lecture cross-media rsl interactive paper pim selected presentation introduction to databases 2017 hypermedia computer science ipaper hypertext web information systems 2014 mindxpres augmented reality iserver anoto paperpoint infovis web technologies 2016 pimvis document multimodal html slideware web technologies 2017 data physicalisation tangible holograms personal information management web information systems 2013 artvis javascript gesture recognition igesture dom presentation cmt speeg html5 hci web search multi-touch augmented paper https edfest cookies memex pagerank google seo tangible bits radical atoms usability infex doctr semantic desktop mixed reality open hypermedia cisa paper-digital interfaces mudra internet of things context awareness rdf svg brainstorming apache struts digital pen and paper itable ruby on rails mvc rubine ria rss soa mashup voicexml xhtml css crossmedia annotea paper powerpoint openhps elearning learning tangho document linking document engineering cross-media interface technology context modelling toolkit context tangible interaction reactable reactivision complementary care properties human senses redundancy speeg2 openinterface assignment equivalence squidy bolt fusion myths oviatt usixml case mode fission hephaistk semantic memory presto filer lifestreams desktop metaphor long term memory haystack episodic memory pilers personal information magagement mylifebits bush evaluation persona prototyping interview fitts's law nielsen use case scenarios volere goms keystroke model decide analytics wizard of oz questionnaire observation experiments requirements next generation user interfaces 2016 document tracking end user context modelling web technologies 2015 layout box model responsive web design cascading viewport media queries css3 breakpoints selector nw.js ember.js spring framework microsoft silverlight backbone.js web application frameworks cakephp node.js yii framework asp.net apache flex angular.js django zend audio video webgl canvas introduction to databases 2016 interaction design multimedia virtual reality cross-media content reuse link server cross-document linking interaction speech ted nelson search engine midas link metamodel digitaldesk nosql db4o scheduler query optimiser query compiler impedance mismatch linked data spam authenticity privacy base64 tls integrity cryptography security rsa crawler semantic web rdfa owl trust dublin core future internet sparql xima cloaking google webmaster link farm doorway page white hat spamdexing email hypercard arpanet fress google street view aspen moviemap ftp as we may think hes javaws dns jsp java server pages google adsense social web flickr odbms listen reader paperless office livescribe query by sketching interactive table paperproof paperweb rough guide inkml gestures lost cosmonaut print-n-link generosa enterprise active components ajax soap facebook blog long tail sax xlink xml mime gateway http applet cgi cache engelbart berners-lee annotation pen indoor positioning knowledge graphs persoanlised learning filesystem cross-media technology file system hypermedia engine espace computing education research cer education information visualisation case studies dashboards fisheye focus+context faceting treemap adjacency matrix choropleth map pie chart scatterplot matrix heatmap line chart dot chart steamgraph bar chart scatterplot function first black and white responsiveness eyes beat memory 3d 2d coogle charts power bi tableau deck.gl leaflet bokeh python infogram datawrapper react-vis dash r d3.js colourmaps colour channels marks validation analysis semantics dataset types data types data representation colour theory perception london cholera map joseph priestley london underground information visualisation process anscombe's quartet gapminder information management information science fragmentation digital media rcis data science informatoion science user interface cross-media pim memory prosthetic memory advanced topics in information systems 2018 design implications cartography geohci geographic hci paper maps digital maps maps human computer interaction information technology ubiquitous computing informatics engineering programmable matter column store advanced topics-in-information systems 2017 exam course summary microsoft hololens ucpm intelligibility russel facial emotions biosignals pad state model pluchik's wheel of emotions emotiv epoc emotions affective computing implicit human-computer interaction wikitude magic eyeglass cave ikea hmd ray casting virtual retinal displays head-up displays video compositing hololens google glass boom magic mirror immersion sixthsense ivan sutherland artoolkit embedded interaction metadesk marble answering perfect red norman door embodied interaction sifteo cubes ambientroom graspable user interfaces zeron transform urp life wire siftables skeleton tracking colour glove machine-learning-based algorithms fat finger problem electromyography wired gloves epistemic gestures swiftkey shape writing graffiti gestures emg kinect semiotic