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How the Lachlan CMA has
evolved to use soil databases
Alex Murray and Ian Packer
Lachlan CMA Land Theme
• Incentives for Land Management/Soil health
– Open Incentive process
– Review and Reference Group –Prioritisation and
– Prioritisation and ground truth practice change
Conservation farming incentives, the area of
land suitable for conservation farming and the
priority areas
2005/6 Lachlan CMA Review and
Reference Group- Prioritisation
• Review of the Land Theme program and
incentive investment:
– Review of targets showed non achievement of
• Established a review panel
– Recommendation
• prioritisation of target areas
• training linked to incentives
Databases used for Prioritsation
• Soil Landscape Maps
• Land Capability
• Sodic Surface Maps (Brian Murphy and John
• Catchment Management Support System
Model (CMSS)
• SedNet Modelling
• Salinity Risk Assessment (DIPNR, 2004)
Prioritsation Process
• Identified Stressed River Catchments
– 13 in cropping zone
• Ranking through Rubric tool
• Allocation of $$ to highest ranked catchments
• Funding allocated-unengaged landholders
– Lower uptake of incentives and training
Prioritisation Round 4 (2007/8)
Red - Highest prioritisation area
Orange – Second highest priority
Green – no machinery incentives offered- only training
DustWatch-State-wide dust monitoring program
(John Leys,OEH)
• Established in 2005, 8 DustWatch gauges
(Dustrak) installed over catchment
• DustWatch monitoring is linked to a Catchment
Condition (Roadside) Survey, of erosion (wind and
water) and land management practices
• Lachlan CMA supported since 2007, the biannual
Catchment Condition Survey is conducted at 444
geo-located sites over catchment
Route and site location for roadside survey of
Autumn ( March 2013)
Benefits of Catchment Condition Surveys
• Potential to direct Land theme design and
prioritisation of investment
• Evidence of land management practice change
– impact on wind and water erosion, ground cover type
and amount
• Time series of management practices
– crop rotations, cropping and grazing practices,
pasture types and fallowing methods and lengths
• Categorisation into groupings
– Social ecological systems
– Land management groupings e.g. grazing, arable and
rangeland regions
Challenge ahead
- Prioritisation of biophysical aspects are
- Social issues are the blockage to adoption
• Challenge -
– Engaging unengaged/non willing land managers
– Social acceptance of change and adoption
–How can soil database/catchment database
be used with social science to improve
adoption to improve soil health

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2019-09-19 - Tim Kennedy - Technology for almond irrigation management
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-09-19 - Upul Gunnawardena - Nitrogen management in Australian almonds
2019-09-19 - Upul Gunnawardena - Nitrogen management in Australian almonds2019-09-19 - Upul Gunnawardena - Nitrogen management in Australian almonds
2019-09-19 - Upul Gunnawardena - Nitrogen management in Australian almonds
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-05-02 - Hoang Nguyen - Amelioration of sub-soil acidity with organic mat...
2019-05-02 - Hoang Nguyen - Amelioration of sub-soil acidity with organic mat...2019-05-02 - Hoang Nguyen - Amelioration of sub-soil acidity with organic mat...
2019-05-02 - Hoang Nguyen - Amelioration of sub-soil acidity with organic mat...
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-05-02 - Brooke Kaveney - Nitrification inhibitors and soil pH
2019-05-02 - Brooke Kaveney - Nitrification inhibitors and soil pH 2019-05-02 - Brooke Kaveney - Nitrification inhibitors and soil pH
2019-05-02 - Brooke Kaveney - Nitrification inhibitors and soil pH
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-05-02 - Helen Burns - pH stratification effects on grain legumes
2019-05-02 - Helen Burns - pH stratification effects on grain legumes2019-05-02 - Helen Burns - pH stratification effects on grain legumes
2019-05-02 - Helen Burns - pH stratification effects on grain legumes
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-05-02 - Peter Bacon & Tapas Biswas - Quantifying the benefits of wetland...
2019-05-02 - Peter Bacon & Tapas Biswas - Quantifying the benefits of wetland...2019-05-02 - Peter Bacon & Tapas Biswas - Quantifying the benefits of wetland...
2019-05-02 - Peter Bacon & Tapas Biswas - Quantifying the benefits of wetland...
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2019-05-02 - Catherine Allan - Social aspects of managing soils, environmenta...
2019-05-02 - Catherine Allan - Social aspects of managing soils, environmenta...2019-05-02 - Catherine Allan - Social aspects of managing soils, environmenta...
2019-05-02 - Catherine Allan - Social aspects of managing soils, environmenta...
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science
2018-08-31 - Tony Dare-Edwards - The life and work of Bruce Butler
2018-08-31 - Tony Dare-Edwards - The life and work of Bruce Butler2018-08-31 - Tony Dare-Edwards - The life and work of Bruce Butler
2018-08-31 - Tony Dare-Edwards - The life and work of Bruce Butler
Riverina Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science

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7-Jun-2013 - Alexandra Murray - Lachlan CMA soil database use

  • 1. How the Lachlan CMA has evolved to use soil databases Alex Murray and Ian Packer
  • 2. Lachlan CMA Land Theme • Incentives for Land Management/Soil health – Open Incentive process – Review and Reference Group –Prioritisation and training – Prioritisation and ground truth practice change data
  • 3. Conservation farming incentives, the area of land suitable for conservation farming and the priority areas
  • 4. 2005/6 Lachlan CMA Review and Reference Group- Prioritisation • Review of the Land Theme program and incentive investment: – Review of targets showed non achievement of outcomes • Established a review panel – Recommendation • prioritisation of target areas • training linked to incentives
  • 5. Databases used for Prioritsation • Soil Landscape Maps • Land Capability • Sodic Surface Maps (Brian Murphy and John Lawrie) • Catchment Management Support System Model (CMSS) • SedNet Modelling • Salinity Risk Assessment (DIPNR, 2004)
  • 6. Prioritsation Process • Identified Stressed River Catchments – 13 in cropping zone • Ranking through Rubric tool • Allocation of $$ to highest ranked catchments • Funding allocated-unengaged landholders – Lower uptake of incentives and training
  • 7. Prioritisation Round 4 (2007/8) Red - Highest prioritisation area Orange – Second highest priority Green – no machinery incentives offered- only training
  • 8. DustWatch-State-wide dust monitoring program (John Leys,OEH) • Established in 2005, 8 DustWatch gauges (Dustrak) installed over catchment • DustWatch monitoring is linked to a Catchment Condition (Roadside) Survey, of erosion (wind and water) and land management practices • Lachlan CMA supported since 2007, the biannual Catchment Condition Survey is conducted at 444 geo-located sites over catchment
  • 9. Route and site location for roadside survey of Autumn ( March 2013)
  • 10. Benefits of Catchment Condition Surveys • Potential to direct Land theme design and prioritisation of investment • Evidence of land management practice change – impact on wind and water erosion, ground cover type and amount • Time series of management practices – crop rotations, cropping and grazing practices, pasture types and fallowing methods and lengths • Categorisation into groupings – Social ecological systems – Land management groupings e.g. grazing, arable and rangeland regions
  • 11. Challenge ahead - Prioritisation of biophysical aspects are achievable - Social issues are the blockage to adoption • Challenge - – Engaging unengaged/non willing land managers – Social acceptance of change and adoption –How can soil database/catchment database be used with social science to improve adoption to improve soil health