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Nuclear Propulsion through Direct Conversion of Fusion Energy: The Fusion Driven Rocket 
John Slough 
David Kirtley, Anthony Pancotti, Michael Pfaff, 
Christopher Pihl, George Votroubek 
8551 154th Avenue NE, Redmond WA 98052 
NIAC SPRING SYMPOSIUM March 27-29, 2012 - Pasadena, CA
Talk Outline 
I.Description and Motivation for the Fusion Driven Rocket (FDR) 
i.Dramatic reduction in time and cost for manned space travel 
ii.Mitigation of space radiation risk (GCR exposure) 
iii.Large payload mass fraction (> 50%) for Mars Direct 
II.Basic physics of the FDR 
i.Magneto-Inertial Fusion 
ii.FDR approach and fusion gain scaling 
iii.Application to space propulsion 
III.Mission studies 
i.Analytical Calculations 
ii.Rapid Mars Transits - 30d and 90d 
iii.Mission Trade Study 
iv.Initial results from Copernicus modeling 
IV.Plans for future FDR development to TRL 5 
i.Design of the FDR breakeven proof of concept experiment 
ii.Mission analysis refinements 
iii.Technology development and spin-offs (fusion electric power plant!?)
(1)Must provide for the reaction energy (chemical, fission, fusion) to be converted efficiently into propulsive (directed) energy. FDR NTR NEP Chemical 
(2)Propellant must achieve sufficiently high Isp (~ 2000s) for reasonable payload mass fractions. FDR NTR NEP Chemical 
(3)It cannot be so massive to require in space assembly, and/or mission complex as to require several ETO launches. FDR NTR NEP Chemical 
(4)It should be based on currently accepted principles of physics and reasonable technology extrapolation (no cold fusion, matter/anti-matter, P-11B, worm holes etc.) FDR NTR NEP Chemical 
Criteria for Propulsion System To 
Enable Rapid Planetary Missions
Accelerating the space ship mass Mss over a time t implies a power P 
One defines a characteristic velocity vc: 
where aP is the specific power: 
with aM the specific mass. 
The the trip time, ttrip, to go a distance L is 
For the 90 day Mars transit (L ~ 1.5 AU) requires a >~ 2.5 
For the 30 day Mars transit (L ~ 0.7 AU) requires aM >~ 0.4 
2 1 0 1 2 
 2 1/ 3 
trip M 
trip or (days) 51.6 (kg/ kW)L (AU) 
t  2 t  a 
Trip Time and the Specific Power 
(Mass) for Direct Mission to Mars 
P M 
P  a   a 
(1 AU = 1.5x1011 m) 
FDR: 4 < aM < 0.3 
  1/ 2 
vc  2at
The career limit is 400 mSv for a 25 year old with a 3% risk of fatal cancer 
There is actually great uncertainty as to what the actual risk is for long term low level exposure 
Estimated Total Equivalent Doses for a Mars mission 
Current technology 
(210 days) 
Mars sortie mission (30 days stay) 
Nuclear thermal/electric reactor (150 days) 
Fusion Driven Rocket 
(30 days) 
Long stay at Mars base (525 days) 
Solid bars – calculation for spacecraft with a minimum shield (5 g/cm2 Al) Dashed bars – calculations for a thick shield (20 g/cm2 Al)
Lowest mass fusion system is realized with FRC compressed by convergent array of magnetically driven metal foils - steps (a), (b) 
Fusion neutron and particle energy is directly transferred to the encapsulating, thick metal blanket - step (c) 
−Provides spacecraft isolation from fusion process 
−Eliminates need for large radiator mass 
Expansion of hot, ionized propellant in magnetic nozzle - step (d) 
−Produces high thrust at optimal Isp 
Fusion Propulsion Based on the Inductively-Driven, Metal Propellant Compression of an FRC Plasmoid
Fusion Ignition Successes 
Have lead to the Two Main Approaches for Controlled Fusion 
II. Basic physics of the FDR 
Steady State Burn with Gravitational Compression and Confinement 
Transient Burn from Explosive Material 
Compression and Inertial Confinement 
Steady State Burn with Fusion a Heating and Magnetic Confinement 
1. radiation (x-rays, laser, or ion) energy deposition rapidly heats shell (liner) surrounding D-T fuel 2 - fuel is compressed by the rocket-like blow-off of the hot surface material 3 - fuel core reaches density and temperature for fusion ignition yielding ~ 200 times the compressional energy 
Micro-scale Version without Chemical/Nuclear Driver 
spherical tokamak pressure contours and field line topology
Magneto-Inertial Fusion 
Best of Both Worlds 
electron thermal 
FRC Scaling 
Plasma Pressure 
Exceeds Material 
Yield Strength 
1020 1022 1024 1026 1028 1030 1032 
Plasma Density (m-3) 
Stored Energy (J) 
Plasma Energy (J) 
Solid stars signify fusion gain conditions w Ti = Te = 10 keV 
ITER MFE Issues: 
Enormous magnetic energy requires SS Magnets 
Due to topological complexity must operate continuously for > 30 yrs 
Devastating transient instabilities defy solution 
NIF ICF Issues: 
•Enormous storage energy (~400 MJ) due to very low driver (laser) efficiency 
•Even with stand-off , reactor wall and first optics “see” primary fusion products 
•Intricate and minute target with sub-nsec timing make for challenging technologies
The BR form of the L-W diagram. Ignition curves for different product BR. 
