
Maximum Zoom APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0.18
  • 4.4

  • APK Status

Mobile camera zoom app

Maximum Zoom is a free photography application for mobile devices from developer Measure Sports Loop. It is a camera app that specializes in its zooming capabilities and lets users focus on people or objects in the frame. It supports multiple zoom levels and lens types depending on the built-in hardware.

Maximum magnification

When you first open the Maximum Zoom app, you'll be greeted with a very familiar camera viewfinder but with a more simplified layout. To start using it, just focus your subject in the frame and tap on the large shutter button down below to capture an image. You can toggle multiple zoom levels depending on your camera, but the app itself supports up to 150 times magnification.

As mentioned earlier, the app also supports multiple camera lenses where available, including the main wide lens, ultrawide, and telephoto. It even supports front-facing lenses to round out the complete hardware package. Now, be aware of a caveat before using this app, and that is the results will vary depending on your device's hardware. Some will come out better than others.

Zoom in on those details

If you own a device with capable camera hardware, Maximum Zoom is an interesting app to see how good its zoom capabilities are. Its UI is familiar and easy to use, and it supports multiple camera lenses, even front-facing ones. Give it a try now and see how much detail you can see in your captures.


  • Intuitive and familiar UI
  • Multiple zoom levels
  • Supports various lens types


  • Highly hardware-dependent

Program available in other languages

Maximum Zoom APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0.18
  • 4.4

  • APK Status

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