agile agile software development scrum agilebasecamp agilebc agility pechakucha scaled agile principles examples change culture leadership games management team talk scaled agile framework mindset retrospectives planning estimation requirements product owner heart of agile advice gamification business outsourcing доклад product backlog kanban project management itbrunch stratoplan conference people hr time-management delegation kharkov user stories webinar experience software development transformation change management product management star wars roots philosophy it-spring spotify model disciplined agile delivery nexus agiledays ретроспективы lean product best practices future history e-learning transformations survival trainings edutinment education growth reasons case distributed teams teamwork teams visual motivation motivation tdd yagni decision making bdd agileee2013 real options last responsible moment itppk3 presentation architecture color scheme defects priorities technical debt workshop web conferencing failure analysis online teaching and learning mind map time management ux new product development new knowledge pilot teams itppk daily scrum practices conferences stratoconf agilepk transition it pecha kucha pecha-kucha time-managment internal pr communication pr ukraine selforganization cvintouch trust uneta agile scrum parenttoolbox agileee cohn mike истории пользователей stories user agileukraine
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