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Data Democratization for
Faster Decision-making
and Business Agility
The Process of Making Data Accessible Enterprise Wide
Alex Hoehl
Senior Director, Partner Channel Sales &
Business Development, APAC
7 OCTOBER 2020
Agenda1. Customer Story: Prudential
2. Why Data Democratization
3. Data Management Challenges
4. Logical Architecture for Data Democratization
5. Customer Story: Seacoast Bank
How Prudential Achieved Data Democratization
Background - Data Challenges at Prudential
§ Inconsistent adoption
§ Not persistent across the entire cycle and organization
§ No comprehensive method of identification, content or access
Data Architecture
§ Fragmented and disconnected
§ Highly complex data environments
§ No central data catalog or metadata management
Data Operations
§ No standard data operations platform to manage the full lifecycle of data from
ingestion through to consumption
§ ETL everywhere with different technology across business units
Data Quality
§ Lack of data quality standards
§ Volumes of data makes it hard to focus
Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core
Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core
Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core
Data Virtualization Benefits Experienced by Prudential
• Reduced complexity
• Data catalog for discovery and access request workflows
Data Architecture
• Metadata management
• Provides governance tools naturally
• Enables Power Users
• Allows for “leapfrog” modernization efforts
Data Operations
• Centralized enrichment and quality services
• Plug and play on ingest and/or consumption
Data Quality
- Bernard Marr, 2017
Data Democratization means that everybody has access to data and there
are no gatekeepers that create a bottleneck at the gateway to the data. It
requires that we accompany the access with an easy way for people to
understand the data so that they can use it to expedite decision-making
and uncover opportunities for an organization.
Challenges in the Way of Enterprise Data Democratization
1. Faster & more complex demands for decision making
§ Significant increase in business speed & complexity of requirements
§ New users with advanced analytical skills and needs, e.g. datascientists
§ Solution? Self Service Initiatives lead by business users. Excel, data prep tools, end user reports, etc.
→ Either too complex (direct access) or too costly (specific data marts) , Governance and
consistency problems
2. Regulations, enterprise-wide governance & data security
§ Tens of new regulations worldwide: tax, finance, privacy, HR, environmental, etc.
§ Solution? Data Catalogs and Governance tools. Separate, static systems fordocumentation→
disconnected from the data delivery infrastructure
3. Complexity of DM infrastructure: IT cost reduction
§ Huge data growth, operation costs → IT is looking for cheaper and more flexible solutions
§ Solution? Cloud, Data Lakes → Increase integration complexity in the short term. E.g.Gartner
says “83% of Data Lakes projects have failed”
Logical Architecture and Data Catalog for
Data Democratization
Six Essential Capabilities of Data Virtualization
1. Business Semantic - Data abstraction
2. Zero replication, zero relocation
3. Real-time information
4. Self-service data services
5. Centralized metadata, security &
6. Cloud-Hybrid Accelerator
Logical Data Warehouse Reference Architecture
Data Catalog within Data Virtualization Platform for contextual information and collective intelligence.
The Denodo Data Catalog
ü Search, Discover – Google-like search for data and metadata.
ü Explore – View the graphical representation of semantic models and
preview data sets.
ü Share and Collaborate – Share data sets and collaborate with other
ü Personalize - Create personalized data sets using advanced query
ü Enhanced UI – Business-friendly user interface geared to roles such as
data stewards, data analysts, and citizen analysts.
The only data virtualization solution that seamlessly integrates
data catalog with data delivery.
Data Governance and Security in the Denodo Platform
• Role-based access control to data services, sources, and enterprise tools
• Row and column level fine-grained authorization
• Single sign-on using Kerberos; Security delegation; OAuth Support
• User authentication using LDAP, Active Directory
• Data Encryption, Masking, Tokenization and Redaction for data privacy
• Easy to enforce security and policies in one central place, the data
virtualization layer
• Consistent security model for all sources and all applications
• Secures both data and metadata.
Why a Logical Data Warehouse is Recommended For Data
§ The analytical technology landscape is shifting over time.
§ You need a flexible architecture that will allow you to embrace those
shifts rather than tie you down to a monolithic approach.
§ A logical architecture will easily accommodate such changes, and not
a physical architecture.
§ IT should be able to adopt newer technologies without impacting
business users.
Customer Story: Seacoast Bank
Customer Story: Seacoast Bank
Challenges Faced
§ Maintaining separate systems for back office
operations, data warehousing, and loan origination.
