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Al Lautenslager
Nothing Happens
Until Something is
Selling During Tough Times
Do you need Sales ?
Do you need Marketing?
Do you need Both?
Personal Selling
With an emphasis on “Personal” and “Selling”
The Purpose of Personal
To bring the right product/service into contact
with the right customer and to motivate that
customer to take action (buy)
The Essence of Personal
The presentation of products with persuasive
messages to prospects and customers
Persuasive conversation is 2 way, not 1
The goal is to match customer’s needs and
wants with goods and services offered
Ultimate Objective: Make a Sale
Objectives of Personal
Increase sales volume (units/revenues)
Increase sales per customers
Increase customer buying frequency
Increase number of customers
Personal Selling Ultimate
Ensuring customers needs are satisfied at a high
Advantages of Personal
Two way communication
Adjust the message
Specific questions answered
Objectives can be addressed
Sales Rep Role
Gather customer info
Communicate benefits
Demonstrate the product
Advise; consult
Keep in touch; rapport; goodwill
Start the order processing with an order
What Makes a Good
Interpersonal Qualities
Self Motivated
Problem Solver
Presentation / Communication
What Makes Your Selling
Sell with a positive attitude
You motivate people to take action
Convincing, persuading, communicating value
Asking for and getting the order
What Make Your Selling
Part II
Diligence can be a differentiator
Which type of sales person
are you
Order taker
Customer service provider
Consultant / advisor
New business development
Relationship manager
8 Step Selling Process
 prospecting /targeting
developing a list of potential buyers 
 approach
initial face-to-face contact with prospect during which first
impressions are formed
 presentation
presentation/demonstration of how the product fills a need or
solves a problem for the prospect 
 needs analysis
discovery and assessment of prospects needs  
8 Step Selling Process
 answering questions
prospect provides feedback and salesperson attempts to further
tailor the presentation for the prospect's needs
 overcoming objections
 close
salesperson asks the prospect to buy
 followup
delivery, customer service, referrals , keep in touch
Personal Selling is Not
(Worst Practices)
Only out for the transaction
No Rapport – No Likability
No Likability – No Trust
No Trust – No Sale
Relationship of Trust
Gets you in synch with your prospect
Breaks down defense walls
Promotes open and honest communication
Rapport - How
Focus on the buyer
Consumer interests
Speak their language
Offer value – law of reciprocity
Humanize your admissions
Share something personal
Testimonials and case studies
Compliment to show respect
Rapport – How …continued
Be different
Be first
Be new
Respect time
Understand them enough to see the world
through their eyes
Shut up and listen
Don’t be a stranger for long
Use their name
Speak their language
Find the problem; solve it
Don’t sell and oversell
Don’t make it all about you
No Rapport – No Sale
Why People Buy
Why People Buy
Purchasing behavior is unpredictable therefore
overcome objectives and solve every problem
Why people buy
Why People Buy
Positive Results when you anticipate emotional
needs of customers
People Buy To:
Solve problems
Make themselves feel good
Therefore remember they buy with their hearts
Why People Buy
75% of buying decision are based on
unconscious needs and wants
 Prestige
 Habits
 Perceived value
Buying Behavior
Sometimes the consumer does not know what
he wants
Why People Buy
People can be interested and not buy
People can want something and not buy
If they believe in something they will buy, given
the opportunity and the means
Consider This
There is a whole segment of the population with
a mentality that bases good times on where they
can go and what they can buy
-Jeff Foxworthy
People don’t buy from sales people because
they understand products but because they felt
the salesperson understands their problems.
Put the desires of the prospect ahead of
anything else, especially you, your product and
your company
Consider This
Steve Jobs to John Scully to lure him to Apple
from Pepsi:
 “Do you want to sell sugar water the rest of your life
or do you want to change the world?”
People buy when the pain of the problem is
greater that the cost of the solution
They buy Benefits
Avoid pain
Feel better
Feel smarter
Save time
Save money
Save hassle
And they buy your competitive advantage that
addresses all their other wants, needs and beliefs
Be the Sale!
The majority of people make purchasing
decisions based on:
An emotional experience
Lack of vision of the actual product or service
So help your prospect imagine that great vision
of what you're selling.
”Believing" in your products or
4 critical elements required for belief
and confidentce are:
 Your Product Cost – Competitive with value
added components (see benefits and
competitive advantages)
 Your Product Quality - Prove it don’t just talk
about it (testimonials, case studies, awards…)
 Creative Solutions – Positioning above the
competition with innovation
 Meet or beat Deadlines
Target Market
Targeting Involves
Who buys what
Why they buy it
Where they buy it
Target Market
Taking Dead Aim
Who will benefit most from my
products and services?
