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Business Ethics
Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior?
• Ethics
– Moral code of principles.
– Set standards of “good” or “bad” or “right” or
“wrong” in one’s conduct.
• Ethical behavior
– What is accepted as good and right in the context
of the governing moral code.
Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior?
• Law, values, and ethical behavior:
– Legal behavior is not necessarily ethical behavior.
– Personal values help determine individual ethical
Figure 3.1: Four views of ethical behavior
Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior?
• Four alternative ethical views
– Utilitarian
• Delivers the greatest good to the most people
– Individualism
• Advances long-term self-interests
– Moral rights
• Maintains fundamental rights of all human beings
Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior?
– Justice view of ethics
• Fair and impartial treatment of people according to
legal rules and standards
– Procedural justice – policies and rules fairly applied
– Distributive justice – equal treatment for all people
– Interactional justice – people treated with dignity and
– Commutative justice – fairness to all involved
Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior?
• Cultural issues in ethical behavior:
– Cultural relativism
• Ethical behavior is always determined by cultural
– Moral absolutism
• Behavior unacceptable in one’s home environment
should not be acceptable anywhere else.
– Ethical imperialism
• Imposing one’s ethical standards on others.
Management 12e/ 7
The extremes of cultural relativism and ethical
imperialism in international business ethics.
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• An ethical dilemma
– occurs when choices, although having potential
for personal and/or organizational benefit, may
be considered unethical.
– Your co-worker asks you to cover for him so he
can sneak out of work early to go to his son’s
football game. Do you agree? If he went anyway,
would you keep silent?
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• Ethical dilemmas include:
Sexual harassment
Conflicts of interest
Product Safety
Organizational resources
Checklist for ethical dilemmas
Step 1 Recognize the ethical dilemma.
Step 2 Get the facts and identify your options.
Step 3 Test each option: Is it legal? Is it right? Is it beneficial?
Step 4 Decide which option to follow.
Step 5 Ask the Spotlight Questions: To double check your decision.
• “How would I feel if my family found out about my decision?”
• “How would I feel if my decision was printed in the local paper or posted online?”
Step 6 Take action
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• Influences on Ethical Decision Making
– Ethical framework
• Provides personal rules or strategies for ethical
decision making
• Includes personal values
– Honesty
– Fairness
– Integrity
– Self-respect
Kohlberg’s Stages
Moral Development
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• Situational Context and Ethics Intensity
– Will the situation pose an important ethic
Issue Intensity
• The six factors suggest that:
– the larger the number of people harmed
– the more agreement that the action is wrong
– the greater the likelihood that the action will cause harm
– the more immediately the consequences of the action will
be felt
– the closer the person feels to the victim
– The more concentrated the effect of the action on the
• The greater the issue intensity or importance
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• Organizational Culture
– What is considered ethical behavior within the
organizational context?
• What are the expectations of management?
• What are the expectations of co-workers?
• Is there a code of ethics?
• Code of ethics: a formal statement of an organization’s
primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees
to follow
• The effectiveness of a code of ethics depends heavily on
whether management supports them and how employees
that violate the codes are treated
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• External environment
Government laws
and regulations
Act of 2002)
Societal norms
and values
climate in an
Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace
• Ethical behavior can be rationalized by
convincing yourself that:
Behavior is not really illegal.
Behavior is really in everyone’s best interests.
Nobody will ever find out.
The organization will “protect” you.
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
•Moral Management
Managers behave in one of three
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
• Ethics training:
– Structured programs that help participants to
understand ethical aspects of decision making.
– Helps people incorporate high ethical standards
into daily life.
– Helps people deal with ethical issues under
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
• Codes of Ethical Conduct
– Formal statement of an organization’s values and
ethical principles regarding how to behave in
situations susceptible to the creation of ethical
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
• Areas often covered by codes of ethics:
Bribes and kickbacks
Political contributions
Honesty of books or records
Customer/supplier relationships
Confidentiality of corporate information
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
• Whistleblowers
– Expose misdeeds of others to:
• Preserve ethical standards
• Protect against wasteful, harmful, or illegal acts
– an individual who, without authorization, reveals
private or classified information about an
organization, usually related to wrongdoing or
– No specific whistleblower legislation yet exists in
Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards
• Barriers to whistleblowing include:
– Strict chain of command
– Strong work group identities
– Ambiguous priorities
Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility
• Sustainability:
– acting in ways that support a high quality of life
for present and future generations
• Alternative energy
• Recycling
• Waste avoidance
Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility
• Corporate social responsibility and
– Looks at ethical issues on the organization level.
– Obligates organizations to act in ways that serve
both its own interests and the interests of society
at large.
