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4 best practices
for social
table of
03   Introduction

04   #1 | think strategically about the program

07   #2 | identify & enable brand advocates



16   conclusion
These are challenging times for retail.         The key according to Kristine Jacobs, Vice
Although ecommerce is growing rapidly           President of Customer Success at 500friends,
and offers a vibrant opportunity to reach       is for retailers to “optimize a long-term
new customers, the gains have not been          relationship with consumers and maximize                “Retailers need to optimize a
equally distributed. In fact, Amazon            the value created by each and every way                 long-term relationship with
accounts for 30% of all product searches        customers interact with their businesses.”              their customers and maximize
and continues to grow at twice the rate                                                                 the value created by each and
of ecommerce as a whole. At the same            One of the ways retailers can accomplish                every way customers interact
time, the cost of acquiring customers is        this is through a well-designed and executed            with their businesses.”
increasing year-over-year while margins         social loyalty program. A social loyalty program
                                                                                                                     Kristine Jacobs
continue to get squeezed. Given these           gives retailers a powerful tool for building                  VP Customer Success, 500friends
realities, retailers have to find new and       durable relationships with their customers

creative ways to maximize the lifetime          while leveraging their social connections and

value of their customers.                       actions to effectively reach new audiences.
                                                More loyal customers mean greater lifetime
                                                value per customer and more profitable
                                                customer relationships, which give a retailer
                                                more opportunity to invest in growth.

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                      4 best practices for social loyalty    3
best practice #1

about program
#1 | think strategically about program design

imagine a Program that
Meets Your Objectives
Before discussing what makes a social loyalty
program successful, it’s important to understand
what a successful loyalty program is not. Too                    Strong Program
often, a company’s loyalty program will consist
of a microsite and a few simple promotions that                 Objectives Include...
offer all of its customers the same discount.
Although such a program may be easier
to implement than a robust, multi-channel
incentive program, it is also unlikely to create
                                                            1                           OVERALL LTV &
                                                                                        SHARE OF WALLET
the sort of sustained, long-term relationships
with customers that retailers need to thrive in
today’s competitive marketplace.
                                                           2                            GROW ACTIVE
                                                                                        CUSTOMER LIST

In order to design and implement a successful
social loyalty program that creates and sustains
                                                                                        GAIN INSIGHT
long-term relationships with customers, retailers           3                           INTO CUSTOMER
must think more strategically. A social loyalty                                         SEGMENTS

program is not an isolated feature; it has to be
an integral part of a brand’s overall marketing
and growth strategy.

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.               4 best practices for social loyalty   5
#1 | think strategically about program design

design for
your audience
The first step in defining a winning strategy
for a loyalty program is to think about whom
it is for and what will appeal to them. In other                 Match Customer Populations
words, design the social loyalty program for
specific populations. A first-time customer                        with the Right Rewards
has different needs and expectations than
a lifelong customer. Rather than blanket all
of a site’s customers with a one-size-fits-all                     INACTIVE
                                                                                               TO AN EARLY
program, a well-designed program will target                       MEMBERS                     ACCESS SALE
key customer segments with compelling and
relevant rewards. For example, a first-time
customer might receive a special discount                          1ST TIME
                                                                                               EMAIL AFTER
on their next purchase to encourage them to                                                    PURCHASE

return to the retailer while a well-established
customer might be offered an exclusive gift                                                    MEMBERSHIP
                                                                   3RD TIME
to reward them for their continued loyalty.                        BUYERS
                                                                                               TO VIP SERVICE
Before choosing rewards, think carefully
about who is receiving the reward and the
behavior it will drive.

