requirements engineering business analysis semantic web feedback set theory planning uml service dialog software reuse brd mentoring online software evolution framework make software agile common concepts of uml and bpmn agreement meaning of meaning hyperplex usecase definition of relation corrections business process modeling use case diagram rdf knowledge management unl knowledge representation information retrieval examples and explanations meaning knowledge information data use case methods and tools sdlc software engineering ooad education problem solving innovation srs review consulting teaching coaching bug reporting online rapid and safe bug fixing software agility in operation sofware development online software evolution online business policies and rules business authority online sw error correction online software evolution software agility leadership through planning planning as a part of management action planning resource planning professional or personal planning semantic interoperability semantics in men and machines arriving at meaning making sense meaning definition business app driven by policy and rules repository online business app development / deployment online business authority framework for online software evolution fose online business support of application software new definition of relation flaws and corrections mathematics no big software upfront let software evolve software developers online with running software integrated software development and software ops error capture and bug fixing online online business policy and rules repository bring business authority online online error capture and correction of software reliable and robust software business application software kno4wledge representation errors flaws and absurdities of uml usecase is a dialog or conversation relation between process system and usecase nature of usecase --- a dialog usecase modeling analysis and research dicovery and invention creative extension serious study critical appreciation conflicting concepts in meditation resolution of conflicting concepts meditation difficulties validating concepts before firming them up ba and re preparation of certificate examinations project guidance cpre of ireb online instructor led training product design how and what to invent service design optimization of worth generation value addition cost effectiveness independence of concepts correlation of concepts coupling and cohesion of concepts in a document number of concepts in a document assessment of document document quality document analysis holistic approach bruf bduf waterfall method agile is reactive force a full-fledged force? how-equal differerences-in-eauality newton's laws of motion action and reaction structured approach understanding appreciation clarifying introduction of something brief & precise explanation describing something modeling something large scale cooperative copying copy shamelessly if legal invent but don't reinvent high-quaality certified artifacts cooperation benefits of planning creating the two parts of plan dynamic planning parts of plan plan unified modeling language usecase session distinction of usecase from a process usecase mistaken and misrepresented as process single actor per usecase single sessiong rapid documentation documenting with only word tables diagram-free uml document combined document for three uml artifacts comprehensive uml document uml diagrams disambiguation identify of mind common concept negotiated meaning interpretation literal meaning syntax and semantics source of expression real meaning significance created in mind semantic network q&a system representation & management. knowledge encoding knowlede definition knowledge reporsitory query-response system visual communication of concepts with precision idea or knowledge encoding concept maps kif meaning representation interaction service name functionality adaptive control responsive systems and processes performer of process or activity or task. iso 900 need for more elements control system essentials of complete feedback true feedback effectiveness of feedback knuth's definitions distinction of data and information from knowledge business process modeling and design semantic search ba re solution design software engineering mini projects. learning by doing quizzes assignments training ba and re coaching simplification and enhancement additional three process elements representation and design. basic three elements analysis focus group facilitation context of context multiple independent and separate systems to be de context diagram use of to be process as the starting diagram validity and usefulness of them anomalies and paradoxes fundamental questions and clarifications on relati relation definition ---- math entity relations ooad & uml associations improvement projects practical work research projects turning into a professional thesis principles use case modeling errors need for single session per use case multiple actors for the same use case process modeling and design system design feedback controlled systems and processes criteria for separate use cases termination of use case use case session rapid drawing drawing tool sketching hardware & software drawing tool high quality drawings services consultant professor coach resume teacher mentor advisor quick and easy drafting of uml models matrices and tables for precise information use case goal query-response search engine meaningfulness relevance owl meaning matching sparql radical concepts definitions knowledge definition standard uc ssd and sd business engine default uc business rules presentation communication preparation corrections and enhancements to uml errors and flaws in uml business requirement modeling knowledge work composition unbunding of services consulting and coaching services compositin of services soa for human service providers linking uml diagrams use cases & system sequence diagrams design classes domain modeling problem requirement solution need it education and professional services refereeing content development and improvement edit society profession life growth harmony goodwill business professional training online training training coaching in ba and re professional services + review & edit coaching and mentoring uml use case modeling errors and corrections exploration test evaluation breakthrouhs insights questions and answers redefining use case as service dialog uc or dialog tree critical review business and system ucs use case modeling software development collaboration software efficiency cost saving repository uml use case errors and corrections making most of use cases take one module training take a quiz business analysis and requirements engg learning skype facilitation available. invention creativity direct innovation project nine methods and tools upn comprehensive high-precision artifacts bpmn assessment artifacts in uml matching what is taught with whata is learnt demonstration of learning parts of education work-experience competene skill full training
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