
Multi Space APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.1.2
  • 4.5

  • APK Status

A free app cloner

Multi Space is a free tool that clones your applications so you can log onto two accounts simultaneously. It creates a nice work-life balance for people who work as social media managers because you can run your own personal account as well as your client’s at the same time.

What's great about Multi Space is that it clones any kind of app, be it for messaging like Viber or Messenger or social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Since you'll be able to manage both personal and work-related apps using one device, you won't be needing a business phone.

Clone as many apps as you have to

Cloning an app is very easy to do and can be over in less than a minute but before that, you have to allow all the necessary permissions first. Once that’s done, you have to click the orange button at the lower center of the screen. It will show you all the apps you have on your device and from there you can select which you want to clone.

There’s no limit to how many apps you can clone. Plus, it’s not only exclusive for messaging and social media apps because it works for games and music streaming apps too. However, you have to ensure that you have Google Play Services already installed on your device or else you won’t be able to open some of the apps you’ve cloned.

Unless you create a shortcut, every app that you’ve cloned will remain inside Multi Space. That way, you won’t confuse them with your main apps that are for personal use. The app is not free from pitfalls. Your cloned apps won’t run smoothly all the time and there's a possibility that they’ll suddenly stop working and crash. A quick solution would be closing the app but sometimes reinstalling is necessary.

Become a responsible social media manager

If you're a social media handler, you know how stressful it is to mix up your personal accounts with the account you're handling. Multi Space gives you a chance to separate your personal apps from those you use for business or work. Since you'll find everything you've cloned in the same space, you won't have to deal with the risk of posting on the wrong account. 


  • No cloning limit
  • Quick cloning process
  • Promotes good work-life balance


  • App crashes
  1. 1.1.1

    • 11.21 MB
  2. 1.0.9

    • 11.21 MB
  3. 1.0.7

    • 11.06 MB

Program available in other languages

Multi Space APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.1.2
  • 4.5

  • APK Status

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