When the BR parameter exceeds the threshold value, the dT/dt > 0 region extends to infinitely small R and ignition becomes possible at any R. 
Lindl-Widner Diagram with Magnetic Field 
Confinement Of the Fusion Alphas 
Magneto-Inertial Fusion 
Two Approaches 
Shell (liner) implosion driven by B from large axial currents in shell. 
MTF Issues: 
•Extremely low inductance load difficult to drive (massively parallel HV caps and switches) 
•Close proximity and electrical contact  major collateral damage with each pulse 
•Small FRC must be formed close to implosion  marginal B for ignition w injector destruction 
•Only inefficient 2D compression possible  requires much larger driver energy 
Liner implosion from jB force between external coil and induced liner currents 
FDR Advantages: 
•Large driver coil easy to power with ample standoff 
•Driver electrically isolated from liner and magnetically from fusion process 
•Large FRC can be formed external to implosion with abundant B for ignition 
•Full 3D compression can be realized for efficient compression and translation 
FRC equilibrium constraints and the diagnostic measurements that together with the 
equilibrium relations that are employed to determine the basic parameters of the 
FRC equilibrium 
Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) 
Magnetic Field lines and Pressure Contours 
Relations: 0 
0 0 2 
P n kT 
  Radial Pressure Balance 
Simple cross-tube interferometric 
measurement with rs from yields n and T 
 1 
Axial Pressure Balance 
With above obtain plasma energy, 
Inventory, confinement times 
1 x 
Flux Conservation 
External measurements of B yield 
FRC separatrix radius rs(z), FRC length Ls 
 volume, position, velocity 
  
The energy within the FRC separatrix at peak compression is dominated 
by plasma energy that is in pressure balance with the edge magnetic field 
B0, so that one can write: 
The zero subscript indicates values at peak compression where rs ~ r0 and 
magnetic pressure balance (2n0kT0= B0 
2 /20). 
Fusion energy produced in the FRC during the liner’s dwell time tD at peak 
where n0 and T0 are the peak density and temperature, and where the liner 
shell dwell time at peak compression, tD, ~ 2r0/vL 
  
      3 
3 0 
0 0 0 
L L L r 
M v 3n k T 
      t      
2 0 
fus v 
r 1.1 10 n T 
E 1.2 10 n v 
Fusion Based on Inductively Driven 
Liner Compression of the FRC
The usual approximation for the D-T fusion cross section in this temperature 
range:   1.1x10-31 T2(eV) was also assumed. Pressure balance, 
together with expressions (1) and (2) yields for the fusion gain: 
where l0 (= 2r0) is the length of the FRC at peak compression. The last 
expression is obtained from adiabatic scaling laws  
to express G in terms of the liner kinetic energy EL and mass ML only. 
Fusion Ignition will amplify gain by large factor. It is estimated that the total 
fusion gain GF ~ 5-10G. For a large margin of safety, it is assumed that: 
GF = 2.5G or, 
GF = 1.110-7 ML 
1/2 EL 
11/ 8 
1/ 2 
3 L 
fus B 4.3x10 M E 
1.73 10 
G       
1/ 5 
2/ 5 
0 0 
4 / 5 
0 0 
EL ~ B0 r l ~ B and l ~ r ~ B 
Fusion Based on Inductively Driven Liner 
Compression of the FRC (cont.)
• The material properties relating to this resistive heating (electrical 
conductivity, melting point, heat capacity, etc.) can be characterized 
by a parameter gM defined by the “current integral”: 
I - current flowing through the material cross-sectional area 
A = wδ, where w is the liner width and δ is the liner thickness. 
• The driving force is simply the magnetic pressure (B2/2μ0) applied 
over the surface area of the metal facing the coil when in close 
proximity to the driving coil. 
• The current can be related to the force through Ampere’s law which 
can be reasonably approximated as B = μ0I/w. 