                  © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                 4 best practices for social loyalty   6
best practice #2

#2 | identify & enable brand advocates

recommendations as a
marketing engine
Word-of-mouth marketing is as old as            At a time when customers are constantly
business and it is more important today         inundated by offers and discounts, whether
than ever before. This is as true for the       in the form of banners, emails, or targeted           “More and more money
                                                                                                      will go into making a great
smallest boutiques as it is for the largest     Google or Facebook ads, word of mouth
                                                                                                      customer experience, and less
retailers in the world. Jeff Bezos, CEO         represents a powerful means for retailers to
                                                                                                      will go into shouting about
of Amazon, predicts that “more and              reach customers directly. A successful social         the service. Word of mouth is
more money will go into making a great          loyalty program must find ways to amplify             becoming more powerful...”
customer experience, and less will go into      the impact of a personal recommendation
                                                                                                                          jeff bezos
shouting about the service. Word of mouth       online. This requires retailers to appeal to
                                                                                                                        CEO, Amazon.com
is becoming more powerful. If you offer a       brand advocates and make word-of-mouth
great service, people find out.”                marketing in all of its forms one of a loyalty
                                                program’s central goals.

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                    4 best practices for social loyalty   8
#2 | identify & enable brand advocates

understand the
customer’s journey
Social loyalty programs should be designed
around the customer’s journey. Retailers
must be able to place themselves in the                                       The Customer Journey
minds of their customers in order to create a
compelling customer experience. A key part
of creating that experience is removing all                                                     ADD TO CART

friction to sharing. Writing a review, referring                       VISIT SITE               PURCHASE             SHIPMENT NOTIFCATION

a friend, or sharing a purchase to Facebook                                   VIEW PRODUCT INFO

should be an integrated, natural part of the                                  CREATE ACCOUNT                    PURCHASE CONFIRMATION

customer experience, rather than an irritation
or impediment. At the same time, retailers
must have the right tools to measure their                                                                      POINTS FOR PRODUCT REVIEW

customers’ engagement in order to identify

                                                                                                                MONTHLY PROGRAM EMAIL
                                                                            ENROLL IN PROGRAM
potential brand advocates.
                                                                            CONNECT SOCIAL ACCOUNTS                  SURPRISE BADGE IN EMAIL

                                                                                                SHARE PRODUCT PURCHASE

                                                                                                1ST TIME BUYER REWARD EMAIL

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                              4 best practices for social loyalty   9
best practice #3

think beyond
the transaction
Too many retailers think their work ends once a customer has clicked “Buy.” Rather, they
should be finding ways to connect with customers in new and dynamic ways that will increase
customer lifetime value. One of the goals of any social loyalty program must be to deepen the
retailer’s relationship with its customers by engaging them beyond the purchase.
#3 | think beyond the transaction

through actions
A well-designed loyalty program reward           Every brand has its own strengths and
strategy should be built around more than        resonates with customers in different ways.   LIST OF ACTIONS:
just buying more to accumulate more              A social loyalty program is an opportunity
points. Social media gives retailers many        for retailers to extend and reinforce their     Purchase
opportunities to engage their customers in       brand by appealing to their customers in        Enrollment
new and creative ways, such as rewarding         innovative ways that match business goals.      Connect Facebook Account
customers for social actions like writing        The key is that the content offered by a        Connect Twitter Account
reviews and sharing purchases to help            brand’s social loyalty program should fit       Sign Up for Email
spread the brand’s message. Bestowing            into the brand’s identity and appeal to its
                                                                                                 Open an Email
branded badges and special recognition           unique relationship with customers. For
                                                                                                 Refer a Friend to Purchase
on repeat customers deepens their                example, Spaweek (www.spaweek.com)
                                                                                                 Refer a Friend to Sign for Email
connection to the brand and makes them           awards points for sweepstakes entries, spa
                                                                                                 Follow on Twitter
feel recognized.                                 reviews, and spa check-ins on Foursquare,
                                                                                                 Email a Friend
                                                 in addition to dollars spent.
                                                                                                 Tweet a Product
                                                                                                 Write a Review

