
Font Installer APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V
  • 4.2

  • APK Status

Chantelle van Heerden
Chantelle van HeerdenUpdated 4 months ago

Free app – change the fonts on a phone or tablet.

This application allows the user to pick and choose from a large selection of fonts and apply them to their devise.

Innovative and imaginative, make your devise bespoke.

There are more than 4300 font selections for Android devices. A root is not required if it is on the list of supported devices. It is possible to download fonts from the internet and install them as well. It is essential that you check the list to see if it is required to be rooted to work on your specific device. Devices that have FlipFont or root access have font support. It is highly advised to get proper root access in order to make sure that the program works effectively with the selected device.

A great new way of writing.

Whether it be for personal or commercial use, this application gives the user hundreds of fonts to choose from. The ability to preview the font, within the application before installing it is a useful addition. Downloaded font files from the web, can also be previewed. Simply select the font directly from the app or from a third-party file manager. There's no requirement to have rooted access to change the system on many devices. An innovative and cleaver tool to have.


  • Extremely fast.
  • Great number of choices.


  • Tricky to reset fonts once changed.
  • Some fonts remain unchanged.

Program available in other languages

Font Installer APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V
  • 4.2

  • APK Status

User reviews about Font Installer

  • Maximilian Hugo

    by Maximilian Hugo

    Thanks to this app I can choose and pick from over 4300 collection of fonts and apply it to my Samsung android device. Now, I have a more elegant and  More

  • Anonymous

    by Anonymous

    It's bogus. It gives message like done job, but it does not install any font in my xperia C.


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