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Marc Vael, Chief Audit Executive Smals / President ISACA Belgium, 11 June 2015
26th of October 1997
“What's interesting [now] is that there is an emergent new
model, and you all are here because you are part of that new
model. I don't think people have really understood how big
this opportunity really is. It starts with the premise that the
data services and architecture should be on servers. We call it
cloud computing – they should be in a "cloud" somewhere.
And that if you have the right kind of browser or the right kind
of access, it doesn't matter whether you have a PC or a Mac
or a mobile phone or a BlackBerry or what have you – or new
devices still to be developed – you can get access to the
Mr. Eric Schmidt, Chairman & CEO Google
Search Engine Strategies Conference, 9th of August 2006
A model for enabling convenient, on-demand broad network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that
can be rapidly provisioned & released with minimal management
effort or service provider interaction and with automatic
measuring, controlling & optimization.
5 characteristics
3 service models
4 deployment models
NIST, Definition of Cloud Computing, October 2009
NIST, Definition of Cloud Computing, October 2009
ISACA, Cloud Computing: Business Benefits With Security, Governance and Assurance Perspectives, 2010
1. On-demand self-service.
2. Broad network access.
3. Resource pooling.
4. Rapid & elastic provisioning
(add & withdraw).
5. Automatically measured,
controlled, optimized service.
Cloud Computing Taxonomy & Ontology v1.5 Chris Hoff +
1. Gegevensbescherming
2. Beveiliging van de rekencentra
3. Logische toegangsbeveiliging
4. Beveiliging van de systemen
5. Beveiliging van de netwerktoegangen
1. Clausule met betrekking tot de mogelijkheid voor een "cloud"-provider om een deel van zijn
activiteiten uit te besteden.
2. Clausule met betrekking tot de integriteit, continuïteit en kwaliteit van de dienstverlening
3. Clausule met betrekking tot de teruggave van de gegevens
4. Clausule met betrekking tot de overdraagbaarheid van de gegevens en de interoperabiliteit
van de systemen
5. Clausule met betrekking tot de auditregeling
6. Clausule met betrekking tot de verplichtingen van de provider inzake vertrouwelijkheid van
de gegevens
7. Clausule met betrekking tot de soevereiniteit
8. Clausule met betrekking tot de verplichtingen van de provider inzake gegevensbeveiliging
Never outsource 

what you do not manage
properly today!
You always remain
Risk always exists! 

(whether or not it is
detected / recognised 

by the organisation).
• Planning & Scoping the Audit
• Define audit/assurance objectives.
• Define boundaries of review
• Identify & document risks
• Define change process
• Define assignment success
• Define audit/assurance resources required
• Define deliverables
• Communications
• Governing the Cloud
• Governance & Enterprise Risk Management
• Legal & Electronic Discovery
• Compliance & Audit
• Portability & Interoperability
• Operating in the Cloud
• Incident Response, Notification & Remediation
• Application Security
• Data Security & Integrity
• Identity & Access Management
• Virtualization
Example pay slip storage
Example pay slip storage
1. Do management teams have a plan for cloud computing? 

Have they weighed value and opportunity costs?
2. How do current cloud plans support the enterprise’s mission?
3. Have executive teams systematically evaluated organizational
4. Have management teams considered what existing investments
might be lost in their cloud planning?
5. Do management teams have strategies to measure and track 

the value of cloud return versus risk?
Your cloud computing solution
is as strong …
… as its weakest link
NIST Special Publication 800-145: The NIST Definition of Cloud
Computing. NIST, 2011 http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/
800- 145/SP800-145.pdf
ISACA Cloud Computing Guidance. 

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security

Cloud Security Alliance


Cloud security lessons learned and audit

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