How Organizations Go Green
• Legal (light green) approach
• Market approach
• Stakeholder approach
• Activist approach
• Green management: managers consider the impact of
their organization on the natural environment
Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility
• Perspectives on social responsibility:
– Classical view
• Management’s only responsibility is to maximize
– Socioeconomic view
• Management must be concerned for the broader
social welfare, not just profits.
Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility
• Perspectives on social responsibility:
– Shared value view
• Approaches business decisions with the understanding
that economic and social progress are interconnected
• Virtuous circle-socially responsible behavior improves
financial performance which leads to more
responsible behavior
Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility
Arguments against social
• Reduced business
• Higher business costs
• Dilution of business
• Too much social power
for business
• Lack of public
Arguments in favor of
social responsibility:
• Adds long-run profits
• Improved public image
• Avoids more
government regulation
• Businesses have
resources and ethical
Four strategies of corporate social responsibility—
from obstructionist to proactive behavior.
Exhibit 6.8 The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact (1 of 2)
Principle Number Principle Text
Human Rights
Principle 1 Business should support and respect the protection of internationally
proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence; and
Principle 2 Make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labor Standards
Principle 3 Business should uphold the freedom of association and the effective
recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4 The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
Principle 5 The effective abolition of child labor; and
Principle 6 The elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and
Exhibit 6.8 shows the UN Global Compact, which
asks companies to embrace, support, and enact,
within their sphere of infuence, a set of core
Exhibit 6.8 The Ten Principles of the UN Global
Compact (2 of 2)
Principle Number Principle Text
Principle 7 Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental
Principle 8 Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9 Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly
Principle 10 Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery.
Exhibit 6.8 shows the UN Global Compact, which asks companies to embrace, support, and enact,
within their sphere of infuence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards,
the environment, and anti-corruption.
Exhibit 6.4 Helping You Make Ethical Decisions
When faced with an ethical dilemma, consider using one or more of these
• The Golden Rule Test: Would I want people to do this to me?
• The What-If-Everybody-Did-This Test: Would I want everyone to do this?
Would I want to live in that kind of world?
• The Family Test: How would my parents/spouse/significant other/children
feel if they found out I did this?
• The Conscience Test: Does this action go against my conscience? Will I feel
guilty afterwards?
• The Front Page/Social Media Test: How would I feel if this action was
reported on the front page of my hometown newspaper or splashed
across social media outlets for all to see?

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ethics in business.ppt

  • 2. Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior? • Ethics – Moral code of principles. – Set standards of “good” or “bad” or “right” or “wrong” in one’s conduct. • Ethical behavior – What is accepted as good and right in the context of the governing moral code.
  • 3. Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior? • Law, values, and ethical behavior: – Legal behavior is not necessarily ethical behavior. – Personal values help determine individual ethical behavior.
  • 4. Figure 3.1: Four views of ethical behavior
  • 5. Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior? • Four alternative ethical views – Utilitarian • Delivers the greatest good to the most people – Individualism • Advances long-term self-interests – Moral rights • Maintains fundamental rights of all human beings
  • 6. Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior? – Justice view of ethics • Fair and impartial treatment of people according to legal rules and standards – Procedural justice – policies and rules fairly applied – Distributive justice – equal treatment for all people – Interactional justice – people treated with dignity and respect – Commutative justice – fairness to all involved
  • 7. Takeaway 1: What Is Ethical Behavior? • Cultural issues in ethical behavior: – Cultural relativism • Ethical behavior is always determined by cultural context. – Moral absolutism • Behavior unacceptable in one’s home environment should not be acceptable anywhere else. – Ethical imperialism • Imposing one’s ethical standards on others. Management 12e/ 7
  • 8. The extremes of cultural relativism and ethical imperialism in international business ethics.
  • 9. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • An ethical dilemma – occurs when choices, although having potential for personal and/or organizational benefit, may be considered unethical. – Your co-worker asks you to cover for him so he can sneak out of work early to go to his son’s football game. Do you agree? If he went anyway, would you keep silent?
  • 10.
  • 11. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • Ethical dilemmas include: Discrimination Sexual harassment Conflicts of interest Product Safety Organizational resources
  • 12. Checklist for ethical dilemmas Step 1 Recognize the ethical dilemma. Step 2 Get the facts and identify your options. Step 3 Test each option: Is it legal? Is it right? Is it beneficial? Step 4 Decide which option to follow. Step 5 Ask the Spotlight Questions: To double check your decision. • “How would I feel if my family found out about my decision?” • “How would I feel if my decision was printed in the local paper or posted online?” Step 6 Take action
  • 13. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • Influences on Ethical Decision Making – Ethical framework • Provides personal rules or strategies for ethical decision making • Includes personal values – Honesty – Fairness – Integrity – Self-respect
  • 14.
  • 16. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • Situational Context and Ethics Intensity – Will the situation pose an important ethic challenge?
