
Tekken 5 APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0.0
  • 4.4

  • APK Status

Play the fighting game on mobile

TEKKEN 5 is a free-to-play action game that serves as an unofficial mobile port of the original BANDAI NAMCO title. As the fifth installment in the iconic TEKKEN series, it is a masterclass in fighting game excellence. Developed by Bandai Namco, this game builds upon the franchise's legendary reputation, offering a thrilling and immersive experience for both seasoned veterans and newcomers.

Recreated for mobile, this version of TEKKEN 5 has remapped controls for touchscreen devices and also supports external controllers. The graphics and soundtrack are on point, making it a good arcade experience on the go, like TEKKEN or Tekken 6.

Follow the battle for the Mishima Zaibatsu

TEKKEN 5 revolves around the ongoing Mishima family saga, a power struggle that spans generations. Heihachi Mishima seeks to regain control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, while his son, Kazuya, and grandson, Jin Kazama, have their own agendas. The tournament draws a diverse set of fighters, each with their motivations and alliances, adding complexity to the already volatile conflict. As the battles intensify, long-held grudges and dark family secrets come to the forefront.

Although an unofficial copy, this version retains its core gameplay premise, pitting a diverse roster of characters in intense one-on-one battles. The game excels in its balanced combat mechanics, with a deep fighting system that's easy to pick up but difficult to master. The intuitive interface ensures that even those new to the series can quickly dive into the action, making it accessible to a broad audience.

While the game shines in many aspects, it's not without its flaws. The game's difficulty can be quite steep, which may deter some newcomers. Additionally, the story mode, while entertaining, could be more fleshed out, providing a deeper narrative experience. Some might also find the roster, although diverse, to be slightly imbalanced in terms of character strengths. Also, there’s the learning curve with the touchscreen controls.

Enjoy a fighting classic on the go

In summary, TEKKEN 5 is a standout title in the fighting game genre. Its gameplay, graphics, and soundtrack are a testament to the series' enduring quality. While it has its challenges and minor issues, its enduring appeal and dedication to satisfying combat make it a must-play for fans of the genre. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to the franchise, TEKKEN 5 delivers an engaging experience.


  • A faithful emulation of the original
  • Large roster of characters
  • Balanced combat mechanics


  • Requires relearning the controls

Program available in other languages

Tekken 5 APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0.0
  • 4.4

  • APK Status

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