One finds for the maximum velocity for a given shell thickness δ: 
2 I dt g A m   
v (m/ s) 1.6x10 (mm) Lithium 
v (m/ s) 2.5x10 (mm) Aluminum 6061 
   
   
Material Constraints with Inductively 
Accelerated Liners
30-Day Mission to Mars Objective: Fastest possible mission Advantages: 
Lowest cost, risk 
Minimum radiation exposure 
Both missions have ability for direct abort and return 
90-Day Mission to Mars Objective: High Mass Fraction Advantages: 
No precursor cargo missions needed 
Long or short stay time 
From the initial analysis of the FDR mass, Isp and power generation, two missions were selected for further study 
Mission Parameters with The Fusion Driven Rocket (FDR) 
90 day 
30 day 
Jet Power (MW) 
Solar Power (kW) 
Isp (sec) 
Specific Mass (kg/kW) 
Initial Mass (mT) 
Payload Mass Fraction 
*Assumes FDR operation with fusion ignition gain of 200 
III. Mission Studies
Analytical Model 
(Fusion Side) 
For known 
Liner Mass 
Specific Impulse 
is determined 
Isp links fusion conditions with mission equations 
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
Fusion Gain 
Isp (s) 
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 
Liner Mass (kg) 
Fusion Gain 
Min. ML required to 
trap fusion products: 
0.28 kg 
  
  
1/ 2 
k L 
k T out ion L 
12 7.63 
2 L L 
in L 
11/ 8 
1/ 2 
out F in 
2 E M 
E E e M 
E 5.7 10 M 
v 2.0 10 M 
E E M v 
G 1.1 10 M E 
E G E 
   
  
  
  
  
I specific impulse 
E kinetic (Jet) energy 
thrust efficiency 0.9 
E /E 0.5 
v velocity of Liner 
M mass of liner 
E E E E 
E liner kinetic energy 
E fusion energy E 
C L cap 
in L FRC L 
out in 
   
   
   
  
From action Integral 
constraint where RL= 
1.2 m, w = 0.15m 
Energy loss in 
ionization of liner 
(~75 MJ/kg)
 It is assumed that initially FDR employs solar panels for house keeping power 
 Eventually it would be derived directly from nozzle flux compression 
Analytical Model 
(Mission side) 
E P 
M M f T 
M M M M 
M M M 
MR e 
P L 
i PL S P 
f PL S 
I g 
sp 0 
  
   
  
  
  
  
Rocket Equations 
7 Equations 
7 Unknowns 
Isp from fusion conditions 
Delta V requirement as a function of 
trip time: Solution to Lambert 
P Solar panel power 
Specific mass of solar panels 
Specific mass of capacitors 
f Frequency 
M Structuralmass 
M Pr opellant mass 
M Initialmass 
M Finalmass 
MR Mass Ratio 
a  
a  
 Longer Trip times allow for higher 
payload mass fraction 
 Larger Fusion Gains result in higher 
payload mass fraction 
Fusions Assumption: 
• Ionization cost is 75 MJ/kg 
• Coupling Efficiency to liner is 50% 
• Thrust conversation t ~ 90% 
• Realistic liner mass are 0.28 kg to 0.41 kg 
• Corresponds to a Gain of 50 to 500 
• Ignition Factor of 5 
• Safety margin of 2: GF =GF(calc.)/2 
Mission Assumptions: 
• Mass of Payload= 61 mT 
• Habitat 31 mT 
• Aeroshell 16 mT 
• Descent System 14 mT 
• Specific Mass of capacitors ~ 1 J/kg 
• Specific Mass of Solar Electric Panels 200 W/kg 
• Tankage fraction of 10% (tanks, structure, 
radiator, etc.) 
• Payload mass fraction =Play load Mass 
• System Specific Mass = Dry Mass/SEP (kg/kW) 
• Analysis for single transit optimal transit to Mars 
• Full propulsive braking for Mar Capture - no 
Trip Time (Days) 
Fusion Gain 
20 40 60 80 100 120 
Paylod Mass Fraction 
Effect of FDR Fusion Gain 
On Key Mission Parameters 
DRM 3.0
FDR Mission Parameters 
• Solar Power requirement runs from modest - 25 
kW (90 day) to moderate - 320 kW (30 day). 
• Specific mass is appropriate for each mission at 
GF = 200. 
• Pulse rate is low for both missions. times raging 
from 14 s (30 day) to 3 min. (90 day). Provides 
adequate time for recovery and reload.
90-Day Mission to Mars (ΔV = 13.5 km/s) 30-Day Mission to Mars (ΔV = 40.9 km/s) 
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
Mass (mT) 
Fusion Gain 
Initial Mass 
Payload Mass 
Propellant Mass 
Structure Mass 
Solarpanel Mass 
Capacitor Mass 
Mission Mass Parameters 
 Take all supplies in one trip 
 Simplified mission architectures 
 No precursor cargo missions needed 
 Vastly reduced mission cost 
 Single launch possibilities 
 Lower risk 
 Minimum radiation exposure 
 Apollo type mission architecture 
 Key to routine Martian visitation 
 Develops propulsion technology 
needed for Outer
Finite continuous burn 
Trip Time 
Delta V (km/s) 
Segment 1 
Segment 2 
Impulse Burn 
Trip Time 
Delta V (km/s) 
Segment 1 
Segment 2 
Finite Burn with Sub Optimal Control 
Copernicus will be now be employed for full mission architecture, OCT analysis, and parametric trade studies 
90-Day Mission 
30-Day Mission 
Mars Orbit 
Earth Orbit
CAD drawing of the proposed 3D liner compression experiment. 