                   © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                4 best practices for social loyalty   11
#3 | think beyond the transaction

through rewards
Program reward structure connects point-
earning engagement to redemption, a
core driver of value and cost for a loyalty
                                                           Reward                     EXTRINSIC REWARDS
                                                                                      (Direct Cost)
program. Rewards should be differentiated                 Design Tips
by customer segment in order to reward                                                    Gift Coupons
a brand’s most loyal customers and keep                                                   Exclusive Products
                                                           MINE CUSTOMER INSIGHTS
others excited and engaged. Early access,           1      TO INFORM APPROACH             Sweepstake Entries
free shipping, and other VIP perks are
                                                                                          Charitable Donations
powerful incentives to keep customers
coming back. Retailer Kate Somerville’s                    CONSIDER USING TIERS
(www.katesomerville.com) social                     2      AS INTRINSIC MOTIVATORS
loyalty program is a prime example of a
compelling reward mix: top-tier members
                                                           EXTRINSIC REWARDS
                                                                                      INTRINSIC REWARDS
get an exclusive weekend skincare clinic.
                                                    3      ALONE WILL NOT DRIVE
                                                           LONG-TERM ENGAGEMENT
                                                                                      (No Direct Cost)

                                                                                          VIP Customer Service
                                                           SURPRISE & DELIGHT TO
                                                    4      REINFORCE KEY BEHAVIORS        Badges

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                        4 best practices for social loyalty   12
best practice #4

design, evaluate,
& optimize for roi
An effective social loyalty program is a significant investment of time and resources.
A program must have clear objectives and target specific customer segments. Most
importantly, a program must be designed for maximum ROI, and it must be measured
at the right moments. Ongoing program optimization lays the groundwork for
continued growth and success.
#4 | design, evaluate, & optimize for roi

Balance Reward
Costs to Ensure ROI
From the early stages of program design,          Of course, the design and goals of a
ROI is the right context for key decisions.       retailer’s social loyalty program should
                                                                                              The retailer CoffeeTable
Some retailers make the mistake of making         also reflect their unique challenges
                                                                                              engaged a member segment
their points too valuable or awarding too         and circumstances. A retailer that finds
                                                                                              with a sweepstakes entry
many points over time; the rewards can            itself constrained by low revenue per
                                                                                              that qualified them for the
end up being more valuable than the               customer, for example, might build its
                                                                                              highest program reward.
purchases required to earn them. A retailer       program around rewards that emphasize
that gives a customer a $15 reward for            recognition and exclusivity—such as early   The offer drove engagement while
$12 worth of purchases might have very            access to new products or VIP offers.       reducing the reward cost among their
                                                                                              lowest program tier. The team at
loyal customers, but it won’t be in business
                                                                                              CoffeeTable arrived at this innovative
long. Marketers have to model the financial
                                                                                              and effective
impact of a social loyalty program and                                                        offer by critically
make adjustments to point values and                                                          examining the goals
rewards before and after they launch a                                                        of their program and
loyalty program.                                                                              designing a solution
                                                                                              that made financial
                                                                                              sense for them.

                   © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                               4 best practices for social loyalty      14
#4 | design, evaluate, & optimize for roi

Success With Ongoing
A social loyalty program should be first        engagement metrics become critical for          to program impact beyond the program
designed for ROI and then optimized for         decision-making. And finally, ultimate          launch—not only in later months but
ROI. Even programs with a large emphasis        program impact is what every marketer           in perpetuity. Successful optimization
on social components—such as sharing            will want to report on, but it’s a mistake to   efforts require this long-term view in
purchases to social networks or writing         look for that proof from day one. Moreover,     order to drive maximum impact on key
public reviews—should be evaluated              enrollment and engagement remain central        performance indicators.
and optimized based on a measurable
ROI. Optimization in the long-term is the
key component of ROI success, and it
is also the most commonly neglected or
                                                                   Ongoing Optimization for ROI
poorly understood element of program
                                                          1-3 MONTHS             3-6 MONTHS              6 MONTHS & BEYOND
management. It helps to think about the
lifecycle of the program and its measurable          ENROLLMENT
elements, and then match a timeline of                                      ENGAGEMENT
measurement and adjustment initiatives
to that lifecycle. For example, in the
early months of a program rollout, the
critical metric for program performance
is enrollment, but as the program ages

                 © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                      4 best practices for social loyalty   15
It is no longer sufficient for retailers         A loyalty program gives retailers a powerful
to focus on conversion rates and new             tool to identify and engage these incredibly
acquisition. Instead, marketers must renew       valuable customers. At the same time, the
their focus on customer relationships and        ubiquity of social media has made it more
maximizing lifetime value, the only activity     important than ever for retailers to find
that will drive the profitability needed         creative ways to reach new customers.
for growth. The data is clear about the          By building social components into their
outsize value of repeat customers: they are      loyalty programs, retailers can leverage the
responsible for 40% of revenue and they          proven effectiveness of loyalty marketing
drive 3-7 times the revenue per visit as         with the burgeoning potential of social
one-time buyers.                                 networks to solidify existing customer
                                                 relationships and reach new customers.