§ Series of mergers and acquisitions were adding to the
§ Ad hoc, manual reporting process.
§ Self Service across Departments
§ Faster Adjustment to changing reporting needs
Solution Architecture
Business Gains
§ Deposit and Loan Operations, to make
timely, accurate decisions.
§ Meet the operational and analytical needs
of multiple business units within the
organization by establishing self-service
§ Perform critical business operations,
such as loan processing, in real time.
§ Reduce reporting time from up to 3
days for static reports to as little as 2
hours (97% faster time to value)
- Mark Blanchette, VP and Director of Business Technology and Data Management at
Seacoast Bank
Denodo’s data virtualization technology has played the most
important role in enabling our business users to garner valuable
information through self-service reporting. The Denodo Platform’s
capability has significantly increased the speed at which business
is carried out at Seacoast Bank.
DV for Data Democratization - Key Takeaways
ü Easy Access to All Data needed for All Users without Bottlenecks and Gatekeepers
ü Fine-Grain Access Control and Data Governance with Advanced Security
ü Flexible Data Catalogue that empowers End Users and enables Self-Service
ü Democratization of the consumption of analytical data – business users can use
any reporting tool
ü Significantly faster Time to Value (-80%)
More Information?
D E N O D O V I R T U A L L U N C H & L E A R N A S E A N :
Respond Quickly in a Crisis
with a Logical Data Layer
Thursday, 15 October 2020
12.00pm - 1.30pm SGT
Elaine Chan
Regional Vice President,
Sales, ASEAN & Korea
Chris Day
APAC Sales Engineering
Bridging the Last Mile: Getting Data to the
People Who Need It
Chris Day
Director, APAC Sales Engineering, Denodo
Sushant Kumar
Product Marketing Manager, Denodo
Thursday, 22 October 2020 | 10.00am - 11.00am SGT REGISTER NOW
www.denodo.com info@denodo.com
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Data Democratization for Faster Decision-making and Business Agility (ASEAN)

  • 1. Data Democratization for Faster Decision-making and Business Agility The Process of Making Data Accessible Enterprise Wide Alex Hoehl Senior Director, Partner Channel Sales & Business Development, APAC 3RD CDO ASIA SUMMIT 7 OCTOBER 2020
  • 2. Agenda1. Customer Story: Prudential 2. Why Data Democratization 3. Data Management Challenges 4. Logical Architecture for Data Democratization 5. Customer Story: Seacoast Bank
  • 3. 3 How Prudential Achieved Data Democratization Background - Data Challenges at Prudential Governance § Inconsistent adoption § Not persistent across the entire cycle and organization § No comprehensive method of identification, content or access Data Architecture § Fragmented and disconnected § Highly complex data environments § No central data catalog or metadata management Data Operations § No standard data operations platform to manage the full lifecycle of data from ingestion through to consumption § ETL everywhere with different technology across business units Data Quality § Lack of data quality standards § Volumes of data makes it hard to focus
  • 4. 4 Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core Data Virtua- lisation
  • 5. 5 Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core Data Virtua- lisation
  • 6. 6 Prudential Architecture with Data Virtualization at its Core Data Virtua- lisation
  • 7. 7 Data Virtualization Benefits Experienced by Prudential • Reduced complexity • Data catalog for discovery and access request workflows Data Architecture • Metadata management • Provides governance tools naturally Governance • Enables Power Users • Allows for “leapfrog” modernization efforts Data Operations • Centralized enrichment and quality services • Plug and play on ingest and/or consumption Data Quality
  • 8. 8 - Bernard Marr, 2017 Data Democratization means that everybody has access to data and there are no gatekeepers that create a bottleneck at the gateway to the data. It requires that we accompany the access with an easy way for people to understand the data so that they can use it to expedite decision-making and uncover opportunities for an organization.
