arnav chowdhury arnav pimr mis marketing management mba operating system working business entreprenuership entrepreneurship multimedia applications planning rdbms segmentation process management operating system dbms language computer basics internet e commerce information systems cyber laws sales promotion funding investing crowdfunding venture capital sources of fund consumer markets stp positioning targeting marketing concepts packaging plm plc branding product mix support exit strategies acquisitions merger strategy expansión purchase cycle marketing plan business plan research methods business research methods brm scaling sample size data collection business research problemsolving financing new venture planning venture venture ownership women entrepreneur economy traits of eship decision making entrepreneur powerpoint higher education education information and communication ict advantages. brief introduction about policies involved in cybe cyber safety mechanism: introduction bca cryptography. secure electronic transaction (set) secure socket layer (ssl) two factor authentications intrusion prevention system (ips). brief introdu intrusion detection system (ids) antivirus techniques: firewalls bca vi trojans. worms spyware online credential stealing pharming malware phishing offline credential stealing role playing factors responsible for cyber crimec reason behind cyber crime methods and taxonomy of cyber attacks cyber crime cyber world advantages of gadgets modern gadgets gadgets system information transaction processing systme management information system executive information system decision support system dss eis tps information system types types of information system components of information system staffing directing motivation leadership types leadership organization image compression image formats pixel graphics image stirage devices storage buffering output devices input devices virtual devices dedicated devices techniques of device management device management audio compression audio formats audio compression file formats frequency audio fundamentals computer fonts hypertext fonts conventional media to digital media internet multimedia web multimedia components of multimedia multimedia fundamentals posdcorb principle of management fayols principle management theory fundamentals of management recovery from deadlock deadlock avoidance deadlock detection deadlock characterization deadlocks process states process synchronization scheduling algorithm critical section problem cpu scheduling relationships entity attribute erd er diagram codds rule keys integrity constraints degree cardinality relational algebra demand paging frame allocation thrashing optimal page replacement lru fifo virtual memory page replacement memory management operatinf systme basics of operating system hardware management memory managemet os concepts types of operating system bca iii dbms user dbms model dbms architecture dbms basic dbms preparing presentation delivering presentation speeches presentation business communication fundamentals of computers ita modem information technology barriers to growth of e-commerce in india domain names e-commerce in india: the internet in issues of trademarks electronic payment systems: overview of electronic operational database registering websites with search engines dynamic website static website domain name registration setting up website global reach b2c b2b marketing types of e commerce arnrav prestige demerits of edi benefits of edi naute of edi electronic data interchange bba edi electronic business electronic commerce fundamentals od e comerce e business structural change in bpr enterprise resource planning bpr business process reengineering implementation of erp erp ai applications of ai natural interface robotics cognitive science artificial intelligence information system security of information system information system audit control of information system information secutiry aidas personal selling system development life cycle sdlc waterfall model spiral model
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