Why do customers do business with
What do your customers have in
The Ultimate Targeting Exercise
If you could magically
define the “ideal client,”
what would they look like?
Your Best Prospect
….is a current customer
Second best is a past customer
Questions are the answers
to successful selling
Better Questions Get Better Answers
Questions generate and guide conversations
It’s not the gift of gab it’s the mastery of the art of asking
Consider the Green Eggs and
Ham Approach
Relentless regardless of objections.
Would you try them with a fox?
Wearing socks?
In a moat or a boat?
Sam is a great model for the power
of persistence.
The friend decides to taste
only to discover he LOVES it!
What Questions to Ask
Impact Questions about
 Situations - Discovery
 Problems - Clarify
 Implications
 Justification of solutions
Questions allow you to help prospects identify
their real problems
Questions can help them envision the true costs
of complacency
Questions can unearth potential objections early
Questions engage intellectually and emotionally
demonstrating a sincere interest in them
Situation Assessment
How has that impacted…
How useful has it been…
What were the reasons behind that….
What is missing in your opinion…
Has anything changed since we last met?
Clarification Questions
Why is that important to you…
What do you mean by that…
Let me make sure I understand you…
Use lots of what questions
Justification Questions
Get the buyer to identify the benefits and the
payoff to your solution
How would that impact…
What would you change about..
If you could have it how would that impact?
What would it take…
Ideally what would you like…
More Power Questions
 What do you like about what you’re currently doing?
 What don’t you like about your current situation?
 What would you like to be enhanced or improved?
 What can you tell me about your priorities?
 What prompted you to start this project now?
 What can you tell me about your decision-making process?
 How do you handle budget considerations?
 What other options are you looking at?
 What can you tell me about the people involved in the process?
 What obstacles are in the way of moving this forward?
 How will you be evaluating different options?
 How much support does this have at the executive level?
Overcoming Objections
Product knowledge
Confidence in yourself
Confidence in the product and company
All of this must come together in overcoming
Overcoming Objections
You must combine technique with honesty and
conviction to resolve any doubts
Overcoming Objections
How many times have you heard:
 Im not sure
 I need to think about it
 Call me in 6 months
Overcoming Objections
Client is sending a signal that they are ready to
buy but are afraid to make decisions
You must eliminate fears
How to Overcome
Listen fully
Confirm the objection
Qualify it as the only objection
Question and explore the one objection more
Answer the objection
Pre-close on the answer to the objection
Re-orient the discussion
Price Objection
Increase perceived value
Long term commitment
Give something; get something
Build more credibility
Point out other value (non invoice items)
Overcoming Objections
Once you get into discounting and competing
on price, you are pretty well doomed
Prices should be moveable but not the only point
of differentiation
Don’t Do (worst practices)
• Argue (dead right)
• Attack the person
• Never assume you understand their language
• Insult
• Avoid issues
• Shift responsibility or blame
• Contradict
• Make the person wrong
• Dwell too long on an objection
• Guess or make up an answer
Closing – high probability
selling style
 The 'Closing' is the sum total of the entire series of agreements.
Closing happens at all stages of the sales process.
 During the sales process, almost any point of discussion provides
an opportunity for a commitment. It's as simple as asking questions
 "This system will produce at least 20% more. Is that what you
 "Is it profitable to spend x dollars to achieve that magnitude of
 "The solution requires a new approach and process. Is that
Closing – high probability
selling style
 If I could show you a way that you can double or triple
your sales closing rate -- and teach you how to sell
50% to 100% of all prospects that you come in contact
with -- are you willing to spend
Making the sale
Final step in transaction
Identify next action
Closing Tips
Watch emotions and body language
Don’t buy it back
There are no, “Ill get back to you…”
Closing is really opening a relationship so
concentrate on building a partnership
Follow Up…Consider This
Keep in touch and follow up
Keep-in-touch marketing is a way to stay in front
of your prospects and customers.
Develop follow up systems with every prospect.
Gently persist with your prospects with regular
calls to check back in with them.
“Not right now” does not mean “no.” “We’re
working with another company” does not mean
“no.” Until you hear the word “No,” it’s not a
Keep in touch and follow up
 Studies show that over 80% of sales take place after seven
 To be absolutely effective in your sales follow up you need to
plan on having at least seven contacts with your prospects.
