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Big Data, Disruption
and the 800 Pound
Gorilla in the Corner
Michael Stonebraker
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner 2
Michael Stonebraker
Adjunct Professor at MIT and
Tamr Co-founder
Mingo Sanchez
Sales Engineer
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
The Meaning of Big Data - 3 V’s
• Big Volume
— simple (SQL) analytics
— complex (non-SQL) analytics
• Big Velocity
— Drink from a fire hose
• Big Variety
— Large number of diverse data sources to integrate
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner 4
Big Volume - Little Analytics
• Well addressed by data warehouse crowd
• Who are pretty good at SQL analytics on
• Hundreds of nodes
• Petabytes of data
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Big Volume - Little Analytics
• Architecture
• Multi-node, partitioned, parallel column stores
• Except Oracle!!!
• No gorilla here
• But two disrupters are looming
First Disrupter– The Cloud
• Everybody will move there sooner or later
• Hamilton’s vignette
• Dewitt’s vignette
• You should be planning on moving decision support to
the cloud aggressively
• And cloud DBMSs are all moving to support elasticity
• Apply 1000 nodes or 5, depending on query requirements – pay
for what you need
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
First Disrupter– The Cloud
● AWS plays by different rules
• S3 has a dramatic (artificial) pricing advantage
relative to EBS
• House solutions are favored
• >50 tee shirt sizes!!!!
● Cloud architecture is a challenge!
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Second Disrupter — Warehouses are
Yesterday’s Issue
• Data science will supersede business
• As soon as enterprises can hire enough
competent data scientists
• After all would you like a predictive model or
a big table of numbers
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Second Disrupter — Warehouses are
Yesterday’s Issue
● Data Science is machine learning
• Deep learning
• Conventional machine learning (Deep learning will not take
over the world because of training data and explainability)
● Data Science is Non-SQL data analytics (PCA, SVD, …)
● Whatever your marketing department comes up with!
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Data Science is
Big Data - Big Analytics
• Complex math operations (machine learning, clustering,
trend detection, ….)
• The world of the “quants” and the “rocket scientists”
• Mostly specified as linear algebra on array data
• A dozen or so common ‘inner loops’
• Matrix multiply
• QR decomposition
• SVD decomposition
• Linear regression
• Run on CPUs, GPUs and/or other stuff
Solution Options
ML Packages
• SciKit-learn, tensor flow, …
• Code for popular algos (SciKit)
• Platform to code custom algo (tensor flow)
• No data management or persistence!
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Solution Options
R, SAS, Matlab, et al
● Weak or non-existent data management
● File system storage
● R doesn’t scale and is not a parallel system
Solution Options
RDBMS alone
● Code analytics in SQL
• Orders of magnitude too slow!!
• Tamr quickly discarded this tactic
● Coding operations as UDFs still requires you to
simulate arrays on top of tables
• And current UDF model not powerful enough to support
• Have to code in the UDF
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Array DBMSs
● SciDB, TileDB, et. al.
• Storage and filtering
• With competitive built-in algo
• Traction in genomics space
Solution Options
● Spark SQL is not competitive
● Neither is Spark Streaming
● Spark is popular parallel platform – do your own
• Tamr uses Spark, HBase, Elastic search,
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Solution Options
Map Reduce / Hadoop
● Not good for anything
• Map Reduce discarded by Google 5 years ago
● Hadoop has been rebranded as HDFS plus a bunch of
other stuff
● Remember that the cloud vendors have more
complete offerings (S3 plus …) in this area.
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Big Data — Big Analytics
● The wild west right now
• Hold onto your seat belt!
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Big Velocity
• Sensor tagging everything of value sends velocity
through the roof
• E.g. car insurance
• Smartphones as a mobile platform sends velocity
through the roof
• State of multiplayer internet games must be
recorded — sends velocity through the roof
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
• Big pattern — little state (electronic trading)
• Find me a ‘strawberry’ followed within 100 ms by a ‘banana’
• Complex event processing (CEP) is focused on this
• Patterns in a firehose
P.S. I started StreamBase but I have no current relationship with the
Two Different Solutions
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Big Pattern – Little State
● CEP is pretty mature
• Offerings from Tibco, Kafka, …
● What transaction model do you want?