  • 17. Issue Intensity • The six factors suggest that: – the larger the number of people harmed – the more agreement that the action is wrong – the greater the likelihood that the action will cause harm – the more immediately the consequences of the action will be felt – the closer the person feels to the victim – The more concentrated the effect of the action on the victim(s)… • The greater the issue intensity or importance
  • 18. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • Organizational Culture – What is considered ethical behavior within the organizational context? • What are the expectations of management? • What are the expectations of co-workers? • Is there a code of ethics? • Code of ethics: a formal statement of an organization’s primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow • The effectiveness of a code of ethics depends heavily on whether management supports them and how employees that violate the codes are treated
  • 19. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • External environment Government laws and regulations (Sarbanes/Oxley Act of 2002) Societal norms and values Competitive climate in an industry
  • 20. Takeaway 2: Ethics in the Workplace • Ethical behavior can be rationalized by convincing yourself that: Behavior is not really illegal. Behavior is really in everyone’s best interests. Nobody will ever find out. The organization will “protect” you.
  • 21. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards •Moral Management Managers behave in one of three ways
  • 22. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards • Ethics training: – Structured programs that help participants to understand ethical aspects of decision making. – Helps people incorporate high ethical standards into daily life. – Helps people deal with ethical issues under pressure.
  • 23. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards • Codes of Ethical Conduct – Formal statement of an organization’s values and ethical principles regarding how to behave in situations susceptible to the creation of ethical dilemmas
  • 24. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards • Areas often covered by codes of ethics: Bribes and kickbacks Political contributions Honesty of books or records Customer/supplier relationships Confidentiality of corporate information
  • 25. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards • Whistleblowers – Expose misdeeds of others to: • Preserve ethical standards • Protect against wasteful, harmful, or illegal acts – an individual who, without authorization, reveals private or classified information about an organization, usually related to wrongdoing or misconduct. – No specific whistleblower legislation yet exists in Turkey.
  • 26. Takeaway 3: Maintaining High Ethical Standards • Barriers to whistleblowing include: – Strict chain of command – Strong work group identities – Ambiguous priorities
  • 27. Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility • Sustainability: – acting in ways that support a high quality of life for present and future generations • Alternative energy • Recycling • Waste avoidance
  • 28. Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility • Corporate social responsibility and governance: – Looks at ethical issues on the organization level. – Obligates organizations to act in ways that serve both its own interests and the interests of society at large.
  • 29. How Organizations Go Green • Legal (light green) approach • Market approach • Stakeholder approach • Activist approach • Green management: managers consider the impact of their organization on the natural environment
  • 30. Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility • Perspectives on social responsibility: – Classical view • Management’s only responsibility is to maximize profits. – Socioeconomic view • Management must be concerned for the broader social welfare, not just profits.
  • 31. Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility • Perspectives on social responsibility: – Shared value view • Approaches business decisions with the understanding that economic and social progress are interconnected • Virtuous circle-socially responsible behavior improves financial performance which leads to more responsible behavior
  • 32. Takeaway 4: Social Responsibility Arguments against social responsibility: • Reduced business profits • Higher business costs • Dilution of business purpose • Too much social power for business • Lack of public accountability Arguments in favor of social responsibility: • Adds long-run profits • Improved public image • Avoids more government regulation • Businesses have resources and ethical obligation
  • 33. Four strategies of corporate social responsibility— from obstructionist to proactive behavior.
  • 34. Exhibit 6.8 The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact (1 of 2) Principle Number Principle Text Human Rights Principle 1 Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence; and Principle 2 Make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Labor Standards Principle 3 Business should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4 The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; Principle 5 The effective abolition of child labor; and Principle 6 The elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and occupation. Exhibit 6.8 shows the UN Global Compact, which asks companies to embrace, support, and enact, within their sphere of infuence, a set of core
  • 35. Exhibit 6.8 The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact (2 of 2) Principle Number Principle Text Environment Principle 7 Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8 Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9 Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Anti-Corruption Principle 10 Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Exhibit 6.8 shows the UN Global Compact, which asks companies to embrace, support, and enact, within their sphere of infuence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption.
  • 36. Exhibit 6.4 Helping You Make Ethical Decisions When faced with an ethical dilemma, consider using one or more of these tests: • The Golden Rule Test: Would I want people to do this to me? • The What-If-Everybody-Did-This Test: Would I want everyone to do this? Would I want to live in that kind of world? • The Family Test: How would my parents/spouse/significant other/children feel if they found out I did this? • The Conscience Test: Does this action go against my conscience? Will I feel guilty afterwards? • The Front Page/Social Media Test: How would I feel if this action was reported on the front page of my hometown newspaper or splashed across social media outlets for all to see?