                  © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                  4 best practices for social loyalty   16
about us
500friends is a team of eCommerce experts
committed to maximizing the profitability of
customer relationships for the world’s retailers.

phone                       Visit our website
(800) 818-8356              500friends.com

address                     visit our blog
100 FIRST STreet            500friends.com/blog
SUITE 2250
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105     email

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4 Best Practices Social Loyalty

  • 1. 4 best practices for social loyalty
  • 2. table of contents 03 Introduction 04 #1 | think strategically about the program 07 #2 | identify & enable brand advocates 10 #3 | THINK BEYOND THE TRANSACTION 13 #4 | DESIGN, EVALUATE, & OPTIMIZE FOR ROI 16 conclusion
  • 3. Introduction These are challenging times for retail. The key according to Kristine Jacobs, Vice Although ecommerce is growing rapidly President of Customer Success at 500friends, and offers a vibrant opportunity to reach is for retailers to “optimize a long-term new customers, the gains have not been relationship with consumers and maximize “Retailers need to optimize a equally distributed. In fact, Amazon the value created by each and every way long-term relationship with accounts for 30% of all product searches customers interact with their businesses.” their customers and maximize and continues to grow at twice the rate the value created by each and of ecommerce as a whole. At the same One of the ways retailers can accomplish every way customers interact time, the cost of acquiring customers is this is through a well-designed and executed with their businesses.” increasing year-over-year while margins social loyalty program. A social loyalty program Kristine Jacobs continue to get squeezed. Given these gives retailers a powerful tool for building VP Customer Success, 500friends realities, retailers have to find new and durable relationships with their customers creative ways to maximize the lifetime while leveraging their social connections and value of their customers. actions to effectively reach new audiences. More loyal customers mean greater lifetime value per customer and more profitable customer relationships, which give a retailer more opportunity to invest in growth. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 3
  • 5. #1 | think strategically about program design imagine a Program that Meets Your Objectives Before discussing what makes a social loyalty program successful, it’s important to understand what a successful loyalty program is not. Too Strong Program often, a company’s loyalty program will consist of a microsite and a few simple promotions that Objectives Include... offer all of its customers the same discount. Although such a program may be easier INCREASE to implement than a robust, multi-channel incentive program, it is also unlikely to create 1 OVERALL LTV & SHARE OF WALLET the sort of sustained, long-term relationships with customers that retailers need to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. 2 GROW ACTIVE CUSTOMER LIST In order to design and implement a successful social loyalty program that creates and sustains GAIN INSIGHT long-term relationships with customers, retailers 3 INTO CUSTOMER must think more strategically. A social loyalty SEGMENTS program is not an isolated feature; it has to be an integral part of a brand’s overall marketing and growth strategy. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 5
  • 6. #1 | think strategically about program design design for your audience The first step in defining a winning strategy for a loyalty program is to think about whom it is for and what will appeal to them. In other Match Customer Populations words, design the social loyalty program for specific populations. A first-time customer with the Right Rewards has different needs and expectations than a lifelong customer. Rather than blanket all INVITATION of a site’s customers with a one-size-fits-all INACTIVE TO AN EARLY program, a well-designed program will target MEMBERS ACCESS SALE key customer segments with compelling and relevant rewards. For example, a first-time REWARD customer might receive a special discount 1ST TIME EMAIL AFTER BUYERS on their next purchase to encourage them to PURCHASE return to the retailer while a well-established customer might be offered an exclusive gift MEMBERSHIP 3RD TIME to reward them for their continued loyalty. BUYERS UPGRADE TO VIP SERVICE Before choosing rewards, think carefully about who is receiving the reward and the behavior it will drive. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 6
  • 7. best practice #2 IDENTIFY & ENABLE BRAND ADVOCATES
