

No AI, images or products: Google thus recovers the classic web search engine

Will we see the return of the old-school Google?

No AI, images or products: Google thus recovers the classic web search engine
María López

María López

  • Updated:

Google Search has gone through countless changes throughout its history, contributing in some cases to improve its functions and in others, to worsen them. One of its latest innovations, the Search Generative Experience (SGE), sought to combine the best of Google’s search engine and the capabilities of artificial intelligence. However, it was not received as expected.

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Now, Google has introduced a quite interesting new feature, the “Web” filter for Google Search. Activating it means saying goodbye to AI-generated summaries, images, products, and the like. Basically, we will only have a list of relevant web links to our query. Or in other words, it represents a “return” to the old Google, more or less.

On social media, users have praised the company for the change. Likewise, many have emphasized that this is exactly what they wanted from a search engine (like Google) from the beginning.

Currently, the “Web” filter is not available globally yet, as Google is rolling it out gradually. If you still want to try and see if you have it, open Google Chrome and go to the search box. Make a query and then click on the More option that you will see on the right. There you should find the Web option.

Source: techradar

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María López

María López

Artist by vocation and technology lover. I have liked to tinker with all kinds of gadgets for as long as I can remember.

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