alpha beta pruning minimax algorithm a* search greedy search depth limit search breadth first search depth first search crypto-arithmetic problem constraint satisfaction problem implementation of queue as list array implementation of linear list deletion from list insertion in list dynamic list static list list priority queue circular queue implementation array implementation of queue queue operations examples dequeue operation enqueue operation queue evaluation of postfix expression conversion of infix expression to postfix reverse polish notation polish notation postfix notation infix notation prefix notation static and dynamic stack implementation stack operations stack properties of good algorithm algorithm abstract data type non primitive data structure primitive data structure data structure data type kohonen network hopfield network backpropagation algorithm perceptron adaline network mcculloh and pitt network annual boltzmann machine fuzzy logic genetic algorithm id3 machine vision machine translation phase structure tree parsing pragmatic analysis semantic analysis syntactic analysis development of nlp system issues in nlp nlp human expert vs expert system expert system development architecture of expert system expert system tic tac toe game playing uninformed search hill climbing informed search simulated annealing hill climbing algorithm searching belief network bayesian network causal network horn clause entailment backward chaining forward chaining rule based system resolution refutation cnf resolutions föpl predicate logic propositional logic logic knowledge conceptual dependency framework semantic nets script problem solving in ai production system well defined problem state space problem solving types of ai turing test artificial intelligence
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