  • 8. #2 | identify & enable brand advocates recommendations as a marketing engine Word-of-mouth marketing is as old as At a time when customers are constantly business and it is more important today inundated by offers and discounts, whether than ever before. This is as true for the in the form of banners, emails, or targeted “More and more money will go into making a great smallest boutiques as it is for the largest Google or Facebook ads, word of mouth customer experience, and less retailers in the world. Jeff Bezos, CEO represents a powerful means for retailers to will go into shouting about of Amazon, predicts that “more and reach customers directly. A successful social the service. Word of mouth is more money will go into making a great loyalty program must find ways to amplify becoming more powerful...” customer experience, and less will go into the impact of a personal recommendation jeff bezos shouting about the service. Word of mouth online. This requires retailers to appeal to CEO, Amazon.com is becoming more powerful. If you offer a brand advocates and make word-of-mouth great service, people find out.” marketing in all of its forms one of a loyalty program’s central goals. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 8
  • 9. #2 | identify & enable brand advocates understand the customer’s journey Social loyalty programs should be designed around the customer’s journey. Retailers must be able to place themselves in the The Customer Journey minds of their customers in order to create a compelling customer experience. A key part of creating that experience is removing all ADD TO CART STANDARD friction to sharing. Writing a review, referring VISIT SITE PURCHASE SHIPMENT NOTIFCATION a friend, or sharing a purchase to Facebook VIEW PRODUCT INFO should be an integrated, natural part of the CREATE ACCOUNT PURCHASE CONFIRMATION customer experience, rather than an irritation or impediment. At the same time, retailers must have the right tools to measure their POINTS FOR PRODUCT REVIEW customers’ engagement in order to identify OPPORTUNITY MONTHLY PROGRAM EMAIL ENROLL IN PROGRAM potential brand advocates. CONNECT SOCIAL ACCOUNTS SURPRISE BADGE IN EMAIL SHARE PRODUCT PURCHASE 1ST TIME BUYER REWARD EMAIL © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 9
  • 10. best practice #3 think beyond the transaction Too many retailers think their work ends once a customer has clicked “Buy.” Rather, they should be finding ways to connect with customers in new and dynamic ways that will increase customer lifetime value. One of the goals of any social loyalty program must be to deepen the retailer’s relationship with its customers by engaging them beyond the purchase.
  • 11. #3 | think beyond the transaction engage through actions A well-designed loyalty program reward Every brand has its own strengths and strategy should be built around more than resonates with customers in different ways. LIST OF ACTIONS: just buying more to accumulate more A social loyalty program is an opportunity points. Social media gives retailers many for retailers to extend and reinforce their Purchase opportunities to engage their customers in brand by appealing to their customers in Enrollment new and creative ways, such as rewarding innovative ways that match business goals. Connect Facebook Account customers for social actions like writing The key is that the content offered by a Connect Twitter Account reviews and sharing purchases to help brand’s social loyalty program should fit Sign Up for Email spread the brand’s message. Bestowing into the brand’s identity and appeal to its Open an Email branded badges and special recognition unique relationship with customers. For Refer a Friend to Purchase on repeat customers deepens their example, Spaweek (www.spaweek.com) Refer a Friend to Sign for Email connection to the brand and makes them awards points for sweepstakes entries, spa Follow on Twitter feel recognized. reviews, and spa check-ins on Foursquare, Email a Friend in addition to dollars spent. Tweet a Product Write a Review © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 11
  • 12. #3 | think beyond the transaction engage through rewards Program reward structure connects point- earning engagement to redemption, a core driver of value and cost for a loyalty Reward EXTRINSIC REWARDS (Direct Cost) program. Rewards should be differentiated Design Tips by customer segment in order to reward Gift Coupons a brand’s most loyal customers and keep Exclusive Products MINE CUSTOMER INSIGHTS others excited and engaged. Early access, 1 TO INFORM APPROACH Sweepstake Entries free shipping, and other VIP perks are Charitable Donations powerful incentives to keep customers coming back. Retailer Kate Somerville’s CONSIDER USING TIERS (www.katesomerville.com) social 2 AS INTRINSIC MOTIVATORS loyalty program is a prime example of a compelling reward mix: top-tier members EXTRINSIC REWARDS INTRINSIC REWARDS get an exclusive weekend skincare clinic. 3 ALONE WILL NOT DRIVE LONG-TERM ENGAGEMENT (No Direct Cost) VIP Customer Service Recognition SURPRISE & DELIGHT TO 4 REINFORCE KEY BEHAVIORS Badges © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 12
