
Photopea for Web Apps

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0
  • 4.2

  • Security Status

Dinkar Kamat
Dinkar KamatUpdated a year ago

Free browser photo editor

Professional photo-editing apps require payment—either a monthly subscription fee or a high initial investment. Most of the time, the payment is sky-high that it stops casual users from using them. There are free apps available, but not all of them have advanced tools. Photopea is a multimedia app that bucks off both of these trends. It is a free full-blown photo editing tool that works in your browser. It offers a professional-looking interface and provides support for a large number of formats

Editor in a browser

Photopea is a unique image-editing application. It works as a Photoshop alternative that you can open in your web browser. Both the interface and its feature list looks similar to Photoshop’s. However, not every feature of Adobe’s flagship is present. Nevertheless, the app has enough power and functions that could help you achieve a stunning image.

The app allows you to open images locally or online. Of course, you can also begin with a blank canvas of a specific size. Like any editor, you can use Photopea to change brightness and contrast values, modify the channels, hue, saturation, vibrancy, or the color balance of your image. 

In addition to the regular touch-up tools, it also provides options for advanced tasks. You can mix multiple effects and use a wide selection of filters and brushes. You can also take advantage of more complex tools, like Blur, Sharpen, Dodge, and Burn. You can also use the smudge and healing brushes. Photopea also allows you to manage the component of the final image and modify them by blending multiple effects to achieve original results. 

Work anywhere

Photopea is an editor that works with a wide selection of formats. It supports raster images and vector graphics, allowing you to edit illustrations and web pages. Moreover, it works very well with PSD files, with support for layer editing and saving a file as PSD. With this, you can take a file saved in the cloud, in a USB, or any device, and make some quick edits on any device without downloading anything. 

As noted, Photopea is a PWA. You can either use it inside a normal browser interface or “install” as an app through your browser. The app works well with Google Chrome or the version of Microsoft Edge that is powered by Chromium. However, while it works in your browser, all of your projects are stored locally

Although Photopea comes with advanced tools, it isn’t enough to replace Photoshop. Instead, it will make an excellent companion for professional photo editors who need to make edits on a machine that is not their normal setup. If you are a prosumer or a casual editor, however, the app is enough to meet your creative demand. 

Impressive and convenient

Photopea is a unique photo editor. It is convenient, easy to learn, and can handle a wide range of edits. It also supports a wide range of formats, so you can edit just about any image file. It does not have enough advanced tools to replace professional photo editors, but it can make a good companion. There are also a few performance issues and some intrusive ads, but overall, it is worth checking out. 


  • Works with raster, vector, and PSD files
  • Familiar interface
  • Large set of feature
  • Works in several browsers


  • Performance stutter during editing
  • Some intrusive ads

Also available in other platforms

Program available in other languages

Photopea for Web Apps

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0
  • 4.2

  • Security Status

User reviews about Photopea

  • Bunny Reddy

    by Bunny Reddy


  • Bunny Reddy

    by Bunny Reddy 2e39d46b66c9bc05a8cb9a480534b28970.jpg


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