The elements labeled in black are part of the existing equipment at MSNW and the UW. 
All power supplies and capacitors required are also available (FRC formation – MSNW, liner compression – UW). 
Parts labeled in red will need to be fabricated. 
HV Cables 
Turbo Pump 
Collector & Feedplate 
Driver Coils 
FRC Formation Coils 
Fused Silica Vacuum Chambers 
Design of the FDR Breakeven Proof of Concept Experiment 
IV. Plans for FDR development to TRL 5
Glass-lined G-10 end flange 
Kapton encapsulated Aluminum flux shapers 
High strength Al driver coil 
40 cm diam. fused silica vacuum tube 
80 cm diam. fused silica vacuum tube 
Epoxy encapsulated Aluminum coils 
Collector/ feedplate 
 25 kV cables from capacitor banks 
Flux Breaks (6) 
Black labels indicate existing equipment with red indicating equipment to be fabricated. 
Cutaway of FDR Validation Liner Compression Experiment
PHD experiment with some of the 1.75 MJ, 25 kV capacitor modules shown in the foreground. 
PHD Experiment at the UW Plasma Dynamics Laboratory 
More than sufficient bank energy for G~1 experiment 
Equipment becomes available in July 2012
•Final FRC parameters yield a fusion gain G = 1.6 (ML=0.18 kg Al) 
Anticipated Parameters from FDR Validation Experiment 
FRC adiabatic scaling laws 
Initial FRC size, temp density and energy same as past FRC’s 
FRC lifetime >> tdwell ~ 4 
Final field similar to that achieved in several flux compression expts. 
Sub MJ FRC Requires only 33% bank eff. 
In experiment, FRC radial and axial compressions would occur simultaneously
100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 
T (μs) 
Z (cm) 
2D Resistive MHD Calculation of the 
Formation and Merging of FRCs Inside the 
Converging Liners 
 Code geometry and fields are 
identical to that employed in the 
experimental design. 
 Target FRC parameters that are 
realized match closely those 
desired for liner compression 
 Formation time is short (< 20 
μsec) justifiying FRC injection 
late in the liner implosion 
 FRC lifetime scaling more than 
sufficient for expected 80-100 
μsec left to peak implosion
T = 0 μs 
T = 40 μs 
T = 80 μs 
T = 120 μs 
T = 160 μs 
T = 195 μs 
Three 0.4 m radius, 5 cm wide, 0.2 mm thick Aluminum liners converging onto a stationary test target. 
 The scale of the ellipsoid target (13.5 cm) is that anticipated for the final FRC compressed to over 1 megabar (1011 Pa) energy density 
Aluminum rings quickly yield to the pressure equivalent of a 7 T magnetic field (~ 6 Mpa). 
A high order buckling is observed later during implosion but does not inhibit convergence where vL ~ 2.4 km/sec 
ANSYS Multiphysics® 3D Calculations of the Convergent Implosion of three Al Liners 
Liner behavior very close to ideal 1D approx. assumed in analysis
•Solution for a 0.4 m radius coil driving a 6 cm wide, 0.2 mm thick Al liner. 
•The circuit was based on the capacitor bank currently available at the UW Plasma Dynamics Laboratory. 
•The spatial forces on the liner at various times and radii are calculated and used as input into the dynamic calculation similar to the one shown above. 
•Mutual interaction between coils and liners will also be investigated. 
ANSYS Maxwell® Calculations of the 3D Electromagnetic Fields 
B (T) 
8 4 0
Theoretical Validation of Key FDR Elements (peer reviewed papers) 
Fusion Based on the Inductively-Driven Lithium Liner Compression of an FRC Plasmoid John Slough, David Kirtley, Anthony Pancotti, Christopher Pihl, George Votroubek (Submitted to Journal of Fusion Energy 2012) 
Importance of 3D compression 
Superiority of high  FRC target 
Magnetic field limits thermal and particle loss - even with (cold) wall confinement and  > 1 
Ignition possible with magnetized plasma where R <<1 but BR > 60 T-cm. 
Magnetic field well within range of larger FRCs. 
Method for producing 3D liner implosions with stand-off 
Generation of FRC plasma target with sufficient magnetization and confinement for ignition 
Method for efficient conversion of plasma, radiation, and fusion energy in a manner that protects and magnetically isolates reactor
Experimental Validation of Key FDR Elements (peer reviewed papers) 
•Demonstrated inductively driven liner compression of Bz fields > 1 Mbar 
•Demonstrated the stable formation, merging and magnetic compression of the FRC 
•FRC lifetime better than previous scaling 
•Demonstrated successful FRC liner compression with a xenon plasma liner 
Experimental demonstration of fusion gain with inductively driven metal liners 
Hope to publish in the near future!

