higher education social media education college student affairs technology highered edu university digital residence life students tech photography photos iphoneography acpa colleges and universities lifestyle iphone residential education socialmedia travel mooc learning design development identity digital identity student development marketing presentations student activities highereducation college students tips edtech presentation pechakucha digital reputation wanderlust engagement inspiration naspa ra leadership online smsecrets business student development theory residential curriculum psychology higher ed ignite student learning web 2.0 studentaffairs learning outcomes hacks blogging images research ple pln twitter leaders naspa15 sachat some pedagogy sawrites blog branding digital stamp acuho-i photo strategy housing oer ocw teaching student social justice ra training developmental psychology digital leadership acuhoi futureof photographs leadership development reputation pictures acpa15 acui hack productivity career blogs writing satech public speaking pecha kucha speaker quotes ios apple slides theory open education airline jetblue social self globalization teach pecha kucha resident assistant student programming social technology llcs diversity assessment memphis mimsac mimsac17 glacuho lead365 authenticity unions digital engagement orgsync fonts california social good future public funding art professional collaboration present mobile like phd sadoc sagrad sapro history audience wearables students affairs apps tools student engagement spotlight self improvement sunset developing world brand promotion life love island text fun content self promotion slideshare promote how to contentstrategy dissertation selfhood goals management resident director keynote self public good private good blended learning elearning cyborg access methods and techniques college access naca res life web20 sa sustainability green dccpa lgbt gender non-conforming queer residential educaiton llc living learning honors intentional interactions conversations acpa18 intentional conversations residence halls utsa texas western washington university wwu online presence media marketing student inolvement personal branding college sudents self esteem resiliency social media strategy social media marketing student centers cocurriculum college unions digital skills civility digitized development student center civics civic engagement union student protest participation activism student activism protest teams acuho networks culture bizops training reslife sorority afa fraternity greek greek life wiu western illinois university universidad retention student satisfaction online learning olcinnovate olc merlot competency acpa16 connections networking six degrees bacon virtual defense simple stock images pennsylvania philadelphia highbred resolutions lifehacks travel and tourism colombia cartagena photogrpahs machine learning machine headlines traffic titles write niagara falls butterfly butterflies nature alaska anchorage homer pacific coast highway san francisco louisiana new orleans seattle dubai uae abu dhabi osa educators edcuation leaderrship action digitized identity inclusion social change school ucla social experiential florida governance system state graduates flying private cost internationalization open corporate customers customer service communication airplane values inspire humanity adventure sc south carolina charleston flipping classroom flip saconnect pro d network connect voice iphoneogrpahy oregon portland jetbluesofly ed cabellon josie ahlquist quote stevejobs new york nyc degree stats timeline nacada simplify phdcaht doctorate gamble gambling signs neon las vegas vintage museum vegas signage learn outcomes organized desk performance work organization eisenhower time management quadrants time habits curriculum programming rci ras goal tone formality watches smartphones android tablets smart bands science science fiction scifi vocation job philosophy educator haikudeck coast cape cod summer nantucket massachusetts highlight tweet followfriday follow friday news blogger posts listly ted-ed unrollme paperli poll everywhere haiku deck hashtracking websites click to tweet stories analytics slidehsare talks ted speaking timed principles japan guide style talk sun beach usa caribbean pr puerto rico san juan pics resources open courseware open educational resources world educational system unesco sell small business control choices act be toffee drinks espresso recipes frappaccino coffee mud starbucks cappuccino java mocha menu secret wisdom thankful thanks neighbor pbs mr. rogers neighbors maxims neighborhood advice thanksgiving mister rogers nace educause nrisa ncaa influence impact associations followers rank klout nonprofits aloha mahalo honolulu hilo oaho hi tropical hawaii warm slide design san serif font graphic face serif type typography baxter magolda kegan application vectors chickering featured slide decks rockstar author keynote author slideshare keynote author creative subsidies budget cuts tuition state support financial aid revolution baudrillard boston college dissertation proposal qualitative hybrid flatland airlines managers case study lessons tweets gamification viral videos humor ecological theory campus ecology ecology bronfengrenner story math geometry square mathematics gergen postmodern unbundling massification ed tech train social network longitudinal methodology big picture learning low-income ses oppression privilege microagression unviersity lit review constructivism connectivism student programs foursquare cloud the cloud llps posters hall council rha
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