
Aim Assist APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V
  • 4.7

  • APK Status

Softonic review

Game assist tool by Samsung

Aim Assist is a free game utility application for mobile by Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. It is a game assist tool made to help gamers improve their aim, particularly, when playing fast-paced shooters that require speed and accuracy. It's easy to use and requires minimal setup to get up and running.

Similar to the concept employed by other tools like Aim Helper or Helper Aim, the Aim Assist app offers players a simple way to improve their in-game shooting, especially when it comes to competitive shooters. It's also easy to use and offers some customization options.

Aim down sight

Mobile gaming is as popular as it has ever been and one of the most popular types of games out there are competitive first-person shooters. However, given the touch-based nature of smartphones and tablets, it's not easy to get used to the control scheme, which is a detriment in the genre wherein speed and accuracy are paramount. That is why tech giant Samsung has developed an app called Aim Assist to help gamers out.

As its name suggests, this app was made to help players improve their aim when playing shooter games. It does this by placing a crosshair in the middle of your screen to help you keep track of your aiming center while playing. Best of all, it pretty much works universally on any game since it's a system-wide overlay that you can enable at any time.

As of this writing, the app comes with a total of five crosshair designs to choose from, as well as letting you adjust their size and color to suit your preference and what makes it easier for you to see. It should go without saying, this tool is exclusive to Samsung devices. Attempting to use it on any other device will not work.

Handy for FPS gamers

To sum up, if you own a Samsung device that you use primarily to play first-person shooters, the Aim Assist app is pretty much a must-have in your list of tools. It's such a simple yet handy utility that helps you improve your aim in-game, as it offers various customization options, to boot. Give it a try now and experience it for yourself. Recommended.


  • Easy to use
  • Works system-wide
  • Various customization options


  • Exclusive to Samsung devices

Aim Assist APK for Android

  • Free

  • In English
  • V
  • 4.7

  • APK Status

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