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636883main fdr talk_niac_2012_final

  • 1. Nuclear Propulsion through Direct Conversion of Fusion Energy: The Fusion Driven Rocket John Slough David Kirtley, Anthony Pancotti, Michael Pfaff, Christopher Pihl, George Votroubek MSNW LLC 8551 154th Avenue NE, Redmond WA 98052 sloughj@msnwllc.com NIAC SPRING SYMPOSIUM March 27-29, 2012 - Pasadena, CA
  • 2. Talk Outline I.Description and Motivation for the Fusion Driven Rocket (FDR) i.Dramatic reduction in time and cost for manned space travel ii.Mitigation of space radiation risk (GCR exposure) iii.Large payload mass fraction (> 50%) for Mars Direct II.Basic physics of the FDR i.Magneto-Inertial Fusion ii.FDR approach and fusion gain scaling iii.Application to space propulsion III.Mission studies i.Analytical Calculations ii.Rapid Mars Transits - 30d and 90d iii.Mission Trade Study iv.Initial results from Copernicus modeling IV.Plans for future FDR development to TRL 5 i.Design of the FDR breakeven proof of concept experiment ii.Mission analysis refinements iii.Technology development and spin-offs (fusion electric power plant!?)
  • 3. (1)Must provide for the reaction energy (chemical, fission, fusion) to be converted efficiently into propulsive (directed) energy. FDR NTR NEP Chemical (2)Propellant must achieve sufficiently high Isp (~ 2000s) for reasonable payload mass fractions. FDR NTR NEP Chemical (3)It cannot be so massive to require in space assembly, and/or mission complex as to require several ETO launches. FDR NTR NEP Chemical (4)It should be based on currently accepted principles of physics and reasonable technology extrapolation (no cold fusion, matter/anti-matter, P-11B, worm holes etc.) FDR NTR NEP Chemical Criteria for Propulsion System To Enable Rapid Planetary Missions
  • 4. Accelerating the space ship mass Mss over a time t implies a power P where: One defines a characteristic velocity vc: where aP is the specific power: with aM the specific mass. The the trip time, ttrip, to go a distance L is For the 90 day Mars transit (L ~ 1.5 AU) requires a >~ 2.5 For the 30 day Mars transit (L ~ 0.7 AU) requires aM >~ 0.4 AU Mars Sun Earth 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 AU t  2 2 c v ss M Pj  2 1/ 3 trip M c trip or (days) 51.6 (kg/ kW)L (AU) v L t  2 t  a Trip Time and the Specific Power (Mass) for Direct Mission to Mars 1 M ss j P M P  a   a (1 AU = 1.5x1011 m) FDR: 4 < aM < 0.3   1/ 2 vc  2at
  • 5. The career limit is 400 mSv for a 25 year old with a 3% risk of fatal cancer There is actually great uncertainty as to what the actual risk is for long term low level exposure Estimated Total Equivalent Doses for a Mars mission Current technology (210 days) Mars sortie mission (30 days stay) Nuclear thermal/electric reactor (150 days) Fusion Driven Rocket (30 days) Long stay at Mars base (525 days) Solid bars – calculation for spacecraft with a minimum shield (5 g/cm2 Al) Dashed bars – calculations for a thick shield (20 g/cm2 Al)
  • 6. Lowest mass fusion system is realized with FRC compressed by convergent array of magnetically driven metal foils - steps (a), (b) Fusion neutron and particle energy is directly transferred to the encapsulating, thick metal blanket - step (c) −Provides spacecraft isolation from fusion process −Eliminates need for large radiator mass Expansion of hot, ionized propellant in magnetic nozzle - step (d) −Produces high thrust at optimal Isp Fusion Propulsion Based on the Inductively-Driven, Metal Propellant Compression of an FRC Plasmoid
  • 7. Fusion Ignition Successes Have lead to the Two Main Approaches for Controlled Fusion II. Basic physics of the FDR Steady State Burn with Gravitational Compression and Confinement Transient Burn from Explosive Material Compression and Inertial Confinement Steady State Burn with Fusion a Heating and Magnetic Confinement 1. radiation (x-rays, laser, or ion) energy deposition rapidly heats shell (liner) surrounding D-T fuel 2 - fuel is compressed by the rocket-like blow-off of the hot surface material 3 - fuel core reaches density and temperature for fusion ignition yielding ~ 200 times the compressional energy Micro-scale Version without Chemical/Nuclear Driver spherical tokamak pressure contours and field line topology
