ppp mena infrastructure gcc uae railway private sector participation ppp model saudi arabia financing projects project finance ppp’s sustainability tunneling hdd horizontal directional drilling tenders contractual technical technologies trenchless efficient networks sewer rules market structure harmonization regulatory psp delivery models innovative ppp project risk risk best practices smart cities its fidic china value chain planning government operations roads network oman me rail affordable housing solar energy renewable energy modelling wind energy clean energy global soft perms pf markets pf ppp success framework regional ppp passive design transportation energy efficiency digital city participated city information highway e –city broadband city ubiquitous city connected city intelligent big data e-government monetizing smartcity funding lenders tolls public private partnership bot jv landlord model ror model sharing model cap model modal transport seaports airports jct head office cost and profit nec suite overhead concurrent allegheny carteret ernstrom manshul emden modified eichleay eichleay hudson courts formulae case law delay prolonged recoverable hooh slip lining spay lining sealing robotics rehabilitation flow measurement leak water loss infiltration jacking ramming pipe micro-tunneling perforators auger boring water institutional requirements regional success framework institutional utility certainty urgency paper-based ticketing fare collection new travelers' targeted revenue data intermodal bench marking network capacity commercialized efficiency liberalized markets global fm fma australia technology kpi industry trends mergers & acquisitions performance operation & maintenance o&m bim building information modelling facilities management prodyn opac self-driving cars infotainment intelligent vehicles fiber optic navtech radar cctv scada siemens integration life-cycle management portfolio implementation intelligent transport systems vehicles wave temperature differences plants oceans sun sources renewable re comparisons process irena intermittent hydro power electricity heat global maps fuels energy capture technologies bio michael maltzan’s sky city tower changsha prefab system zhang yue luxurious mc – california pre-cast environment friendly energy-efficient flexible design modular homes traditional build faster and smarter greater sustainable solution modular construction cities of the future masonry arch main structure lateral loads i-beam hybrid highway gravity loads girder frame arch extra long deck line continuous span concrete collision loads cantilever cable stayed bridge beam arch annual maintenance m&a ifma fma bifm fm passengers experience smart cards intermodal hops stations fare policies demand forecasting safety management engineering environmental targets co2 reduction mechanical heat treatments landfill diversion mechanical biological treatments (mbt) anaerobic digestion composting biological treatments pyrolysis gasification thermal treatment autoclaving incineration combustion thermal treatments ppp in wte planning a wte project gcc wte projects waste in gcc waste management waste injury construction hazards buyer perspective owner payment methods procurement projects delivery cost management risk management allocating identifying mega projects managing government projects challenges construction changing landscape complexity smart card multimodal system architecture security safety commercial systems interoperability integrated its ticket checking equipment green-mobility expressway management connected vehicles virtual space cloud control system central traffic collection systems automatic fare ibsf zamil steel adnip adib rakp ministry of works expert general manager gm advisor director cv coo ceo senior executive thunderbird texas a and m resume loay ghazaleh monitoring stations ocean altimetry measuring mean sea level storm surges vulnerable populated regions global temperature arctic sea accelerating ozone layer depletion greenhouse deforestation burning fossil fuels satellite altimetry tidal gauges coastal impacts effects predictions sea level rise climate change self healing self cleaning facade double glazing smart window double façades curtain wall thermal performance green ashrae’s cladding systems fenestration energy consumption facade design smart properties opaque facades wind loads and façades intelligent building facades hot climate double façades low-energy buildings façades systems daab disputes and arbitration construction law reasonable care fit for purpose caps on liability indemnities care of the work engineer epc rainbow db orange gold silver red yellow universal insurance patient pays availability international healthcare asia india silk road saarc pif imt-gt gms carec bimstec bimp-eaga asean economic modeling economic corridors star urbanization green buildings leed eco-scrapers pv climate-responsive green rating tools photovoltaic high-rise examples world skyscraper feed cross border policy kuwait solar qatar low cost housing wind bahrain revenue fit finance gtc debt dealogic 2012 2011 financial crisis bonds emea league players renewables syndication lgtt eib ssf gcc railway ten-t guarantees barriers to cross border infrastructure projects tans-european rail network financing railway polices on housing housing strategies ppp housing housing securitization mena housing market mortgages social housing kuwait metro rail project qatar doha metro mass rail transit in mecca gcc railway network saudi arabia high speed railway uae union railway railway projects ppp roads oman railway network me roads consortiums me rail consortiums ppp’s models mena ppp’s 2010 projects update fiscal risks in ppp’s ppp’s transactions enabling ppp environment ppp’s best practices convergence in ppp mena ppp gcc ppp tends in ppp ppp’s telematics commercial & financial risks in roads ppp shadow toll principle roads concessions cost recovery lessons learned mega developments phasing soft economy water efficiency alternative energy cogeneration active design geotechnical investigation foundations geothermal energy solar harvesting district cooling urbanism coastal planning mega mix use developments
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