smart cities 4ir 4th industrial revolution smart government digital age cim spirituality cim 4.0 smart education industry 4.0 sustainability new renaissance smart business fourth industrial revolution industrial revolution small business innovation enlightenment digital transformation 5th industrial revolution 5ir servant leadership participatory democracy social transformation new civilization urban planning societal issues society new paradigms laertis free thinking digital era biophilic designs circular economy lifestyle destiny cosmic consciousness predictions for the future the future sustainable development smart cities culture free thinkers creativity innovation centers creative disruption strategic technologies societal problems tgp the grand paradox oneness remedial measures new rennaisance human-centric solutions land degradation ozone depletion responses to problems environmental issues air pollution water pollution holistic solutions resiliency going green global warming enironmentlism paradigm shifts coomunism failure luddites technology threats technological trends society transformation societal innovation social innovation game changers digital divide 5 r's esg esd forest city cities of the future amazon hq biohilic designs environmentalism quantum computing generative ai digital economy e-democracy inclusive capitalism cultural changes globalization 4.0 smart society integration emerging technolgies lifestyle changes positive vibes networking oprah winfrey joseph campbell sad realizations know thyself dignity courage self-esteem self-actualization higher self your calling bliss higher purpose lifelong learning polymath critical thinking social health smart services boring states boring cities smart technologies smart culture resilience city aesthetics smart people smart living smart economy smart environment qol quality of life best magnets to leverage magnet cities iq continuum jobs landscape automation new global economy omni-convergence omni-channel obsolete professions threatened professions future professions future technologies key technologies 4th artificial intelligence ai business business model career consulting smart homes smart communities green design feng shui net zero emissions net zero green communities sustainable cities industry industrial spiritual leadership miracles metaphysical life free will fate space adventure epic drama metahumans monolith stanley kubrick space odyssey 2001 space odyssey transformational leadership agile leadership spiritual leadersgip management versus leadership manager versus leader matriarchical model divine feminine styles of leadership management leadership future personal transformation progress love consciousness the digital era renaissance abraham maslow economic development business and economy lessons learned from previous civilizations failed civilizations failed empires entrepreneur entrepreneurship entrepreneurism outside the box thinking smart thinking art and architecture best practices lessons learned innovation hubs open mindedness creative thinking outside-the-box thinking petabyte era education system paradigm shifts changing the education system strategy for smart cities smart factories creative innovation holistic innovation future skills education megatrends education smes creative disruption technologies what is wrong in society society ills brainwashing religion paradigm shift enlightenment quotes problem with socialism ronald reagan socialism's problems socialism's evils reagan socialism duality pc political correctness the absurdity of political correctness
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