• Exactly once semantics for sure
• Failure model?
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
• Big state - little pattern
• For every security, assemble my real-time global position
• And alert me if my exposure is greater than X
• Looks like high performance OLTP
• Want to update a database at very high speed
Two Different Solutions
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Solution Choices for New OLTP
● The elephants
• Slooooow!!!!
• See “Through the OLTP Looking Glass and
What We Found There” VLDB 2007
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Solution Choices for New OLTP
● Give up SQL
• Interesting to note that Cassandra
and Mongo are moving to (yup) SQL
● Give up ACID
• If you need ACID, this is a decision to
tear your hair out by doing it in user
• Can you guarantee you won’t need
ACID tomorrow?
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Solution Choices for New OLTP
● Keep ACID and SQL, but
• Use main memory
• Different XACT implementation
● Products from Microsoft, IBM, VoltDB, MemSQL, …
● I have not seen an application that overruns CEP
or NewSQL
• No gorilla here
Big Variety – The 800 Pound Gorilla
• Scenario #1 – Data Scientists
• Scenario #2 – Integration of silos
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Data Science
• Data scientist has an idea – e.g. does Rogaine cause weight
gain in mice?
• He must
• Find relevant data sets (Merck has 4000 or so Oracle data bases plus a
big data lake plus files) – and the public web is a treasure chest of info
• Perform data integration on the results
• A quote from a data scientist at iRobot “I spend 90% of my
time finding and cleaning data and then 90% of the other
10% checking the cleaning”
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Enterprise Problem
• GE has 75 procurement systems
• CFO estimates that GE can save $100M per year if it
can empower each of the 75 procurement offices to
discover the terms and conditions negotiated by
his/her 74 counterparts at contract renewal time
• And demand most favored nation status
• Requires integrating 75 supplier databases!
• Enterprises also want to integrate parts, customers, lab
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Data Integration Challenge
• For each local data source, have to
— Ingest the source
— Perform transformations (e.g. $ to Euros)
— Perform data cleaning (a rule of thumb is at
least 10% of your data is wrong or missing)
— Perform schema integration
— Perform deduplication (GE’s problem)
— Find “golden values” in clusters of duplicates
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
At Scale
• GE has about 10M supplier records
• Toyota Motor Europe has about 30M customer
• Do not even think about naïve algorithms in python!!!!
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Traditional Solution
• Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) packages plus
Master Data Management (MDM) tools
• Brought to you by Informatica, IBM, Talend, Knime, …
• ETL requires too much manual programmer effort
• And is architected wrong
• MDM does not scale
• Rule system issues
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
● Does “match/merge” with rules
• A human can grok about 500 rules….
● A GE classification problem
• 20M transaction records
• To be classified into a pre-existing hierarchy
● GE wrote 500 rules
• Which classified 2M transactions
• What about the other 18M?
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
A Better Solution — Tamr
● Uses ML for schema integration, deduplication
and golden value resolution
• E.g. Used result of 500 rules as training data for an
ML model which classified the rest of the GE
• Dedup is not N ** 2 (that would be death)
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
The Future
• Lots of startups in this space
• Some oriented toward “data preparation”
• A few focused on enterprise data integration
• Some focused on text
• Some focused on deep learning
• The wild, wild west
• Hold onto your seat belt
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
• ML will be omnipresent
• Some deep learning
• Some conventional ML
• Complex analytics (data science) will replace
business intelligence
• As soon as we can train enough data scientists
• Both will get nowhere without good data
• Requires data integration at scale
• The 800 pound gorilla
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner
Thank you!

