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A free app for Android, by trivago.

Trivago is a travel app and hotel comparison website that helps you find the best hotel deals for your next vacation.

We compare prices across hundreds of booking websites and find the best deals for you.

Our pricing engine is based on the average of all the prices we find on our hotel comparison website, which means you can expect to save a lot more on your next hotel booking.

Our pricing is transparent, so you can see exactly how much you're saving on each booking.

Our prices are constantly checked and updated, so you don't need to worry about whether or not the prices we display are correct.

Our goal is to make your next vacation or trip as cheap as possible, so we always provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

You can compare hotels and find the best deal on a hotel that suits your needs and budget.

Trivago is a travel app and website that helps you find the best hotel deals for your next vacation.

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