freedom rights sovereignty corruption government jurisdiction income tax taxation citizenship law liberty franchises due process bible socialism deception social security tax irs property tax status presumption spirituality activism christianity civil law domicile forms law enforcement constitution money challenging jurisdiction straw man civil status private property unalienable rights privileges de facto government administrate state free association first amendment u.c.c. redmption leaders withholding ecclesiastical court theology duties obligations mark of the beast publications catalog civil jurisdiction disclaimer legal justice justice reliance defense tax liability citizenship status tax reporting tax withholding legal education reasonable notice nontaxpayer equivocation person includes burden of proof 1096 w-4 w-2 1042-s 1099 information returns statism separation of church and state chruches taxtation illegal unconstitutional judges litigation legal research nationality apologetics origins prophesy revelation christian citizenship church v. state noah's ark flood churches criminal tax crime marxism collectivism statutes excise taxes poltics protection usury sovereign citizen police officers separation of powers jurisdiciton petition propaganda legalese money laundering commerce federal reserve religion first amentment idolatry deducations privatization taxpayer identification number (tin) membership
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