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Guest Lecture
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Brittany Hagedorn
Healthcare Lead, North America
LEED AP, Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, MBA
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
• Constant arrival and service time
• Customers will arrive 30 seconds apart
• Each one will be served a standard product
– (Pretty) constant serving time
– 25 seconds
Waiting Line Situation One
0 30 60 90 120
1st customer 2nd customer 3rd customer 4th customer
1st customer 2nd customer 3rd customer 4th customer
There is no waiting!
• Constant service and random arrival time
• Average arrival rate is still the same
Waiting Line Situation Two
0 30 60 90 120
1st customer
2nd customer
1st customer
2nd customer
4th customer
3rd customer
4th customer
There is some waiting!
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
The flaw of averages
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
The flaw of averages
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
What is simulation?
Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a
real-world process or system over time. The act
of simulating something first requires that a model
be developed; this model represents the key
characteristics or behaviors/functions of the
selected physical or abstract system or process.
The model represents the system itself, whereas
the simulation represents the operation of the
system over time.
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
• Variability
– Arrival rates
– Process times
– Break downs
– Change overs
• Interconnectedness
• Complexity
• Resource constraints
Key characteristics of
Variability: Where It Comes From
Random arrivals
(randomness is the rule,
not the exception)
Incoming quality
Product mix
Processing times
Inherent variation
Lack of procedures
Quality (scrap/rework)
Operator absence
Setup times
Variable routing
Dedicated resources
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
When to Use Simulation
Back Looking
It is desirable to understand the impact of a change to a policy, a
business process, or a space layout – before you implement.
Simulation enhances your existing decision making process.
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Situations For Simulation
• Average is not enough
• Complex process
• Many possible input variables
• Dependent relationships between variables
• Need a “Sand Box” test environment
• Risky (potential danger)
• Expensive (moving equipment, building walls)
• Time & Resource (running many tests to find the optimum)
• Rare occurrence (extremely high demand, disaster response)
• Data constraints (estimational, not available, or “dirty”)
• Stakeholder engagement (visualize the future in order to gain buy-in)
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
The benefits of simulation
Risk- Free
Uses data
confidence in
Test and
than a
the passing
of time
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Simulation is used to answer “What If” questions
about processes in many areas, including:
Revenue Cycle
Lean & Six
Supply Chain
Patient Delays &
Wait Lists
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Strategic Planning
Make sure you have enough
capacity before you build.
Visualize how processes will
flow in a new floor plan.
Test everyone’s ideas in a
virtual environment.
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Space Layout and Capacity
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Systems Thinking
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Process Change
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Essentials in a simulation project
• Problem statement
• Process details
– Process maps
– Data
– Rules
• Measures of success/failure
• (List of scenarios to test)
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
These questions need to be answered before you
can begin to build a simulation.
1. What is the question you want to answer?
2. How will you measure performance?
3. What are your levers (variables)?
Scope Definition
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Data Accuracy Requirements
How much data do you need in order to build a reasonable simulation?
Approximation is often beneficial
for the first phase of a project:
• Minimal need for data
collection and analysis.
• Can be provided by
• Easy to understand and
• Represents a typical
day/patient/event, rather
than uncommon events.