  • 13. best practice #4 design, evaluate, & optimize for roi An effective social loyalty program is a significant investment of time and resources. A program must have clear objectives and target specific customer segments. Most importantly, a program must be designed for maximum ROI, and it must be measured at the right moments. Ongoing program optimization lays the groundwork for continued growth and success.
  • 14. #4 | design, evaluate, & optimize for roi Balance Reward Costs to Ensure ROI From the early stages of program design, Of course, the design and goals of a ROI is the right context for key decisions. retailer’s social loyalty program should The retailer CoffeeTable Some retailers make the mistake of making also reflect their unique challenges engaged a member segment their points too valuable or awarding too and circumstances. A retailer that finds with a sweepstakes entry many points over time; the rewards can itself constrained by low revenue per that qualified them for the end up being more valuable than the customer, for example, might build its highest program reward. purchases required to earn them. A retailer program around rewards that emphasize that gives a customer a $15 reward for recognition and exclusivity—such as early The offer drove engagement while $12 worth of purchases might have very access to new products or VIP offers. reducing the reward cost among their lowest program tier. The team at loyal customers, but it won’t be in business CoffeeTable arrived at this innovative long. Marketers have to model the financial and effective impact of a social loyalty program and offer by critically make adjustments to point values and examining the goals rewards before and after they launch a of their program and loyalty program. designing a solution that made financial sense for them. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 14
  • 15. #4 | design, evaluate, & optimize for roi Success With Ongoing Optimization A social loyalty program should be first engagement metrics become critical for to program impact beyond the program designed for ROI and then optimized for decision-making. And finally, ultimate launch—not only in later months but ROI. Even programs with a large emphasis program impact is what every marketer in perpetuity. Successful optimization on social components—such as sharing will want to report on, but it’s a mistake to efforts require this long-term view in purchases to social networks or writing look for that proof from day one. Moreover, order to drive maximum impact on key public reviews—should be evaluated enrollment and engagement remain central performance indicators. and optimized based on a measurable ROI. Optimization in the long-term is the key component of ROI success, and it is also the most commonly neglected or Ongoing Optimization for ROI poorly understood element of program 1-3 MONTHS 3-6 MONTHS 6 MONTHS & BEYOND management. It helps to think about the lifecycle of the program and its measurable ENROLLMENT elements, and then match a timeline of ENGAGEMENT IMPACT measurement and adjustment initiatives to that lifecycle. For example, in the early months of a program rollout, the critical metric for program performance is enrollment, but as the program ages © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 15
  • 16. conclusion It is no longer sufficient for retailers A loyalty program gives retailers a powerful to focus on conversion rates and new tool to identify and engage these incredibly acquisition. Instead, marketers must renew valuable customers. At the same time, the their focus on customer relationships and ubiquity of social media has made it more maximizing lifetime value, the only activity important than ever for retailers to find that will drive the profitability needed creative ways to reach new customers. for growth. The data is clear about the By building social components into their outsize value of repeat customers: they are loyalty programs, retailers can leverage the responsible for 40% of revenue and they proven effectiveness of loyalty marketing drive 3-7 times the revenue per visit as with the burgeoning potential of social one-time buyers. networks to solidify existing customer relationships and reach new customers. © 2013 500FRIENDS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 best practices for social loyalty 16
  • 17. about us 500friends is a team of eCommerce experts committed to maximizing the profitability of customer relationships for the world’s retailers. phone Visit our website (800) 818-8356 500friends.com address visit our blog 100 FIRST STreet 500friends.com/blog SUITE 2250 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 email sales@500friends.com