expect to run multiple A/B tests against each Standardize these metrics
  • 12. Examples Of Metrics  Sessions, sessions with registration  People who searched, who viewed detail page, contacted, leased  People who saved favorites, started a cart, completed purchase  People who saw at least 3 pages, clicked on an ad  Anything measurable and important to your business
  • 13. Too Many Metrics?  You may have many metrics  High confidence on one may be chance  Believe if it was the metric you tried to change  Believe if very high confidence  Believe if metrics agree  Conflicting metrics require business decision
  • 14. Is That It?  You now know enough to run a successful A/B test!  If you do everything right  If you do it wrong you won't know  You'll just get random answers  And believe them
  • 15. Compare Apples To Apples  Traffic behaves differently at different times  Friday night ≠ Monday morning  First week in month ≠ last week in month  Last week's visitors have done more than this week's  Do not try to compare people from different times
  • 16. Be Careful When Changing The Mix A and B can receive unequal traffic  But do not change the mix they get  Wrong Change(90/10) A vs B to (80/20)  You are implicitly comparing old A's with new B's  Right Change(10/10/80) A vs B vs Untested to (20/20/60)  This comes up repeatedly
  • 17. What Is Wrong With This?  Suppose you are A/B testing a change to your product page  You log hits on your product page  You log clicks on Buy Now  You plug those numbers into the A/B calculator  Is this OK?
  • 18. Beware Hidden Correlations!  Correlations increase variability, and therefore $g_test  Some people look at many product pages  Their buying behaviour is correlated on those pages  This increases the size of chance fluctuations  Leading to wrong results
  • 19. Guarantee Independence  Whatever granularity (session, person, event) you make A/B decisons on...  Needs to be what you test on  In this case measure people who hit your product page  Measure people who clicked on Buy Now  Those are the right statistics to use  This comes up repeatedly
  • 20. Wrong Metric       At Rent.com we changed the title of our lease report email The new email had improved opens and clicks That was because it interested people who were still looking for a place to live That email needed to interest people who had already found a place to live We looked at the wrong metric, and it cost us millions This mistake is fairly rare
  • 21. That's It!  Those are the big mistakes that I've seen  You now know how to do an A/B test  ...and should have good odds of getting it right  Of course there is more to know  But this is the core