  • 8. Magneto-Inertial Fusion Best of Both Worlds ITER ICF electron thermal conduction ICF MIF (FDR) MFE Fusion Engine (pulsed) FRC Scaling Tokamak ITER89-P Plasma Pressure Exceeds Material Yield Strength 1020 1022 1024 1026 1028 1030 1032 Plasma Density (m-3) Stored Energy (J) 1012 109 106 103 Plasma Energy (J) Solid stars signify fusion gain conditions w Ti = Te = 10 keV (ITER) (NIF) NIF ITER MFE Issues: Enormous magnetic energy requires SS Magnets Due to topological complexity must operate continuously for > 30 yrs Devastating transient instabilities defy solution NIF ICF Issues: •Enormous storage energy (~400 MJ) due to very low driver (laser) efficiency •Even with stand-off , reactor wall and first optics “see” primary fusion products •Intricate and minute target with sub-nsec timing make for challenging technologies
  • 9. The BR form of the L-W diagram. Ignition curves for different product BR. When the BR parameter exceeds the threshold value, the dT/dt > 0 region extends to infinitely small R and ignition becomes possible at any R. Lindl-Widner Diagram with Magnetic Field Confinement Of the Fusion Alphas FDR
  • 10. Magneto-Inertial Fusion Two Approaches Shell (liner) implosion driven by B from large axial currents in shell. MTF Issues: •Extremely low inductance load difficult to drive (massively parallel HV caps and switches) •Close proximity and electrical contact  major collateral damage with each pulse •Small FRC must be formed close to implosion  marginal B for ignition w injector destruction •Only inefficient 2D compression possible  requires much larger driver energy Liner implosion from jB force between external coil and induced liner currents FDR Advantages: •Large driver coil easy to power with ample standoff •Driver electrically isolated from liner and magnetically from fusion process •Large FRC can be formed external to implosion with abundant B for ignition •Full 3D compression can be realized for efficient compression and translation FRC plasmoid
  • 11. FRC equilibrium constraints and the diagnostic measurements that together with the equilibrium relations that are employed to determine the basic parameters of the FRC equilibrium Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) Magnetic Field lines and Pressure Contours R rs Ls rc Be Bvac r z Key Equilibrium Relations: 0 2 ext 0 0 2 B P n kT    Radial Pressure Balance Simple cross-tube interferometric measurement with rs from yields n and T 2 xs 2 1  1 Axial Pressure Balance With above obtain plasma energy, Inventory, confinement times 2 s vac ext 1 x B B   Flux Conservation External measurements of B yield FRC separatrix radius rs(z), FRC length Ls  volume, position, velocity s s c s s r L r r x 2    SOL
  • 12. The energy within the FRC separatrix at peak compression is dominated by plasma energy that is in pressure balance with the edge magnetic field B0, so that one can write: (1) The zero subscript indicates values at peak compression where rs ~ r0 and magnetic pressure balance (2n0kT0= B0 2 /20). Fusion energy produced in the FRC during the liner’s dwell time tD at peak compression: (2) where n0 and T0 are the peak density and temperature, and where the liner shell dwell time at peak compression, tD, ~ 2r0/vL          3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 L L L r B r 3 4 M v 3n k T 2 1 E       t      L 4 2 0 0 2 0 42 D 3 0 2 0 12 fus v r r 1.1 10 n T 3 4 E 1.2 10 n v Fusion Based on Inductively Driven Liner Compression of the FRC
  • 13. The usual approximation for the D-T fusion cross section in this temperature range:   1.1x10-31 T2(eV) was also assumed. Pressure balance, together with expressions (1) and (2) yields for the fusion gain: (3) where l0 (= 2r0) is the length of the FRC at peak compression. The last expression is obtained from adiabatic scaling laws  (4) to express G in terms of the liner kinetic energy EL and mass ML only. Fusion Ignition will amplify gain by large factor. It is estimated that the total fusion gain GF ~ 5-10G. For a large margin of safety, it is assumed that: GF = 2.5G or, GF = 1.110-7 ML 1/2 EL 11/8 11/ 8 L 1/ 2 L 8 0 0 3 L L fus B 4.3x10 M E l M 1.73 10 E E G       1/ 5 0 2/ 5 0 0 4 / 5 0 0 2 0 2 EL ~ B0 r l ~ B and l ~ r ~ B Fusion Based on Inductively Driven Liner Compression of the FRC (cont.)