 44% of all salespeople quit trying after the first call
 24% quit after the second call
 14% quit after the third call
 12% quit trying to sell their prospect after the fourth call
 This means that 94% of all salespeople quit after the fourth call.
But 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call.
Keep in touch and follow up
So, how are you currently keeping in touch with
your prospects and customers on a regular and
consistent basis?
Customer Loyalty is
Keeping in touch creates and builds customer
Customer Loyalty is
Loyal customers always return & become a
dependable lifetime sales stream
Loyal customers brag about your
service/product creating Word of Mouth (WOM)
advertising ; the most effective marketing
You can sell your products for higher prices
Loyal customers are more forgiving when a
mistake is made
Its All About Relationship
People buy products from sales people they like
and enjoy working with.
You have to be interesting and fun to talk to.
A good salesperson/effort means that you will
take the time to develop the relationship with
your prospect.
Seller Beware
Buyers are becoming more of an expert
Customer expectations are rising
Competition is intensifying
Markets are becoming global
Selling Trends
Online Video Conferencing
Web/Phone Conferencing
Text Chat / IM
Social Media
Mobile Information Access
Selling Trends …continued
Controlled Word of Mouth
Individuals speaking positively about a product
in a way that does not make it obvious that they
are hired to do so (guerrilla marketing; guerrilla
E.g. train conversation
Action Items to Start
Increasing Productivity:
Examine where sales people spend their time
 Look for activity to delegate
Create maximum selling time
Improve the selling atmosphere
Make compensation an incentive and
Discuss the company's sales and overall business
strategy on a regular basis.
Continuous improvement including training and
Taking Your Sales to A New
…Wrap Up
Personal Selling – Satisfy customer needs at
the highest level
Make your selling different
No Rapport – No Sale
People buy your competitive advantage
Always be selling; always be closing
Just Remember…
Happens Until
Something is
Thanks for your Participation
March 7-11, 2017
Please complete the evaluation to provide your
feedback on this session and suggest topics for
future events.
 Remember to mark these upcoming events on
your calendar!
Happy Selling!!

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Selling during tough times world of asphalt - 90 minutes - nashville 2016

  • 2. Selling During Tough Times Do you need Sales ? Do you need Marketing? Do you need Both?
  • 3. Personal Selling With an emphasis on “Personal” and “Selling”
  • 4. The Purpose of Personal Selling To bring the right product/service into contact with the right customer and to motivate that customer to take action (buy)
  • 5. The Essence of Personal Selling The presentation of products with persuasive messages to prospects and customers Persuasive conversation is 2 way, not 1 The goal is to match customer’s needs and wants with goods and services offered Ultimate Objective: Make a Sale
  • 6. Objectives of Personal Selling Increase sales volume (units/revenues) Increase sales per customers Increase customer buying frequency Increase number of customers
  • 7. Personal Selling Ultimate Goal Ensuring customers needs are satisfied at a high level
  • 8. Advantages of Personal Selling Two way communication Adjust the message Specific questions answered Objectives can be addressed relationships
  • 9. Sales Rep Role Gather customer info Communicate benefits Prospecting Demonstrate the product Advise; consult Keep in touch; rapport; goodwill Start the order processing with an order
  • 10. What Makes a Good Salesperson Interpersonal Qualities Flexibility Self Motivated Problem Solver Knowledge Presentation / Communication
  • 11. What Makes Your Selling Different Sell with a positive attitude You motivate people to take action Convincing, persuading, communicating value Asking for and getting the order
  • 12. What Make Your Selling Different Part II Diligence can be a differentiator
  • 13. Which type of sales person are you Order taker Customer service provider Consultant / advisor New business development Relationship manager
  • 14. 8 Step Selling Process  prospecting /targeting developing a list of potential buyers   approach initial face-to-face contact with prospect during which first impressions are formed  presentation presentation/demonstration of how the product fills a need or solves a problem for the prospect   needs analysis discovery and assessment of prospects needs  
  • 15. 8 Step Selling Process  answering questions prospect provides feedback and salesperson attempts to further tailor the presentation for the prospect's needs  overcoming objections  close salesperson asks the prospect to buy  followup delivery, customer service, referrals , keep in touch
  • 16. Personal Selling is Not (Worst Practices) Manipulative Arrogant Aggressive Greedy Unscrupulous Only out for the transaction
  • 17. Rapport No Rapport – No Likability No Likability – No Trust No Trust – No Sale
  • 19. Rapport Gets you in synch with your prospect Breaks down defense walls Promotes open and honest communication
  • 20. Rapport - How Focus on the buyer Consumer interests Speak their language Offer value – law of reciprocity Humanize your admissions Share something personal Testimonials and case studies Compliment to show respect
  • 21. Rapport – How …continued Be different Be first Be new Respect time Understand them enough to see the world through their eyes
  • 22. Therefore… Shut up and listen Don’t be a stranger for long Use their name Speak their language Find the problem; solve it Don’t sell and oversell Don’t make it all about you
  • 23. No Rapport – No Sale
  • 25. Why People Buy Purchasing behavior is unpredictable therefore overcome objectives and solve every problem
  • 27. Why People Buy Positive Results when you anticipate emotional needs of customers
  • 28. People Buy To: Solve problems Make themselves feel good Therefore remember they buy with their hearts too!
