
File Manager APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V V1-230637
  • 4.6

  • APK Status

A free app to manage your files

File Manager is a free utility app developed by Xiaomi Inc. This mobile application is a powerful tool that makes it easy to keep track of your files and folders. This app's user-friendly interface simplifies complex file and folder navigation.

File Manager is a comprehensive, easy-to-use app that helps you sort through and organize all the files on your mobile device. Moreover, this platform can handle files in diverse formats so that you can view, copy-paste, rename, unzip, delete, and edit your documents and share them with friends, family, or colleagues.

File management made easy

Mobile phone manufacturers typically include a default manager app, but these built-in apps often need more features and functionality for advanced users. This File Manager platform can provide the functionality you need. This tool is easy to use—its navigational interface makes it simple to access files on your phone, and its intuitive design helps you get the most out of technology.

This manager provides insight into how much space storage you are using. This will help you determine which folders take up the most space on your device. It will show you the details of each file, including type, location, and size. As a result, you can delete junk files, cache data, and unused applications to free up storage space on your device.

Furthermore, you can rename, extract, compress, and decompress ZIP or RAR archives within this platform. It can also open and read various files, including videos, documents, music, images—even APKs. Unfortunately, some users reported that sometimes they encounter difficulties transferring files from one device to another, like PCs. For example, the moving process may suddenly stop, and no response, ruining an otherwise successful file-moving process.

Easy and simple

The File Manager is one of those apps that are beloved by many because of how simple it is for the users to navigate and keep track of essential files. While it can be used for sorting through photos, documents, and other assorted files, one of its most common uses is as a tool to back up important files on a mobile device.


  • Can manage all your folders
  • User-friendly interface
  • Supports all types of files formats


  • Difficulty in transferring files

Program available in other languages

File Manager APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V V1-230637
  • 4.6

  • APK Status

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