  • 14. • The material properties relating to this resistive heating (electrical conductivity, melting point, heat capacity, etc.) can be characterized by a parameter gM defined by the “current integral”: I - current flowing through the material cross-sectional area A = wδ, where w is the liner width and δ is the liner thickness. • The driving force is simply the magnetic pressure (B2/2μ0) applied over the surface area of the metal facing the coil when in close proximity to the driving coil. • The current can be related to the force through Ampere’s law which can be reasonably approximated as B = μ0I/w. One finds for the maximum velocity for a given shell thickness δ: 2 M t 0 2 I dt g A m   v (m/ s) 1.6x10 (mm) Lithium v (m/ s) 2.5x10 (mm) Aluminum 6061 Li 4 m Al 4 m       Material Constraints with Inductively Accelerated Liners
  • 15. 30-Day Mission to Mars Objective: Fastest possible mission Advantages: Lowest cost, risk Minimum radiation exposure Both missions have ability for direct abort and return 90-Day Mission to Mars Objective: High Mass Fraction Advantages: No precursor cargo missions needed Long or short stay time From the initial analysis of the FDR mass, Isp and power generation, two missions were selected for further study Mission Parameters with The Fusion Driven Rocket (FDR) Parameter* 90 day 30 day Jet Power (MW) 2.6 33 Solar Power (kW) 27 350 Isp (sec) 5,140 5,140 Specific Mass (kg/kW) 4.3 0.38 Initial Mass (mT) 90 153 Payload Mass Fraction 65% 36% *Assumes FDR operation with fusion ignition gain of 200 III. Mission Studies
  • 16. Analytical Model (Fusion Side) For known Liner Mass a Specific Impulse is determined Isp links fusion conditions with mission equations 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Fusion Gain Isp (s) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Liner Mass (kg) Fusion Gain Min. ML required to trap fusion products: 0.28 kg     0 1/ 2 k L sp k T out ion L 12 7.63 out L 4 L 2 2 L L 1 in L 11/ 8 L 1/ 2 L 7 F out F in g 2 E M I E E e M E 5.7 10 M v 2.0 10 M E E M v G 1.1 10 M E E G E               I specific impulse E kinetic (Jet) energy thrust efficiency 0.9 E /E 0.5 v velocity of Liner M mass of liner E E E E E liner kinetic energy E fusion energy E sp k T C L cap L L in L FRC L L out in                 From action Integral constraint where RL= 1.2 m, w = 0.15m Energy loss in ionization of liner (~75 MJ/kg)
  • 17.  It is assumed that initially FDR employs solar panels for house keeping power  Eventually it would be derived directly from nozzle flux compression Analytical Model (Mission side) f P E 0.1MPL E P M M M f T M M M M M M M M M MR MR e SEP in SEP SEP cap in s P L i PL S P f PL S f i I g V sp 0   a  a                    Rocket Equations 7 Equations 7 Unknowns Isp from fusion conditions Delta V requirement as a function of trip time: Solution to Lambert Problem P Solar panel power Specific mass of solar panels Specific mass of capacitors f Frequency M Structuralmass M Pr opellant mass M Initialmass M Finalmass MR Mass Ratio SEP SEP cap s P i f  a  a       
  • 18.  Longer Trip times allow for higher payload mass fraction  Larger Fusion Gains result in higher payload mass fraction Fusions Assumption: • Ionization cost is 75 MJ/kg • Coupling Efficiency to liner is 50% • Thrust conversation t ~ 90% • Realistic liner mass are 0.28 kg to 0.41 kg • Corresponds to a Gain of 50 to 500 • Ignition Factor of 5 • Safety margin of 2: GF =GF(calc.)/2 Mission Assumptions: • Mass of Payload= 61 mT • Habitat 31 mT • Aeroshell 16 mT • Descent System 14 mT • Specific Mass of capacitors ~ 1 J/kg • Specific Mass of Solar Electric Panels 200 W/kg • Tankage fraction of 10% (tanks, structure, radiator, etc.) • Payload mass fraction =Play load Mass • System Specific Mass = Dry Mass/SEP (kg/kW) • Analysis for single transit optimal transit to Mars • Full propulsive braking for Mar Capture - no aerobraking Trip Time (Days) Fusion Gain 20 40 60 80 100 120 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Paylod Mass Fraction 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Effect of FDR Fusion Gain On Key Mission Parameters DRM 3.0
  • 19. FDR Mission Parameters • Solar Power requirement runs from modest - 25 kW (90 day) to moderate - 320 kW (30 day). • Specific mass is appropriate for each mission at GF = 200. • Pulse rate is low for both missions. times raging from 14 s (30 day) to 3 min. (90 day). Provides adequate time for recovery and reload.