  • 29. Why People Buy 75% of buying decision are based on unconscious needs and wants  Prestige  Habits  Perceived value
  • 30. Buying Behavior Sometimes the consumer does not know what he wants
  • 31. Why People Buy People can be interested and not buy People can want something and not buy If they believe in something they will buy, given the opportunity and the means
  • 32. Consider This There is a whole segment of the population with a mentality that bases good times on where they can go and what they can buy -Jeff Foxworthy
  • 33. People don’t buy from sales people because they understand products but because they felt the salesperson understands their problems.
  • 34. Therefore… Put the desires of the prospect ahead of anything else, especially you, your product and your company
  • 35. Consider This Steve Jobs to John Scully to lure him to Apple from Pepsi:  “Do you want to sell sugar water the rest of your life or do you want to change the world?”
  • 36. People buy when the pain of the problem is greater that the cost of the solution
  • 37. They buy Benefits Avoid pain Feel better Feel smarter Save time Save money Save hassle
  • 38. And they buy your competitive advantage that addresses all their other wants, needs and beliefs
  • 39. Be the Sale! The majority of people make purchasing decisions based on: An emotional experience Lack of vision of the actual product or service So help your prospect imagine that great vision of what you're selling.
  • 40. ”Believing" in your products or services 4 critical elements required for belief and confidentce are:  Your Product Cost – Competitive with value added components (see benefits and competitive advantages)  Your Product Quality - Prove it don’t just talk about it (testimonials, case studies, awards…)  Creative Solutions – Positioning above the competition with innovation  Meet or beat Deadlines
  • 42. Targeting Involves Who buys what Why they buy it Where they buy it
  • 44. Taking Dead Aim Who will benefit most from my products and services? Why do customers do business with you? What do your customers have in common?
  • 45. The Ultimate Targeting Exercise If you could magically define the “ideal client,” what would they look like?
  • 46. Your Best Prospect ….is a current customer Second best is a past customer
  • 47. Questions are the answers to successful selling
  • 48. Better Questions Get Better Answers Questions generate and guide conversations It’s not the gift of gab it’s the mastery of the art of asking questions
  • 49. Consider the Green Eggs and Ham Approach Relentless regardless of objections. Would you try them with a fox? Wearing socks? In a moat or a boat? Sam is a great model for the power of persistence. The friend decides to taste only to discover he LOVES it!
  • 50. What Questions to Ask Impact Questions about  Situations - Discovery  Problems - Clarify  Implications  Justification of solutions
  • 51. Discovery Questions allow you to help prospects identify their real problems Questions can help them envision the true costs of complacency Questions can unearth potential objections early Questions engage intellectually and emotionally demonstrating a sincere interest in them
  • 52. Situation Assessment Questions How has that impacted… How useful has it been… What were the reasons behind that…. What is missing in your opinion… Has anything changed since we last met?
  • 53. Clarification Questions Why is that important to you… What do you mean by that… Let me make sure I understand you… Use lots of what questions
  • 54. Justification Questions Get the buyer to identify the benefits and the payoff to your solution How would that impact… What would you change about.. If you could have it how would that impact? What would it take… Ideally what would you like…
  • 55. More Power Questions  What do you like about what you’re currently doing?  What don’t you like about your current situation?  What would you like to be enhanced or improved?  What can you tell me about your priorities?  What prompted you to start this project now?  What can you tell me about your decision-making process?  How do you handle budget considerations?  What other options are you looking at?  What can you tell me about the people involved in the process?  What obstacles are in the way of moving this forward?  How will you be evaluating different options?  How much support does this have at the executive level?