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Requirements for Process Simulation
• Accurate & agreed process definition
• Accurate process times (especially bottlenecks)
• Accurate resource definition (who does what)
• Availability (people) and Downtime (equipment)
• Undisclosed quality issues (rework)
• Understanding of causes and magnitude of delays
• Key process and outcome metrics
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Simulation Project Life Cycle
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SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Click to edit Master title style
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Call center case study
• Project delivered for a Top 3 US bank
• Very large call center
– 400,000 calls per day
– 20,000 agents on staff
• Agents have different proficiencies for
different call types
• Objective: reduce staffing levels without
sacrificing customer service
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Call center case study
-4% -3% -2% -1% Current 1% 2%
Staffing Levels
Service Levels
Occupancy Rates
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Call center case study
• Results:
– Model development uncovered a wealth of
information about internal systems/processes
– Identified savings of over $20M annually
• Additional capabilities:
– Staffing strategies
– Customer prioritization
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
London Gatwick Airport case study
• Gatwick Airport was acquired by Global
Infrastructure Partners several years ago
• GIP are looking to improve the airport in
order to sell it at a profit
• Second largest airport in London
– 38M passengers (it would be the 13th largest
airport in the US, right behind Miami)
– Single runway
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
London Gatwick Airport case study
• Objective: increase passenger dwell time
in the departure lounge
– Reduce time at check-in
– Reduce time at security
– Increase time in departure lounge
• 3 interlinked models were developed, one
for each area
• Today we are showing the security model
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
London Gatwick Airport case study
• Results:
– Comprehensive set of tools to test a wide
range of scenarios
– Tool used to communicate changes to the
terminal to airlines
– A single metal detector per 2 security lanes
will not impact waiting times significantly
– Reduction in staff supervising the e-gates
– Lessons learned applied to Edinburgh Airport
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SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Click to edit Master title style
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Example 2
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Example 3
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Example 3
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SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
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Kristen’s Cookie Company
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Kristen’s cookie company - processes
Process Process time Resource
Wash and mix 6 minutes You
Spoon 2 minutes You
Set temperature 1 minute Roommate, oven
Bake 9 minutes Oven
Pack 2 minute Roommate
Payment 1 minute Roommate
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Kristen’s cookie company - processes
• Let’s build the baseline model together
• Add the following results to the Results
– Utilization (all resources)
– Total number orders delivered
– % of orders completed within 60 minutes
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
Kristen’s cookie company - processes
• Add variability in process times / arrivals
• What happens when you add another
• Should we add any financial information?
• Can you think of any other improvements?
SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com
1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888
• What are your thoughts on simulation?
• Can you think of areas of application in
your organization?

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SIMUL8 Student Guest Lecture

  • 2. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Introductions Brittany Hagedorn Healthcare Lead, North America LEED AP, Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, MBA Brittany.H@SIMUL8.com 920-296-9540
  • 3. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Variability
  • 4. • Constant arrival and service time • Customers will arrive 30 seconds apart • Each one will be served a standard product – (Pretty) constant serving time – 25 seconds Waiting Line Situation One 0 30 60 90 120 1st customer 2nd customer 3rd customer 4th customer 1st customer 2nd customer 3rd customer 4th customer There is no waiting!
  • 5. • Constant service and random arrival time • Average arrival rate is still the same Waiting Line Situation Two 0 30 60 90 120 1st customer 2nd customer enters 1st customer 2nd customer 3rd customer 4th customer wait wa it 3rd customer enters 4th customer enters There is some waiting!
  • 6. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 The flaw of averages
  • 7. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 The flaw of averages
  • 8. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 What is simulation? Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed; this model represents the key characteristics or behaviors/functions of the selected physical or abstract system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the simulation represents the operation of the system over time.
  • 9. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 • Variability – Arrival rates – Process times – Break downs – Change overs • Interconnectedness • Complexity • Resource constraints Key characteristics of simulation
  • 10. Variability: Where It Comes From ProcessingBuffer Input Random arrivals (randomness is the rule, not the exception) Incoming quality Product mix Processing times Inherent variation Lack of procedures Quality (scrap/rework) Resources Breakdowns/Maintenance Operator absence Setup times Routing Variable routing Dedicated resources
  • 11. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 When to Use Simulation Looking Back Looking Forward It is desirable to understand the impact of a change to a policy, a business process, or a space layout – before you implement. Simulation enhances your existing decision making process. 11/18/2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BONSAI RESOURCE GROUP, INC. 8
  • 12. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Situations For Simulation • Average is not enough • Complex process • Many possible input variables • Dependent relationships between variables • Need a “Sand Box” test environment • Risky (potential danger) • Expensive (moving equipment, building walls) • Time & Resource (running many tests to find the optimum) • Rare occurrence (extremely high demand, disaster response) • Data constraints (estimational, not available, or “dirty”) • Stakeholder engagement (visualize the future in order to gain buy-in) 11/18/2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BONSAI RESOURCE GROUP, INC. 9
  • 13. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 The benefits of simulation Risk- Free Uses data intelligently Increases confidence in decision making Test and compares potential solutions More accurate than a spreadsheet Models variability Simulates the passing of time Visual- Engages Stakeholders
  • 14. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Applications Simulation is used to answer “What If” questions about processes in many areas, including: Revenue Cycle Capacity Lean & Six Sigma Supply Chain Staffing Operations Throughput Scheduling Patient Delays & Wait Lists
  • 15. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Strategic Planning Make sure you have enough capacity before you build. Visualize how processes will flow in a new floor plan. AND Test everyone’s ideas in a virtual environment.