  • 20. 90-Day Mission to Mars (ΔV = 13.5 km/s) 30-Day Mission to Mars (ΔV = 40.9 km/s) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 Mass (mT) Fusion Gain Initial Mass Payload Mass Propellant Mass Structure Mass Solarpanel Mass Capacitor Mass Mission Mass Parameters  Take all supplies in one trip  Simplified mission architectures  No precursor cargo missions needed  Vastly reduced mission cost  Single launch possibilities  Lower risk  Minimum radiation exposure  Apollo type mission architecture  Key to routine Martian visitation  Develops propulsion technology needed for Outer
  • 21. Finite continuous burn Trip Time Delta V (km/s) (Days) Segment 1 Segment 2 Total 90 13.7 15.2 28.9 30 47.3 50.5 97.9 Impulse Burn Trip Time Delta V (km/s) (Days) Segment 1 Segment 2 Total 90 13.7 15.2 28.9 30 47.3 50.5 97.9 COPERNICUS Finite Burn with Sub Optimal Control Copernicus will be now be employed for full mission architecture, OCT analysis, and parametric trade studies 90-Day Mission 30-Day Mission SUN Mars Orbit Earth Orbit
  • 22. CAD drawing of the proposed 3D liner compression experiment. The elements labeled in black are part of the existing equipment at MSNW and the UW. All power supplies and capacitors required are also available (FRC formation – MSNW, liner compression – UW). Parts labeled in red will need to be fabricated. HV Cables Turbo Pump Collector & Feedplate Driver Coils FRC Formation Coils Fused Silica Vacuum Chambers Design of the FDR Breakeven Proof of Concept Experiment IV. Plans for FDR development to TRL 5
  • 23. Glass-lined G-10 end flange Kapton encapsulated Aluminum flux shapers High strength Al driver coil 40 cm diam. fused silica vacuum tube 80 cm diam. fused silica vacuum tube Epoxy encapsulated Aluminum coils Collector/ feedplate  25 kV cables from capacitor banks Flux Breaks (6) Black labels indicate existing equipment with red indicating equipment to be fabricated. Cutaway of FDR Validation Liner Compression Experiment
  • 24. PHD experiment with some of the 1.75 MJ, 25 kV capacitor modules shown in the foreground. PHD Experiment at the UW Plasma Dynamics Laboratory More than sufficient bank energy for G~1 experiment Equipment becomes available in July 2012
  • 25. •Final FRC parameters yield a fusion gain G = 1.6 (ML=0.18 kg Al) Anticipated Parameters from FDR Validation Experiment FRC adiabatic scaling laws Initial FRC size, temp density and energy same as past FRC’s FRC lifetime >> tdwell ~ 4 Final field similar to that achieved in several flux compression expts. Sub MJ FRC Requires only 33% bank eff. In experiment, FRC radial and axial compressions would occur simultaneously
  • 26. 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 40 30 20 10 0 0 4 8 12 16 T (μs) R (cm) Z (cm) 2D Resistive MHD Calculation of the Formation and Merging of FRCs Inside the Converging Liners  Code geometry and fields are identical to that employed in the experimental design.  Target FRC parameters that are realized match closely those desired for liner compression  Formation time is short (< 20 μsec) justifiying FRC injection late in the liner implosion  FRC lifetime scaling more than sufficient for expected 80-100 μsec left to peak implosion
  • 27. T = 0 μs T = 40 μs T = 80 μs T = 120 μs T = 160 μs T = 195 μs Three 0.4 m radius, 5 cm wide, 0.2 mm thick Aluminum liners converging onto a stationary test target.  The scale of the ellipsoid target (13.5 cm) is that anticipated for the final FRC compressed to over 1 megabar (1011 Pa) energy density Aluminum rings quickly yield to the pressure equivalent of a 7 T magnetic field (~ 6 Mpa). A high order buckling is observed later during implosion but does not inhibit convergence where vL ~ 2.4 km/sec ANSYS Multiphysics® 3D Calculations of the Convergent Implosion of three Al Liners Liner behavior very close to ideal 1D approx. assumed in analysis
  • 28. •Solution for a 0.4 m radius coil driving a 6 cm wide, 0.2 mm thick Al liner. •The circuit was based on the capacitor bank currently available at the UW Plasma Dynamics Laboratory. •The spatial forces on the liner at various times and radii are calculated and used as input into the dynamic calculation similar to the one shown above. •Mutual interaction between coils and liners will also be investigated. ANSYS Maxwell® Calculations of the 3D Electromagnetic Fields R B (T) 8 4 0
  • 29. Theoretical Validation of Key FDR Elements (peer reviewed papers) Fusion Based on the Inductively-Driven Lithium Liner Compression of an FRC Plasmoid John Slough, David Kirtley, Anthony Pancotti, Christopher Pihl, George Votroubek (Submitted to Journal of Fusion Energy 2012) Importance of 3D compression Superiority of high  FRC target Magnetic field limits thermal and particle loss - even with (cold) wall confinement and  > 1 Ignition possible with magnetized plasma where R <<1 but BR > 60 T-cm. Magnetic field well within range of larger FRCs. Method for producing 3D liner implosions with stand-off Generation of FRC plasma target with sufficient magnetization and confinement for ignition Method for efficient conversion of plasma, radiation, and fusion energy in a manner that protects and magnetically isolates reactor
  • 30. Experimental Validation of Key FDR Elements (peer reviewed papers) •Demonstrated inductively driven liner compression of Bz fields > 1 Mbar •Demonstrated the stable formation, merging and magnetic compression of the FRC •FRC lifetime better than previous scaling •Demonstrated successful FRC liner compression with a xenon plasma liner Experimental demonstration of fusion gain with inductively driven metal liners Hope to publish in the near future!