  • 56. Overcoming Objections Product knowledge Creativity Confidence in yourself Confidence in the product and company All of this must come together in overcoming objections
  • 57. Overcoming Objections You must combine technique with honesty and conviction to resolve any doubts
  • 58. Overcoming Objections How many times have you heard:  Im not sure  I need to think about it  Call me in 6 months
  • 59. Overcoming Objections Client is sending a signal that they are ready to buy but are afraid to make decisions You must eliminate fears
  • 60. How to Overcome Listen fully Confirm the objection Qualify it as the only objection Question and explore the one objection more Answer the objection Pre-close on the answer to the objection Re-orient the discussion close
  • 61. Price Objection Increase perceived value Bonuses Bundling Long term commitment Give something; get something Build more credibility Point out other value (non invoice items)
  • 62. Overcoming Objections Once you get into discounting and competing on price, you are pretty well doomed Prices should be moveable but not the only point of differentiation
  • 63. Don’t Do (worst practices) • Argue (dead right) • Attack the person • Never assume you understand their language • Insult • Avoid issues • Shift responsibility or blame • Contradict • Make the person wrong • Dwell too long on an objection • Guess or make up an answer
  • 64. Closing – high probability selling style  The 'Closing' is the sum total of the entire series of agreements. Closing happens at all stages of the sales process.  During the sales process, almost any point of discussion provides an opportunity for a commitment. It's as simple as asking questions like:  "This system will produce at least 20% more. Is that what you want?"  "Is it profitable to spend x dollars to achieve that magnitude of result?”  "The solution requires a new approach and process. Is that acceptable?"
  • 65. Closing – high probability selling style  If I could show you a way that you can double or triple your sales closing rate -- and teach you how to sell 50% to 100% of all prospects that you come in contact with -- are you willing to spend
  • 66. Closing Making the sale Final step in transaction Identify next action
  • 67. Closing Tips Silence Watch emotions and body language Don’t buy it back There are no, “Ill get back to you…”
  • 68. Closing Closing is really opening a relationship so concentrate on building a partnership
  • 70. Keep in touch and follow up Keep-in-touch marketing is a way to stay in front of your prospects and customers. Develop follow up systems with every prospect. Gently persist with your prospects with regular calls to check back in with them. “Not right now” does not mean “no.” “We’re working with another company” does not mean “no.” Until you hear the word “No,” it’s not a “No.”
  • 71. Keep in touch and follow up  Studies show that over 80% of sales take place after seven contacts.  To be absolutely effective in your sales follow up you need to plan on having at least seven contacts with your prospects.  44% of all salespeople quit trying after the first call  24% quit after the second call  14% quit after the third call  12% quit trying to sell their prospect after the fourth call  This means that 94% of all salespeople quit after the fourth call. But 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call.
  • 72. Keep in touch and follow up So, how are you currently keeping in touch with your prospects and customers on a regular and consistent basis?
  • 73. Customer Loyalty is Everything Keeping in touch creates and builds customer loyalty
  • 74. Customer Loyalty is Everything Loyal customers always return & become a dependable lifetime sales stream Loyal customers brag about your service/product creating Word of Mouth (WOM) advertising ; the most effective marketing You can sell your products for higher prices Loyal customers are more forgiving when a mistake is made
  • 75. Its All About Relationship People buy products from sales people they like and enjoy working with. You have to be interesting and fun to talk to. A good salesperson/effort means that you will take the time to develop the relationship with your prospect.
  • 76. Seller Beware Buyers are becoming more of an expert Customer expectations are rising Competition is intensifying Markets are becoming global
  • 77. Selling Trends Online Video Conferencing Web/Phone Conferencing Text Chat / IM Social Media Mobile Information Access
  • 78. Selling Trends …continued Controlled Word of Mouth Individuals speaking positively about a product in a way that does not make it obvious that they are hired to do so (guerrilla marketing; guerrilla selling) E.g. train conversation
  • 79. Action Items to Start Increasing Productivity: Examine where sales people spend their time  Look for activity to delegate Create maximum selling time Improve the selling atmosphere Make compensation an incentive and understandable Discuss the company's sales and overall business strategy on a regular basis. Continuous improvement including training and education
  • 80. Taking Your Sales to A New Level …Wrap Up Personal Selling – Satisfy customer needs at the highest level Make your selling different No Rapport – No Sale People buy your competitive advantage Always be selling; always be closing
  • 82. Thanks for your Participation March 7-11, 2017 www.conexpoconagg.com www.ifpe.com Please complete the evaluation to provide your feedback on this session and suggest topics for future events.    Remember to mark these upcoming events on your calendar!