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Michael Stonebraker: Big Data, Disruption, and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner

  • 1. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Michael Stonebraker
  • 2. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner 2 Speakers Michael Stonebraker Adjunct Professor at MIT and Tamr Co-founder Mingo Sanchez Sales Engineer
  • 3. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner The Meaning of Big Data - 3 V’s • Big Volume — simple (SQL) analytics — complex (non-SQL) analytics • Big Velocity — Drink from a fire hose • Big Variety — Large number of diverse data sources to integrate 3
  • 4. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner 4 Big Volume - Little Analytics • Well addressed by data warehouse crowd • Who are pretty good at SQL analytics on • Hundreds of nodes • Petabytes of data
  • 5. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Big Volume - Little Analytics • Architecture • Multi-node, partitioned, parallel column stores • Except Oracle!!! • No gorilla here • But two disrupters are looming 5
  • 6. First Disrupter– The Cloud • Everybody will move there sooner or later • Hamilton’s vignette • Dewitt’s vignette • You should be planning on moving decision support to the cloud aggressively • And cloud DBMSs are all moving to support elasticity • Apply 1000 nodes or 5, depending on query requirements – pay for what you need 6
  • 7. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner First Disrupter– The Cloud ● AWS plays by different rules • S3 has a dramatic (artificial) pricing advantage relative to EBS • House solutions are favored • >50 tee shirt sizes!!!! ● Cloud architecture is a challenge! 7
  • 8. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Second Disrupter — Warehouses are Yesterday’s Issue • Data science will supersede business intelligence • As soon as enterprises can hire enough competent data scientists • After all would you like a predictive model or a big table of numbers 8
  • 9. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Second Disrupter — Warehouses are Yesterday’s Issue ● Data Science is machine learning • Deep learning • Conventional machine learning (Deep learning will not take over the world because of training data and explainability) ● Data Science is Non-SQL data analytics (PCA, SVD, …) ● Whatever your marketing department comes up with! 9
  • 10. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Data Science is Big Data - Big Analytics • Complex math operations (machine learning, clustering, trend detection, ….) • The world of the “quants” and the “rocket scientists” • Mostly specified as linear algebra on array data • A dozen or so common ‘inner loops’ • Matrix multiply • QR decomposition • SVD decomposition • Linear regression • Run on CPUs, GPUs and/or other stuff 10
  • 11. Solution Options ML Packages • SciKit-learn, tensor flow, … • Code for popular algos (SciKit) • Platform to code custom algo (tensor flow) • No data management or persistence! 11
  • 12. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Solution Options R, SAS, Matlab, et al ● Weak or non-existent data management ● File system storage ● R doesn’t scale and is not a parallel system 12
  • 13. Solution Options RDBMS alone ● Code analytics in SQL • Orders of magnitude too slow!! • Tamr quickly discarded this tactic ● Coding operations as UDFs still requires you to simulate arrays on top of tables • And current UDF model not powerful enough to support iteration • Have to code in the UDF 13
  • 14. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Array DBMSs ● SciDB, TileDB, et. al. • Storage and filtering • With competitive built-in algo • Traction in genomics space 14
  • 15. Solution Options Spark ● Spark SQL is not competitive ● Neither is Spark Streaming ● Spark is popular parallel platform – do your own plumbing • Tamr uses Spark, HBase, Elastic search, Postgres 15
  • 16. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Solution Options Map Reduce / Hadoop ● Not good for anything • Map Reduce discarded by Google 5 years ago ● Hadoop has been rebranded as HDFS plus a bunch of other stuff ● Remember that the cloud vendors have more complete offerings (S3 plus …) in this area. 16
  • 17. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Big Data — Big Analytics ● The wild west right now • Hold onto your seat belt! 17
  • 18. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Big Velocity • Sensor tagging everything of value sends velocity through the roof • E.g. car insurance • Smartphones as a mobile platform sends velocity through the roof • State of multiplayer internet games must be recorded — sends velocity through the roof 18
  • 19. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner • Big pattern — little state (electronic trading) • Find me a ‘strawberry’ followed within 100 ms by a ‘banana’ • Complex event processing (CEP) is focused on this problem • Patterns in a firehose P.S. I started StreamBase but I have no current relationship with the company Two Different Solutions 19
