
Siri For Android 2018 APK

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 0.0.1
  • 4.1

  • APK Status

Softonic review

Chantelle van Heerden
Chantelle van HeerdenUpdated 5 years ago

Bring Siri's voice and know-how to your Android device

Siri for Android 2018 is an unofficial attempt to recreate Siri, Apple's powerful digital assistant, and port her to Android. It isn't sponsored or endorsed by Apple.

No sire shared, but maybe some DNA

Siri for Android 2018 offers a similar experience to Apple's Siri, though without some of the features and none of the official endorsement. The voice set sounds similar, and Siri responds directly to requests rather than learning your habits. However, because this is not the "true" Siri, some more advanced features, such as map finding, are either incomplete or non-existent. Additionally, compared to Apple's Siri, feature updates are scarce and technical support is very limited; it's impossible for the user to know where some components of the app even came from.

Your Siri fix, if you need one

Overall, Siri for Android 2018 isn't going to fool anyone for very long: she's not Apple's Siri. But she sounds similar and has similar enough features that she can still be worth using as a digital assistant, assuming that you don't want to use any of the native alternatives such as Google Assistant.


  • Sounds like Siri
  • Direct, does what's asked
  • Easy to use
  • Low system requirements


  • Virtually no learning features
  • Doesn't understand some requests
  • Less frequent updates
  • Extremely limited support

Program available in other languages

Siri For Android 2018 APK

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 0.0.1
  • 4.1

  • APK Status

User reviews about Siri For Android 2018

  • Florida 23

    by Florida 23

    jello and see you then and now the needful as early as early as possible

  • Dije Reci

    by Dije Reci

    i love siri be cos is my coszyn do noy make voodoo doll siri


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