  • 16. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Space Layout and Capacity 11/18/2015
  • 17. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Systems Thinking
  • 18. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Process Change 11/18/2015
  • 19. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Essentials in a simulation project • Problem statement • Process details – Process maps – Data – Rules • Measures of success/failure • (List of scenarios to test)
  • 20. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 These questions need to be answered before you can begin to build a simulation. 1. What is the question you want to answer? 2. How will you measure performance? 3. What are your levers (variables)? Scope Definition
  • 21. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Data Accuracy Requirements How much data do you need in order to build a reasonable simulation? Approximation is often beneficial for the first phase of a project: • Minimal need for data collection and analysis. • Can be provided by stakeholders. • Easy to understand and communicate. • Represents a typical day/patient/event, rather than uncommon events.
  • 22. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Requirements for Process Simulation • Accurate & agreed process definition • Accurate process times (especially bottlenecks) • Accurate resource definition (who does what) • Availability (people) and Downtime (equipment) • Undisclosed quality issues (rework) • Understanding of causes and magnitude of delays • Key process and outcome metrics
  • 23. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Simulation Project Life Cycle
  • 24. Click to edit Master title style SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Click to edit Master title style CASE STUDIES
  • 25. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Call center case study • Project delivered for a Top 3 US bank • Very large call center – 400,000 calls per day – 20,000 agents on staff • Agents have different proficiencies for different call types • Objective: reduce staffing levels without sacrificing customer service
  • 26. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Call center case study 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% -4% -3% -2% -1% Current 1% 2% Staffing Levels ServiceLevelsandOccupancyRates Service Levels Occupancy Rates
  • 27. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Call center case study • Results: – Model development uncovered a wealth of information about internal systems/processes – Identified savings of over $20M annually • Additional capabilities: – Staffing strategies – Customer prioritization
  • 28. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 London Gatwick Airport case study • Gatwick Airport was acquired by Global Infrastructure Partners several years ago • GIP are looking to improve the airport in order to sell it at a profit • Second largest airport in London – 38M passengers (it would be the 13th largest airport in the US, right behind Miami) – Single runway
  • 29. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 London Gatwick Airport case study • Objective: increase passenger dwell time in the departure lounge – Reduce time at check-in – Reduce time at security – Increase time in departure lounge • 3 interlinked models were developed, one for each area • Today we are showing the security model
  • 30. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 London Gatwick Airport case study • Results: – Comprehensive set of tools to test a wide range of scenarios – Tool used to communicate changes to the terminal to airlines – A single metal detector per 2 security lanes will not impact waiting times significantly – Reduction in staff supervising the e-gates – Lessons learned applied to Edinburgh Airport
  • 31. Click to edit Master title style SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Click to edit Master title style SIMUL8: HANDS-ON (INTRO)
  • 32. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Example 2
  • 33. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Example 3
  • 34. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Example 3
  • 35. Click to edit Master title style SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Click to edit Master title style SIMUL8: HANDS-ON Kristen’s Cookie Company
  • 36. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Kristen’s cookie company - processes Process Process time Resource Wash and mix 6 minutes You Spoon 2 minutes You Set temperature 1 minute Roommate, oven Bake 9 minutes Oven Pack 2 minute Roommate Payment 1 minute Roommate
  • 37. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Kristen’s cookie company - processes • Let’s build the baseline model together • Add the following results to the Results Manager – Utilization (all resources) – Total number orders delivered – % of orders completed within 60 minutes
  • 38. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Kristen’s cookie company - processes • Add variability in process times / arrivals • What happens when you add another oven? • Should we add any financial information? • Can you think of any other improvements?
  • 39. SIMUL8 Corporation | SIMUL8.com | info@SIMUL8.com 1 800 547 6024 | +44 141 552 6888 Wrap-up • What are your thoughts on simulation? • Can you think of areas of application in your organization?