  • 20. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Big Pattern – Little State ● CEP is pretty mature • Offerings from Tibco, Kafka, … ● What transaction model do you want? • Exactly once semantics for sure • Failure model? 20
  • 21. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner • Big state - little pattern • For every security, assemble my real-time global position • And alert me if my exposure is greater than X • Looks like high performance OLTP • Want to update a database at very high speed 21 Two Different Solutions
  • 22. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Solution Choices for New OLTP Old SQL ● The elephants • Slooooow!!!! • See “Through the OLTP Looking Glass and What We Found There” VLDB 2007 22
  • 23. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Solution Choices for New OLTP No SQL ● Give up SQL • Interesting to note that Cassandra and Mongo are moving to (yup) SQL ● Give up ACID • If you need ACID, this is a decision to tear your hair out by doing it in user code • Can you guarantee you won’t need ACID tomorrow? 23
  • 24. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Solution Choices for New OLTP New SQL ● Keep ACID and SQL, but • Use main memory • Different XACT implementation ● Products from Microsoft, IBM, VoltDB, MemSQL, … ● I have not seen an application that overruns CEP or NewSQL • No gorilla here 24
  • 25. Big Variety – The 800 Pound Gorilla • Scenario #1 – Data Scientists • Scenario #2 – Integration of silos 25
  • 26. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Data Science • Data scientist has an idea – e.g. does Rogaine cause weight gain in mice? • He must • Find relevant data sets (Merck has 4000 or so Oracle data bases plus a big data lake plus files) – and the public web is a treasure chest of info • Perform data integration on the results • A quote from a data scientist at iRobot “I spend 90% of my time finding and cleaning data and then 90% of the other 10% checking the cleaning” 26
  • 27. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Enterprise Problem • GE has 75 procurement systems • CFO estimates that GE can save $100M per year if it can empower each of the 75 procurement offices to discover the terms and conditions negotiated by his/her 74 counterparts at contract renewal time • And demand most favored nation status • Requires integrating 75 supplier databases! • Enterprises also want to integrate parts, customers, lab data,… 27
  • 28. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Data Integration Challenge • For each local data source, have to — Ingest the source — Perform transformations (e.g. $ to Euros) — Perform data cleaning (a rule of thumb is at least 10% of your data is wrong or missing) — Perform schema integration — Perform deduplication (GE’s problem) — Find “golden values” in clusters of duplicates 28
  • 29. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner At Scale • GE has about 10M supplier records • Toyota Motor Europe has about 30M customer records • Do not even think about naïve algorithms in python!!!! 29
  • 30. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Traditional Solution • Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) packages plus Master Data Management (MDM) tools • Brought to you by Informatica, IBM, Talend, Knime, … • ETL requires too much manual programmer effort • And is architected wrong • MDM does not scale • Rule system issues 30
  • 31. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner MDM ● Does “match/merge” with rules • A human can grok about 500 rules…. ● A GE classification problem • 20M transaction records • To be classified into a pre-existing hierarchy ● GE wrote 500 rules • Which classified 2M transactions • What about the other 18M? 31
  • 32. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner A Better Solution — Tamr ● Uses ML for schema integration, deduplication and golden value resolution • E.g. Used result of 500 rules as training data for an ML model which classified the rest of the GE transactions • Dedup is not N ** 2 (that would be death) 32
  • 33. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner The Future • Lots of startups in this space • Some oriented toward “data preparation” • A few focused on enterprise data integration • Some focused on text • Some focused on deep learning • The wild, wild west • Hold onto your seat belt 33
  • 34. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Summary • ML will be omnipresent • Some deep learning • Some conventional ML • Complex analytics (data science) will replace business intelligence • As soon as we can train enough data scientists • Both will get nowhere without good data • Requires data integration at scale • The 800 pound gorilla 34
  • 35. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Questions? 35
  • 36. Big Data, Disruption and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Corner Thank you!