gestures sign language accelerometers template-based algorithms ergotic gestures rule-based algorithms frustrated total internal reflection (ftir) microsoft surface studio interactive surface diffused illumination (di) projected capacitive touch panel tabletop oled surface acoustic wave (saw) surface capacitive touch panel diamondtouch resistive touch panel aquatop hp sprout pixelsense we-inspire room benddesk notetaking graphics tablet fountain pen writing telautograph mimio rand light pen sketchpad quill pen stylator affordance tips audience nested-loop join tangible genius design user-centred design user experience norman design principles marble answering machine system design activity-centred design gestalt principles ux ixd email marketing proxy digital signatures botnet authentication firewall black hat optimisation nofollow adwords boolean model sitemap recall precision sem microdata microformat semantic wiki turtle notation swoogle foaf protege jena rdfs academia.edu second life web 2.0 restaurant folksonomy delicious twitter wiki slideshare wikipedia yquery xpointer xml-rps xslt xpath jquery wimp mid-air touch robotic brain computer wearable haptic advanced topics-in-information systems 2015 plug-in zoomable user interface object-concept-context oc2 visual plug-in link service data plug-in mixing piling filing gesture spotting gesture digital pen mobicrant wise transclusion art voice interface world wide web search engine optimization search engine marketing information retrieval subqueries sequel select data definition language having data manipulation language like insert alter drop sql dml group by join ebnf ddl create table referential integrity the future of computers the future of the internet embedded computing wearable computing printed electronics russell advanced topics in information systems 2011 tei2011 er 2010 web 20 basics paper wheel the lost cosmonaut papertoolkit electronic paper audio notebook punch card paperworks letras ariel papercomp bigtable hbase couchedb persistence by reachability odmg objectstore odl object-oriented database system manifesto objectivity two-phase locking conflict serialisability logging optimistic concurrency control s2pl lock-based protocol transaction management consistency acid properties recovery 2pl isolation atomicity durability sparse index search key multilvel index dense index non-clustering index clustering index bitmap index index file b-tree hash index ordered index merge join hash join external merge sort block nested-loop join materialisation linear search heuristic optimisation file scan query tree index scan pipelining indexed nested-loop join block solid-state drive address space prefetchinglru raid buffer hard disk ram buffer manager flash memory optical disk cahcemain memory magnetic disk magnetic tape parallel database tp monitor middleware peer-to-peer three-tier two-tier n-tier file-server architecture teleprocessing transaction manager integrity checker ddl compiler closure recursion sqlpsm postgresql isolation level jdbc dynamic sql grant embedded sql authorisation sql persistent stored modules cursor odbc result set sqlcli sql call-level interface esql 2nf 1nf second normal form third normal form normalisation armstrongs axioms first normal form functional dependencies denormalisation determinant update anomalies bcnf 5nf boyce-codd normal form 4nf 3nf multivalued dependencies relational database design semi join relational algebra relational model outer join projection theta join selection relation natural join equijoin rename relational database uml om eer eerm specialisation generalisation aristotle wittgenstein constraints aggregation isa norrie seminar web information systems technology 2010 mobile web cloud computing social computing paas structured data iaas newsmap saas pgp web bugs x509 v3 ssl kleinberg hits kml 2g citygml mwi 3g geourl lbs gml georss-simple disconntion google earth location-based services geotagging geography markup language jxta p2p daml hcard oilprotg ontology reification universal access wml power method black hat google hell dmoz hilltop dtd sgml hyperlink markup language jdom xml schema academia google docs rich internet application myexperiment gomes object database mathml oberon tts multi channel smil ooxml omx-fs penpresenter active component pen presenter handouts mxml web content management ruby model view control actionscript swf openlaszlo ognl rails adobe flex remote sketching epaper affordances of paper mammography pulse smartpen dida natural history museum gesture control powerwall templates geco structural links sigrid multi-stroke gestures grafitti simple gesture recogniser offline recognition online recognition siger iweb silverlight interactive paper 20 atom yahoo pipes wsdl json restful rest uddi web service folksonomies ccpp universal client access sharing link madcow dlrm libraries digital plugin icoodb behaviour role-based components active presenter interactive search optimisation engine
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