cncf ambassador mesos kubernetes paas ccici cloud interoperability cloud interoperability ieee sa open source edge edge computing basics edge computing overview cncf edge overview cncf meetup bangalore yoga for confused it engineer cncf eco system cncf introduction yoga cloud foundry cloud mesos kubernetes comparison soda foundation leaders soda projects contribute cloudnative storage opensource multicloud storage open source soda open source community soda code demo days soda community eco system soda ambassador how to build open source career open source personal profiles open source skills open source competency building open source career opensource career hybrid cloud security multi cloud security access multi cloud security reference cloud security reference cloud portability aws outposts vs. azure stack vs. gcp anthos aws vs. azure vs. gcp google cloud vs. azure cloud vs. aws cloud hybrid cloud benefits and comparison multi cloud benefits and comparison anthos vs. azure stack vs. outposts comparison hybrid cloud comparison multi cloud comparison google anthos azure stack aws outposts cloud native case studies 2019 cloud native use cases 2019 kubernetes and cncf use cases 2019 cloudnativecon 2019 san diego customer use cases r cloudnativecon 2019 san diego user stories recap cloudnativecon 2019 san diego case studies recap kubecon 2019 san diego customer stories recap kubecon 2019 san diego customer use cases recap kubecon 2019 san diego user stories recap kubecon 2019 san diego case studies recap india cloud portability multi cloud portability tsdsi ccici task force ccici india cloud interoperability india cloud interoperability standards google kubernetes engine security hardening gke security hardening container security in google cloud google cloud container security introduction google cloud container security beginners kubernetes application deployment with helm helm in gke kubernetes application deployment methods k8s application deployment methods helm3 beta helm 2 to helm 3 kubernetes helm k8s application deployment kubernetes application kubecon 2019 shanghai highlights bangalore cncf meetup talk kubecon summary kubecon barcelona & shanghai 2019 highlights cloudnativecon 2019 shanghai highlights cloudnativecon 2019 barcelona highlights kubecon 2019 barcelona highlights ieee standards tems india ieee standards bangalore india ieee sa bangalore section ieee standards development ieee standards association bangalore section ieee standards association india introduction ieee standards association india ieee standards association edge enriching iot iot and open source edge iot & edge cncf seattle conference 2018 recap kubecon 2018 - operator - helm - kustomize - cnab kubecon 2018 recap - application deployment cloudnativecon seattle 2018 recap kubecon seattle 2018 recap kubecon 2018 recap kubernetes edge frameworks eclipse cncf edge computing ieee presentation edge computing kubernetes edge edge platforms kubeedge open source edge platforms open source edge computing cncf projects in edge computing edge computing story edge introduction edge kubernetes introduction edge kubernetes overview osi 2018 open source india 2018 vit devfest 2018 presentation k8s basics container and kubernetes kubernetes history k8s history container history container introduction vit devfest 2018 kubernetes introduction kubernetes basics beginner ladakh marathon preparation for ladakh marathon group run at ladakh leh run high altitude run at india ladakh marathon run with fun acclimatize for ladakh marathon first time run ladakh marathon ladakh marathon 2018 ladakh marathon kubernetes security docker security introduction to workload security introduction to container security overview container secuity container security beginner container security basics container and worklaod security cncf security workload security container security yoga and basics yoga is more than exercise yoga why yoga who made popular now yoga history yoga june 21 2018 now yoga cncf kubernetes eco system introduction cncf for beginners cloud native computng foundation introduction cloudnativecon 2017 usa report kubernetes meetup bangalore kubeconusa2017report kubeconusa2017 yoga basics yoga for it engineer yoga for 15 minutes per day yoga to get start yoga for beginners yoga introduction yoga for computer professionals cncf serverless fission kubeless funktion openwisk iron comparison serverless conference bangalore serverless evolution faas comparison kubernetes and other open source comparison open source serverless comparison open source faas comparison kubernetes for serverless kubernetes for faas (function as a service) ml use case iot use case bigdata use case cloud use case real world cloud bigdata iot ml solution osi 2017 cloud bigdata iot ml telco ipaas serverless telco ipaas hybrid cloud sdn nfv ipaas sdn nfv sdn nfv serverless ipaas kubernetes second birthday celebration kubernetes future kubernetes and openstack future year of kubernetes kubernetes heading openstack way kuberenets on openstack way k8s following openstack cloud native computing foundation introduction cncf contribution cncf get to know cncf quick start kubecon berlin 2017 cloudnativecon berlin 2017 cncf and other open source communities cloud native community best practices cncf open source contributions best practices cncf community k8s stateful set in production kubernetes stateful set cncf statefulset k8s statefulset kubernetes stateful set services kubernetes stateful set use cases k8s petset kubernetes statefulset huawei technologies india huawei india kshitji cncf event cloudnativefdn cncf ambassador india cncf ambassador 2016 kubecon 2016 cloudnativecon seattle cncf ambassador bangalore cloudnativecon 2016 cloudnativecon telco containers in telco nfv big data introduction bigdata history bigdata introduction big data story bigdata evolution bigdata beginning big data evolution story bigdata bigdata stacks bigdata popular 2016 bigdata basics bigdata 2016 mesos kubernetes cncf mesos kubernetes customer partners cncf mesos kubernetes overview mesos kubernetes competition mesos kubernetes ecosystem mesos cncf openstack mesos kubernetes mesoscon 2016 mesos scaling mesos cluster federation mesos federation mesos cluster apache mesos data center scheduler apache yarn mesos yarn overview mesos yarn comparison yarn mesos vs. yarn resource managment various schedulers docker celebration huawei india meetup docker birthday docker community bangalore cloud foundry vs. docker cloud foundry summit cloud paas cloud foundry summit shanghai 2015 cloud foundry meetup yoga medicine yoga for all yoga for life yoga for busy people yoga for professionals technology and yoga science of yoga yoga for it professionals yoga for philanthrophy s-vyasa yic yoga pranayama meditation yoga for leadership yoga for health yoga for corporate s-vyasa yoga yoga for nation building cloud foundry application cloud migration paas use case paas migration application migration web aplication cloud redis on cloud redis redis framework redis scaling redis on mesos redis on kubernetes nosql on cloud paas emerging technology open source paas ai docker machine learning open source latest container spark open cloud architecture cloud eco system reference model cesrm gi cloud togaf cloud platforms comparison ccici india cloud cloud comparison major cloud vendors paas software development cloud patterns paas methodology 12 factor app container management cloud deployment data centre management mesos os dcos mesosphere data centre os cloud os paas cloudfoundry cloudfoundrysummit2015 cfreview paas cloudfoundry openstack docker
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