
Album Art Thingy for Mac

  • Trial version

  • In English
  • V 1.11
  • 3.4

  • Security Status

Add covers to your iTunes collection

Album Art Thingy is a helpful, trial version Mac program, that is part of the category Customize your Mac with subcategory iTunes Accesories (more specifically Cd Covers & Lyrics) and has been published by Mac-foundry.

More about Album Art Thingy

The current version of the software is 1.11 and it has been updated on 8/24/2009. It's available for users with the operating system Mac OS X and former versions, and you can download it only in English.

Since the program joined our selection of programs and apps in 2006, it has obtained 7,651 downloads, and last week it achieved 1 download.

Album Art Thingy is a light software that needs less storage space than the average program in the category Customize your Mac. It's a very popular software in France and United States.

Album Art Thingy is the easy way to fill in your iTunes collection's artwork. Just leave it running and every time it spots a tune playing in iTunes that doesn't have album art, it retrieves the art from the internet and adds it to that song, and all other songs from the same album.

Program available in other languages

Album Art Thingy for Mac

  • Trial version

  • In English
  • V 1.11
  • 3.4

  • Security Status

User reviews about Album Art Thingy

  • Anonymous

    by Anonymous

    a must for all mac users !!!.
    been using this app for ages it runs effortlessly in the background
    has filled my album art up and was a cheap app for the price
    well done keep it coming
    Pros: install and forget
    works great Co More


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Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws.