  • 9. 10 Challenges in the Way of Enterprise Data Democratization 1. Faster & more complex demands for decision making § Significant increase in business speed & complexity of requirements § New users with advanced analytical skills and needs, e.g. datascientists § Solution? Self Service Initiatives lead by business users. Excel, data prep tools, end user reports, etc. → Either too complex (direct access) or too costly (specific data marts) , Governance and consistency problems 2. Regulations, enterprise-wide governance & data security § Tens of new regulations worldwide: tax, finance, privacy, HR, environmental, etc. § Solution? Data Catalogs and Governance tools. Separate, static systems fordocumentation→ disconnected from the data delivery infrastructure 3. Complexity of DM infrastructure: IT cost reduction § Huge data growth, operation costs → IT is looking for cheaper and more flexible solutions § Solution? Cloud, Data Lakes → Increase integration complexity in the short term. E.g.Gartner says “83% of Data Lakes projects have failed”
  • 10. Logical Architecture and Data Catalog for Data Democratization
  • 11. 13 Six Essential Capabilities of Data Virtualization 1. Business Semantic - Data abstraction Layer 2. Zero replication, zero relocation 3. Real-time information 4. Self-service data services 5. Centralized metadata, security & governance 6. Cloud-Hybrid Accelerator
  • 12. 14 Logical Data Warehouse Reference Architecture
  • 13. 15 Data Catalog within Data Virtualization Platform for contextual information and collective intelligence. The Denodo Data Catalog ü Search, Discover – Google-like search for data and metadata. ü Explore – View the graphical representation of semantic models and preview data sets. ü Share and Collaborate – Share data sets and collaborate with other users. ü Personalize - Create personalized data sets using advanced query wizard. ü Enhanced UI – Business-friendly user interface geared to roles such as data stewards, data analysts, and citizen analysts. The only data virtualization solution that seamlessly integrates data catalog with data delivery.
  • 14. 16 Data Governance and Security in the Denodo Platform • Role-based access control to data services, sources, and enterprise tools • Row and column level fine-grained authorization • Single sign-on using Kerberos; Security delegation; OAuth Support • User authentication using LDAP, Active Directory • Data Encryption, Masking, Tokenization and Redaction for data privacy • Easy to enforce security and policies in one central place, the data virtualization layer • Consistent security model for all sources and all applications • Secures both data and metadata.
  • 15. 17 Why a Logical Data Warehouse is Recommended For Data Democratization? § The analytical technology landscape is shifting over time. § You need a flexible architecture that will allow you to embrace those shifts rather than tie you down to a monolithic approach. § A logical architecture will easily accommodate such changes, and not a physical architecture. § IT should be able to adopt newer technologies without impacting business users.
  • 17. 19 Customer Story: Seacoast Bank Challenges Faced § Maintaining separate systems for back office operations, data warehousing, and loan origination. § Series of mergers and acquisitions were adding to the complexity. § Ad hoc, manual reporting process. Goals § Self Service across Departments § Faster Adjustment to changing reporting needs
  • 18. 20 Solution Architecture Business Gains § Deposit and Loan Operations, to make timely, accurate decisions. § Meet the operational and analytical needs of multiple business units within the organization by establishing self-service capabilities § Perform critical business operations, such as loan processing, in real time. § Reduce reporting time from up to 3 days for static reports to as little as 2 hours (97% faster time to value)
  • 19. 21 - Mark Blanchette, VP and Director of Business Technology and Data Management at Seacoast Bank Denodo’s data virtualization technology has played the most important role in enabling our business users to garner valuable information through self-service reporting. The Denodo Platform’s capability has significantly increased the speed at which business is carried out at Seacoast Bank.
  • 20. 25 DV for Data Democratization - Key Takeaways ü Easy Access to All Data needed for All Users without Bottlenecks and Gatekeepers ü Fine-Grain Access Control and Data Governance with Advanced Security ü Flexible Data Catalogue that empowers End Users and enables Self-Service ü Democratization of the consumption of analytical data – business users can use any reporting tool ü Significantly faster Time to Value (-80%)
  • 23. 28 D E N O D O V I R T U A L L U N C H & L E A R N A S E A N : Respond Quickly in a Crisis with a Logical Data Layer Thursday, 15 October 2020 12.00pm - 1.30pm SGT REGISTER YOUR INTEREST bit.ly/2FzDrRg Elaine Chan Regional Vice President, Sales, ASEAN & Korea Chris Day Director, APAC Sales Engineering
  • 24. Bridging the Last Mile: Getting Data to the People Who Need It Chris Day Director, APAC Sales Engineering, Denodo Sushant Kumar Product Marketing Manager, Denodo Thursday, 22 October 2020 | 10.00am - 11.00am SGT REGISTER NOW bit.ly/3iTkRCg
  • 25. Thanks! www.denodo.com info@denodo.com © Copyright Denodo Technologies. All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this PDF file may be reproduced or utilized in any for or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without prior the written authorization from Denodo Technologies.