industry 4.0 smart factory manufacturing future integrated industry smart mfg cyber physical production systems factory of future digital big data productivity 4.0 skills innovation ai iot internet of things robotics robots china 2025 india education sensors germany predictive maintenance advanced technologies cybersecurity industrie 4.0 smart city taiwan waste management automation problem based learning learning knowledge wisdom education 4.0 human resources sustainable development japan smart society collaboration smart services smart product iov e2e lighthouse productivity wef global labour hr crowdsourcing work from home careers work uni employment mooc higher education manufacturing 4.0 south korea realistic content ship building automotive industries creative economy supply chain procurement transportation additive manufacturing hannover energy predix healthcare industrial internet smart training digital factory plm connected enterprises ecosystems auotomation augmented reality 9 pillars of technology integration egovernance smart grid regeneration recycling smart health care smart mobility i4ms europa amp 2.0 policy economy 5s 6 sigma kaizen lean manufacturing engineering. internet of everything industrial revolution
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